Tender For Providing Viarav And I Block.; 1 Construction of Pump room-1 @ Chinna Eri in Ulagalampoondi pt 2 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 3 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 4 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 5 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 6 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 7 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 8 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 9 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 10 Finishing the exposed surface of RCC items of work with cement morter 1:3 (one cement and three sand) 10 mm. Thick in all flooring including racking the surfacre and all labour charges etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 11 Plastering with cement morter 1:4 (one cement and four sand) 20 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 12 Providing granolethic floor finish in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 10-12mm ISS metal to 50 mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing, laying, curing etc complete for 10 cum 13 Painting two coats over new iron works using ready mixed enamel paint including cost and conveyance of paint and all labour charges etc complete 14 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 15 Cost and Supplyof steel door of size 1.00 x 2.00m 16 Provision for Name board charges 17 Provision for Photographic charges 18 Construction of Pump room-2 @ Chinna Eri in Ulagalampoondi pt 19 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 20 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 21 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 22 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 23 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 24 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 25 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 26 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 27 Finishing the exposed surface of RCC items of work with cement morter 1:3 (one cement and three sand) 10 mm. Thick in all flooring including racking the surfacre and all labour charges etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 28 Plastering with cement morter 1:4 (one cement and four sand) 20 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 29 Providing granolethic floor finish in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 10-12mm ISS metal to 50 mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing, laying, curing etc complete for 10 cum 30 Painting two coats over new iron works using ready mixed enamel paint including cost and conveyance of paint and all labour charges etc complete 31 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 32 Cost and Supplyof steel door of size 1.00 x 2.00m 33 Provision for Name board charges 34 Provision for Photographic charges 35 Providing Motor, Bore well and RCC Tank @ Old Colony in ulagalampoondi pt. 36 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 37 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 38 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 39 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 40 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 41 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 42 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 43 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 44 Paving the Floor with Best Quality Anti SkidTiles of any approved colour and size 300 mm x 300 mmx 8 mm shape and quality laid in CementMortor 1 : 2 to 20 mm thick in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 45 Dadooing Walls with Colour Designed Ceramic Glazed Tiles of size300 mm x 200 m x 6 mmof any shape and quality laid cement mortor 1 : 2over 10 mm base layer in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 46 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 47 Towards cost for fixing of RCC Man hole cover slab 48 Providing soak pit arrangements 49 Bore well 50 Cost of Geophysical Investigation Charges 51 Cost of150mm dia PVC Casing pipe. 52 Drilling of borewellin Hard rock area anywhere in Tamilnadu including using rotary rig , fuel, labour, drilling, betonite mud and water required for drilling at the site.Site will be shown by the Departmental officers officers icluding construction of mud pit using rotary rigare to be used. up to 60.00 m depth 53 Up to 150m from GL 54 Construction of 0.75 x 0.45 x 1.0m size Pedstal in Brick work for KIOSK including cost and coveyance of all materials and labour charges as per standard specifications. 55 Supply and Delivery of MS KIOSK of size 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.45 m using 16 guage thick MS sheet with 40 x 40 x 6 mm steel angles for fixing of meter board,switch board with MS door, lock and key including painting etc, complete. 56 Supply and Delivery of Wet type submercible motor of 1.50 HP with 15lpmx 125mheadCapacity as per IS specification with ISI mark including Transportation charges etc, Complete. 57 Cost and supply of1.50 HP three phase Panel board with two level guard and auto start as directed by the departmental officers etc, complete 58 Cost and supply of 2.50sqmm flat type three core copper cable. 59 32 mm dia UPVC Column pipe 60 32 mm dia B class GI pipe 61 32 mm dia GI Coupling 62 32 mm dia GI Elbow 63 32 mm dia GI flange set 64 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Tapas per specification. 65 Supply and Delivery of160 mm dia borewell cover as per specification. 66 Supply and Delivery ofNylon rope etc. 67 32mm MS Clamp set 68 32 Amps Porcelain fuse unit (500 V) 69 Wodden board 70 7/20 Cu Cable 71 32 mm dia Non return Gate valve 72 32mm diaGate valve 73 25mm dia GI pipe for service connection 74 Erection of pumpset 75 Cost of Labour charge for Plumbing works, etc complete. 76 Cost of Labour charge for Internal wiring including cost of PVC pipes and bends to the Mini power pump and EB post to Kiosk etc, complete. 