
Tender For Construction Of Panchayat Office Building At Ulagalampoondi Panchayat., vikravandi-Tamil Nadu

Rural Development And Panchayats Department has published Tender For Construction Of Panchayat Office Building At Ulagalampoondi Panchayat.. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in vikravandi Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Panchayat Office Building At Ulagalampoondi Panchayat.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Panchayat Office Building At Ulagalampoondi Panchayat.; 1 Construction of Panchayat Office Building @ Ulagalampoondi panchayat 2 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 3 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 4 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 5 Refilling the approved good quality earth in plinths, area development etc. wherever specified in layers is not exceeding 200 mm thick, with available earth at site. 6 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 7 Below Ground Level 8 Column post 9 Roof Slab, Lintel 10 Sunshade 11 R.C.C 1:1.5:3 using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor or roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls , sides and bottom of the slabs, beams etc., shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick. and with kraft paper without claiming extra as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specifications. 12 Foundation & Basement 13 Ground Floor 14 Steel - Fe 500 D: Supply, fabrication and placing of reinforcement steel of high yield strength ribbed bars of various diameters and grade conforming to IS 1786 for reinforced concrete work. The work includes recoiling, straightening, cutting, bending, fabricating, and placing in position, at all levels including lead and lift, according to drawings, specifications etc. complete and supply & use of 18G black annealed binding wire double fold to tie the bars in position and providing precast cement/ PVC cover blocks for main reinforcement to ensure specified cover and complete., including all labor charges etc as directed by departmental officers 15 Brick work in following Cement Mortar 1:5 using best quality II class table moulded bricks 83/4 x 41/4 X23/4 for foundation and basement including curing etc.,complete complying with standard specification.including scaffolding curing cost of reinforcement etc.all complete as per specifications and drawings as directed by the Engineer in-charge. 16 Foundation basement 17 Ground floor 18 Providing & applying 12 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:5 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls internally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level including chicken wire mesh at all joints of brick and concrete surfaces with minimum overlap of 150 mm in all directions, scaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 19 Providing & applying 20 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:4 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls externally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level includingscaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 20 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 using 10 to 12 mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top 21 Supplying and fixing in position best EUROPEAN WATER CLOSET of approved quality With P or S trap with double flapped seat and seat cover with brass hinges and 10 litre capacity PVC low level flushing tank with all internal fittings 22 Supplying and fixing in position best white glazed earthenware Oriya type INDIAN WATER CLOSET of approved quality of size 584mm with P or S trap and embedding the closet with trap to shape in position with 40mm brick jelly concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, two sand and five brick jelly) and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving connection to the C.I. soil stacks by dismantling the masonry floor or RCC works and redoing the same to the original condition without any leakage etc., complete as directed by the departmental officers.( The water closet should be got approved by the Executive engineer before use on work ) 23 Supplying and fixing in position best hand wash basin of size 550mm X 400mm with all accessories such as cast iron brackets ,32mm dia CP waste coupling , rubber plug and chain 32mm dia B class GI waste pipe 15mm dia GM wheel valve ,15mm Nylon connection 15mm dia brass nipples ,15mm C.P pillar tap etc., 24 Supplying and fixing P.V.C. ventilating shaft of 110mm dia and 3m height of best approved quality and as per standard specifications. 25 a)110mm dia pvc vent cowl 26 Casting and Fixing RCC Pre Cast slab-50 mm tk in CC 1:2:4 using 20 mm HBGS excluding cost of Reinforcement grill inposition including moulding curing and finishing etc; completecomplying with standard specifications. 27 Supplying and fixingP.V.C rainwater down fall pipe of 110mm dia with necessary shoes, bends,& clamps etc 28 Paving the floor with scratch proof ceramic tiles of any colour and any size laid in CM 1:2, 20mm thick. And pointing with white cement 0.4 Kg per sqm mixed with colouring pigment to siut the colour of the tiles including finishing the joints neatly complying with the standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 29 Dadooing walls withGlazed tiles of sizes 150mm X150mm X 6mm size of approved make and quality and colour lSet in cement mortar 1:2 (one cement ,two sand) over 10 mm base layer plastering and pointing with white cement neatly as directed. 30 Weathering course with best quality broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be listed) over the RCC roof slab in the proposition being brickjelly to lime 32:12:1/2 by volume and laid over into a single layer and consolidated to required finished thickness beating the mixture with wooden beaters keeping the surface constantly welted by sprinkling lime jaggery water including all other labour charges etc., complete 31 Finishing the top of the roof with one course of Machine PressedTiles of size 20 cm x 2 cm of approved quality laid in CEMENT MORTAR 1:3(One cement and three sand) 12 mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS by 2% weight of cement used and the joint pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same water proofing compound mixed with cement mortar,red oxide, etc., complete complying with standard specification 32 Supply and Fixing of Cudappah slab including cost and all labour chrges etc. 33 Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square rods spaced at 150mm centre to centre so that the two balustrades in each step shall be placed centrally and the top of balustrades connected with the hand rails (cost of hand rail shall be measured and paid separately) by means of MS flats of size 40mm x 6mm in the groove 40mm x 6mm provided at the bottom of hand rail; the bottom of balustrades shall be fixed on to the top of step concrete.An additional MS flat of size 50mm x 6mm shall be provided at the centre of balustrades connecting all square rods to the entire length including cost of square rods, flat and applying one coat of red oxide primer to the iron surfaces, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 34 Distempering two coats with best approved cement paintincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete 35 Supplying and painting the walls with one coat of wall primer and two coats of Exterior emulsion (apex or equivalent) as instructed by the departmental officers including preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specifications (The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approve 36 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.) 37 Fabrication and supply of mild steel Door of any size with single leaf outer frame made of 35x35x5 mm equal M.S angle and shutter framemade of 25x25x5 mm M.S angle for horizontal and vertical member with stiffener and fully covered with 18 G plate etc complete. 38 Door size 1.10m x 2.10 m 39 Door size0.75m x 2.10 m 40 Door size 0.9m x 2.10 m Phy chall toilet 41 Door size 1.50m x 2.10 m 42 Grill Gate 1.50 x 2.10 m 43 Rolling Shutters 1.20x2.10 44 Window size 1.20m x 1.30m 45 Towards supply and delivery ofrcc jolly specification. 46 Towards Labour Charges for fixing in position of steel Door including cost and conveyance ofall materials to work site and labor charges etc complete. 47 Towards Labour Charges for fixing in position of steel Window,Weldmesh& Glassed Ventilator including cost and conveyance ofall materials to work site and labor charges etc complete. 