
Tender For Acr For Construction Of Govt.U. Primary School Tebran Fala Gram Panchayat Malmatha - Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ Manual Means In Foundation Trenches Or Drains (Not Exceeding 1.5 M In Width Or 10 Sqm On P, Dungarpur-Rajasthan

RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SCHOOL EDUCATION has published Tender For Acr For Construction Of Govt.U. Primary School Tebran Fala Gram Panchayat Malmatha - Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ Manual Means In Foundation Trenches Or Drains (Not Exceeding 1.5 M In Width Or 10 Sqm On P. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in Dungarpur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Acr For Construction Of Govt.U. Primary School Tebran Fala Gram Panchayat Malmatha - Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ Manual Means In Foundation Trenches Or Drains (Not Exceeding 1.5 M In Width Or 10 Sqm On P
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Tender Details

Tender For Acr For Construction Of govt.U. Primary School Tebran Fala Gram Panchayat Malmatha - Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter. All kinds of soils 2 PCC in Foundation : Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level. 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). 3 Random Rubble stone masonry for with hard stone in foundation and plinth in Cement Sand mortar above 30 CM thick wall in: Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1-Cement : 6-Sand). 4 Chequerred precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick in footpath & courtyard jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles includingrubbing and cleaning etc. complete on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) Light shade using shade cement. 5 Clo. Footing : Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete forall RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. M25 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 6 Plinth beam : Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete forall RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 7 Supply & Stacking good soil of earth at site complete including loading unloading & Transportation etc. Good soil of earth 8 Brick work with clay flyash F.P.S. brick(IS 13757- 1993 ) of class designation 75 in superstructureaboveplinth level upto floor five level in :Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 9 Random rubble dry stone Kharanja under floor. 10 Lintel Beam and Slab :Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor five level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor Beams, suspended floors, roofs, griders having slopes up to 15º, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain windows sills, staircases and spiral staircases etc. M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 11 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor three level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor :-Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. M20 grade Nominal Mix 12 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for :Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 13 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation in basements rafts, footings, straps beams, bases of columns etc. up to plinth level. 14 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with wooden members and removal of formwork for upto floor three level for :Columns, pillars, posts and struts etc. 15 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level. Thermo-mechanically Treated bars (Conforming of relevent IS code) 16 Door Frames : P & FT- iron frames for doors , windows and ventilators of mild steel , Tee section joints mitred and welded with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement concrete blocks 15x10x10 cm of 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 fine sand6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size:) or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as required including fixing of necessary butt hinged and screws and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer 17 Providing and fixing M.S. sheet single leaf door shutter in angle iron frame 35x35x5mm suitabilly diagonally braced with 25x3mm flat iron above and below lock rail of size 50x5mm beading extra including all fittings, as per direction of Engg. incharge but excluding cost of chowkhats: including two coats of anit-corrosive red oxide primer paint.M.S. Sheet 22 S.W.G,Add extra for double leaf shutters. 18 Supplying and fixing fixed wire gauge of 14 mesh x 24 gauge to the metal frame of rolled section by metal beading 20x3mm with suitable screw at not exceeding 150mm distance. 19 Guard Bars : Providing and fixing Square bars or other flat welded to window, ventilatiors etc. 20 PCC:Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level. M10 grade Nominal Mix 1: 3: 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 21 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thickbase laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing completewith base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) For area of each slab from 2001 to 5000 Sq.Cm 22 Kota stone slabs 25 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete.For area of each slab upto 2001Sqcm 23 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finish : 12mm thick. 24 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:4 including rackingofjointsetc. complete fine finish : 20mm thick . 25 6 mm thick cement plaster to ceiling of mix1:3 (1cement : 3-fine sand) 26 Providing and laying cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window sills, fillets etc up to floor three level excluding the cost of centering and shuttering. M15 grade Nominal Mix (with graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 27 Cooping : Providing and laying cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window sills, fillets, levelling course etc up to floor five level excluding the cost of centering and shuttering. M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size 28 Providing & laying broken glazed titles on roof ( broken glazed tilesnot less than 9 Kg/Sqm) on top of hot bitumen @ 1.7 Kg/Sqm. (1.40 Kg ofVG-40 (30/40 )grade and 0.30 Kg/Sqm. OfVG-10 (80/100) grade) and joints filled with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement:2 marble dust mixed with water proofing compund all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 29 Providing and applying white cement based puttyover plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.New Plastered Surface (three or more coats) 30 Internal Finishing: Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including all scaffolding:Newwork(twoormorecoats)overandincludingscrappingandprimingcoatwithcement primer. 31 Exterior finishing :- Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade including all scaffolding. New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including base coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm ). 