
Tender For Construction Of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Super Speciality Hospital And Post Graduate Institute For Medical Sciences At Kh. No. 101, 102 And 103, Mz. - Indora, Nagpur. - 1 A. Earth Workexcavationforfoundationin Earth,Soilofalltypes,Sand, Gravela, nagpur-Maharashtra

Development Authority has published Tender For Construction Of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Super Speciality Hospital And Post Graduate Institute For Medical Sciences At Kh. No. 101, 102 And 103, Mz. - Indora, Nagpur. - 1 A. Earth Workexcavationforfoundationin Earth,Soilofalltypes,Sand, Gravela. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Super Speciality Hospital And Post Graduate Institute For Medical Sciences At Kh. No. 101, 102 And 103, Mz. - Indora, Nagpur. - 1 A. Earth Workexcavationforfoundationin Earth,Soilofalltypes,Sand, Gravela
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Super Speciality Hospital And Post Graduate Institute For Medical Sciences At Kh. No. 101, 102 And 103, Mz. - Indora, Nagpur. - 1 A. EARTH WORKExcavationforfoundationin earth,soilofalltypes,sand, gravelandsoftmurum, including removingtheexcavatedmaterial uptoadistanceof50m. beyondthe buildingareaand stackingandspreadingas directed,dewatering,preparingthe bed forthefoundationand necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto1.5 m.) By Mechanical MeansHospital, MLCP & Service Block 2 Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types, sand,gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the building area and stackingandspreadingasdirected,dewatering,preparingthebedforthefoundationand necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift from 1.5m to 3.0m) By Mechanical Means 3 ExcavationforfoundationinSoft rockandoldcementorlime masonryfoundations including removingtheexcavatedmaterial uptoadistanceof50metres beyondthe buildingareaand stackingasdirected,including dewatering,preparingthebedfor the foundationandnecessaryback fillingwith available earth/murum,ramming,watering including shoring andstrutting etc. complete. (Lift from 1.5m To 3.0 m.) By MechanicalMeans 4 ExcavationforfoundationinSoft rockandoldcementorlime masonryfoundations including removingtheexcavatedmaterial uptoadistanceof50metres beyondthe buildingareaand stackingasdirected,including dewatering,preparingthebedfor the foundationandnecessaryback fillingwith available earth/murum,ramming,watering including shoring andstrutting etc. complete. (Lift from 3.0m To 4.5 m.) By MechanicalMeans 5 ExcavationforfoundationinSoft rockandoldcementorlime masonryfoundations including removingtheexcavatedmaterial uptoadistanceof50metres beyondthe buildingareaand stackingasdirected,including dewatering,preparingthebedfor the foundationandnecessaryback fillingwith available earth/murum,ramming,watering including shoring andstrutting etc. complete. (Lift from 4.5m To 6.0 m.) By MechanicalMeans 6 ExcavationforfoundationinSoft rockandoldcementorlime masonryfoundations including removingtheexcavatedmaterial uptoadistanceof50metres beyondthe buildingareaand stackingasdirected,including dewatering,preparingthebedfor the foundationandnecessaryback fillingwith available earth/murum,ramming,watering including shoring andstrutting etc. complete. (Lift from 6.0m To 7.5 m.) By MechanicalMeans 7 ExcavationforfoundationinHard-rockbycontrolledblastingincludingtrimmingand levelingthebedbychisellingwherenecessaryandremovingtheexcavatedmaterialand stackingitinmeasurableheapswithinadistanceof50metres.fromthebuildingarea including dewatering and back filling with available earth soil /murum watering, ramming etc. complete. (Liftfrom 3.0mTo4.5 m)ByMechanical Means 8 ExcavationforfoundationinHard-rockbycontrolledblastingincludingtrimmingand levelingthebedbychisellingwherenecessaryandremovingtheexcavatedmaterialand stackingitinmeasurableheapswithinadistanceof50metres.fromthebuildingarea including dewatering and back filling with available earth soil /murum watering, ramming etc. complete.(Liftfrom 4.5 mTo6.0 m)ByMechanical Means 9 ExcavationforfoundationinHard-rockbycontrolledblastingincludingtrimmingand levelingthebedbychisellingwherenecessaryandremovingtheexcavatedmaterialand stackingitinmeasurableheapswithinadistanceof50metres.fromthebuildingarea including dewatering and back filling with available earth soil /murum watering, ramming etc. complete. (Liftfrom 6.0m To 7.5m) By Mechanical Means 10 Providingpreconstructional antitermite treatment as per I.S. 6313(Part-II)bytreatingthe bottomsurfaceandsidesof excavationattherateof5litres of emulsionconcentrate of 1.0 percentofchlorophyrifosper squaremeterofsurface areacovering 10 years guarantee on bond paper. 11 Providingpreconstructional antitermite treatment as per I.S. 6313(Part-I)tothesoilalongthe externalfaceofbuildingby punchingholesof1.2of1.5C.M. diametreabout30-60cmdeepat 15cmc/c asclose tothe wall as possible and to inject 0.5 percent ofaldrin orclorophyrifos at therateof 7.5 litres per hole and sealingthesamewithproper fillingandcovering10years guarantee on bond paper. 12 Fillinginplinthandfloorswith approvedexcavated material in 15cm. to 20cm.Layersincluding wateringandcompactingetc. complete.Ground Floor 13 DisposalofallTypesof Excavated Material Upto 5 KmGround Floor 14 Fillinginplinthandfloorswith contractors material/broughtfrom outside and approved byEngineer inchargein layers of 15 cm to 20 cm including watering andcompactionetc. complete.Ground Floor 15 Providingdry/trap/granite/quartzite/gneissrubblestonesoling15cmto20cmthick including hand packing and compacting etc. complete.Ground Floor 16 B. STRUCTURAL WORK 17 Providingand laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in M15 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforfoundationandbedding/stepsincludingsteel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting,rougheningthemifspecialfinish istobeprovided,finishingunevenand honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. TheCementMortar1:3plasterisconsideredforrenderingunevenandhoneycombed surface, only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered bygunnybag,plastic,tarpaulinetc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.),with fullyautomaticmicroprocessor basedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversible DrumType mixer/concrete Batch mixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate(Crushed sand VSI Grade)Hospital, MLCP & Service Block 18 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-30oftrap/granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.workinfoundationslike raft,strip foundations,grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including Steelcenteringformwork,cover blockslaying/pumping, compactionfinishingtheformedsurfaceswithcementmortar1:3ofsufficientminimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic microprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversibleDrumTypemixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 19 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-40oftrap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. workin foundations like raft, strip foundations, grillage andfootings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchionsetc. columns as per detailed designs and drawingorasdirectedincludingsteelcentering,formwork,coverblocks,laying/pumping, compactionfinishingtheformedsurfaceswithcementmortar1:3ofsufficientminimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic microprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversibleDrumTypemixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 20 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-30 of trap / granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including steel centering, formwork,cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 21 Upto Plinth/Ground level 22 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 23 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M40 of trap / granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 24 Upto Plinth/Ground level 25 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 26 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 27 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 28 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 29 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 30 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 31 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 32 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 33 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 34 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 35 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteinM-40oftrap/granite/ quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.pardi ,Retaining walls & OHT wall ofrequiredthicknessincludingsteelcentering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping,compacting and roughening them if special finish istobeprovidedandcuringcomplete.(Excludingreinforcementandstructuralsteel).with fullyautomaticmicroprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversibleDrumType mixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate(Crushed sand VSI Grade) 36 Upto Plinth/Ground level 37 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 38 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 39 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 40 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 41 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 42 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 43 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 44 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 45 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 46 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 47 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M60 of trap / granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 48 Upto Plinth/Ground level 49 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 50 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 51 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 52 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 53 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 54 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 55 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 56 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 57 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 58 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 59 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-30 of trap / granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.beamsandlintelsasperdetaileddesignsand drawings or asdirectedincludingsteelcentering,formwork,coverblocks, laying/pumping,compactionand roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curingetc.complete.