Tender For Tourism Development Work Of Dariyanath Temple Complex, In District Agra. (U.P.) - Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-incharge. All kinds of soil 2 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift. 3 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 4 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. 5 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including necessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 6 Providing and laying damp-proof course 40mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 7 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 8 Surface dressing on new surface with paving bitumen of grade VG - 10 of approved quality using 2.25 kg of bitumen per sqm with 1.65 cum of stone chippings 13.2 mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc. complete: 9 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete foreinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works upto plinth levelconcrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum (FOOTING WORK) 10 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V leveconcrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum(COLUMN WORK AP TO PLINTH) 11 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum (Above Plinth Leve IN COLUMNl) 12 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum ( work in lintel ) 13 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum(BeamWORK) 14 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum ( work in slab ) 15 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level or above plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treasted bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 16 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 17 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 18 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 19 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 20 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 21 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 22 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 23 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 24 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) 25 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) 26 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to floor two level including internal rounded angles not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finshed even and smooth. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 27 Finishing walls withacrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade of approved brand & manufactureon new work undecorated wall surface two or more coats appliedcost of all materials, labour, T & applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including primimg coat of exterior primer applied 2.20kg/ 10 sqm) supply of all labour, material and T &P etc. required for proper completion the work. 28 Distempering (new work - Two coat or more coats ) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture & of required shade on undecorated wall surface to give an even shade over & including water thinnable priming coatwith cement primer of approved brand & manufacture after thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar droppings & other foreign matters & also including preparing the surface even with plaster of paris or approved synthetic material & sand papered smooth including cost of all materials.(Ceiling) 29 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand &anufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even & smooth complete. 30 Providing and laying brick tiles over mumty roofs, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement, over 12 mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) and finished neat:With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tiles of class designation 10 31 Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following operations: (a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. (b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. (d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm square 3 mm deep. (e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test.“All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge : 22.7.1 With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm 32 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 11.26.1 25 mm thick 33 Extra for pre finished nosing in treads of steps of Kota stone/ sand stone slab. 34 Breeze Blocks Brown Glazed Terracotta Clay Jallies, For Wall, Thickness: 75mm 35 ELECTRICAL HALLWiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group - A 36 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. 37 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 38 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 39 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. 40 Supplying and fixing two module stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required 41 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required 42 Supply and fixing of LED Tube Light with Metal heavy duty Box type batten Light fitting 1X22 watt suitable for upto 1X22 watt LED Polycarbonate tube light complete Including tube suitable for both surface & suspended complete in all respect 43 Wall mount led light (View Similar WI Wall light) Colour warm white Material Metal Style Modern Light fixture form Path Room Type outdoor, Garden, yard, Bathroom, Living Room, Bedroom, indoor Product Dimensions 17L x 8W x 5H Centimeters Specific Uses For Product Garden 44 GROUND UP LIGHT 18 Led Inground Light, For Fountain, 12 VOLT DC) 45 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1200 mm sweep,BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 210 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply, earthing etc. complete as required 46 Supplying and laying ofaluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cable 1100 volts grade at the depth of 750 mm bellow ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on side and on top .On surface the cable run shall be fixed on MS clamps etc.of suitable size or as directed bythe Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect.The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. Following sizesize 25 sq mm x 3-1/2core 47 Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.3½ X 25 sq. mm (28mm) 48 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required. 49 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm G.I strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with G.I. nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of G.I. nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 50 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.single pole 51 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phase and neutral), 240 V, residual current circuit breaker (RCCB),having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. As required.40 A 52 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 53 Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)4 way (4 + 12), Double door 54 Providing and fixing M.V. danger notice plate of 200 mm X 150 mm, made of mild steel, at least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and with inscription in single redcolour on front side as required. 55 Providing and fixing circular/ Hexagonal cast iron or M.S. sheet box for ceiling fan clamp, of internal dia 140 mm, 73 mm height, top lid of 1.5 mm thick M.S. sheet with its top surface hacked for proper bonding, top lid shall be screwed into the cast iron/ M.S. sheet box by means of 3.3 mm dia round headed screws, one lock at the corners. Clamp shall be made of 12 mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape as per standard drawing. 56 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required. 57 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.3 Module 58 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.4 Module 59 FLOORINGDismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 metres lead For thickness of tiles above 25 mm and up to 40 mm 60 Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including getting out and disposal of excavated earth upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in- Charge: All kinds of soil 61 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 62 Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge :Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown, Cat Eye or equivalent. 63 COBBLE STONE FLOORINGDismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 metres lead For thickness of tiles above 25 mm and up to 40 mm 64 Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including getting out and disposal of excavated earth upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in- Charge:All kinds of soil 65 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 66 GRANITE COBBLING 67 TOILET BLOCKEarth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-incharge. 2.6.1 All kinds of soil 68 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m 69 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 70 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. 71 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including necessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 72 Providing and laying damp-proof course 40mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 73 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 74 Surface dressing on new surface with paving bitumen of grade VG - 10 of approved quality using 2.25 kg of bitumen per sqm with 1.65 cum of stone chippings 13.2 mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc. complete: 75 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works upto plinth levelconcrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum (FOOTING WORK) 76 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works upto plinth levelconcrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum(UP TO PLINTH WORK IN COLUMN) 77 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum (Above Plinth Leve IN COLUMNl) 78 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum( work in lintel ) 79 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum(Plinth band WORK SLAB BEAM) 80 providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work;usingcoarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources,portland pozzolana / ordinary portland /portland Slagcement,admixtures in recommended proportions as per iS: 9103 to accelerate /retard setting of concrete, to improve durability andworkabilitywithout impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge;for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately.in case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works above plinth level upto floor V level concrete of m30 grade withminimum cementcontent of 350 kg /cum( work in slab ) 81 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level or above plinth level. thermo-Mechanically Treasted bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 82 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 83 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 84 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 85 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 86 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 87 6.1 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in: 6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 88 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : 6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 89 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level. 6.13.1 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 90 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 13.2.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) 91 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to floor two level including internal rounded angles not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finshed even and smooth. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 92 Distempering (new work - Two coat or more coats ) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture & of required shade on undecorated wall surface to give an even shade over & including water thinnable priming coatwith cement primer of approved brand & manufacture after thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar droppings & other foreign matters & also including preparing the surface even with plaster of paris or approved synthetic material & sand papered smooth including cost of all materials.(Ceiling) 93 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand &anufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even & smooth complete. 94 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete 95 Providing and laying brick tiles over mumty roofs, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement, over 12 mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) and finished neat: With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tiles of class designation 10 96 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying: (a) after surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm. 97 30 mm thick factory made Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) door shutter made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size 60x30 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm), with inbuilt decorative moulding edging on one side. The styles and rails mitred and joint at the corners by means of M.S. galvanised/ plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size 25x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The lock rail made up of H section, a uPVC hollow section of size 100x30 mm and 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) wall thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/ galvanised M.S. U cleat The shutter frame filled with a uPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less than 620 mm, having over all thicknessof 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness . The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 98 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour casement/casement cum fixed glazed windows comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame, sash and mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), uPVC extruded glazing beads of appropriate dimension, EPDM gasket, stainless steel (SS 304 grade) friction hinges, zinc alloy (white powder coated) casement handles, G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall, plastic packers, plastic caps and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also fusion welded including drilling of holes for fixing hardwares and drainage of water etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealant over backer rod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Single / double glass panes and silicon sealant shall be paid separately). Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no extra payment on this account shall be made. Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded profiles minus 5% tolerancein dimension i.e. in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable. 9.147A.1 Casement window single panel with S.S. friction hinges (300 x 19 x 1.9 mm), made of (small series) frame 47 x 50 mm & sash 47 x 68 mm both having wall thickness of 1.9 ± 0.2 mm and single glass pane glazing bead of appropriate dimension. (Area of window upto 0.75 sqm.) 99 Providing and fixing bright finished brass parliamentary hinges with necessary screws etc. complete : 9.73.3 100x125x27x5 mm 100 Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47 mm with awall thickness of 5 mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet, mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos of 150 mm long brackets of 15x15 mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19 mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100 mm size, complete as per manufacturer’s specification and direction of Engineerin-Charge. 101 Providing and fixing steel roller for uPVC sliding window with necessary screws etc. complete. 102 Providing and fixing steel (white power coated) crescent lock for uPVC sliding window/ door with necessary screws etc. complete. 103 9.53 Providing 40x5 mm flat iron hold fast 400 mm long including fixing to frame with 10 mm diameter bolts, nuts and wooden plugs and embedding in cement concrete block 300x100x150mm 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 104 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge 4.0 MM THK GLASS 105 Providing and fixing bright finished brass 100 mm mortice latch and lock with 6 levers and a pair of lever handles of approved quality with necessary screws etc. complete. 106 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. sliding door bolts with nuts and screws etc. complete (Copper oxidised as per IS 1378)300x16 mm 107 Providing and fixing bright finished brass tower bolts (barrel type) with necessary screws etc. complete :250x10 mm 108 Providing and fixing bright finished brass hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws, etc. complete. 109 Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer (having brand logo with ISi, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight upto 36 kg to 80 kg and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm), with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete. 110 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 11.26.1 25 mm thick 111 Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. 112 ELECTRICALWiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group - C 113 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. 114 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 115 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 116 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. 117 Supplying and fixing two module stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required 118 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required 119 Supply and fixing of LED Tube Light with Metal heavy duty Box type batten Light fitting 1X22 watt suitable for upto 1X22 watt LED Polycarbonate tube light complete Including tube suitable for both surface & suspended complete in all respect 120 Electricity Exhaust Fan, 1000RPMSize 18 inch 121 Supplying and laying ofaluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cable 1100 volts grade at the depth of 750 mm bellow ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on side and on top .On surface the cable run shall be fixed on MS clamps etc.of suitable size or as directed bythe Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect.The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. Following sizesize 25 sq mm x 3-1/2core 122 Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulatedand PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.3½ X 25 sq. mm (28mm) 123 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required. 124 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm G.I strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with G.I. nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of G.I. nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 125 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 126 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 127 Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, onsurface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder paintedincluding earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)4 way (4 + 12), Double door 128 Providing and fixing M.V. danger notice plate of 200 mm X 150 mm, made of mild steel, at least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and with inscription in single red colour on front side as required. 129 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required. 130 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.3 Module 131 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.4 Module 132 PLUMBINGProviding and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever requiredW.C. pan with ISI marked white plastic seat and lid 133 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require:White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 550x 400 mm with a pair of 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap. 134 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm and 340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with automatic flushing cistern with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : Range of two urinal basins with 10litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern 135 Providing and fixing flexible P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including PVC waste fittings complete.Semi rigid pipe 32mm dia 136 Providing and fixing flexible P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including PVC waste fittings complete.Semi rigid pipe 40mm dia 137 Providing and fixing 600x450 mm beveled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6 mm thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers complete. 138 Providing and fixing C.P. brass shower rose with 15 or 20 mm inlet100 mm diameter 139 Providing & fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with cp brass screws with concealed fitting arrangement of approved quality and colour. 600 mm. long towl rail length of 645 mm. width 78 mm. and effective height of 88 mm, weighing not less than 190 gms. 140 Providing and fixing PTMT Liquid soap container 109 mm wide ,125 mm high and 112 mm distance from wall of standerd shape with bracket of the same material with snap fittings of approved quality and colour weighing not less than 105 gms 141 Providing & fixing 600x120x5 mm glass self with edges round off, supported on anodiesd aluminium angle framewith C.P. brass bracket and guard rail complete fixed with 40 mmlong screws, rawl plugs etc, complete. 142 Providing and fixing 8 mm dia C.P./S.S. Jet with flexible tube upto 1 meter long with S.S. triangular plate for Eureopean type W.C. of quality and make as approved by engineer-in-charge. (15mm nominal bore) 143 Providing and fixing Toilet paper holder C.P. brass 144 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS: 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion . (i) Single socketed pipes. 100mm diameter 145 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming to IS:15801 UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings, including trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in Charge. External work75 mm O.D. 146 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming to IS:15801 UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings, including trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in Charge. External work110 mm O.D. 147 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. pipe nahni trap size 100x75,110/90 mm confirming to IS-14735 self cleaning design fixed in PCC 1:2:4 and supply and fixing of 125 mm dia heavy duty CP brass jali. 148 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. plain bend confirming to IS-14735.Size 110 mm 149 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene PE-AL-PE Composite Pressure Pipes conforming to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with carbon black having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80°C, including all special fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required) e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing. This includes testing of joints complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.(internal work) Exposed on wall1620 (20 mm OD Pipe) 150 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00m spacing.This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testiang of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Concealed work including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.15mm dia nominal outer dia pipes 151 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00m spacing.This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testiang of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Concealed work including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.20mm dia nominal outer dia pipes 152 45 cm long15mm nominal bore 153 Providing & fixing CP brass bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS 8931 15mm nominal bore 154 Providing & fixing C.P. brass long body bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS standards and weighing not less than 690 gms. 15mm nominal bore 155 Providing & fixing C.P. Brass extension nipple(size 15mmx50mm) of approved make and quality as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 156 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end):20 mm dia nominal bore 157 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank. IS:12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank. 158 Excavating trenches by mechinical / manual means of required width for pipes, cables, etc including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, for all depth, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m :All kinds of soilPipes, cables etc, not exceeding 80 mm dia. 159 Providing and fixing S.W. intercepting trap in manholes with stiff mixture of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete:100mm diameter 160 Providing and fixing S.W. intercepting trap in manholes with stiff mixture of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete:150mm diameter 161 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) up to haunches of S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per standard design :100mm diameterS.W. Pipe 162 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) up to haunches of S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per standard design :150mm diameterS.W. Pipe 163 Providing and laying NonpressureNP 2 class (light duty) RCC pipe with collars jointed withstiffmixtureofcement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1cement : 2 finesand ) includingtestingof joints etc. complete. 150mm diameter 164 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) upto the haunches of pipes including bed concrete as per standard design150 mm.dia. RCCPipes 165 Providing and fixing square mouth S.W. Gully trap class SP-1 complete with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300x300 mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 Kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 Kg as per standard design150 x 100 mm. size P typeWith common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 166 Constructing masonry Chamber 30x30x50 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for stop cock, with C. I. surface box 100x100 x75 mm (inside) with hinged cover fixed in reinforced cement concrete slab 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5Sewer line 167 Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 coarse sand :6graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as per standard designWith 20x20 mm square bar 168 SEPTIC TANK & SOAK PITEarth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-incharge. 2.6.1 All kinds of soil 169 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation / banking excavated or stacked materials. All kinds of soil 170 Providing and laying Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1cement :4 coarse sand :8graded stone ballast 40 mm. nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and curing complete, also including cost of formwork in foundation. 171 R.C.C. work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm. guage approved stone grit im the proportion of 1:1.5:3 in Slab excluding supply of reinforcement and its fixing and binding the same with 24 BWG binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc.and also including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc, required for proper completion of the works. strength of the concrete shall not beless than M-20. 172 Class-150 brick work in 1:6 cementand Coarse sandmortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour tools and plants, etc. Required for proper completetion of the work. 173 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 174 12mm Cement plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:3 cement & coarse sand of single coat for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth in Ceiling. 175 Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as per standard design :With 20x20 mm square bar 176 S.C.I. Tee 150 mm 177 75 mm dia metersand cast iron S&S piope per IS 1729 178 Providing & fixing of 75mm dia cast iron terminal guard. Sand cast iron S& S as per IS - 3989 179 Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame of required shape and approved qualityHD . -20- Circular shape 560mm internal diameter 180 Making soak pit 2.5 m diameter 3.0 metre deep with 45 x 45 cm dry brick honey comb shaft with bricks and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8 m long complete as per standard design.With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 181 Providing and stacking of Putranjiva roxburghii of ht. 60-75 cm in bag of size 20 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 182 Providing and stacking of Delonix regia (Gulmohar) of height 150-165 cm. in big poly bags ofsize 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge.v 183 Providing and stacking of Cassia fistula (Amaltash) of height 120-135 cm. in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 184 Providing and fixing Neelgiri/Mexican grass turf with earthy 50mm to 60mm thickness of existing ground prepared with proper level and ramming with required tools wooden (Dhurmos) and than rolling the surface with light roller make the surface smoothen and light, watering with sprinkler and maintenance for 30 days or more till the grass establish properly as per direction of officer incharge. 185 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty and carriage upto 5 km lead complete (earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment) 186 Supplying and stacking sludge at site including royalty and carriage upto 5 km lead complete (sludge measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment). 187 Complete maintenance of trees (Out side garden features), jobs like making of basin at regular interval i/c watering, weeding, pruning & application of fertilizer etc, (excluding the cost of material which shall be supplied by the department and other T & P material/articles shall be provided by the contractor) and as per direction of officer in charge. Trees for 250 no/(up to 4 & up to 3 year Slow & Fastgrowing group) 188 Complete maintenance of trees (Out side garden features), jobs like making of basin at regular interval i/c watering, weeding, pruning & application of fertilizer etc, (excluding the cost of material which shall be supplied by the department and other T & P material/articles shall be provided by the contractor) and as per direction of officer in charge. Trees for 300 no/ (4-8 & 5-6 year Slow & Fast growing group) 189 Plantation of Trees, Shrubs, and Hedge at site i/c watering and removal of unserveiceable material’s as per direction of officer in charge (excluding cast of plant & water)Trees Plant 190 Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same with the excavated earth mixed with manure or sludge in the ratio of 2:1 by volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volume of manure after reduction by 8%) flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbish and surplus earth, if any, with all leads and lifts (cost of manure, sludge or extra good earth if needed to be paid for separately) : HOLES 45CM DEEP, 45 CM DIA 191 Anti termite treatment by digging holes 300mm deep and 40 mm dia, 6 to 7 holes around thetree using chemical emulsion at the rate of 1.5 liter per hole in two time or more application toget the trees free from termite infection chemicals used Chlorpyriphos 20% EC in the ratio of1% concentration and as per direction of officer-in-Charge.as per direction of officer-in-charge. 192 Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same with the excavatedearth mixed with manure or sludge in the ratio of 2:1 by volume (2 parts ofstacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volumeof manure after reduction by 8%) flooding with water, dressing includingremoval of rubbish and surplus earth, if any, with all leads and lifts (cost ofmanure, sludge or extra good earth if needed to be paid for separately) Holes 45 cm dia, and 45 cm deep 193 Providing and fixing M. S. tree guard 45 cm square in plan, height 1.20 metre above ground level and 0.40 metre below ground level. The vertical members shall consist of four nos. angle iron of size 25x25x3 mm, 1.6 m long, one at each corner and 8 nos flat iron of size 25x3 mm, 1.2 m long. The vertical mambers shall be welded to 4 nos. 25x6 mm M. S. flats placed horizontally around the vertical member of the cage. One name plate of 1 mm thick M.S. sheet of size 250x100 mm shall be welded to the tree guard near the middle height and lettered CPWD/ PWD/ any other approved name. The tree guard shall be fixed to the ground by making suitable holes and by embedding four corners leg in the ground, including refilling the earth, compaction etc. complete. The tree guard shall be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture over a coat of primer, complete in all respect. 