
Tender For Construction Of Multipurpose Center At Kayalpattinam Bus Stand In Kayalpattinam Municipality, Tuticorin-Tamil Nadu

Municipal Adminitration And Water Supply Department has published Tender For Construction Of Multipurpose Center At Kayalpattinam Bus Stand In Kayalpattinam Municipality. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-03-2025. Building Work Tenders in Tuticorin Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Multipurpose Center At Kayalpattinam Bus Stand In Kayalpattinam Municipality
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Multipurpose Center At Kayalpattinam Bus Stand In Kayalpattinam Municipality; 1 Earth work excavation for foundation in Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram, gravel,stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders SS.20B and Sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand,or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrockrequiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering and baling out water and cleaning and levelling the site etc.,complete 10 cum 2 Earth work excavation for foundation in Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram, gravel,stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders SS.20B and Sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand,or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrockrequiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering and baling out water and cleaning and levelling the site etc.,complete 10 cum 3 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement with Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand) in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. 4 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement with Well Gravel in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. 5 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40mm size ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges and all incidential charges such as water providing etc., complete as per standard specification 6 Supplying and erecting centering for Reinforced concrete surface upto 90cm height with necessary supports,all cross bracing with mild steel size of 90cm x60 cm and gauge BG 10 stiffened with welded mild steel sheet angles of size 25 mm x25 mm x3mm for bearing laid silver Oak/ Country wood joist of size 7.50 cm x 5.0 cm spaced @ about 90 cm C/C and supported by Casurina props of 10 cm to 13 cm spaced @ 75 cm C/C etc,, complete complaying withstandered specfications and as directed by the departmental officers. 7 Grade beam, Plinth beam 8 Slab Beam 9 Coloumn 10 Suppling and fabricating and placing in position MS(or) R.T.S. bar for reinforcement to all RCC works as per the design given including cost ofsteel and binding wire also in all floors. 11 Providing and laying in position Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456 - 2000 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement contenet of 325Kg/ cum and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55 including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, related setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability with about (5.0cum), 7730Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cum), 5156kg of 10 - 12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79cum) 7670 kg of Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand), but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra cost etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers - 12 Up to basement 13 Ground Floor 14 1st Floor 15 2nd Floor 16 Brick work in CM 1:5 (one cement & Five Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand)) using II class ground moulded bricks of size 9 X 43/8X 2 3/4 including finishing, curing, etc., complete complying with standard specification - 100CFT 17 Up to basement 18 Ground Floor 19 1st Floor 20 2nd Floor 21 Supply and fixing of Stainless steel (Salem stainless steel) Door frame ( Box section using stainless steel plate of 1.6mm thick) of size 100mm X 60mm with a rebate of 30 / 35mm X 15mm on one side of the frame including supplying and fixing dovetail splayed end stainless steel holdfast etc. 22 Providing of 35mm thick factory made pre-laminated ABS (Acrolynitrile Butadiene Styrene) Door Shutter moulded in different designs, consisting of all round frame made out of water proof solid foam PVC bar of size 20 x 32mm, reinforced by 32 x 32mm - 2 Nos., for vertical made out of LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber), core material of 32mm thick high density craft paper honey comb board, sandwiched on both sides with pre-laminated ABS sheet thickness of 1.5mm. PVC edge banding of size 0.45mm on the vertical sides. Hardware made out of steel coated butterfly hinges - 3 Nos., for Nos shutter and ISI make SS round lock complete for finished item of work, complete complying with the standard specification. The door shutter and frame should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work. 23 Supply and fixing of PVC Solid Doors using 19gauge 19mm MS Sq,tubes for styles and frames, 15mm MS Sq.tubes for to, Lock and bottom rails. The Steel Tubes shall be covered with 5mm thick Solid PVC sheets. Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall rigidly fixed in positionincluding furniture and fittings. The over all size of styles shall be 50mm X 30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mm X 30mm. The over all size of frames shall be 50mm X 45mm with suitable tabate for housing the shutter etc, complete as per standard specification. 24 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Windows of casement type (open) from the profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile are reinforcement with GI/1mm 25GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profiles are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with over all the edges of frame and shutter the shutter will be provided with spag multi power point locks and also it operates as handle. The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations free pin headed plain or brown olour glass 4mm thick should be provided to the shutter and it should not allow leakage of water even at most ranging storms and should have key lockable action, security protective hinges, strong locking systems and as per size for arresting noise and energy loss. The connecting mechanism between sash and outer frame that enables opening of the window. The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The window should be got approved from the executive Engineer before use on work 25 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Louvered Ventilators of from the profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile size of 60 x 78mm both profiles are reinforced with GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profile are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with all over the edges of frame and shutter. The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations pin headed glass 4mm thick should be provided in the louvers. The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The ventilator should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work 26 Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 10mm thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materilas to site and labour charges etc,complete as per standard specifications 27 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (One part of Cement and Five part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) 12mm, thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materilas to site and labour charges etc,complete as per standard specifications 28 Paving the floor with Double charged Vitrified tiles of approved quality and colour of size 600x600x8mm thick of approved make, quality and colour in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 20mm thick and laid straight alignment and pointed neatly with colour cement at the rate of 0.40kg/m2 laid without any air gap in the tiles neatly and fixing in position as per standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officer.The colour & quality of tiles should be got approved by Municipal Engineer before use on work 29 Dadooing walls withGlazed tiles of sizes 305mm X 200mm X 6mm size of approved make and quality and colour Set in cement mortar 1:2 (One part of Cement and two part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) over 10 mm base layer plastering and pointing with white cement neatly as directed. 30 Painting two coats for Interior surface with approved Interior Plastic Emulsion paint approved quality and colour over a priming coat, including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required etc, complete as per standard specification. 31 Supply and fixing of M.S Grills with Doors and Windows with one coat of Red oxide with Primer including all costs such as welding,grinding and fabrication charges, cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specification. 32 Painting two coats with Ready Mixed Enamel Paint over the new iron works of approved quality and colour without priming coatincluding the cost all materials etc.,complete, in all floors. 33 Supplying and fixing in position Indian water closet of size 580 X 440mm, white glazed earthen ware of approved quality with P trap or S trap confirming to IS:2556 -Part XII with sand cushion and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete1:2:5 ( one part of lime, two parts of sand and five parts of brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to required slope and including giving necessary connection to cast iron soil pipes/ PVC pipes by dismandling brick masonry, reinforced cement concrete roof/floor slab and making good the disturbed portion to original condition without leakage etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 34 Supplying and fixing in position best quality approved make white glazed earthenware wash hand basin of size 550 X 400 mm with a pair of cast iron brackets, including cost of 15mm diametre brass chromium plated piller tape,32 mm diametre C.P. Waste union, 32 mm diametre P.V.C. waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm diametre G.M.wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple, 15mm dia nylon connections etc., including fixing the wash hand basin in the wall in position with a pair of C.I. brackets with teak wood plugs and screws and giving necessary water supply connection and paintiung the brackets with two coats of paint over a primimg coat of anticorrosive paint including testing for leackage etc., complete complying with standard specifications 35 Weathering Course with Concrete Broken Brick (S.I.No.278) & ( P & D) Data 54.Jelly 20mm gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be added) over roof slab,the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32 to 12.5 well beated with wooden beaters for giving required slope and thickness as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete.-10 cum 36 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 200 mm x 200 mm x 20 mm of approved quality in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 12 mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete 37 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories in flush with wall with 3mm thick hylum sheet cover with TW switch box and 5A FT switch with continuous earth wire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire for making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for PVC concealed light point / fan point (for electronic regulator SD 23 38 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories in flush with wall with 150mm x 100mm x 113mm TW switch box with 3mm thick hylem sheet cover for 5A 3 pin non inter locking wall socket with 5A flush type switch with continuous earth wire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for concealed PVC plug point SD 38 39 Wiring with 2 x 4 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor cable of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories in flush with wall with 150mm x 100mm x 113mm TW switch box with 3mm thick hylem sheet for 15A 3 pin non inter locking wall socket with 15A flush type switch with continuous earth wire connection of 4 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for concealed power plug point SD .40 40 Supplyand fixing of 4’ 18W Crystal Glass LED Tube Light Fitting including all cost and conveyance etc.complete PWD SOR 24-25 Item No,M-1211 41 Supply and fixing of 1200mm (48) sweep AC ceiling fan complete with stepped electronic 300W regulator with 1 metre down rod with fan clamp with side plates and cross arm of size 450mm (18) SD No.106 42 Supply and fixing of PVC Pipes and specials for Water supply arrangements including all cost and conveyance etc.complete 43 20mm dia PVC Pipe 44 20mm dia PVC Bend 45 20mm dia PVC Elbow 46 25mm dia PVC Pipe 47 25mm dia PVC Bend 48 25mm dia PVC Elbow 49 20mm dia Tee 50 25mm dia Tee 51 2000 litr Capacity Syntex Tank 52 15mm dia Tap 53 Supply and fixing of PVC Pipes and specials for Water supply arrangements including all cost and conveyance etc.complete 54 110mm dia PVC Pipe 4kg/cm2 55 110mm dia PVC Bend 56 110mm dia PVCElbow 57 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

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INR 40000.0 /-
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INR 40000.0 /-
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