
Tender For Primary School Rajapur Second Rejuvenation Ward No. 09 Gayaganj Rajapur - Ew In Excavation In Foundation In Ordinery Sor & Fihing Back Ma Trenches S1 No 251 2 Cement Concrete 10:12 In Cermans Sand And 40Mm Brick Ballast Including Suply Of Mit, rajapur-Uttar Pradesh

Nagar Panchayat has published Tender For Primary School Rajapur Second Rejuvenation Ward No. 09 Gayaganj Rajapur - Ew In Excavation In Foundation In Ordinery Sor & Fihing Back Ma Trenches S1 No 251 2 Cement Concrete 10:12 In Cermans Sand And 40Mm Brick Ballast Including Suply Of Mit. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-03-2025. Building Work Tenders in rajapur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Primary School Rajapur Second Rejuvenation Ward No. 09 Gayaganj Rajapur - Ew In Excavation In Foundation In Ordinery Sor & Fihing Back Ma Trenches S1 No 251 2 Cement Concrete 10:12 In Cermans Sand And 40Mm Brick Ballast Including Suply Of Mit
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Primary School Rajapur Second Rejuvenation Ward No. 09 Gayaganj Rajapur - EW in excavation in foundation in ordinery sor & fihing back ma trenches S1 No 251 2 Cement Concrete 10:12 in Cermans sand and 40mm brick ballast including suply of mittarial and labor etc in Fsundanen Nic273s 3 M-150 Class B/W in 1:6 cement C/sand motar in Foundation and up to plinth i/c of all cost St No6.1 4 R.C.C work in 1:1.5:3 in cement c/sand and 20mm gauge stone grit of approved quality including material labor T&P etc complete.plinth band, lintal &sunshadsl/c of of all cost SI No5.1 5 E/w in plinth filling i/c 5km cartage by tractor and all cost completion of work. 6 M 150 Class B W in 1:6 cement sand mortar in super structure above plinth i/c of all cost S l No6.13 7 M 150 Class B W in 1:4 cement sand mortar in super structure above plinth i/c of all cost.SI No6.1a 8 RCC in 1:1.5:3 in cement c.sand 20mm stone grit in beam work inclding placing and binding of steel/c OF all cost Sl No5. 9 RCC in 1:1.5:3 in cement c.sand 20mm stone grit in slab work inciding placing and binding of steel/c of all cost SI No5.1 10 MS or Iron work in plain work such as reinforcement in RCC. Including cutting Bending etc but excluding its placing and binding complete SI No504(2) 11 Plaster 12mm thick in 1:4 in cement fine sand mortar including supply of material labor etc SI No13.4 12 Plaster 15mm thick in 1:4 in cement fine sand mortar including supply of material labor etc SI No13.50 13 Cement cocncete flooring 1:2:4 cement, C.sand, 40mmgraded stone grit finished with floating coat of neat cement. (40mm thick floor)SI No665 14 Fixing of steel or woodn chaukhat and window in position i/c of all above 1.50 sqm SI No11.14(A) 15 Same as item no 19 but Bellow in 1.50 Sqm SI No11.14© 16 6mm thick plaster 1:3 cment C sand on celling S I No CPWD-13.16+17.91 17 15mm thick monolithic plaster on slab SI No17.59 18 P/Laying vitrified tiles (600x600)mm on floor 10mm thick i/c all comp. 19 P/Laying wall tiles (300x450)mm in toilet wall i/c all comp. 20 Chaqerred pracast cement concrete tiles 22mm thick in footpath &courtard joited with neet cement slurry mixed with pigment to match tha shace de ot iles inloding rubbing and cleanning etccomplete on 20 mm thick beki of cement mortar 1:4:(1 cement: 4 coarso sand) or dinary cemant without any pigment as per secure 21 Providing and Appling white cement based two coat putty Approved brand and manufacture over the plaster wall surface to prepare the surfece even and smooth complete s I no-13.80 22 Providing and fixing glass panes with pulty and glazing clips in steel door, window all complete of the work with 4mm thick glass panesas per si no. 14 New 23 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved make such as super snowcem etc on sindercated wall surface(two.coat) over one coat cement primer.Sl No 060-661 24 Two coat Distampering with oil bond distamper of approved trand of required shed on undecorated wall 25 Two coat painting over priming coat on steel work l/c of all cost Si No19.4+19.29+043 26 Making drip course in Sunshada or FACIA as per direction as Engineer-in-Charge 27 MS or tron work of heavy size and section such as trusses, built up gates record rack roof work,gates etc. and fabrication of ic of all cost St No503 28 M.S or Iron work in Fabrication of Z-section steel windows i/c necessary steel fitting such as handeles stay ic all walding T&P etc compilit of work. Openable ifc m.s grills of all Sl No502d(2) 29 Supply and foxing Bib cock iic all cost 30 Supply and fixing 15m G1 Pipe class B i/c all cost 31 Supply and fixing 32MM dia Pipe class B ve all cost 32 Supply and fixing 15mm dia Elbow l/c all cost 33 Supply and fixing 15mm die GIT Ve all cost 34 Supply and fixing 15MM dia GI socket i/c all cost 35 Supply and fixing 32 mm dia Gate valve i/c all cost 36 Supply and fixing PVC water tank ic all cost 37 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indiantype W.C pan) with 100 mm Sand Cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, includingflush pipe, manually controlled device (handle lever conforming to IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixturescomplets, including cutting and making good the walisand floors wherever required White Vitreous chinaOrissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm withintegral type foot rests S. 38 Providing and fixing wash basin with CI. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets,cutting and making good the walls wherever require S.I.no-17.7.4 39 Supply arid fixing 110mm dia PVC pipe i/c all cost with Rain waterpipe elc 40 Supply and fixing 75mm dia PVC pipe ic all cost 41 P/L wall paintting and chitra lekhan I/c of all cost

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1868 /-
INR 15780.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.89 Lakhs /-


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