Tender For Construction Of Ward Office And Hazrigah In Ward No 58 Kishanpole Zone Nagar Nigam Jaipur Heritage - 1 CARRIAGE OF MATERIALS 2 CARRIAGE OF MATERIALS (By Mechanical Means): Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking :: The rates will be applicable to net quantities after deduction of prescribed percentage for voids mentioned in the specification under subhead Carriage of Materials 3 2) Sand, bazri, ballast, kankar 4 E) 5 Km 5 F) Beyond 5 Km upto 10 Km. per Km. 6 SITE CLEARANCE 7 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls, CC road and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 50 metres as directed by Engineer. 8 2) Cement Concrete Grade M-15 and above and PCC blocks 9 5) Dismantling Stone Masonry 10 2) Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar. 11 EARTH WORK 12 Earth work in excavation in foundation, trenches etc. including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe/ foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m suitable site as per direction of Engineer for following depths, below natural ground / Road top level. 13 1) In all types soils/ saturated soil such as moorum, sand, sandy silt, clay, black cotton soil, kankar, etc. 14 1) Depth upto 1.5 m 15 Filling with locally available river sand at all levels including watering ramming consolidating and dressing complete including cost of sand. 16 Earth filling with available surplus soil excavated from foundations and taken only from outside of building plinth in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer including ramming and watering and consolidation with lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 17 Diluting and injection Chloropyrifos Emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration for PRE-CONSTRUCTIONAL Anti termite treatment as per IS 6313 part III as amended from time to time and creating a continuous chemical barrier under and around the column pits, wall trenches, basement excavation, top surface of plinth filling, junction of wall and floor along the external perimeter of building expansion joints, over the top surface of consolidated earth of which approach is to be laid surrounding of pipes and conduits etc. complete as per specification (Plinth floor area only shall be measured for payment and excluding the cost of chemical emulsion). 18 CONCRETE WORK 19 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level : 20 3) 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 21 7) 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). 22 FORM WORK 23 Centring and shuttering with plywood or steel sheet upto two stories or height upto 7.5 metre above plinth level including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 24 1) Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. 25 3) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. 26 6) Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. 27 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE 28 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work upto plinth level : 29 1) 1:1:2 (1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). (As per design mix) 30 Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. upto two stories excluding cost of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement : 31 1) 1:1:2 (1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) (As per design mix) 32 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope upto 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases upto two stories excluding the cost of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement: 33 3) M-25 Grade Concrete (1:1:2 (1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) -As per design mix) 34 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work at all levels including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete. 35 6) Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars. 36 BRICK WORK 37 Brick work with FPS bricks of class designation 75 in superstructure above plinth level upto two stories in all shapes and sizes in : 38 1) Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 39 Half brick masonry with FPS bricks of class designation 75 in superstructure above plinth level upto two stories. 40 1) Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 41 STONE WORK (Slabs) 42 Providing and fixing double paitam (rebated) stone doors windows and ventilator frames of approved quality in cement sand mortar 1:4: 43 2) size 125x100 mm 44 MARBLE WORK 45 Providing and fixing Granite stone slab mirror polished and machine edge cut in walls, pillars, steps, Shelves, Sills Counters, Floors etc. laid on 12mm (Av.) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) jointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1white cement : 2 marble dust) with pigment to match the shade of the marble slab including grinding, rubbing and polishing complete. 46 3) Green / Black 47 2) 1501 Cm2 to 3600 Cm2 Tiles 48 Extra for providing edge moulding to 15-18mm thick marble/ Granite stone counters, Vanities etc. including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-Charge. 49 2) Granite Work 50 Providing and fixing 1st quality standard white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades glazed tiles confirming to IS : 13753 & IS :15622 of size 200mm x 300mm in walls, floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (excluding the cost of cement plaster on walls and pillar). 51 Providing and fixing 1st quality MAT finished ceramic tile size 300x300mm confirming to IS : 13755 and IS : 15622 colour such as white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades in floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (including the cost of cement mortar bed 1:4). 52 WOOD AND PVC WORK 53 Providing and fixing fully panelled /partly panelled double leaf shutters frame for windows and ventilators as per approved design and drawings with approved steel fittings as per Annexure ‘A’ and width of styles, bottom and top rails 75mm including intermediate rails 50mm wide, beading of 25mm x 15mm size on both faces : 54 1) 35 mm thick 55 2) Ghana wood grade I 56 Providing and fixing wood panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (Area of opening for panel inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled and glazed shutter 25 mm to 40 mm thick 57 4) Float glass 58 3) 8 mm thick 59 Providing and fixing external grade board solid core single leaf flush door shutters ISI 2202-67 marked using Phenol formaldehyde resin in glue both sides including approved ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges fittings with necessary screws complete as per annexure A : 60 2) 30 mm thick 61 3) Decorative teak veneer both side 62 Providing and fixing 35mm thick wire gauze shutters using galvanised M.S. wire gauze of average width of aperture 1.4mm with wire of dia. 0.63 mm for doors, windows and clerestory windows including ISI marked stainless steel butt hinges with necessary screws : 63 1) Second class teak wood. 64 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. all complete. 