(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 60 Upto Plinth/Ground level 61 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 62 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-40 of trap / granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.beamsandlintelsasperdetaileddesignsand drawings or asdirectedincludingsteelcentering,formwork,coverblocks, laying/pumping,compactionand roughening the surface if special finish is to be providedandcuringetc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). withfullyautomaticmicroprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversible DrumTypemixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 63 Upto Plinth/Ground level 64 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 65 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 66 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 67 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 68 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 69 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 70 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 71 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 72 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 73 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 74 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-25oftrap/granite /quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C. slabsand landings as perdetailed designsand drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) Upto Plinth/ Ground level 75 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-30oftrap/granite /quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C. slabsand landings as perdetailed designsand drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 76 Upto Plinth/Ground level 77 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 78 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-40oftrap/granite /quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C. slabsand landings as perdetailed designsand drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to giveasmoothandevensurfaceorrougheningifspecialfinishistobe provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 79 Upto Plinth/Ground level 80 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 81 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 82 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 83 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 84 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 85 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 86 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 87 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 88 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 89 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 90 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcretein M-40oftrap/quartzite/granite /gneiss metal for R.C.C. Waist slab, and steps of staircases as per detailed design and drawingsorasdirectedincludingsteelcentering,plywood/steelformwork,steelprops, laying/pumping,compaction,finishing unevenandhoneycombedsurface withC.M.1:3of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding einforcement, including cover block).(Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc.) with fullyautomaticmicroprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversibleDrumType mixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate(Crushed sand VSI Grade) 91 Upto Plinth/Ground level 92 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 93 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 94 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 95 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 96 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 97 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 98 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 99 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 100 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 101 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 102 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mixcement concrete M-40 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. chajja as per detailed design and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compacting androughening the surface ifspecial finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). withfullyautomaticmicroprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADA enabledreversibleDrum Typemixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 103 Upto Plinth/Ground level 104 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 105 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 106 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 107 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 108 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 109 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 110 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 111 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 112 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 113 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 114 Providing and casting in situ / ready mix PCC M20 grade of trap metal for coping to head walls / parapet including centering, form work, compaction and curing etc. complete. (with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer)with SCADA with fine agreegates of required specifications (Natural sand / VSI sand finely washed etc ) 115 Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C.pile caps,footings,foundations,slabs,beamscolumns,canopies, staircase, newels,chajjas, lintels pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs,drawingsand schedules. including cutting,bending, hooking the bars,binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete. 116 Upto Plinth/Ground level 117 Above Plinth/Ground level & including 1st slab 118 Above 1st slab & including 2nd slab 119 Above 2nd slab & including 3rd slab 120 Above 3rd slab & including 4th slab 121 Above 4th slab & including 5th slab 122 Above 5th slab & including 6th slab 123 Above 6th slab & including 7th slab 124 Above 7th slab & including 8th slab 125 Above 8th slab & including 9th slab 126 Above 9th slab & including (O.H.W.T. top level) 127 MASONRY WORK 128 ProvidingAutoclavedAerated ConcreteBlock masonaryof conformingtoIS:2185(Part 3) - 1984inextrafinejointingmortar offixoblockof UltraTechor equivalentinsuperstructure including striking joints, rakingout joints and scaffolding etc. Complete. (The test shall be carried out conformingtoIS:6441(PartI)- 1972) 129 Basement Floor 130 Ground Floor 131 First Floor 132 Second Floor 133 Third Floor 134 Fourth Floor 135 Fifth Floor 136 Sixth Floor 137 Seventh Floor 138 Eight Floor 139 Terrace Floor 140 Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / I.S. type fly ash bricksin C.M. 1:6 in foundation and plinth includingbailing out water manually striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding etc. complete.Upto Plinth 141 Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructureincludingstrikingjoints,rakingoutjoints,wateringandscaffoldingetc. Complete 142 Basement Floor 143 Ground Floor 144 First Floor 145 Second Floor 146 Third Floor 147 Fourth Floor 148 Fifth Floor 149 Sixth Floor 150 Seventh Floor 151 Eight Floor 152 Terrace Floor 153 D. PLASTERING & PUTTY WORK 154 Providinginternalcementplaster12mm thickinsinglecoatincementmortar1:4without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 155 Basement Floor 156 Ground Floor 157 First Floor 158 Second Floor 159 Third Floor 160 Fourth Floor 161 Fifth Floor 162 Sixth Floor 163 Seventh Floor 164 Eight Floor 165 Terrace Floor 166 Providingsandfacedplaster externallyincementmortarusing approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of15 mm thick in cement mortar1:4usingwaterproofing compoundat1Kilogrampercement bag curing the same for not less than 2 daysandkeepingthe surface ofthebasecoatroughto receive the sand faced treatment 6to8mm thickin cementmortar 1:4finishingthesurfaceby taking outgrains and curing for fourteendays scaffolding etc.complete. 167 Ground Floor 168 First Floor 169 Second Floor 170 Third Floor 171 Fourth Floor 172 Fifth Floor (Hospital & MLCP Terrace) 173 Sixth Floor 174 Seventh Floor 175 Eight Floor 176 Terrace Floor 177 Providing and applying gypsum plaster ( with Gypsum material) with finishing with gypsum material in 10 to 13 millimeter thickness to previously plastered surface / or on newly brick surface ( Excluding rough cast plaster ) in all position including preparing and Finishing the surface scaffolding etc.complete. 178 Basement Floor 179 Ground Floor 180 First Floor 181 Second Floor 182 Third Floor 183 Fourth Floor 184 Fifth Floor 185 Sixth Floor 186 Seventh Floor 187 Eight Floor 188 Terrace Floor 189 Providing andapplying Twocoats ofwall care Putty onplastered surface andCeiling and Walls to prepare surface even and smooth of approved make, etc complete. 190 Basement Floor 191 Ground Floor 192 First Floor 193 Second Floor 194 Third Floor 195 Fourth Floor 196 Fifth Floor 197 Sixth Floor 198 Seventh Floor 199 Eight Floor 200 Terrace Floor 201 E. WATERPROOFING WORK 202 Providing and fixing 20 to 25 mm thick rough shahabad box type waterproofing for basement orundergroundflooronabaseofCementconcrete1:3:6,includingsubbaseof2.50 centimeter thick Cement mortar 1:3 with conceal, secrete (RMW), Algae proof or other alike waterproofing liquids, raking of joints upto 35 mm depth, filling the joints with6 mm size crushed metal, hand grouting with cement slurry, curing and cleaning, with 7 years guarantee on court fee stamp of Rs. 100/- with ponding test etc complete. (excluding Cement concrete 1:3:6 base concrete )Basement Floor, MLCP & Service Block 203 Providingandfixing20to25mm thick rough shahabad box type waterproofingtreatmenttovertical outside faces of Reinforced Cement concrete walls of basement or undergroundfloorincludingfilling thegap of25mm between rough shahabad andR.C.C.wallswith cement grout mixed with water proofing liquid Algae proof or other alike with one tile lift method, brushing the joints horizontally with cement slurry mixed with water proofingliquidfor width 30 to35mmandslopingcopingover topmosttilewithcementmortar 1:3,buttingthebottom most withCementconcrete 1:2:4mixed with water proofing liquid,curing, with7 yearsguaranteeoncourt feestamp ofRs.100/-with ponding test etccomplete. (excluding Cement concrete 1:3:6Basement Floor, MLCP & Service Block 204 Providing waterproof plaster in W.C.andbath 20mmthickfor dado in cement mortar 1:3 with neat finishing,floatingusing waterproofing compound at the rate of 1 Kilogram. per bag of cement of approvedmakeandmanufacturer and curing(and filling joints ofNahanitrapand anyoutletby properly) etc. complete. 