
Tender For Construction Work At Ward No. 5 - Construction Of Community Hall At Jyoti Nagar And Cc Roadvardhman Colony In Ward No. 05, Ajmer. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling Of Existing Structures Like Culverts, Bridges, Retaining Walls, Cc Ro, ajmer-Rajasthan

Department Of Local Bodies has published Tender For Construction Work At Ward No. 5 - Construction Of Community Hall At Jyoti Nagar And Cc Roadvardhman Colony In Ward No. 05, Ajmer. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling Of Existing Structures Like Culverts, Bridges, Retaining Walls, Cc Ro. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-03-2025. Building Work Tenders in ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Construction Work At Ward No. 5 - Construction Of Community Hall At Jyoti Nagar And Cc Roadvardhman Colony In Ward No. 05, Ajmer. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling Of Existing Structures Like Culverts, Bridges, Retaining Walls, Cc Ro
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Tender For Construction Work At Ward No. 5 - Construction of Community Hall at Jyoti Nagar and CC roadVardhman colony in ward no. 05, Ajmer. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls, CC road and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 50 metres as directed by Engineer Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar 2 Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking ::Stone, boulders, gravelly material 3 Earth work in excavation in foundation, trenches etc. including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe/ foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m suitable site as per direction of Engineer for following depths, below natural ground / Road top level.In all types soils/ saturated soil such as moorum, sand, sandy silt, clay, black cotton soil, kankar, etc.Depth upto 1.5 m 4 Providing and laying lean cement concrete 1:4:8 in Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in concrete mixer, laid manually, compacted with surface vibrator, finishing and curing complete as per clause 601, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 5 Random rubble stone masonry work in cement mortar with mechanical mixer in foundation (at any level) complete as per drawing and technical specification and as per clause 1000 and 1400 of MoRT&H specification including all scaffolding material, labour, machinery but excluding pointing and plastering In cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 6 Centring and shuttering with plywood or steel sheet upto two stories ( each story of height upto 3.5 metre from floor level) including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 7 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 8 Brick masonry work with First class FPS bricks (min. 10.5 Mpa) in cement mortar with mechanical mixer in substructure/ super structure at all levels complete as per clause 1300 and 2200 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, scaffolding etc but excluding pointing and plastering.In cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand 9 Plastering with cement mortar (1:3) on Brick/stone work in substructure/ super structure at any height complete as per clause 1312 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, scaffolding etc.12 mm plaster on brick work 10 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work upto plinth 1:1½:3 (1 cement : 1½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) level : 11 Grading roof for water proofing treatment with Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 12 Precast terrazzo tiles 20mm thick with graded marble chips of size upto 12mm laid in floors, and landings, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing complete with precast tiles on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand)Ordinary cement without any pigment. 13 Providing and fixing 1st quality MAT & GLOSSY finished ceramic tiles colour such as standard white, grey, ivory, fume, red brown, light green, light blue, and other light shades with water absorption less than or equal to 0.08% confirming to IS : 13753 & IS : 15622 in floor, steps etc laid on bed on neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (including the cost of cement mortar bed 1:4)Size 300mm x 600mm 14 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work at all levels including str Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars.ightening,cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete 15 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works. 16 Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete(as per plasterarea) 17 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS : 1285, fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / panelling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing and panelling to be paid for separately)For fixed portion.Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 18 For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of PVC / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately)Anodised luminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 19 Finishing walls with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications :Two or more coats applied @ 1.25 ltr/10 sqm. over and includingone coat of Special primer applied @ 0.75 ltr / 10 sqm 20 Precast RCC M-30 bench consisting of 2 Nos. “L” shaped base support of thickness 100 mm back height 1000mm, front height 450 mm, base width 420mm and 5 Nos. RCC planks of size of 1500x100 x 50 mm and 1 Nos of 150x200x50mm 21 Providing and fixing expanded grill made of anodized aluminum as per design and drawing having members section of size 7.5mm x 6.0mm and opening of size 102mm x 99mm to aluminum window/vent with required screws, Y and H aluminium sec (as per drawing) at the ends and middle joints respectively complete in all respect as per direction of engineer in charge. 37.17.1 22 Providing and fixing external grade board solid core single leaf flush door shutters ISI 2202-67 marked using Phenol formal dehyderesin in glue both sides including approved ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges fittings with necessary screws complete as per annexure A : 25 mm thick Decorative teak veneer both side 23 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked virgin material MMS (IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit along with ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories as required in recess including cutting the wall, covering conduit and making good the same as required. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR20 mm 24 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexiblecopper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from 99.90 % purity copper, class 5 stranding in acc. to IS:8130/IEC 60228 for lower watt loss , oxygen free for less chances of oxidization, insulation PVC type A/C/D , flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per IS:3961 part 5, in existing surface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing capping making connections with Copper Lugs of suitable size, Ferrules,testing etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR2 x 2.5 sq. mm. + 1x1.5sqmm 25 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) virginmaterial PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories, round tiles, 1.2 mm thick Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 10A Modular switch, Modular face plate with grid plate, 3 pin ceiling rose / Holder /3 way connector, screws, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter-53, 54 & 56 for additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR50.1Short Point (up to 3 Mtr.) 26 Medium point (up to 6 Mtr.) 27 Long Point (up to 10 Mtr.) 28 Wiring of twin control light point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories, round tiles, 2 Nos Hot Dipped Galvanized M.S Modular box of 1.2 mm thick with earth terminal, 2 Nos 10 A two way Modular switch, 3 pin ceiling rose / holder / 3 way connector ,Modular face plate with grid plate, screws, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter-53, 54 & 56 for additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR50.2 Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 29 Medium point (up to 6 mtr.) 30 Long point (up to 10 mtr..) 31 Providing & Fixing of IP20, 2x2 LED Surface/ Recessed mounting Mid power SMD type LED Light fixture not less than 50mm housing depth made from CRCA sheet steel housing, high purity / transmisivity UV stabilized Non -yellowish diffuser for uniform light distribution. High efficiency with 4 KV internal/external surge protection BIS certified isolated driver having efficiency > 85% , with Short & Open circuit protection (Integral with light fixture). System lumen efficacy of ≥ 120 lm/Watt ,THD < 10 % , p.f.≥0.95,CRI >80 , life time of minimum 50000 Burning Hours with , 70% of intial Lumen maintaned till life ends , CCT 3000°K / 4000°K / 5700°K /6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin) , maximum power consumption should not more than the specified rating and Fixture shall be of BIS standard and trade mark certificate ( T.C.). manufactures Word Mark/ Name Engraved/ Embossing/ Sceen printing on housing. OEM must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79 & LM80) certificate / Report from OEM shall be submitted. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 32 Earth work in excavation for roadway, including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirement of line, grades and cross sections, including disposal of surplus material with all lift and lead upto 1000 metre as per MoRT&H specification clause 301 In all type of soil 33 Carriage of materials by mechanical transport including loading,unloading and stacking :: Earth 5 Km 34 Providing and laying lean cement concrete 1:4:8 in Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in concrete mixer, laid manually, compacted with surface vibrator, finishing and curing complete as per clause 601, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 35 Providing and laying un-reinforced, plain cement concrete mix with Concrete Mixer & vibrator pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed as per approved mix design, laid, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints etc including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion.PCC M-30

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