48 Wiring 2 x 1.5 sq.mm (22/0.30)PVC insulated unsheathed SC.cu.conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box with in flush with wall covered with hylem sheet of 3 mm thick with painting of suitable colour for concealedPVC light/ fan point (SD No.25) 49 Supply and fixing of4-18WLED tube with fitting inclusive of all charges 50 Wiring 2 x 1.5 sq.mm (22/0.30)PVC insulated unsheathedSC.cu. conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box with in flush with wall covered with hylem sheet of 3 mm thick with painting of suitable colour for concealedPVC plug point (SD No.38) 5 pin plug point 51 supply and fixing of 1200mm sweep AC ceiling fan complete with stepped electronic regulator with 300mm down rod on the existing clamp SD 106 52 Supply and fixing of water tight Bulk Head fitting with guard (Philips / Bajaj / Crompton / Klite) suitable for incandencent lamp and 60W bulb (SD N0.83) 53 Supply and fixing of TNEB meter Board suitable for 32A Single Phase service connection with 32A Fuse unit (500V) 32A neutral link and earth link (1 x 1/8 Copper flat) on TW plank of size 375mm x 300mm x 19mm with supporting TW reepers of 1 thick an either side with painting with suitable bolt and nuts for fixing the TW plank on wall with earth connection and inter connection with 7/20 PVC insulated copper wire from EB meter to fuse unit. (SD No. 125) 54 Supply and run of 2 of 4.0 sq.mm polythene insulated PVC sheathed heavy duty SC.Copper conductorof 1100 V grade on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains [SD NO.70] 55 Supply and run of 2x4 sqmm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100V grade in 25mm dia GI pipe (Class B) suitably bent at both ends with necessary angle iron upright and end supports for mains SD 70 56 Supp;y and fixing of 5A/15A 3 pin combined flush type wall socket wilth 15A flush type switch to suitable TW Box 57 SD 124 58 SD 125 59 Provision for Name board charges 60 Provision for Photographic charges 61 Provision for Soak pit arrangements all charges 62 Rainwater Harvesting Structure 63 Provison for water supply arrangements 64 Provision for Hand rail stainless steel 65 Providing Mini Power Pump near Panchayat office Building in Ulagalampoondi Pt. 66 Cost of Geophysical Investigation Charges 67 Cost of 150mm dia PVC Casing pipe. 68 150mm dia End cap 69 Drilling Of Hard Rock Borewells including Transporation in bore well 140/150 mm dia including Cost and Conveyance Etc 70 Supply and Delivery of Single phase submersible motor with15 lpmx100mheadCapacity as per IS 8034 / 2002 specification with ISI mark including Transportation charges etc, Complete. 71 Supply and Delivery of HDPE Tank of 1000 Litres Capacity as per IS specification with ISI mark including Transportation charges etc, Complete. 72 Supply and Delivery of MS KIOSK of size 0.75 x 0.745 x 0.75 m using 16 guage thick alround coverMS sheet with 50 x 50 x 4 mm steel angles for fixing of meter board,switch board with MS door, lock and key including painting etc, complete. 73 Supply and Delivery ofSingle phase 1.0 HP Panel board with two level guard and auto start for above pumpset with all accessories as per IE rules with IE Specifications etc, complete. 74 Supply and Delivery of2.5 sqmm PVC insulated and PVC shearthed 3 core flat type copper cable confirming to IS 694/1990 with ISI mark.Panel board suitable for above pumpset with all accessories as per IE rules with IE Specifications etc, complete. 75 Supply and Delivery of 3.0m long32 mm UPVC Column pipe specials as per WD-MOO49 with part I of 3.0m long 76 Supply and Delivery of32 mm dia GI couplingheavy. 77 Supply and Delivery of32 mm dia GI Elbowheavy. 78 Supply and Delivery of32 mm dia Flange setwith rubber sheets, bolt and nuts. 79 Supply and Delivery of32 mm dia GM Gate valves as per specification. 80 Supply and Delivery of32 mm dia MS Clamp set with, bolt and nuts. 81 Supply and Delivery of GI Pipe 25 mm dia heavy for EB service connection and tank scour. 82 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Pipe heavy as per specification. 83 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Couplingheavy as per specification. 84 Supply and Delivery of25 mm dia GI Elbow heavy as per specification. 85 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Elbowheavy as per specification. 86 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Nippleheavy as per specification. 87 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Tapas per specification. 88 Twin earthing as per IE rules including cost of 25 mm GI pipes etc, complete. 89 Teakwood board for fixing meter and Panal board, (12 x 83 ) 90 32 Amps, 500V Poecelain fuse Unit 91 7/20 Copper wire 92 15 W LED bulb with holder. 93 15 Amps switch 94 Arial board ( 20 x 15 cm ) 95 Labour charges for Erection of Submersible pump set in deep borewell including connection of submersible pump set with submersible cable and GI pipesand specials with all incidental chares etc, complete. 96 EB Service connection charges 97 Name board charges 98 Photographic charges 99 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 33350.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 33.35 Lakhs /-
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