205 Basement Floor 206 Ground Floor 207 First Floor 208 Second Floor 209 Third Floor 210 Fourth Floor 211 Fifth Floor 212 Sixth Floor 213 Seventh Floor 214 Eight Floor 215 Providingandapplyingwaterproofingtreatmentusingacrylicpolymermodifiedcement basedwaterproofingcoatingwithfibreglassmeshmixingattherateofpowdertoliquid (2:1)byweightcovering9to10SquareMetre/Kilogramwithtwocoatusingapproved chemicals for masonry andconcrete surface by brush covering 7 years guarantee on Stamp Papers etc. complete. 216 Basement Floor 217 Ground Floor 218 First Floor 219 Second Floor 220 Third Floor 221 Fourth Floor 222 Fifth Floor 223 Sixth Floor 224 Seventh Floor 225 Eight Floor 226 ProvidingwaterproofbeddingforflooringofBathandWC25mmthickinC.M.1:3 including using approved water proofing compound in specified proportion as per manufacturers specifications for per bag of cement including leveling, curing and covering 10 years guarantee on court fee stamp paper of Rs.500/- including ponding test etc. complete 227 Basement Floor 228 Ground Floor 229 First Floor 230 Second Floor 231 Third Floor 232 Fourth Floor 233 Fifth Floor 234 Sixth Floor 235 Seventh Floor 236 Eight Floor 237 37a. Providing waterproofing in W.C. and bath including brick bat coba in all position including providingandlaying12mmbeddingincementmortor1:3onverginconcreteslabwith waterproofing compound @ 1Kilogram/per bag of cement laying brick bat coba ofrequired thickness in cm 1:5withwaterproofing compound1Kilogram/bag ofcement grouting and finishing the top layer with 20mm thick brick bedding in cm mortor 1:3 with waterproofing compound 1 Kilogram/per bag of cement and testing the treated portion for 48 hours by pond test and covering ten years guarantee on requisite stamp paper including curing etc. complete. 238 Basement Floor 239 Ground Floor 240 First Floor 241 Second Floor 242 Third Floor 243 Fourth Floor 244 Fifth Floor 245 Sixth Floor 246 Seventh Floor 247 Eight Floor 248 Providing cement based water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound and laying the brick bats on bottom layer in C.M.1:5 admixed with approved water proofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M.1:3 admixed with approved water proofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1Kilogramper bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixedwithapprovedwaterproofingcompound.Markingfinishedsurfacewithfalse squares of 300mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for requiredheight,withdripmouldatthejunctionofplasterandparapetandcuringand covering10yearsGuaranteeagainstleakproofnessonCourtfeestamppaperofRs.500/- including ponding test etc. complete. 249 First Floor (Service Block Terrace) 250 Fourth Floor 251 Fifth Floor (Hospital & MLCP Terrace) 252 Sixth Floor 253 Seventh Floor 254 Eight Floor 255 Terrace Floor 256 Providing China Mosaic waterproofing overconcrete / plastered surface of sloped roof, horizontal, vertical, curved surfaces, rounded vatas,sharp corners, junctions etc., using broken pieces of mono colored approved qualityceramic tile laid over and including 20mm thick cement mortar 1.3 screed mixed with approvedwaterproofing compound @ 2% by weight ofcement, cost of all materials, labour, curing, breaking the tiles to the pieces of required size andshape, laying / fixing the tile pieces to the required line, slope, levels etc., providing extra screed as required for quick & easy flow of water, curing etc., at all heights including necessary scaffolding, cleaning the surface initially with saw dust and finally with acid all as per specifications etc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC. 257 First Floor (Service Block Terrace) 258 Fifth Floor (MLCP Terrace) 259 Terrace Floor(Hospital Terrace) 260 F. FLOORING WORK 261 Providing and laying telephone black/AmbaWhite/ Cadburybrown/Rubyred/ Ocean Brown granite stone of 18 to 20 mm thick fordoor frame/ dado/ window boxing etc.OnC.M.1:6 including filling joints with polymer base filler nosing/moulding thesharpedges wherever necessary, curing,etc. complete. 262 Basement Floor 263 Ground Floor 264 First Floor 265 Second Floor 266 Third Floor 267 Fourth Floor 268 Fifth Floor 269 Sixth Floor 270 Seventh Floor 271 Eight Floor 272 Terrace Floor 273 ProvidingandlayingAntiskid Ceramic tiles of approved qualityof size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15622-2006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar includingcementfloat,fillingjoint withcementslurrycleaningcuring etc. complete. 274 Basement Floor 275 Ground Floor 276 First Floor 277 Terrace Floor 278 Providingandlayingceramictilesof havingsize30cm.x30cm.andconfirmingto corresponding I.S. for dado and skirting in required position with readymade adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white/ colour cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete. 279 Basement Floor 280 Terrace Floor 281 Providingandlayinginposition flooringoftelephoneblack/ Amba White / Cat bary brown/ Ruby red/OceanBrowngranite stone of approved shade and size 18 mmto20mmthick onbed1:6 cementmortar includingcement floats strikingjoints, pointing inC.M. 1:3 curing and cleaning etc. complete. 282 Basement Floor 283 Ground Floor 284 First Floor 285 Second Floor 286 Third Floor 287 Fourth Floor 288 Fifth Floor 289 Sixth Floor 290 Seventh Floor 291 Eight Floor 292 Providingandfixingmachinecut machine polished 18 mm to 20 mmthicktelephone black / Amba White / Cat bary brown / RBI red / Ocean Brown granite stone for treads and risers of steps and staircasesofapprovedcolourand shade withfullmoulding and three grooved line forthetreadsonbed of1:4Cementmortarincluding floatfilling jointswithneat cementslurrycuringpolishingand cleaningetc. complete.Ground Floor 293 Providing and laying vitrified mirror/ glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590 mm to605mm x 590mm to605mm of8to10 mmthickness and confirming to IS.15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approvedmake,shadeandpattern forflooringinrequired position laid on a bed of1:4cement mortarincludingneatcement float,fillingjoints, curing and clearing etc. complete. 294 Basement Floor 295 Ground Floor 296 First Floor 297 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 mmto605mmx590mmto605 mmof8to10mmthicknessand confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for dado and skirting in required positionfixed in1:4 cementmortarincludingneat cementfloat,fillingjoints,curing and clearingetc.complete 298 Basement Floor 299 Ground Floor 300 First Floor 301 Second Floor 302 Third Floor 303 Fourth Floor 304 Fifth Floor 305 Sixth Floor 306 Seventh Floor 307 Eight Floor 308 Providing and laying vitrified matt fininsh tileshaving size 590 mm to 605 mm x to 605 mm of8to10mmthicknessandconfirmingIS.15622-2006(GroupBla)ofapprovedmake, shadeandpatternforflooringinrequiredpositionlaidonabedof1:4cementmorar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning etc. complete. 309 Basement Floor 310 Ground Floor 311 First Floor 312 Second Floor 313 Third Floor 314 Fourth Floor 315 Fifth Floor 316 Sixth Floor 317 Seventh Floor 318 Eight Floor 319 Providing and laying vitrified matt finish tileshaving size 590 mm to 605 mm x to 605 mm of8to10mmthicknessandconfirmingIS.15622-2006(GroupBla)ofapprovedmake, shadeandpatternfordadoandskirtinginrequiredpositionfixedin1:4cementmortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning etc. complete. 320 Basement Floor 321 Ground Floor 322 First Floor 323 Providing & fixing 4mm thick Vinyl sheet for flooring confirming to IS 3462-1986 of approved make & colour/pattern for Flooring in correct level / slope at all levels/heights as per architectural drawings and manufacturers specifications & instructions. Vinyl shall be fixed with approved adhesive properly, avoid bubbles in flooring including cleaning the surface, pressing the vinyl by appropriate roller properly, cutting and filling/ welding the joints by approved and matching colour welding rod properlyetc. completed as per the instructions of the EIC. Joints shall be finished properly so that area shall look Continuously and joint less. 324 Basement Floor 325 Ground Floor 326 First Floor 327 Second Floor 328 Third Floor 329 Fourth Floor 330 Fifth Floor 331 Sixth Floor 332 Seventh Floor 333 Eight Floor 334 Providing & fixing 4mm thick Vinyl sheet for Skirting confirming to IS 3462-1986 of approved make & colour/pattern for Flooring in correct level / slope at all levels/heights as per architectural drawings and manufacturers specifications & instructions. Vinyl shall be fixed with approved adhesive properly, avoid bubbles in flooring including cleaning the surface, pressing the vinyl by appropriate roller properly, cutting and filling/ welding the joints by approved and matching colour welding rod properlyetc. completed as per the instructions of the EIC. Joints shall be finished properly so that area shall look Continuously and joint less. 335 Basement Floor 336 Ground Floor 337 First Floor 338 Second Floor 339 Third Floor 340 Fourth Floor 341 Fifth Floor 342 Sixth Floor 343 Seventh Floor 344 Eight Floor 345 Providingandlayingmachinecut machinePolishedKotastone flooring 25mm to30mm thick and requiredwidthinplain/diamond pattern on bed of 1:6 C. M. including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishingand cleaning etc.complete. 346 Basement Floor 347 Ground Floor 348 First Floor 349 Second Floor 350 Third Floor 351 Fourth Floor 352 Fifth Floor 353 Sixth Floor 354 Seventh Floor 355 Eight Floor 356 Providingandlayingmachinecut machine polished machine cut Kota stoneslabs20to25mmthickfor treads and risers of steps and staircases,withroundednosingfor the treads onabedof1:4cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry,curing,polishing and cleaning etc. complete. 357 Basement Floor 358 Ground Floor 359 First Floor 360 Second Floor 361 Third Floor 362 Fourth Floor 363 Fifth Floor 364 Sixth Floor 365 Seventh Floor 366 Eight Floor 367 Providing andfixing in required positionskirting or dado of polishedKotahStone slab25 mm to 30mm thickfixedonbase onplasterofcementmortar 1:4including cementfloat, filling joints with cement slurry, curing rubbing, polishing and cleaning complete. 