65 1) Fixed to steel windows by welding. 66 Providing and fixing to existing door frames. 67 2) 30 mm thick factory made Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) door shutter made of styles and rails of a UPVC hollow section of size 60x30 mm and wall thickness 2 mm ± 0.2 mm with inbuilt decorative moulding edging on one side. The styles and rails mitred and joined at the corners by means of M.S. galvanised/ plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size 25x20 mm and 1 mm ± 0.1 mm wall thickness. The lock rail made up of H section, a UPVC hollow section of size 100x30 mm and 2 mm ± 0.2 mm wall thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/ galvanised M.S. U cleats. The shutter frame filled with a UPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less than 620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm ± 0.1 mm wall thickness . The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 68 Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door profiles to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100mm size complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 69 STEEL WORK 70 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5cm long wire springs grade No.2 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters. 71 1) 80x1.25mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover. 72 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. 73 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. 74 2) In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works. 75 SEWER LINE WORKS 76 Providing, lowering & laying in trenches, aligning & jointing of IS marked SW pipes (IS: 651:1980 amended up date) at all depths with rubber gaskets (EPDM/ SBR) for sewer lines and laying as per IS:4127:1983 (amended up to date) including cost of Rubber gaskets, lubricants and sectional hydro testing of the sewer pipe line (including the cost and conveyance of water to site for testing) complete in all respect as per specification and the directed of the Engineer. Note : E/w to be measured and paid separately. Length of pipe shall be measured in between the outer wall of two manholes / Inspection chambers. Pipe in the manhole/inspection chamber’s wall shall deemed to be included in the item of manhole/inspection chamber shall not be payable. 77 3) 200 mm Nominal Dia 78 Providing and constructing of SEWER-BRICK (As per IS-4885 amended upto date) masonry circular manholes of Type-A with internal dia 0.90m and depth upto 1.65m having 230mm thick sewer brick masonry wall in cement sand mortar 1:4, including concreting PCC M-10 grade (1:4:8) for 225mm thick foundation including curing compaction and form work etc complete, PCC M15 for benching and channel portion, RCC M20 for 200mm thick cover slab including reinforcement, PCC M20 for fixing the manhole frame and cover using stone aggregate 20mm nominal size, 20mm thick inside and outside plaster in C. M. 1:3, inside plaster finished with floating coat of neat cement, vata in CM1:1 around pipe entering and leaving the manhole and also at the junction of masonry and concrete slab, providing and fixing of SFRC foot steps of approved make at every 0.30m height fixed in CM 1:3, supplying and fixing heavy duty SFRC manhole frame and cover as per IS 12592 (Part I and II) having clear opening of 560mm, including refilling of Jhiri, including curing, watering, ramming, hydro testing of manhole, conveyance & cost of water, and dewatering complete as directed by the Engineer. Note:- Excavation of earth work and road cutting for manhole will be measured and paid separately. 79 1) Manhole Type-A of depth 0.90 m 80 FLOORING 81 Random rubble dry stone Kharanja (soling) under floor. 82 ROOFING 83 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10mm and down gauge) including finishing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design : 84 1) In 75x75mm deep chase 85 Providing and fixing on wall face Unplasticised Rigid PVC Single socketed pipes rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 86 2) 110 mm diameter 87 Providing and fixing on wall face Unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for Unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 88 1) Coupler 89 2) 110 mm 90 3) Single tee with door 91 2) 110x110x110 mm 92 5) Bend 87.5° 93 2) 110 mm bend 94 FINISHING 95 Cement plastering including T&P, scaffolding, material and complete labpour, including cost of water, curing, racking of joints etc. with 20 mm cement plaster of mix : 96 2) 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand) 97 Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete 98 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : 99 1) New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including base coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm). 100 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade: 101 1) Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture. 102 WATER SUPPLY (Building) 103 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings. This included jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.External work 104 1) 15 mm nominal outer dia .Pipes. 105 3) 25 mm nominal outer dia .Pipes. 106 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete : 107 2) 50 to 80 mm nominal bore 108 Providing and fixing brass bib cock of approved quality : 109 1) 15 mm nominal bore 110 Providing and fixing uplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions : 111 1) 30 cm length 112 1) 15 mm nominal bore 113 2) 45 cm length 114 1) 15 mm nominal bore 115 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank ISI : 12701 marked with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank 116 Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock (concealed) of standard design and of approved make conforming to IS:8931. 117 1) 15 mm nominal bore. 118 DRAINAGE (Building) 119 Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap grade A’ complete with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 x300 mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 kg as per standard design : 120 2) 150 x 100 mm size P type. 121 1) With bricks class designation 75 122 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 123 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : 124 1) White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440mm with integral type foot rests. 