Tender for Online tender is invited from the contractor / company / organization for the establishment of hirakni room for breastfeeding in selected government offices and 30 crowded places for women in the said hirakni room, clean drinking water, electricity connection, fan, seating, toys for baby, tips for changing babys cloths, chair, pictures of cartoons for children in the room, small table and all ancillary materials - Metal Frame Fixing and Erection of Metal Frame size 10*10*15.16 Guage Metal Rods with high quality fabrication. 3 Cement SheetsFixing of Cement Sheets on the erected MS Frame. 12 mm, Water proof, Corrosion Resistant, Durable coating, Cold Rolled, Hot Rolled, Gear Glass.Area 617 Sq.Ft. 4 UPVC Sliding Window(3*3 Size 2 No.) Two Track, 5 mm Glass Thickness 5 Main DoorSize 5*3Thickness 10 mmPowder CoatedAlluminium&GlassDoor Lock & Handle 6 FlooringCement Sheet Fitting (150 Sq Ft)PVC floor mat, Polyvinyl Chloride Matting (150 Sq. ft.) 7 Water Tank200 litres water tank, 200-400 mm manhole diameter, triple layer, ISO Certified. 8 RO PlantRO + UV+TDS+Alkaline + Copper filterWall mountedAuto Shut OffVoltage- 220 VFrequency- 50 Hz 9 Stainless Steel GlassCapacity 200 ML100% Food Grade Stainless Steel, PFOA Free, BPA Free, Dishwasher Safe. (2 Nos) 10 Sitting ArrangementMetal Beds Size (5*3) 2 Nos 16 guagePU Foam Mattress on Bed, 2 inch, foldableBedsheet on mattress (4 No) 11 ChairsPlastic Chairs,Size 40D x 30W x 40H Centimeters ( 3 No) 12 Centre tableMetal Frame, Glass TopSize:- 2*2*2.6Powder Coated16 guage metal Frame 13 Folding TableRectangularRound corners, enhanced Leg spaceSize:- 60.5 * 90.9 * 28.4 14 Smart TV40 Inches, Led Display, 1920*1080 pixels2 HDMI ports, Android 15 32 GB Pendrive 16 CCTV2 Outdoor Cameras 1080 Resolution with DVR 500 GB. 17 ToysToys Set for Boys & Girls from Age (.6 to 12 Years) 18 Wall ClockSize 13 x 13 inchHigh Quality Acrylic hands with Gloss Finish 19 Informative Stickers For Mothers 20 Wiring & ElectrificationComplete wiring & Electrification with PVC casing, wiring, Fitting of Boards, Switches, Sockets, 2 Fans, 4 Tubelights, mobile charging points, point for T.V., RO plant. 21 Dustbin10 LitresCylindrical29*29*33 Size 22 Curtains for Windows(3*3) size, 2 NoCurtain Rod5 Ft Height 23 Racks for ToysSize( 50*25*20)Metal Frame 24 Inverter600 VA504 WATTS,Luminious Tubular Battery. 25 GST charges 12% 26 Toothbrush