368 Basement Floor 369 Ground Floor 370 First Floor 371 Second Floor 372 Third Floor 373 Fourth Floor 374 Fifth Floor 375 Sixth Floor 376 Seventh Floor 377 Eight Floor 378 Providingandfixingmachinecut mirrorpolished18mm to20mm thick telephoneblack granite / AmbaWhite/Catbary brown/ RBIred / Ocean Brown granite stonepartitionwithfullmoulding the edges etc.complete . Both side polish 379 Basement Floor 380 Ground Floor 381 First Floor 382 Second Floor 383 Third Floor 384 Fourth Floor 385 Fifth Floor 386 Sixth Floor 387 Seventh Floor 388 Eight Floor 389 Providing leather finished polishing to Granite Stone slab by continuous grinding in 4 coats of different bits to receive rough and matt finish including buffing process before laying and fixingofstoneasperdrawinganddesign,includingcleaning,washingandfinishingetc. complete.Ground Floor 390 Providing andconstructing granite kitchen / pantry platform withfixing of stainlesssteelsink 600 mm x 450mm size as per detaileddrawing including vertical bothside polishedkadappah stone 25 to 30 mm thick supports with kadappahtop 35 to 40 mm thick and polished granite 16 to 20 mm top with side strips of granite at front and both sides of platform raised with two verticalgranitesupports15cmheightandtopgraniteof75x40cmincludingcutting, opening for sink of required size in kadappah as well as granite etc. complete. (Platform top size 5.00 m x 0.60 m and height is 0.75 m) 391 Basement Floor 392 Ground Floor 393 First Floor 394 Second Floor 395 Third Floor 396 Fourth Floor 397 Fifth Floor 398 Sixth Floor 399 Seventh Floor 400 Eight Floor 401 Providing and fixing oval type under counter wash hand basin of 16 inch x 22 inch size and ofspecialcolourshadehavingtelephonicblack/colouredgraniteof180mm thickstone blackkadappaframeworkincludingchromiumplatedcouplingbottle-TrapusingCERA companyorequivalentovaltypawashbasinmodelno 3448asperdetaileddrawing oras directed by engg incharge etc complete. (Counter size 1.20 m x 0.60 m ) 402 Basement Floor 403 Ground Floor 404 First Floor 405 Second Floor 406 Third Floor 407 Fourth Floor 408 Fifth Floor 409 Sixth Floor 410 Seventh Floor 411 Eight Floor 412 Providing and laying cement concrete flooring 50mm thick with M20 cement concrete laid to proper level and slope in alternate bays including compaction, filling joints, marking lines to give the appearance of tiles of 30cm x 30cm or other size laid diagonally/ square etc. finishing smooth (with extra cement) in any colour as directed and curing etc. complete.with Crushed sand VSI Grade 413 Basement Floor 414 Ground Floor 415 First Floor 416 ProvidingandlayinginsitucementconcreteM20withtremixtreatmentfor100mm thicknessforflooringwithgroovecuttingof4mmwideand20mm deepwithnecessary refilling with bitumenetc. complete. 417 Ground Floor 418 First Floor 419 Second Floor 420 Third Floor 421 Fourth Floor 422 Fifth Floor 423 Sixth Floor 424 Seventh Floor 425 Eight Floor 426 G. JOINERY AND METAL WORK 427 ProvidingandfixinginpositionGypsum boardfalseceilingwith12.5mm thickGypsum boards, screwed/fixedtotheunderstructureofsuspendedG.I.Gridconstructedand suspended from the main ceiling consisting of ceiling sections of size 25 x 50 mm maximum centertocenterdistanceof600milimetreperimeterchannelandintermediatechannelsat maximumcentertocenterdistance1200milimetregalvanizedgridshouldbefixedto reinforced cement concrete slab. The gypsum board should be fixed to galvanized iron grid with necessary screws.The boards should be taped and filled from underside to give smooth, seamless ceiling. The rate should include necessary additional ceiling sections and intermediate channels.Additional intermediate channels should be fixed to strap hangers for additional support to prevent strapping at every 1200 milimetre item to be completed inall respect including necessary sleeves for ducts finishing of joints cut outs, painting including labour, material, lifts etc. all complete 428 Basement Floor 429 Ground Floor 430 First Floor 431 Second Floor 432 Third Floor 433 Fourth Floor 434 Fifth Floor 435 Sixth Floor 436 Seventh Floor 437 Eight Floor 438 Providing and Fixing of Mineral Fibre SuspendedCeiling System with Bioguard(Bevelled Tegular)EDGETILESWITH 15mmExposedGRID.ThetilesshouldhaveHumidity Resistance (RH) of99%, LightReflectance 90%,Thermal Conductivityk =0.052-0.057 w/m K,ColourWhite,FirePerformanceUKClass0/Class1(BS476Part6and7), in module size of 600x600 x 16mm with Anti Microbial coating on the face of the tile, suitable forGreenBuildingapplication,withRecycledcontentof34%.Thetileshallbelaidon precoated G.I. channel onXL2 Clip havinga web height of 32 mm32 with 15 mm wide T - section flanges colour white having rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner and 1200mmCrossTeeswithawebheightof32mmandaloadcarryingcapacityof7.7 Kilograms/M2 and pull out strength of 100Kilograms. . The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2 and need to be installed with Suspension systemThe Tile and Grid system used together should carry a 10 year warranty. products approved at GRIHA and BS 476 etc. complete. 439 Basement Floor 440 Ground Floor 441 First Floor 442 Second Floor 443 Third Floor 444 Fourth Floor 445 Fifth Floor 446 Sixth Floor 447 Seventh Floor 448 Eight Floor 449 METAL FALSE CEILING WITHOUT SUSPENSION SUPPORT FROM TRUE CEILING: Providing & fixing horizontal level suspended metal ceilings comprising of Metalworks F-H 600 Hook-on corridor system manufactured by Armstrong Ceiling Solutions with Rectangular panels made of 0.7mm thick Galvanised Steel (GI) of 120gsm, post coated to Global White colour, suitable for Interior applications and architectural finishes, double grid concealed system and butt joint panels. The panel width shall be 300mm, length ranging from 1500mm to 2660mm. General Specifications:Entire system to be designed for Interior applications, and concealed Grid, Butt joint panels. Panel Specifications: Material: The F-H 600 rectangular Hook-on panels to be made of galvanized steel (GI) of minimum 120gsm hot dipped galvanization (both sides included) as per IS 277 (2003), zero or minimum spangled, in minimum base material thickness of 0.7mm as per in IS:513 (1994). Dimensions: The panel Length varies between 1500mm to 2660mm, panel Width shall be 300mm. The dimensional tolerances for length shall be ±1.0m up to 1000mm L; ±1.5mm between 1001 to 2000mm L; ±2.0mm between 2001 to 3000mm L. The dimensional tolerances for width shall be ±0.5m up to 300mm W. Dimensional Tolerances for panel Thickness / panel width / panel length - to be measured in accordance with TAIM standards. Edge detail: the panels shall ha+A3ve Square Edge, with a 3mm(W) x 8mm(H) black foam gasket glued at the edges, typically on one long and one short side. All adjacent panels shall touch each other forming a butt joint and concealed grid visuals. Upturns: The short side of the panel shall have vertical upturns of minimum 30mm (H) and shall be bent appropriately bent as per the manufacturer’s specifications for providing hook-on ends. The long side shall have inside horizontal bends of 5-15mm for rigidity and vertical upturns of 40mm (for length ranging from 1251-2660mm). 450 Surface Finish: Plain: The panels shall be in plain unperforated finish (without any acoustical backing / felt). Colour and finishes: The panel surface shall be electrostatically powder coated (post coat) on visible side after mechanical production, using RoHS compliant powder, to achieve coating thickness ranging from 60-80µ and architectural quality finish. The powder coating shall pass Salt Spray Test for 750 Hours as per ASTM B117, QUV –A Test for 1000hours as per ASTM G-154 – (Cycle – 1) and Humidity test for 1000hours as per DIN 50017, 250 hours of condensation test (as per DIN 50017 or DIN EN ISO 6270-1 Norms), UV resistance of 500 hours and 50% gloss retention (as per ASTM G 154 UVB-313 Norms). The powder coating shall have an adhesion of GT0 as per EN ISO 2409. The shade variation across batches shall be delta E (∆e) <1 measured using Excite/BYK Gardner instrument and gloss level of 25±5% at 60˚ as per ASTM D523.The colour / shade to be Global White (Polyester for Interior) as approved by the Architect or Engineer-in-charge. Surface Protection: The visible panel surface shall be protected using a guard film made of LDPE of 50µ thickness, having appropriate surface adhesion (or tackiness) corresponding to surface gloss level. Light reflectance: The panel shall have a Light Reflectance of ≥ 63% in accordance to ASTM 1477-98. Flatness and Sag limit: Panels shall be flattened by precision leveller to minimize sag to less than Length/400mm. 451 The difference between the two diagonal dimensions of the panel to be less than 1mm. The sag to be measured at the center in accordance with TAIM standards. Access and Plenum space: The panels to be Fully Accessible, with system height of 98mm, and would require a plenum height of a minimum 450mm clear space from bare ceiling / rigid structure for installation. Packaging: The Panels shall be packed in wooden crates of appropriate dimensions based on panel sizes. The wooden planks for rates shall have thickness of approx.15mm, width of around 4” and gap between two planks around 3”. Crates to have layer separators of 1” x 2” dimensions to prohibit load transfer on bottom panels, and the crates lifting to be 2way or 4way. The bottom of crates shall be completely closed, and the panels kept inside shall have cushioning of corrugated sheets or other appropriate material. Installation Specifications: Primary and secondary runners Installation: U-Profiles, spaced at 1200mm, to be suspended from ceiling using clamping brackets and threaded rods OR hanger wires. Hanger wires must be wrapped tightly with 3 full wraps. The J-Bars (directional) shall intersect the U-profile at 90° at every module dictated by the panel length. The J-Bar is connected to the U-profile with a J-Bar hanger and secured to the matching square U-Profile slots using plug-in clips. Self-tapping screws to be used when square U-Profile slots do not match the hangers. The U-profiles and J-Bars be fastened to two adjacent walls using the wall anchor and bolts. U-Profiles and J-bars to be at a maximum distance of 450mm (max.) to a perimeter wall or outside edge of a floating module. 452 To join two pieces of continuous U-profiles and J-Bars, a U-Profile splice and J-Bar splice to be used respectively. Panel Installation: Full size metalworks R-H 200 panels (directional) to be hooked on to the J-Bars (in accordance with the shop drawings) along the short side (typical) to cover the span / width of the corridor. Field-cut Panels: Perimeter panels that require field cutting to fit on a wall trim option must have a minimum of 12mm edge resting on the horizontal surface of the wall moldings. Wall Moldings: 19x19 wall angle to be fastened to the perimeter using screws, at every 450mm to 600mm L. Warranty: The Tile & Grid system used together shall carry a 10 year warranty against manufacturing defect and manufacturer shall provide a warranty certificate. The Tile & Grid shall have the manufacturers name embossed/printed on it. The supply shall be backed by a Manufacturing Test Certificate. 