654 Restaurant tenders are published by various Tendering Authorities & Private companies. 654 live Tender for Restaurant are available in Restaurant Tender section You can further filter Restaurant tenders by Tender Value, Tender Submission Date or Project Location.
18447816 auction sale of lot no: lot no.21/16 lot name: used restaurant furniture
13963714 tender for restaurant outside nitb atbirsa munda airport, ranchi
12073133 sdp pamba- enclosing the back side portion of restaurant block ( retender )
11677636 expression of interest for operating japanese restaurant at japanese garden within eco park
11408852 tender for restaurant facility ( outside nitb ) ” at swami vivekananda airport raipur
11049437 license for terrace restaurant ii (ebid no 1000019220)
10556263 expression of interest for setting up and operation of floating restaurant
10209160 collection of hotel west restaurant, lawns etc. under amravati municipal corporation area.
8346533 license for airport restaurant in viewer gallery ( first floor ) at dimapur airport.
8176966 nit for e-tender restaurant ouside nitb tirupati airport
6912536 tender for granting licence-restaurant in shaofnew terminalbuilding
6242735 improvement of illumination of oudh restaurant at hotel the ashok, new delhi.
5819821 expression of interest (eoi) to run restaurant invisitor’s concourse.
5807483 tender for licensing out of space for restaurant &bar cum night club discotheque
5769451 tender for licensing of handicraft shopin itdc unit taj restaurant, agra.
5744385 nit for licensing out handicraft shop at taj restaurant, agra
5690348 granting licence for the restaurant atpublic concoursearea in the firstfloor of nitb
5687176 licenses for running hotel and restaurant at yatri niwas katra.
5658336 omc for bar cum restaurant at sagarika, diamond harbor and mainak, siliguri vide.
5628259 establishment of non vegetarian restaurant in 1800 sq.ft. at food cort of it park.
5537709 restaurant on rent at iron and steel market complex at sathangadu, chennai-68
5485192 licensefor airport restaurant at birsa munda airport, ranchi
5454285 empanelment of consultants for setting up and operating fine dining restaurant cum bar
5448213 license for “restaurant cityside near car park area” atlgbi airport, guwahati.
5379795 sealed quations are invited from the reputed sweet stalls/bakery/restaurant.
5075517 restaurant at public concourse area” nitb in madurai airport.(extension)
4976721 granting licence for the restaurant at public concourse area in the first floor of nitb
4925038 running contract for operating zill mahel restaurant
4879486 construction of rcc farmed pay and use toilet including construction of restaurant.
4866610 tender for 5 shops and bank place, restaurant and banquet hall on rent for 5 years.
4843425 expression of interest for running contract for restaurant / food court cum canteen.
4622929 allotment of running contract for zeal mahal restaurant for well reputed firm
4529213 tender for management contract to operate bar cum restaurant.
4525406 tender for running and managing of the zaiqa restaurant
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