25 Proposed Repair Work Of 2 Rooms Z P School Nangaremala(Atpadi), Tal Atpadi - Removing doors and windows with frames and stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts excetra complete.Item / Page No : 15 / 296Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 2 Removing cement tiles, or marble or polished shahabad floor or dado without bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts excetra complete.Item / Page No : 19 / 297Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 3 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix, cement concrete in M-10 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailling out water, formwork, laying/ pumping, compacting and curing, excetra complete, with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed, excetra) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 1 / 175Specification No : Bd.E.1Spec. Page No : 287-288Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 4 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional / Indian Standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 superstructure including striking joints, racking out joints, watering and scaffolding, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 5 / 197Specification No : Bd.G.5Spec. Page No : 315Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 5 Providing internal cement plaster 20 milimetre thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete, brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 7 / 209Specification No : Bd.L.4Spec. Page No : 368Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 6 Providing and laying vitrified matt finish tiles of having size 590 milimetre to 605 milimetre X to 605 milimetre of 8 milimetre to 10 milimetre thickness and confirming to Indian Standard 15622-2006 (Group BIa) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 42 / 217Specification No : Bd.M.12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 7 Providing sills of granite 20 milimetre to 25 milimetre thick, on a bed of cement mortar 1:4 including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing, rounding edges, cleaning complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 22 / 215Specification No : Bd.M-31Spec. Page No : 393Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 8 Providing and fixing frame with / without ventilator of size as specified with non teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating holdfast of size 300 milimetre X 40 milimetre X 5 milimetre with oil painting, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 2 / 245Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 9 Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 milimetre thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings, approved face veneers 3 milimetre thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beeds, moulding and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, chromium plated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides and finishing with french polish, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 9 / 246Specification No : Bd.T.34Spec. Page No : 499 10 Providing and fixing in position (as per Indian Standard : 1868/1982) aluminium sliding window of two tracks with rectangular pipe having overall dimentsions 63.50 milimetre X 38.10 milimetre X 1.02 milimetre at weight 0.547 kilogram per running metre and window frame bottom track section 61.85 milimetre X 31.75 milimetre X 1.20 milimetre at weight 0.695 kilogram per running metre. Top and side track section 61.85 milimetre X 31.75 milimetre X 1.30 milimetre at weight 0.659 kilogram per running metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre. Interlocking secion 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.10 milimetre at weight 0.469 kilogram per running metre and handle section 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre and top section 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre as per detailed drawing and as directed by Engineer in-charge with all necessary aluminium sections, fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 milimetre thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts excetra complete. - With powder coating without box. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 40 / 252Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 11 Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators, excetra 15 kilogram per square metre as per drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 2 / 264Specification No : Bd.U.1Spec. Page No : 537 12 Providing and laying damp proof course 50 milimetre thick in M-20 cement concrete layer and bitumen / using cement with waterproofing compound curing, formwork, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 1 / 205Specification No : Bd.J.2Spec. Page No : 355Additional Specifications : 1. With addtional specifiactions for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 13 Providing and applying water proofing treatment using acrylic polymer modified cement based water proofing coating with fiber glass mesh mixing at the rate of powder to liquid (2:1) by weight covering 9 to 10 square metre per kilogram with two coats Using approved chemicals for masonry and concrete surface by brush, covering seven years gaurantee on stamp paper, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 9 / 206Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 14 Providing and applying interior wall finish luster of approved make on internal wall surface as detailed below scrapping the surface with emery paper and wipe clean wall primer with brush with mineral turpentine with brush 8 to 10 percent and oil 15 to 20 percent with roller and allowing to dry for a period 6 to 8 hours. wall putty with appropriate proportion of water allowing to dry for period 4 to 6 hours.Scrapping withemery paper 180 and wipe clean. Applying wall primer with brush with mineral turpentine 8 to 10 percent and oil 15 to 20 percent with roller. Scrapping emery paper 320 and wipe clean,interior wall finish luster first coat with brush/ rubber/ spray with mineral turpentine 7 to 9 percent and Oil with roller 19 to 21 percent. After 8 hours of activity, applying second coat or wall finish Lustre with mineral turpentine 7 to 9 percent with brush and Oil with roller 19 to 21 percent after allowing dry for the period of 6 to 8 hours activity.(With prior approval of S.E.) (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 20 / 228Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 15 Providing and applying two coats of exterior acraylic emulsion paint confirming to corresponding Indian Standard of approved manufacturer and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning, preparing the plaster surfaces, applying primer coat, scaffolding, if necessary and watering the surface for two days, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 25 / 225Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 16 Providing and fixing crimped wire galvanised iron mesh of size 20 milimetre X 20 milimetre, 10 gauge to iron angle frame including welding crimp mesh to angle frame and steel flat, fixing the frame in its origional position and oil painting, excetra complete. (Excluding cost structural steel) (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 21 / 295Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 17 Providing and fixing 50 milimetre diameter and 1.5 milimetre thick stainless steel hand railing in stainless steel 304 grade including fabricating, fixtures, errecting, necessary welding, grinding, finishing, buffing to stainless steel pipe, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 111 / 379Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 18 Providing and fixing board displaying information, such as Name of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc, having rectangular shape of 1.20 metre X 0.90 metre size made out 18 gauge (1.25 milimetre) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on back side and border / messages / symbols excetra with approved colour shade paint complete, on M.S.angle of size 35 milimetre X 35 milimetre X 3 milimetre frame with properly cross braced mild steel angles of size 35 milimetre X 35 milimetre X 3 milimetre duly painted including two mild steel angle iron posts of size 65 milimetre X 65 milimetre X 6 milimetre, 3.65 metre long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 centimetre width including all fixtures excetraand fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60 centimetre X 60 centimetre X 75 centimetre including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. number As directed by Engineer in ChargeItem / Page No : 36 / 60Specification No : MoRTH-801Spec. Page No : ---Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 19 Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete rubber mould glossy paving blocks of 60 milimetre thickness of having a strength of 400 kilogram per square centimetre of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 milimetre to 30 milimetre thick including striking joints and cleaning excetra complete.(using 100 per cent crushed sand), excetra complete.Item / Page No : 53 / 219Specification No : Bd.M-12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge.