
Tender For General-Mangalpady Gp - Proj:No : 113/2024-25.Maintenance Of Various School.-.-General Civil Work - Glps Kukkar 2 15.23.1:Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Material Within 50 Metres Lead.For Th, mangalpady-Kerala

Local Self Government Department has published Tender For General-Mangalpady Gp - Proj:No : 113/2024-25.Maintenance Of Various School.-.-General Civil Work - Glps Kukkar 2 15.23.1:Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Material Within 50 Metres Lead.For Th. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in mangalpady Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For General-Mangalpady Gp - Proj:No : 113/2024-25.Maintenance Of Various School.-.-General Civil Work - Glps Kukkar 2 15.23.1:Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Material Within 50 Metres Lead.For Th
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Tender Details

Tender For GENERAL-Mangalpady GP - Proj:No : 113/2024-25.MAINTENANCE OF VARIOUS SCHOOL.-.-General Civil Work - GLPS Kukkar 2 15.23.1:Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 metres lead.For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm 3 15.12.1:Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood ) shutter including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 metres lead:Of area 3 sq. metres and below 4 5.3:Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs, having slope up to 150 landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases up to floor five level excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, with1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (Zone III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 5 5.9.19:Centering and shuttering including strutting, etc. and removal of form for:Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges 6 5.22.6:Steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth levelThermo - Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 7 OD397191/2024-2025:Laterate masonry with neatly dressed laterate stone of size 35x20x18cm or nearest size in cement mortar 1:6 for super structure above plinth level up to floor two level including all cost of materials, labour charges etc.( Modified ) 8 2.8.1:Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) /manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.All kinds of soil 9 OD420263/2024-2025:Laterate masonry with neatly dressed laterate stone of size 35x20x20cm or nearest size in cement mortar 1:6 for foundation and basement including all cost of materials, labour charges etc.( Modified ) 10 13.1.2:12 mm cement plaster of mix:1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand). 11 13.46.1:Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade:New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) 12 11.36:Providing and fixing I st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer -in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg per sqm, including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 13 11.37:Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete. 14 16.86.1:Providing and laying gang saw cut 18 mm thick, mirror polished pre moulded and pre polished machine cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour and texture in footpath, flooring in road side plazas and similar locations, laid over 20 mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Area less than 0.50 sqm. 15 2.2.1:Earth work in rough excavation, banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with 1/2 tonne roller or wooden or steel rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-most layer with powerroller of minimum 8 tonnes anddressing up in embankments for roads, flood banks, marginal banks and guide banks or filling up ground depressions, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m:All kinds of soil 16 4.1.8:Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 nominal size) 17 11.19.4:Chequered terrazo tiles 22 mm thick with graded marble chips of size up to 6 mm in floors, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles, including rubbing and polishing complete, on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand):Ordinary cement without any pigment 18 and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS : 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminnium snap beading for glazing /paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge.(Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately):For fixed portionPowder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) 19 shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges / pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately)Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) 20 21.3.1:Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer - in -Charge. ( Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness 21 9.48.2:Providing and fixing M.S. Grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete.Fixed to openings/ wooden frames with rawl plugs screws etc 22 14.43:Removing white or colour wash by scrapping and sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete. 23 14.66.2:Finish walls with Acryllic Smooth exterior paint of required shade:Old work (One or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm) 24 OD419923/2024-2025:Modified Item of 13.60.1 : Providing artistic pictures on walls with Plastic emulsion paint of required shade : (Two or more coats applied @ 1.67 Ltr/10 Sqm) on existing painted surface including drawing numerous pictures of flowers, animals, cartoons etc. 25 14.54.1:Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to an give even shade:One or more coats on old work 26 13.62.1:Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to givean even shade:Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture . 27 and fixing PVC pipes, fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step PVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge 25 mm dia 10 Kgf/cm2- External work - Exposed on wall 28 and fixing PVC pipes includings joints of pipes with one step PVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 32 mm dia 6 Kgf/cm2 29 and fixing PVC pipes includings jointing of pipes with one step PVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 50 mm dia 6 Kgf/cm2 30 17.7.2:Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require:White Vitreous China Wash basin size 630 x 450 mm with a single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap 31 18.17.1:Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) :25 mm nominal bore 32 18.17.2:Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) :32 mm nominal bore 33 18.51.1:Providing and fixing C.P. brass long body bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS standards and weighing not less than 690 gms.15 mm nominal bore 34 51.2.4:Filling with SandSupplying and filling sand in foundation trenches of culvert for stabilizing the top clay layer including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing, etc complete for improving bearing capacity of soil. 35 10.16.1:Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete.Hot finished welded type tubes 36 12.50:Providing and fixing precoated galvanised iron profile sheets (size, shape and pitch of corrugation as approved by Engineer-in-charge) 0.50 mm (+0.05%), total coated thickness with zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns. Sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches during transportation and should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by Engineer-in-charge. The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling/self tapping screws of size (5.5x55mm) with EPDM seal, complete upto any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved surfaces, excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required. 37 9.119:Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47 mm with a wall thickness of 5 mm, made out of extruded 5 mm rigid PVC foam sheet, mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150 mm long brackets of 15x15 mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19 mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door fame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100 mm size, complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in Charge. 38 9.118.1:Providing and fixing to existing door frames24 mm thick factory made PVC door shutters made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size 59x24 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) with inbuilt edging on both sides. The styles and rails mitred and joint at the corners by means of M.S. galvanised/plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size 20x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The lock rail made up of H section, a uPVC hollow section of size 100x24 mm and 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) wall thickness,fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/galvanised M.S. U cleats. The shutter frame filled with a uPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less than 620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge( For W.C. and bathroom door shutter). 39 OD420222/2024-2025:Providing and fixing 150 mm UPVC square gutter pipe over GI Clamp of same profile @ 1mtr C/C 40 and refixing window shutters after necessary repairs for easy opening and closing etc complete as per the direction of site Engineer-in-charge

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 27-02-2025 Time Extension Date 28-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1185 /-
INR 13409.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.36 Lakhs /-
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