48145307 tender for repair and painting work of chembur roopkala chsl
48145294 tender for roof leakage prevention works in bathroom
48145265 tender for d.i.e.t center of excellence building at diet campus, kanth, moradabad.
48145248 tender for job work of construction of sugar godown 1.00 lakh capacity
48144967 tender for repairing of room for tyndal at pit top at jambad ug colliery under kajora area.
48144764 tender for repair and maintenance work of cdpo office sarada
48144711 tender for constriction of shegrigation shed and r.o feeting at zp school bagholi
48144667 tender for renovation of vikash bhawan chatra , dist.-chatra for the year 2024-25
48144626 tender for repairs to ghps kotur in dharwad taluk of dharwad district
48144607 tender for repairs to ghps kiresur in hubballi taluk of dharwad district.
48144595 tender for repairs to ghps shinganahalli in dharwad taluk of dharwad district.
48144576 tender for repairs to ghps madanbhavi in dharwad taluk of dharwad distric
48144515 tender for repairing of qtr.no.81/960 at karmik nagar under sijua area
48144512 tender for repairing and maintenance of b type qtrs.
48144466 tender for renovation work along with general repairs on the fighting route in makaiya
48144263 tender for construction of room with washroom at old water tank npp aliganj
48144255 tender for minor civil works in aerospace material lab, mme at lpsc valiamala
48141400 expression of interest for empanelment of firm for establishment of hatchery unit
48139218 bids are invited for rucksack (30 ltrs capacity) (v2) (q2) total quantity : 1564
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