453 Ground Floor 454 First Floor 455 Second Floor 456 Third Floor 457 Fourth Floor 458 Fifth Floor 459 Sixth Floor 460 Seventh Floor 461 Eight Floor 462 Providingandfixingfalseceilingwitheco-friendlylight-weightcalciumsilicatetilesof spintone surface texture aerolite make or equivalent of size 595mm x 595mm having 15mm thickdensifiedmicrolookedgeand100%humidityresistanceincombustibleasperBS 46part IV and thermal conductivity 0.043 w/m 0 KC and NRC 0.50 placed in true horizontal levelsuspendedgridofsize600x600mmmadefromhotdippedG.I.steelsectionsion silhouette profile, rotary stitched double webbed white with 6mm reveal profile (white/black), wherein, mainT runner of size 42mmx14mm between main tee 600mm center-tocenter and secondary cross T of size 33x14x0.43mm thick of length 600mm long spaced inter-locked at middleofthefirstcrossedTineachpaneltoformgridof1200mmx600mmrestingon peripherywallProfilewallsection19mm (7+7)x19mmx0.40thicknessesandlayingfalse ceiling forservices like diffusersgrillsincluding cutting,making opening forlightfittings, fixtures,,smoke detectorsetc.,whereverrequired. MainT runnerssuspendedfrom ceiling with using G.I. soffit cleats of size 25x35x1.6 mm of required length fixed to the ceiling with 6mmdiaand 50mmlongdash fastener,4mmdiaG.I. adjustablerods with powder- coated/goodqualityG.I.leveladjustmentclipsof35x35x0.8mmspaced@1200,center-to- center along main T all complete at all heights as per the specifications, drawingsetc. complete 463 Basement Floor 464 Ground Floor 465 First Floor 466 Second Floor 467 Third Floor 468 Fourth Floor 469 Fifth Floor 470 Sixth Floor 471 Seventh Floor 472 Eight Floor 473 Providingandfixingframewith/ withoutventilatorofsizeas specified with Country cut teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300mmx40mmx5mmwithoil painting, etc. complete 474 Basement Floor 475 Ground Floor 476 First Floor 477 Second Floor 478 Third Floor 479 Fourth Floor 480 Fifth Floor 481 Sixth Floor 482 Seventh Floor 483 Eight Floor 484 Providing & fixing factory-made Single leaf 2 hour fire rated dooras per IS 3614 Part 2 & BS 476 Part 20 & 22, tested to UL 10 C and conforming to NFPA 80 , tested at NTL /CBRI/ARAI of Plain Steel finish type with a.) Frame of size 143x58 mm and thickness of 1.6 mm thick skin pass galvanized iron sheet (Conform to IS 277 ) formed to single or double rebate profile b.) Shutter of 46 mm thickness and constructed from 1.2 mm thick skin pas galvanized iron sheet (Conform to IS 277) infill Rockwool / Mineral wool/ Honey comb craft paper c.) Vision glass of 5mm thick clear/wired glass Circular or Rectangular d.) Finish : Primed with zinc phosphate stoving primer and finished with Polyurethane aliphatic grade or epoxy paint as required of thickness 60 micron e.) Accessories : Min 8 Anchor fastener of HILTI make, min 3 SS Ball Bearing Butt Hinges, Mortise sash lock with lever handle, Mortise dead bolt , Mortise latch , Door closer , Panic bar and external trim lock and Flush bolts complete. 485 Basement Floor 486 Ground Floor 487 First Floor 488 Second Floor 489 Third Floor 490 Fourth Floor 491 Fifth Floor 492 Sixth Floor 493 Seventh Floor 494 Eight Floor 495 Terrace Floor 496 64a. Providing & fixing factory-made Single / Double leaf 2 hour fire rated dooras per IS 3614 Part 2 & BS 476 Part 20 & 22, tested to UL 10 C and conforming to NFPA 80 , tested at NTL /CBRI/ARAI of Plain Steel finish type with a.) Frame of size 143x58 mm and thickness of 1.6 mm thick skin pass galvanized iron sheet (Conform to IS 277 ) formed to single or double rebate profile b.) Shutter of 46 mm thickness and constructed from 1.2 mm thick skin pas galvanized iron sheet (Conform to IS 277) infill Rockwool / Mineral wool/ Honey comb craft paperc.) Finish : Primed with zinc phosphate stoving primer and finished with Polyurethane aliphatic grade or epoxy paint as required of thickness 60 micron e.) Accessories :Anchor fastener of HILTI make, SS Ball Bearing Butt Hinges, Recessed Oval flush pull handle & L-key lock (as per approved make) complete. 497 Basement Floor 498 Ground Floor 499 First Floor 500 Second Floor 501 Third Floor 502 Fourth Floor 503 Fifth Floor 504 Sixth Floor 505 Seventh Floor 506 Eight Floor 507 Terrace Floor 508 Providing, erecting & fixing 45 mm thick Double LeafSolid Core Flush door shutter and framehaving fire rating provision finished with Both side 1mm thk laminate of approved quality, colour, type, pattern on both sides, including providing & fixing 12 mm thk Teak wood lipping all around shutter as well asteak wood architrave at outer side of the door frame as shown in drawing providingwater cut enamel paint of approved colourto door frame, architrave & shutter with all necessary consumables viz. adhesive, necessary hardware, necessary beads molding, lipping, fastenings, etc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC. (Rate including Fittings & Fixtures )(Door shutter120 min fire rated )Fittings & Fixtures as per approved makea, SS Satin finish Hinges - 8 Nos. b, 20mm dia, 150mm long lever handle in SS finish (as per approved make)c, Hold open type door closer on 3/4th shutter (as per approved make)d, 250 mm Long Tower Bolt (12) from inside with SS finishe, Mortice dead lock package- full cylinder lock (45mm) on outer side & thumb turn on inner side (as per approved make)f, 300mm long concealed type tower bolt on 1/4th shutter (as per approved make) 509 Basement Floor 510 Ground Floor 511 First Floor 512 Second Floor 513 Third Floor 514 Fourth Floor 515 Fifth Floor 516 Sixth Floor 517 Seventh Floor 518 Eight Floor 519 Providing, erecting & fixing one side openable clean room double/single door for OT room of GI powder coated frame size frame to frame 2400 x 1500 x 80/50 mm. technical specification, both side powder coated sheet of 0.8 mm thickness in side puff in filled materials density 40-42 kg/cubic meter. view glass provition as per choice, including door accessories: door closer, handle ,kike plate ,push plate and dooretc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC.Second Floor 520 Providing, erecting & fixing 35 mm thick Double LeafSolid Core Flush door shutter and frame finished with Both side 1mm thk laminate of approved quality, colour, type, pattern on both sides with Vision Panel, including providing & fixing 12 mm thk Teak wood lipping all around shutter, providingwater cut enamel paint of approved colourto door frame & shutter with all necessary consumables viz. adhesive, necessary hardware, necessary beads molding, lipping, fastenings, etc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC. (Rate including Fittings & Fixtures )Fittings & Fixtures as per approved makea, SS Satin finish Hinges - 8 Nos.b, Push-plate - 150mm wide push plate in SS finish (as per approved make)c, Kick-plate - 150mm wide kick plate in SS finish (as per approved make)d, 20mm dia, 300mm long pull handle D Type in SS finish (as per approved make)e, Mortice dead lock package (45mm)- full cylinder lock on one shutter (as per approved make)f, 300mm long concealed type tower bolt on other shutter (as per approved make)g, Floor spring (as per approved make) 521 Ground Floor 522 First Floor 523 Second Floor 524 Third Floor 525 Fourth Floor 526 Fifth Floor 527 Sixth Floor 528 Seventh Floor 529 Eight Floor 530 Providing, erecting & fixing 35 mm thick Single LeafSolid Core Flush door shutter with Marine Ply finished with Both side 1mm thk laminate of approved quality, colour, type, pattern on both sides, including providing & fixing 12 mm thk Teak wood lipping all around shutter as per drawing providing water cut enamel paint of approved colour & shutter with all necessary consumables viz. adhesive, necessary hardware, necessary beads molding, lipping, fastenings, etc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC. (Rate including Fittings & Fixtures )Fittings & Fixtures as per approved makea, SS Satin finish Hinges - 4 Nos. b, 20mm dia, 150mm long lever handle in SS finish (as per approved make)c, Mortice lock- emergency release with in & out indicator in SS finish (as per approved make). 531 Basement Floor 532 Ground Floor 533 First Floor 534 Second Floor 535 Third Floor 536 Fourth Floor 537 Fifth Floor 538 Sixth Floor 539 Seventh Floor 540 Eight Floor 541 67a. Providing, erecting & fixing 35 mm thick Single LeafSolid Core Flush door shutterwith Both side 1mm thk laminate of approved quality, colour, type, pattern on both sides, including providing & fixing 12 mm thk Teak wood lipping all around shutter as per drawing providing water cut enamel paint of approved colour & shutter with all necessary consumables viz. adhesive, necessary hardware, necessary beads molding, lipping, fastenings, etc. completed at all floors and heights as specified and directed by EIC. (Rate including Fittings & Fixtures )Fittings & Fixtures as per approved makea, SS Satin finish Hinges - 4 Nos. b, 20mm dia, 150mm long lever handle in SS finish (as per approved make)c, Mortice dead lock package- full cylinder lock (45mm) on outer side & thumb turn on inner side (as per approved make)d, 300mm long concealed type tower bolt (as per approved make) 542 Basement Floor 543 Ground Floor 544 First Floor 545 Second Floor 546 Third Floor 547 Fourth Floor 548 Fifth Floor 549 Sixth Floor 550 Seventh Floor 551 Eight Floor 552 Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum size and shape with square bar, suspension shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm thickness and of any size at top and safety devices including mechanical gear operation arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels and worms of high grade cast iron or mild steel and one coat of red lead primer etc. complete. (I.S. 62481979) (With mechanical gear)Ground Floor 553 H. PAINTING WORK 554 Providing andapplying impression24carratLuxurypaint of approved make &approved brandEmulsion paint to interior walls and ceilings of approved quality,colourandshadetonew surface in two coats, including subsurfaceprparationbyAcrylic puttyandAcrylic primer coats including scaffolding, preparing the surface. etc. complete(Low VOC). 555 Basement Floor 556 Ground Floor 557 First Floor 558 Second Floor 559 Third Floor 560 Fourth Floor 561 Fifth Floor 562 Sixth Floor 563 Seventh Floor 564 Eight Floor 565 Terrace Floor 566 Providing and applying Acrylic Based External Texture Paint of Sherwin williams/ Asain or any other approved equivalent make, color & texture to external surface as per manufacturers specifications and instructions. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned off all mortar dropping, dirt dust, algae, fungus or moth grease and other foreign matter of brushing and washing ,pitting in plaster shall make good surface imperfections such as cracks , holes etc. should be repaired using white cement. Approval of the prepared surface to be obtained before commencement of painting work. P/a 2 mm thick synthetic plaster in approved texture and applied the approved color Paint with a brush on the texture in two coats over one coat of primer .Horizontal strokes shall be given , first and vertical strokes shall be immediately afterwards. This entire operation will constitute one coat. The surface shall be finished uniformly including scaffolding, labour, material and necessary painting apparatus, finishing and cleaning etc. completed as specified and as directed by EIC. at all heights and levels. 