1030 Cpu tenders are published by various Tendering Authorities & Private companies. 1030 live Tender for Cpu are available in Cpu Tender section You can further filter Cpu tenders by Tender Value, Tender Submission Date or Project Location.
20133213 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
20124371 auction sale of lot no: 42 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
20115698 auction sale of lot no: cwest3/ahmedabad pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: scrap cpu
20115623 auction sale of lot no: cwest3/baroda pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: scrap cpu
20074784 auction sale of lot no: 6 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu( central processing unit)
19987638 auction sale of lot no: 613 lot name: computer components o/s (cpu & etc)
19980122 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
19965695 auction sale of lot no: 9 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: capacitor cell scrap,cpu scrap
19944346 auction sale of lot no: a5/043/19 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu o/s
19925238 auction sale of lot no: 6 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu old etc
19914052 auction sale of lot no: 4 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu etc
19904993 auction sale of lot no: cwest3/baroda pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: scrap cpu
19820258 auction sale of lot no: cwest3/baroda pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: scrap cpu
19756585 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu etc
19645099 auction sale of lot no: 300 / acos jodhpur lot name: computer cpu scrap (e-waste)
19529316 auction sale of lot no: 1 lot name: cpu-hcl/300pam016189 etc-
19449229 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu (computer ), etc
19213236 auction sale of lot no: 2 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu etc
19213072 auction sale of lot no: 53 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu,monitors
19195572 auction sale of lot no: 53 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu,monitors
19174670 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
19155146 auction sale of lot no: 03 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu, monitors, printers
19139302 auction sale of lot no: 2 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: multiple cpu scrap
19138856 auction sale of lot no: 20 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: scrapped/used cpu
19100425 auction sale of lot no: 21 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: iop, cpu,crt monitor etc
19100402 auction sale of lot no: 4 lot name: u/s and scrap monitor,cpu,teleprinter,etc.
19022083 auction sale of lot no: 00499 lot name: computer sale - dell cpu, server panel unit
18945968 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu with ram and hard disk
18888794 auction sale of lot no: 01 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu, moniter, printer
18780545 auction sale of lot no: 03 lot name: computers, monitors, priiters, cpu etc
18779638 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
18765969 auction sale of lot no: 02 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
18711092 auction sale of lot no: 2 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu server
18711091 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
18695931 auction sale of lot no: 11 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu
18695799 auction sale of lot no: 299 / acos jodhpur lot name: computer cpu scrap (e-waste)
18695477 auction sale of lot no: 20/2018-19 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: printer, cpu, monitor etc.
18644111 auction sale of lot no: 2 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: computer cpu & computer monitor
18532182 auction sale of lot no: 53 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu,monitors
18521621 auction sale of lot no: a5/1812/18 lot name: cpu o/s etc
18506064 auction sale of lot no: 1 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu etc
18447415 auction sale of lot no: 133 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu etc
18376247 auction sale of lot no: 01 pcb grp :[e-waste] lot name: cpu, moniter, printer
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