77 EB Service Connection Charges 78 Provision for Name board charges 79 Provision for Photographic charges 80 Providing Motor, Bore well and RCC Tank @ Near Waiting Shed in Ulagalampoondi pt. 81 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 82 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 83 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 84 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 85 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 86 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 87 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 88 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 89 Paving the Floor with Best Quality Anti SkidTiles of any approved colour and size 300 mm x 300 mmx 8 mm shape and quality laid in CementMortor 1 : 2 to 20 mm thick in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 90 Dadooing Walls with Colour Designed Ceramic Glazed Tiles of size300 mm x 200 m x 6 mmof any shape and quality laid cement mortor 1 : 2over 10 mm base layer in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 91 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 92 Towards cost for fixing of RCC Man hole cover slab 93 Providing soak pit arrangements 94 Bore well 95 Cost of Geophysical Investigation Charges 96 Cost of150mm dia PVC Casing pipe. 97 Drilling of borewellin Hard rock area anywhere in Tamilnadu including using rotary rig , fuel, labour, drilling, betonite mud and water required for drilling at the site.Site will be shown by the Departmental officers officers icluding construction of mud pit using rotary rigare to be used. up to 60.00 m depth 98 Up to 150m from GL 99 Construction of 0.75 x 0.45 x 1.0m size Pedstal in Brick work for KIOSK including cost and coveyance of all materials and labour charges as per standard specifications. 100 Supply and Delivery of MS KIOSK of size 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.45 m using 16 guage thick MS sheet with 40 x 40 x 6 mm steel angles for fixing of meter board,switch board with MS door, lock and key including painting etc, complete. 101 Supply and Delivery of Wet type submercible motor of 1.50 HP with 15lpmx 125mheadCapacity as per IS specification with ISI mark including Transportation charges etc, Complete. 102 Cost and supply of1.50 HP three phase Panel board with two level guard and auto start as directed by the departmental officers etc, complete 103 Cost and supply of 2.50sqmm flat type three core copper cable. 104 32 mm dia UPVC Column pipe 105 32 mm dia B class GI pipe 106 32 mm dia GI Coupling 107 32 mm dia GI Elbow 108 32 mm dia GI flange set 109 Supply and Delivery of20 mm dia GI Tapas per specification. 110 Supply and Delivery of160 mm dia borewell cover as per specification. 111 Supply and Delivery ofNylon rope etc. 112 32mm MS Clamp set 113 32 Amps Porcelain fuse unit (500 V) 114 Wodden board 115 7/20 Cu Cable 116 32 mm dia Non return Gate valve 117 32mm diaGate valve 118 25mm dia GI pipe for service connection 119 Erection of pumpset 120 Cost of Labour charge for Plumbing works, etc complete. 121 Cost of Labour charge for Internal wiring including cost of PVC pipes and bends to the Mini power pump and EB post to Kiosk etc, complete. 122 EB Service Connection Charges 123 Provision for Name board charges 124 Provision for Photographic charges 125 Construction of Waiting Shed @ Ulagalampoondi Pt. 126 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 127 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling Gravel in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 128 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 129 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 130 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 131 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 132 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 133 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 134 Terrace flooring with one course of pressed tiles size of 20 x 20 x 2cm using CM1:3 mixed with crude oil 10% by weight of cement and pointed with cement mortor 1:3 etc., complete 135 Paving the floor with best quality Vertified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mmof approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone M.Sand) 20mm thick in all floors and the top pointed with the white cement mixed same colour pigments etc., complete complying with standard specification.(The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works) 136 Ceiling Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mixto 10 mm thick for R.C.C. Items including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete 137 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 138 Distempering two coat with priming coat and two coat with OIL BOUND Distemper over Cement plastered surface, ceiling and other new surface including cleaning preparing the surface etc, complete. Rate for 10.00Sqm. 139 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 140 Provision for Name Board & photographics charges etc. 141 Construction of Compound wall @ Colony BG in Ulagalampoondi Pt. 142 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 143 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 144 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 145 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 146 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 147 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 148 Plastering with cement morter 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12 mm thick in all floors including mixing morter, Working in all heights curing watering with all leads and lift for good water etc., Complete complying with standard specification. 149 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 150 Provision for Name Boardcharges etc. 151 Provision forphotographics charges etc. 152 Providing Fencing arrangements @ OHT in Ulagalampoondi Pt.(Kulakkarai, Colony Mariyamman koil, Village Mariyamman koil, Near IWSC - 4Nos) 153 Clearing the scrub jungle including all other labour charges etc 154 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 155 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 156 Brick work in C:M 1:5 (one cement and five sand)using country bricks of size 23x11x7cmsfor the following including mixing mortar and otherlabour chargesetc complete. 157 Cement Concrete 1 : 2 :4 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 20 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 158 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 159 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3(one cement two sand and three metal)broken stone jusing 20mm HBG metal for RCC works including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor of Roof Wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls side and bottom of slab. Beams etc., as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. 160 Supplying fabricating and placing in position mild steel or ribbed for steel including cos of steel and binding wire in all floors etc complete. 161 Painting Two coat approved Exterior emulsionover the plastered surface including cost and all other charges etc., 162 Supply and fixing of weld mesh 10x10 cm 10 gauge for alround Fencing 163 Labour charges for fixing weld mesh 164 Provision for Name Boardcharges etc. 165 Provision forphotographics charges etc. 166 Provision for Steel Door 167 BaLA painting 168 Magnetic Green fibre Boardi 169 Display Notice board 170 Shoe rack 171 Windows Acrylic Sheet 6mm thick At Bottom portion of Steel window of size300mmx 1200mm( 6 Nos) 172 SS Hand Rail 173 Rainwater Harvesting Structure 174 Tactile /Braille Sign Board 175 Quality control and soil test charges 176 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}