567 Ground Floor 568 First Floor 569 Second Floor 570 Third Floor 571 Fourth Floor 572 Fifth Floor 573 Sixth Floor 574 Seventh Floor 575 Eight Floor 576 Terrace Floor 577 Providing and applying two coats of water proof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface, watering for two days etc.complete. 578 Ground Floor 579 First Floor 580 Second Floor 581 Third Floor 582 Fourth Floor 583 Providing and applying white-wash in two coats on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down etc. complete. 584 Basement Floor 585 Ground Floor 586 First Floor 587 Second Floor 588 Third Floor 589 Fourth Floor 590 Fifth Floor 591 Sixth Floor 592 Seventh Floor 593 Eight Floor 594 Terrace Floor 595 I. MISCELLANEOUS WORK 596 Providing expansion joints in R.C.C. framed structure (at floor level) with premoulded filler 25 mm thick and 3 mm thick aluminium plate as required, bitumen poured filler and fixing T.W. battens on rear faces etc. complete as directed. 597 Basement Floor 598 Ground Floor 599 First Floor 600 Second Floor 601 Third Floor 602 Fourth Floor 603 Fifth Floor 604 Sixth Floor 605 Seventh Floor 606 Eight Floor 607 Providing expansion joints in R.C.C. framed structure (interior column)with plain premoulded filler 25 mm thick including fixing T.W. battens on both faces and finishing as directed etc. Complete. 608 Basement Floor 609 Ground Floor 610 First Floor 611 Second Floor 612 Third Floor 613 Fourth Floor 614 Fifth Floor 615 Sixth Floor 616 Seventh Floor 617 Eight Floor 618 Providing expansion joints in R.C.C. framed structure (at terrace level) with premoulded filler 25 mm thick and3 mm thick aluminium plate as required, bituminous pouredfiller, fixing lead, flashing on upper side and T.W. battens on inner face finishing etc. Complete as directed.Terrace Floor 619 Providingexpansion jointsin R.C.C.framed structure(exteriorColumns)with plain premouldedfiller25mmthickand3mmthickalluminiumplate,holdfast,fixingT.W. battens on internal face, finishing etc. complete as directed. 620 Ground Floor 621 First Floor 622 Second Floor 623 Third Floor 624 Fourth Floor 625 Fifth Floor 626 Sixth Floor 627 Seventh Floor 628 Eight Floor 629 Supply and installation of cubicles of width and depth as per Athena Lite- SS Series Cubicles- Std Sizes (W x D x H): 900 mm x 1550 mm x 2105 mm, (Height is including 100 mm gap from bottom, Door Width- 600 mm specifications/ site drawings). Cubicle height to be 2105 mm. Made from solid grade compact high pressure laminate as per IS:2046 and EN-438 manufactured under high specific pressure > 5 MPa and temperature >120°C, All doors will be of single colour and made of 12 mm thick Merino HPL compact panel. The doors will have chamfered edges. Each door will be supported by 3 stainless steel made hinges affixed to the pilasters. Size of panels to be as per drawing. HARDWARE & ACCESSORIES are H shaped (Top) head frame structure made of extruded Aluminium grade 6063 T5-50 micron epoxy powder coated for surface protection, Size to be 125x70x5T.Corner joinery section, Size to be 40x16.5x1.8T. U-Channel Wall joinery section,Size to be 22x16x1.6T. Door stopper section, Size to be 21x12.5x1.6T. Spring loaded Butt Hinges made from Stainless steel grade 304. Surface finish to be matt type. Covers to be lacor coated.etc complete. 630 Basement Floor 631 Ground Floor 632 First Floor 633 Second Floor 634 Third Floor 635 Fourth Floor 636 Fifth Floor 637 Sixth Floor 638 Seventh Floor 639 Eight Floor 640 Providingstructuralsteelworkin hollowsectionofvarious thicknessandsizesin square, rectanularandroundshapefrom 25mm to 450mmsection as per IS 4923 YST 310 Grade produced from iron ore and blast furnace route etc. as per detailed designs and drawingorasdirectedincluding cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, makingriveted/bolted/welded connections and painting complete. 641 Basement Floor 642 Ground Floor 643 First Floor 644 Second Floor 645 Third Floor 646 Fourth Floor 647 Fifth Floor 648 Sixth Floor 649 Seventh Floor 650 Eight Floor 651 Terrace Floor 652 78a. Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, teesetc.asperdetaileddesignanddrawingsorasdirectedincludingcutting,fabricating, hoisting,erecting,fixinginpositionmakingriveted/bolted/weldedconnectionswithout connecting plates, braces etc. andincluding one coat of anticorrosive paint andover ittwo coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete. 653 Basement Floor 654 Ground Floor 655 First Floor 656 Second Floor 657 Third Floor 658 Fourth Floor 659 Fifth Floor 660 Sixth Floor 661 Seventh Floor 662 Eight Floor 663 Terrace Floor 664 Providing and fixing 40mm diameter and 1.5 mm thick Stainless steel hand railing in S.S.304 Gradeincludingfabricating,fixtures,errecting,necessarywelding,grinding, finishing, buffing to stainless steel pipe etc. completeGround Floor 665 Providing & laying POP of sufficient thickness over plastic sheets as a protective layer for flooring during the work including all maintenance, p/l plastic sheets, removing & disposing POP after the use, cleaning, etc. complete at all floors & as directed by the EIC. 666 Providing and Laying hot applied thermoplastic road marking strip on Bituminous Surface of specified shade/ colour of 2.5 mm thick including 1.5 Refractive index reflectorizing glass beads @ 250gm/sqm .Thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC 35:2015. Initial Dry reflectivity RL shall be > 250 mcd/sqm/lux measured in the initial 7 days and sustained reflectivity RL of 100 mcd/sqm/ lux and Qd of 100 mcd/sqm/ lux measured at the end of 2 years by means of a Standard Reflectometer of Zehntner, Easylux, Delta make capable of measuring RL & QD both according to IRC 35:2015 clause 15.5. The finished surface to be level, uniform, and free from streaks and holes complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and in accordance with applicable specifications.(Refer MORTH Clause 803 for technical Specification and Performance for IRC 35:2015). 667 Ground Floor 668 First Floor 669 Second Floor 670 Third Floor 671 Fourth Floor 672 Providing and fixing car parking areacolumn rubber guard / PVC - Acrovyn Corner Guards Size 100 x 100 x 8mm x800 mm length and materialapproved by architectsas direction of EIC. 673 Providing and fixing convex mirror Size 32 dia materialapproved by architectsas direction of EIC. 674 Providing and fixing Rumbler Strips(Ramp area 1.5 mc/c) Size 100 mm wide x 25 mm height x 1000 mm Length) materialapproved by architectsas direction of EIC. 675 Providing and fixing Speed breakers Size 350 x 500 x 50 mm materialapproved by architectsas direction of EIC. 676 Dismantlingbrickmasonryinlimeorcementmortarandstackingthematerilsasdirected with all leads, lifts etc. 677 Dismantling the R.C.C. Work 1:2:4 and sorting out the materials such as steel etc. as directed and stacking them within the specified lead as directed etc. complete. 678 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths above 90cm to 180cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the depression/pit if any. 679 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths above 180cm to 270cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the depression/pit if any. 680 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths above 270cm to 450cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the depression/pit if any. 681 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths above 450cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the depression/pit if any 682 Transplantation of trees (of various girth and heights as per survey drawings) including excavating the ground in the earth / murum / sand to the desired location, with required machinery. Tree to be lifted with roots & replaced in fresh soil. Making trench at suitable distance away from the stem based on age of the plant in a circular fashion to a sufficient depth to remove the ball of earth & applying fungicide on cut portion. 683 J. SITE DEVELOPMENT WORK 684 Excavation forroadwayinearth, soil of all sorts, sand,gravel orsoft murumincludingdressing section totherequiredgrade,camberand side slopes and conveying the excavated materialswithalllifts uptoaleadof50m.andspreading forembankmentorstackingas directed. 685 Supplyinghardmurum/kankarat theroadsite,includingconveying andstackingcomplete. 686 Spreading hardmurum/soft murrum/gravelorkankarforside width complete 687 Compactingthehardmurumside widthsincludinglayinginlayers on each side withvibratoryroller including artificial watering etc. complete. 688 Constructionofgranularsub-base by providing close graded Material,mixingina mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixedMaterialtoworksite, spreading inuniform layers with motorgrader/Paveronprepared surfaceandcompacting with vibratoryroller toachievethe desired density, complete as per clause 401-- PlantMixMethod and Grading - I Material 689 Constructionofgranularsub-base by providing close graded Material,mixingina mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixedMaterialtoworksite, spreading inuniform layers with motorgrader/Paveronprepared surfaceandcompactingwith vibratoryroller toachievethe desired density, complete as per clause 401-- PlantMixMethod and Grading - II Material 690 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteM-25oftrap/granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.workinfoundationslike raft,strip foundations,grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water,Steel centering,formwork,coverblocks,laying/pumping,compactionandcuring roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 691 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteinM-25oftrap/granite/ quartzite/gneissmetalforR.C.C.pardi / SWD wallofrequiredthicknessincludingsteelcentering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping,compacting and roughening them if special finish istobeprovidedandcuringcomplete.(Excludingreinforcementandstructuralsteel).with fullyautomaticmicroprocessorbasedPLCwithSCADAenabledreversibleDrumType mixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate(Crushed sand VSI Grade) 692 Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete Rubber mould glossy paving blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 400 Kilogram/Sq.cm. of approved quality and shape on a bedof crushedsand of 25 to 30 mm thick including skirting jointsandcleaning etc. complete. (using 100% crushed sand) 693 Providing and laying in-situM35 Grade unreinforced plain cement concretepavementwith max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and coarse aggregates combined gradationas per Table 600-3 of MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver machine, finishing to lines and gradesas directed by Engineer-in-charge and curingby curing compound /by providing cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top withdepth of 75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other method approved by Engineer-in-charge. 694 Providing and fixing in position TMT FE 500, 25mm dia dowel bars precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of required Dia. 60 cms. Long and at 30.00 cm. C/C and wherever directedincluding handling, straightening, necessary cutting supported by TMT FE 500, chairs with proper alignment by using properly designed assembly of Bulkheads lubricating half length with bituminous paint as directed etc. complete. 695 Providing and fixing in position TMT FE 500, tie bars precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of 12 mm dia. 70 cms.long and at 30.00 cm. C/Cand wherever directed including handling, straightening wrapping with paper of approved quality for half length, necessary cutting, handling, straightening , supported by assembly of TMT FE 500, chairs with proper alignment etc. complete. 696 Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 300mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. 697 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 450mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 698 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 600mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 699 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 800mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 700 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 Barrier type Kerb without gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded 125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant 701 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete cover of size 90 cm x 45 cm with frame over inspection chamber etc. complete. Heavy duty (225 Kilogram) 702 Providing earth work in embankment with approved materials obtained from other sources upto lead of 50m. including all lifts, laying in layers of 20cm. to 30cm. thickness breaking clods, dressing to the required lines, curves, grades & section, watering and compaction with vibratory roller with V-Sat attachment to achieve not less than 97 % of standard proctor density etc. complete( Material obtained from Other sources) 703 Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6 M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50x 50 mm, 8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40 x 40 x 6 mm size, includind excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm. at 1.75 M. c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. Angles at top andbottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size andvertical M.S. flat 35 x 5 mm and25 x 5mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete. 704 Supplying on site fresh Garden soil (free from stones rubbish like dried grass roots, other such materials) for excavation area of depth of 30 cms.( consolidatedthickness).(Asper P&G DSR2022-23Itemsofgardenwork,Sr No.36a) 705 Supplying on site well decomposed FarmYardManureforexcavation areaofdepthof30cms.( consolidatedthickness).(Asper P&G DSR2022-23Itemsofgardenwork,Sr No.36b). 706 Providing on site required variety of Shrubs(freefromweeds/diesease etc.)30cms.apartc/c.Name:- Murraya(Kamini);Bag Size 7 x 8 (plants list) 1(a) serial no 15 707 Excavation for planting lawn/ shrub/ flowerbed/hedges/edges/canna bedinearth,soilofalltypes,soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 mtrs. for a depth of 30 cms.( 708 Fillingfreshgardensoil/silt& manureinexcavatedareaofdepth 30cms.(1/10of unskilled labour)(As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work,Sr No.13) 709 Providing on site well established (free from weeds /diesease etc.) ready to fix lawn turf in slabs/ rolls of required variety as directed .(As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work,Sr No.47) 710 Maintainance of Newly Developed lawn(Instant Lawn) Area. For First 30 days Only (As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items ofgarden work,Sr No.29) 711 Mixinggardensoil/silt&manure thoroughlywell,wateringprevious night. Planting reqired plant species, lawn grass as directed etc. complete for required depth 30 cms. for plantinglawn/shrub/flowerbed/ hedges/edges/cannabed/ground cover. (1/10 of semiskilled labour)(AsperP&GDSR2022-23 Items of garden work,Sr No.23) 712 MaintainanceofNewlyDeveloped ShrubsArea. For First 30 days Only (As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work,Sr No.31) 713 Providing on site required variety of Tree (free from weeds /diesease etc.)30cms.apartc/c.Name:- Bahava;Bag Size 13 x13, ht 6- 8(plants list sr no1,item no 5B) 714 Excavationpitsize0.60x0.60x 0.60m for planting small & medium ornamentalplants/largeflowering/ shadytrees(plantheight1to2 mtr.)/ palm varieties upto height 1 to 2 mtrs. in earth, soil of all types, soft murum, including removing the excavated&unwantedmaterialup toarequireddistanceof50mtrs. (As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work,Sr No.11) 715 Maintainance of Newly Planted tree varities having height 1mtr. -2mtr. For First 30 days Only(AsperP&GDSR2022-23 Items of garden work,Srs No.34) 716 K. Façade & Canopy Work 717 General Notes:Supply & fixing in position at all floors integrated colour SDPC 60-80 microns (as approved by architect) mattfinishedaluminiumworkworkfordoor,window, glazing.louver with extruded built-up standard sections of Jindal/ Gujarat Aluminium or other approved make conforming IS: 733 & IS: 1285 fixingwith mechanicalfastenersofrequiredsize,includingfillingupthe gapsatjunctionsi.e.top,bottom&sideswithrequiredEPDM rubber/neoprene /weather sealantetc.Aluminiumsection shall besmooth,rustfree, straightand jointedmechanically wherever required, including cleat angle, aluminium snap beading for glazing / panelling, stainless steel screws all complete.The Aluminiumconsisting offollowings describedas under:-All fixingshall beconcealed. The finishes of the articles shall be as per architects approval.EPDM / Neoprene purpose made beading shall be provided.Aluminium sections shall be T6 6063 alloyFixing shall be with SS screws.All sections shall be extruded.All beading shall be snap on type.Glazing beading shall be from inside only.Minimum thickness of glass shall be 6mm when not specified.Anti-lifting device and rattlepadBottomrailshallbewithselfdrainingguttersectionunlessnoted otherwise.Rollers as per approved make listConcealed locking arrangement.In louvered windows, extruded sections only shall be used. 718 Allfittingandfixturessuchasleverlocks,handles,hinges, concealed tower bolts, door closer etc. shall be suited to sections andbeofapprovedmake.Theyshallbefinishedinmatching coating or as approved. All casement windows shall have restrictor to restrict the opening of the window.Supplyandfixingofaluminiumworkshallbe carriedoutfrom approved agency. No separate payment shall be made for fittings such as locking arrangement, hinges, friction hinges, fittings and fixtures, gasket, fasteners, silicon restrictor, floor spring, anchors, handles, door closure, door stopper etc, Tenderer are required to consider the cost of all fittings, fixtures, locking arrangement, handles, peg stays, haslets, screws, hinges, fasteners etc while quoting the rate for unit weight of aluminum sections for window / door or even in SqmtPrior to start of work supplier shall submit detailed full scale Shopdrawingsincludingplan,elevationanddetailoffixingwith structural calculation for approval of the EIC. Samples of each item on full scale orsmallerscale asdirectedbythe EIC shallbe submitted for approval.Work shall proceed only on approval of shop drawing, samples of each extruded section, neoprene beading, gaskets, wool pile, fittings and fixtures by the EIC in writing.Elements have to be produced according to the measurement. WIND LOAD =2 Kpa, as verified with IS-875, Part-III 719 Lower Floor Glazing - Wind Pressure 1.7 kpa 720 Curtain wall GlazingDesign, Fabricate, deliver (to job site) and installstructurally glazed system semiunitised glazing. The system to be pressure equalized, ventilated and drained. The mullion and transom should be made of Aluminium Alloy 6063 T6 with a face width of 52 - 65mm.Gap between the transom and mullion surface at the intersection would not be acceptable. The system should have a continuous base transom with suitable continuous EPDM base gasket. The system must be Non-insulated/ thermally insulated(if required as per tender) self-supporting aluminum façade system, with mullion/transom construction for multi-story façades with an internal and external face width of 52-65 mm. The system should accommodate 28mm DGU (6mm Heat strengthened glass + 16mm Airgap + 6mm FT glass) All exposed profiles should be SDPC to a minimum of 60 -80 mircons . All anchor fasteners to be made of SS 304 grade. All shims to be capable of transferring the load evenly and made of a suitable material (GI, Teflon etc) capable of lasting the life span of the system. All miscellaneous items to complete the system and make the system air tight and water tight such as peripheral sealants, backer rods, flashing, fasteners, brackets etc to be included in the rate.Glass:The glass panels to be glazed to an outer support frame with two part structural sealant make double adhesive tape along with application of weather sealant wherever applicable with all approved standard accessories and hardware. The outer frame will be fixed adapted profiles to the main frame. Silicone specifications are highlighted in the specifications manual. (Cost includes System with glass) 721 Ground Floor 722 First Floor 723 Second Floor 724 Third Floor 725 ACP at Spandrel Location4mm ACP FR b1 (0.5mm coil + 3 mm Mineral Core + 0.5mm Alum coil). The rate includes the aluminium runners and cleats with non staining silicon All anchors shall be SS 304. The system which is non visible shall be cromotised (Stone finish as per archiects intent) 726 Backpan Insulation1.2 mm GI sheet + 48kg/m3 insulation glass woolwith black veil 727 Fire Stop Smoke Seal by certified supplierProviding & fixingrock wool (Density:100 kg / m3 min 100mm thk, according to suppliers recommendation) insulation of approved sample / make with intumescent sealant on top of it enclosed by a 2mm thk. G.I. sheet support with SS 316 screws. The system shall have a Z Clip of 100mm of 1.5mm thick at every c/c 300mm to hold the insulation in place . The top layer shall have a layer of Intumescent Sealant as approved by manufacturer .The whole system should be certified by the manufacturerThe whole assembly will have a top GI cover of 2mm 728 Top Hung windows:Providing and fixing top hung openable window, ventilator shutters and partitions or stand aloneetc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . Openable Tophungwindowsincluding operatinghardware and restrictor ofmakeSecuristyle/cotswoldorasapproved byEngineer-in-charge liketwo /fourpointlockingarrangements withhandle, selfbalancingfrictionstay, fasteningkitsrod ends, restrictors wedge at top etc all complete. Contractor to consideraluminium section requiredhardwareincludingfrictionstays,lockingarrangements etc Locking to be specified as per calculation.Size - 1200mm x 1550mm 729 Ground Floor- 81 Nos. 730 First Floor - 95 Nos. 731 Second Floor- 106 Nos. 732 Z LouversProviding and fixing aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminum sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminum snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :Design Engineer fabricate and install the Z louvers as shown thedrawings 221150 , Width - 103.2mm Height - 50.8mm. The louvers shall be extruded Aluminum profile ofT6 6063 grade. The size of the tube which holds the louvers shall be 50mm x 100mm with Min 2mm Thickness. The plate on which holds the louvers shall be 3mm.The brackets required to hold the tube in place shall be of MS HDG 80 microns / or aluminum brackets . All prices like access to install the same shall be added in the price. Finish on louvers and all other aluminum section , platesshall be anodized 20-25microns Third Floor 733 Aluminim Horizontal FinsDesign Engineer fabricate and install the horizontal fins as shown thedrawings. The fins shall havea front extruded Aluminium fin as per arch shape of 6063 T6 grade and to be cladded with ACP.The size of the fins shall be as per concept drawings. The brackets required to hold the Fin in place shall be of MS HDG 80 microns / or aluminium brackets . The whole assembly shall be PVDF 30-40 micron . All prices like access to install the same shall be added in the price. 734 Aluminim Vertical FinsDesign Engineer fabricate and install the vertical fins as shown thedrawings. The fins shall havea front extruded Aluminium fin as per arch shape of 6063 T6 grade and to be cladded with ACP.The size of the fins shall be as per concept drawings. The brackets required to hold the Fin in place shall be of MS HDG 80 microns / or aluminium brackets . The whole assembly shall be PVDF 30-40 micron . All prices like access to install the same shall be added in the price. 735 Coping at top of 3rd Floor4mm ACP FR b1 (0.5mm coil + 3 mm Mineral Core + 0.5mm Alum coil ). The rate includes the aluminium runners and cleats with non staining silicon All anchors shall be SS 304. The system which is non visible shall be cromotised (Stone finish as per archiects intent) 736 Glass Railing at 3rd FloorDesign engineer fabricate and install free standing railing. The glass railing shall be imbeded in aluminium channel which shall be continuous the anchors used shall be 12mm countersunk SS 316 anchors. The railing needs to from a certified supplier.Height 1200mmGlazing laminated Glass: 8mm FT + 1.52mm SGP/DG + 8mm FT 737 Staircase Glazing - Wind pressure 2 kpaSpecification same as Sr. No. 110.01 (System with Vision Glass) 738 First Floor 739 Second Floor 740 Third Floor 741 Fourth Floor 742 Fifth Floor 743 Sixth Floor 744 Seventh Floor 745 Eighth Floor 746 Terrace Floor 747 Glass at Spandrel Location - 8mm FT Glass 748 Backpan Insulation - 1.2 mm GI sheet + 48kg/m3 insulation glass woolwith black veil 749 Fire Stop Smoke Seal by certified supplierProviding & fixingrock wool (Density:100 kg / m3 min 100mm thk, according to suppliers recommendation) insulation of approved sample / make with intumescent sealant on top of it enclosed by a 2mm thk. G.I. sheet support with SS 316 screws . The system shall have a Z Clip of 100mm of 1.5mm thick at every c/c 300mm to hold the insulation in place . The top layer shall have a layer of Intumescent Sealant as approved by manufacturer .The whole system should be certified by the manufacturerThe whole assembly will have a top GI cover of 2mm 750 Top Hung windows: (only system cost)Size - 1500mm x 1000mm 751 First Floor- 8 Nos. 752 Second Floor- 8 Nos. 753 Third Floor- 8 Nos. 754 Fourth Floor- 8 Nos. 755 Fifth Floor- 8 Nos. 756 Sixth Floor- 8 Nos. 757 Seventh Floor- 8 Nos. 758 Eighth Floor- 8 Nos. 759 Aluminim Horizontal FinsDesign Engineer fabricate and install the horizontal fins as shown thedrawings. The fins shall havea front extruded Aluminium fin as per arch shape of 6063 T6 grade. The size of the fins shall be as per concept drawings. The brackets required to hold the Fin in place shall be of MS HDG 80 microns / or aluminium brackets . The whole assembly shall be PVDF 30-40 micron . All prices like access to install the same shall be added in the price. 760 Entrance Glazing - Conventional Curtain wall GlazingDesign, Fabricate, package, deliver (to Job site) and install conventional curtain wall system , comprising of glass as shown in concept drawings (13.52 Laminated Glass- 6mm FT + 1.52 PVB + 6mm FT), The glass panels will be fixed mechanically with the help of pressure plate which will be fixed to the mullion with the help of SS 316 screws and then will be covered with a pressure capwith all approved standard accessories and hardwares. All aluminum extruded profiles shall be confirming to alloy T6 6063. All exposed aluminum profiles shall be anodized 20-25 micronsapproved shade. The curtain wall shall be sealed to the host structure and not adjoining materials with approved water proofing membrane and insulation to prevent sound transmission. The curtainwall glazed system design should be system proof with self draining properties. The System and glass is designed to withstand a wind pressure of 1.7 KPa at all levels, elevation & heights. The anchoring / bracing of the structural glazing to the RCC slab / beams / columns shall be done with non-corrosive hot dipped galvanized brackets of approved design (Galvanizing to be done confirming to IS:4759-1996 upto 610 gms. per sqm. (80-90 micron thickness) and including providing teflon shims of various thickness to adjust the beam level / line variations fixed with SS dash fasteners Hilti / Fischer make of min. 12mm dia. and depth of 50-80mm in the concrete and to withstand the dead load of the curtainwall glazing as well as stresses due to wind pressure etc. 761 Expansion joint gap for mullion shall be minimum 15 to 20mm. All screws used shall be only of stainless steel 316 grade. All bolts, nuts and washers used shall be only of stainless steel 316 Grade. Anchorage: Allow 3 dimensional movement in anchorage (bracket) design to absorb +/- 50mm host structure tolerances. The contractor must design the system as per the prevalent site conditions and building elevation profiles. No extra claims shall be entertained at any stage for aluminum profile wall thickness and size dimensions. Quote in compliance with Concept Drawings and specifications noted herein including erection & removal of scaffolding, cleaning the Facade & testing. Design, fabricate, package, deliver (to Job site) and install Fixed / operable windows comprising 6mm thk SGU glass as specified by the Architect). The contractor shall be follow the conceptual system for rates. The glass panels will be mechanically fixed to the aluminum main frame with aluminum beading from inside and frame shall fixed to steel / concrete with approved standard accessories. All aluminum extruded profiles shall be confirming to alloy 6063 T6. All exposed Aluminum profiles shall be anodized 20-25 Microns. The window shall be sealed to the host structure and not adjoining materials with approved water proofing membrane and Silicon with priming to avoid seepage and water ingress.(Cost includes System with glass)Double Height GlazingGround Floor (Front Elevation) 762 Single Height GlazingGround Floor (Elevation Left & Right) 763 Aluminium Cladding 764 First Floor 765 Extra for MS support 766 Double Leaf Swing DoorsExtra Over above item :Double Leaf swing Doors With 12 mm thick toughened glass with floor spring/ pivot/ Handles of approved make .Cost to include cost of glass Door hande size 600mm on both doors.Door Size - 1800.mm x 2400mm - 8 Nos. 767 CanopiesGlass CanopyDesign, engineer, furnish, fabricate, package, deliver (to Job site) and install 8mm Clear HS+1.52SGP +8mm Clear HS fixed to MS work as shown in the architectural intent,The aluminium profles shall be SDPC 60-80 microns and the MS shall have finih of epoxy + 2 cats of PU paint. The price shall Include the price of peripheral flashings. 768 Entrance 769 Lobby - Left & Right 770 Connecting Building 771 Extra over for MS support 772 Upper Floors- Wind Pressure 2 kpaCasement windowsDesign, fabricate, package, deliver (to Job site) and install Fixed & 2 Side hung windows comprising 28 mm thk DGU glass as specified by the Architect). The contractor shall be follow the conceptual system for rates. The glass panels will be mechanically fixed to the aluminium main frame with alum beading from inside and frame shall fixed to concrete with approved standard accessories. Silicone specifications are highlighted in the specifications manual. All aluminium extruded profiles shall be confirming to alloy 6063 T6. All exposed Aluminium profiles shall be SDPC with 60-80 Microns and shade shall be as per architects approval- AAMA 2605 15 years. The window shall be sealed to the host structure and not adjoining materials with approvedSilicon with priming to avoid seepage and water ingress. Size - 3000mm x 1850mm (Cost includes System with glass) 773 Fourth Floor- 64 Nos. 774 Fifth Floor- 64 Nos. 775 Sixth Floor- 64 Nos. 776 Seventh Floor- 64 Nos. 777 Eighth Floor- 64 Nos. 778 Waiting Lounge GlazingSpecification same as Sr. No.113 (Cost includes System with glass) 779 Fourth Floor 780 Fifth Floor 781 Sixth Floor 782 Seventh Floor 783 Eighth Floor 784 Glass RailingDesign engineer fabricate and install free standing railing. The glass railing shall be imbeded in aluminium channel which shall be continuous the anchors used shall be 12mm countersunk SS 316 anchors. The railing needs to from a certified supplier.Height 1200mmGlazing laminated Glass: 8mm FT + 1.52mm SGP/DG + 8mm FT 785 Fourth Floor 786 Fifth Floor 787 Sixth Floor 788 Seventh Floor 789 Eighth Floor 790 Ramp Glazing - Specification same as Sr. No.110.01 (Cost includes System with glass)System with Glass 791 Louvers at MLCPDesign, Fabrication, Supply, Installation, Protection, Cleaning & Handover of Aluminium louver screen with open joint system custom designed to withstand the design wind pressure confirming to IS-875 part III. The system shall be designed to accommodate aluminium tube of of size 50x100x3 mm thk. c/c 50mm as per drawings in open joint system using S.S. rods /pipe, anchor fasteners of approved make and as per structural requirement.The quote rate shall include all design, engineering & shop drawing approval from architect & consultant, mock-ups, smaple submission, handling of all mateirals (loading, unloading, shifting, etc). The quote rate shall include all Taxes, duties, statutory obligations and safety code compliance as per Industrial standards. 792 The Total value of Schedule4

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 50000 /-
INR 20105000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 402.08 Crore /-
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