125 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps,32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require : 126 1) White Vitreous China Wash basin size 630x450 mm with a pair of 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps. 127 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS 13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required : 128 1) Kitchen sink with drain board 129 1) 510x1040 mm bowl depth 250mm. 130 WATER PROOFING 131 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying : a) after surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm. b) laying second layer of Fibre glass cloth when the first layer is still green. Overlaps of joints of fibre cloth should not be less than 10 cm. c) third layer of 1.5 mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.670 kg/sqm and coarse sand @ 1.289 kg/sqm. This will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48 hours. The entire treatment will be taken upto 30cm on parapet wall and tucked into groove in parapet all around. d) fourth and final layer of brick tiling with cement mortar (which will be paid for separately For the purpose of measurement the entire treated surface will be measured. 132 HERITAGE WORK 133 Making Kangura on top of the wall as per Jaipur traditional practice with tile brick bats/stones in grinded Lime Surkhi mortar 1:2 thickness of kangoora 15cm & height 45cm, finishing with lime Surkhi mortar 1:2 complete in all respect up to 10.00 meter from ground level including all scaffolding, lead & lift. 134 ELECTRICAL WIRING IN PVC CONDUIT 135 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS (IS:9537 P - III) virgin material PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories, round tiles, 1.2 mm thick Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 10A Modular switch, Modular face plate with grid plate, 3 pin ceiling rose / Holder /3 way connector, screws, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter-53, 54 & 56 for additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 136 1) Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 137 2) Medium point (up to 6 mtr.) 138 3) Long point (up to 10 mtr.) 139 Wiring of 3/5 pin 6 amp. Light plug point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade(IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988)accessories, Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular box of 1.2 mm thick with earth terminal, 10 A modular switch, 3/5 pin 6 A modular socket, Modular face plate with grid plate, screws, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter-53, 54 & 56. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 140 1) On board 141 2) Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 142 3) Medium point (up to 6 mtr.) 143 4) Long point (up to 10 mtr..) 144 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked virgin material MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit along with ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories as required in recess including cutting the wall, covering conduit and making good the same as required. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 145 2) 25 mm 146 Rewiring of 3/5 pin 6 amp. Light plug point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade(IS:694) in recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) virgin material PVC conduit & its ISI marked (IS:3419-1988) accessories, 1.2 mm thick MS box with earth terminal of required size, 6 A switch, 3/5 pin 6 A socket, 3.0 mm thick ISI marked (IS:2036-1995) phenolic laminated sheet, Al.alloy / Cadmium plated iron/ brass screws, cup washers, making connections, testing etc. as required. For specification of copper Conductor, Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessories refer Chapter-53, 54 & 56 for additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 147 2) Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 148 3) Medium point (up to 6 mtr.) 149 4) Long point (up to 10 mtr.) 150 DRAWING OF WIRES AND SUBMAINS 151 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexible copper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from 99.90 % purity copper, class 5 stranding in acc. to IS:8130/IEC 60228 for lower watt loss , oxygen free for less chances of oxidization, insulation PVC type A/C/D , flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per IS:3961 part 5, in existing surface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing capping making connections with Copper Lugs of suitable size, Ferrules,testing etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 152 7) 2 x 2.5 sq. mm. + 1x1.5sqmm 153 DISTRIBUTION BOARD & ITS ACCESSORIES 154 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10 kA breaking capacity (B/ C/D tripping characteristic as per type of load and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISI marked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting of class 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of 35sq.mm., conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted in existing distribution board/sheets, minimum electrical operation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A & above rating including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 155 1) Single pole MCB (With B/C curve tripping Characteristics) 156 2) 6 A to 32 A rating 157 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES 158 P & F ISI marked (IS:3854) 6 amp. flush type non modular switch with CM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material including cutting hole in tile and making connection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR. 159 P & F ISI marked (IS :3854) 16 amp. flush type non modular switch CM/L no. printed and made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material including cutting hole in tile and making connection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR. 160 Providing & Fixing of of 3/5 pin 6 amp. flush type non modular socket made out from industrial grade Polycarbonate or fire resistant ABS material, brass terminal with Porcelain based back cover & captive screws including cutting hole in tile and making connection testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR. 161 Providing and fixing of power plug point with non modular accessories as per PWD specification for electrical Works with Galvanized box of 1.2 mm thick with earth terminal with suitable size phenolic laminated sheet (IS : 2036 - 1995) cover including cost of 16 amp. Switch (IS :3854) and 3/6 pin 16 amp. socket outlet making connection , testing , etc. as required. For specification of Wiring accessories refer Chapter-56 related item & For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 162 FANS 163 Providing & Fixing of BEE Star rated copper wounded double ball bearing capacitor start, aluminium body & Metallic blade ceiling fan Conforming to all the performance requirements laid down in IS 374:2019 including all amendments, as applicable ; & Carry BIS licensing (i.e. ISI marking) with down rod up to 80 cm with secondary support safety cable ( steel rope) , cotter pin with 3 x 1.5 sq.mm pvc insulated flexible copper conductor making connection testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 164 3) 1200 mm Sweep BEE 3 Star rated (service value >=5.0 to< 5.5 ) 165 5) 1400 mm Sweep BEE 3 Star rated (service value >=5.0 to< 5.5 ) 166 STONE WORK (Masonry) 167 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth : 168 1) Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)