32 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade : Two or more coats on new work 33 P&F rigid PVC Pipe (IS:4985 mark) class II/ (4 Kg. /Cm2.) approved quality /makeincluding joining the pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and lubricant.110 mm dia 34 Providing and fixing steel gate, grating , and grills made of angles, tees, square bars, flats,or black pipe with holdfast and fittings complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide 35 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) virgin material PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories, round tiles, 1.2 mm thick Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 10A Modular switch, Modular face plate with grid plate, 3 pin ceiling rose / Holder /3 way connector, screws, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter E - 04, E - 05 & E - 07 For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 36 Medium point (up to 6 mtr) 37 Long point (up to 10 mtr) 38 Wiring of 3 pin 5 amp. light plug point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 KV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVCinsulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 KV grade (IS: 694) of approved make in surface/reces group - On board, Group-1 39 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked virgin material MMS ( IS:9537 P -III ) PVC conduit along with ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories as required in recess including cutting the wall, covering conduit and making good the same as required. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR(25mm) 40 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexible copper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from 99.90 % purity copper, class 5 stranding in acc. to IS:8130/IEC 60228 for lower watt loss , oxygen free for less chances of oxidization, insulation PVC type A/C/D , flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per IS:3961 part 5, in existing surface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing capping making connections with Copper Lugs of suitable size, Ferrules,testing etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 1 x 1.5 sq. mm 41 2 x 1.5 sq. mm 42 2 x 2.5 sq. mm 43 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10 kA breaking capacity (B/ C/D tripping characteristic as per type of load and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISI marked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947- 2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting of class 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of 35sq.mm. ,conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted in existing distribution board/sheets, minimum electrical operation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A & above rating including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR (6 A to 32 A rating ) 44 Providing & Fixing of BEE Star rated copper wounded double ball bearing capacitor start, aluminium body & Metallic blade ceiling fan Conforming to all the performance requirements laid down in IS 374:2019 including all amendments, as applicable ; & Carry BIS licensing (i.e. ISI marking) with down rod up to 80 cm with secondary support safety cable ( steel rope) , cotter pin with 3 x 1.5 sq.mm pvc insulated flexible copper conductor making connection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 1200 mm Sweep BEE 1 Star rated (service value >=4.0 to < 4.5 ) 45 Providing & Fixing of ISI marked (IS:371) 6 amp surface type 3 pin ceiling rose with CM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material, brass terminal & captive screws including making connection testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 46 Providing & Fixing of ISI marked (IS:1258) batten/angle lamp holder withCM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fireresistant ABS material, brass terminal & captive screwsincluding makingconnection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer incharge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , referAnnexure A attached with this BSR . 47 P & F 1.2 mm thick G. I. / M .S. Sheet boxes duly finished with twocoats of red oxide and with earthing terminal of following sizes(nominal size) in recessed/surface as required.For additionaltechnical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attachedwith this BSR(175mm x 100mm x 60mm) 48 P & F 1.2mm thick M.S. Recessed fan box, hexagonal/ round of size 130 mm dia, depth 75mm, 12 mm dia rod fan hook with 100 mm length extended on each side . All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 49 Providing & Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed Un-armoured Coppercable confirming to IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I of 1.1 KV withelectrolytic gradeCopper made of copper rodsconfirming to IS 613-1964, of purity >99.7 %,Inner / outer sheath confirming to IS:5831in existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / PVC pipe/ open duct/cable trench / Cable tray (with cable tie) includingtesting etc. as required of following size. OEM must have its own in house NABL accrediated Laboratory for testing procedure as per IS:10810 For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR,6.00 Sq. mm3 core 50 Providing & Fixing of IP20 SMD Mid Power LED batten type integrated light fixture made from Powder coated Extruded aluminiumhousing with in built driver, System lumen efficacy ≥ 110 lm/Watt output, internal surge protection of 2.5 KV with Short & Open circuit protection ,THD < 10% , P. F.≥0.95, CRI >80 , life time of minimum50000 Burning Hours with , 70% of intial Lumen maintaned till life ends, CCT 3000°K / 4000°K/ 5700°K /6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin) , Maximum power consumption should not more than the specified rating and Fixture shall be ofBIS standard andtrade mark certificate ( T.C.). Manufactures Word Mark/ Name Engraved/ Embossing/ Screen printing on housing. OEM must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79 & LM80) certificate / Report from OEM shall be submitted.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 51 Providing & Fixing of IS 11037:1984 marked non modular socket size flush type 180 watt rotary minimum 5 step fan regulator with CM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material including making connection testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 52 P & F ISI marked (IS:3854) 6 amp. flush type non modular switch with CM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material including cutting hole in tile and making connection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure Aattached with this BSR

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INR 1000 /-
INR 53500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 26.75 Lakhs /-
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