194 Stone Bench, Size (Feet): 5Bench Type With Back Seating Capacity4 Seater Size (Feet) 5feet 195 SIGNAGEEarth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 196 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m 197 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 198 10.25 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. asIn gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works 199 Structural steel work in single section, fixed with or without connecting plate, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete 200 Providing and fixing of stainless steel letters luminated (alphabets)in matt finish grade 316 (Building name with logos) total 40 letters (4 inch height) as per approved colour font design and size 201 RO PLANTEarth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 202 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m 203 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 204 Brick work with common burnt clay selected F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in exposed brick work including making horizontal and vertical grooves 10 mm wide 12 mm deep complete in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)From ground level upto plinth leve 205 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : 6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 206 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to floor two level including internal rounded angles not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finshed even and smooth. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 207 Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge :Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown, Cat Eye or equivalent. 208 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting hoisting fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc as requiredin stringers, treads, landings etc. of stair cases all complete 209 Tin Shed Roof Shed Technique Hot Rolled Features Tamper Proof, Water Proof,Durable Coating material Aluminum,Steel / Stainless SteelSurface Treatment Galvanised, Color Coated, Coated, Film Coated 210 EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONSS150 BIOCHEM Fresco Water Cooler Inbuilt RO System, Storage Capacity: 150 L, Cooling Capacity: 150 LPH 211 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group - C 212 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. 213 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 214 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 215 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. 216 Supplying and fixing two module stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required 217 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required 218 Supply and fixing of LED Tube Light with Metal heavy duty Box type batten Light fitting 1X22 watt suitable for upto 1X22 watt LED Polycarbonate tube light complete Including tube suitable for both surface & suspended complete in all respect 219 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 220 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 221 Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)4 way (4 + 12), Double door 222 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required. 223 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.3 Module 224 Supplying and fixing following Modular base & cover plate on existing modular metal/GP boxes etc. as required.4 Module 225 LEGEEN Metal Light Waterproof Garden Light Pole Light Gate Light Bollard Light Entryway Pathway Area Light 18 Watt Pack Of-1 With Bulb 226 Gesto Wall Lights - 4W IP65 Waterproof Wall Lamp –2 Way Exterior Wall Light for Decoration| Up Down Light for Balcony | Outdoor Wall Lights for Elevation,Garden & Patio Lights -(Warm White)-Pack of 1 227 SUBMERSIBLE WITH BOARINGBoring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/ bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, upto 90 metre depth below ground level.All types of soil 300 mm dia 228 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, unplasticized PVC medium well casing (CM) pipe of required dia, conforming to IS: 12818, including required hire and labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. 150 mm nominal size dia 229 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well unplasticized PVC medium well screen (RMS) pipes with ribs, conforming to IS: 12818, including hire & labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineerin-charge. 230 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling stone boulders of size range 5 cm to 20 cm, in recharge pit, in the required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer-incharge. 231 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling gravels of size range 5 mm to 10 mm, in the recharge pit, over the existing layer of boulders, in required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 232 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling coarse sand of size range 1.5 mm to 2 mm in recharge pit, in required thickness over gravel layer, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. 233 Gravel packing in tubewell construction in accordance with IS: 4097, including providing gravel fine/ medium/ coarse, in required grading & sizes as per actual requirement, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 234 Providing and fixing suitable size threaded mild steel cap or spot welded plate to the top of bore well housing/ casing pipe, removable as per requirement, all complete for borewell of: 150 mm dia 235 Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of required dia to the top of casing/ housing pipe of tubewellas per IS: 2800 (part I), including necessary bolts & nuts of required size complete. 150 mm clamp 236 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end): 50 mm nominal bore 237 Providing and fixing Kirloskar 3.7 kiloWatt 5 LPS Three Phase-Submersible Pump Set 238 SOLAR LIGHTSupply , installation , testing and commissiioning of 12-16 watt LED Solar Street Light System including 5 years comprehensive warranty with following items-P.V module :- only indigenous modules shall be used in the project S.P.V MODULE 75 Wp under STC.Battery :- lithium ferro Phspha Battary minimum 12.80 volt 40 ah capacity with mppt controllar.Light source :- Phllips/ havels/ lafit / lustere etc similar brand as approved by architect / site engineer make 12 watt white Light emitting Diode (w-led) with driver set luminaire dispersed beam , soothing to eyes with the use of proper optic and diffuser Mounting of light :- 65 mm dia mediumn class hot dipG>I> pipe designer pole 6.00 metre long pole height 5.00 metre above the ground level luminaire shall be atleast 4.60 metre above the ground level as approved by architect / engineer in chargephotographs Name plate Complete with installation as requrired all materials and equipment should be MNRE approved make and specifation Warrenty :- 5 years comprehensive warranty 239 G.S.T Extra as per applicable