Tender For Constructing Grampanchayat Karayalay at Pimpari Pa Taluka Barshi - Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 metre beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting excetra complete. - (Lift upto 1.5 metre) By Mechanical MeansItem / Page No : 2 / 153Specification No : Bd.A.1Spec. Page No : 259 2 Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metre beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting excetra complete. (Lift upto 1.5 metre) By Mechanical MeansItem / Page No : 6 / 153Specification No : Bd.A.2Spec. Page No : 259 3 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix, cement concrete in M-10 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailling out water, formwork, laying/ pumping, compacting and curing, excetra complete, with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed, excetra) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 1 / 175Specification No : Bd.E.1Spec. Page No : 287-288Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 4 Providing and laying in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete work in foundations like raft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of reinforced cement concrete columns and steel stanchions, excetra including bailling out water, formwork, cover blocks, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel), excetra complete, with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 11 / 178Specification No : Bd.F.3,B-7Spec. Page No : 298,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 5 Providing and laying cast in situ / Ready Mix cement conrete M-20 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed, including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks,aying/pumping, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing, excetra complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete.with fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 31 / 179Specification No : Bd.F.5,B-7Spec. Page No : 300,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 6 Providing and laying cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete beams and lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks,laying/pumping, compaction and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 50 / 181Specification No : Bd.F.6,B-7Spec. Page No : 300-301,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 7 Providing and laying cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap metal for reinforced cement concrete chajja as per detailed design and drawings including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compacting, finishing and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate of natural sand/V.S.I. quality Artificial Sand (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 5 / 184Specification No : BDF-9,B-7Spec. Page No : 303-304,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 8 Providing and laying cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite / quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete slabs and landings as per detailed designs and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks,laying / pumping, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing, excetra complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 70 / 182Specification No : Bd.F.8,B-7Spec. Page No : 302-303,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 9 Providing and laying cast in situ / Ready Mix Cement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete pardi of required thickness including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compacting, finishing and roughening them if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement, including cover block) Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin excetra with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 17 / 185Specification No : Bd.F.11,B-7Spec. Page No : 304,38-40Additional Specifications : 1. With additional specifications for controlled concrete.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 10 Providing and fixing in position thermo mechnically treated FE-500 steel bar reinforcement of various dias for reinforced cement concrete pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardis, copings, fins, arches, excetra as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting, bendding, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as requied complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 33 / 188Specification No : Bd.F.17Spec. Page No : 306 11 Providing second class burnt brick masonry with conventional / Indian Standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in foundations and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailling out water manually, striking joints, on unexposed faces, racking out joints on exposed faces and watering, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 1 / 197Specification No : Bd.G.1Spec. Page No : 313Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 12 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional / Indian Standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 superstructure including striking joints, racking out joints, watering and scaffolding, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 5 / 197Specification No : Bd.G.5Spec. Page No : 315Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 13 Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated materials in 15 centimetre to 20 centimetre layers including watering and compacting, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 36 / 157Specification No : Bd.A.10Spec. Page No : 262-263 14 Filling in plinth and floors with contractors material / brought from outside and approved by Engineer In-Charge, in 15 centimetre to 20 centimetre layers including watering and compaction, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 37 / 157Specification No : Bd.A.11Spec. Page No : 263-264 15 Providing internal cement plaster 6 milimetre thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete surface in all positions including scaffolding and curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 1 / 209Specification No : Bd.L.1Spec. Page No : 367Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 16 Providing internal cement plaster 12 milimetre thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 4 / 209Specification No : Bd.L.2Spec. Page No : 368Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 17 Providing internal cement plaster 20 milimetre thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete, brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 7 / 209Specification No : Bd.L.4Spec. Page No : 368Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 18 Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators, excetra 15 kilogram per square metre as per drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 2 / 264Specification No : Bd.U.1Spec. Page No : 537 19 Providing and laying telephone black / amba white / cadbury brown / RBI red / ocean brown granite stone of 18 milimetre to 20 milimetre thick for door frame / dado / window boxing, excetra on cement mortar 1:6 including filling joints with polymer base filler, nosing the sharp edges wherever necessary, curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 68 / 220Additional Specifications : 1. The work shall be carried out as per the sample approved by the Engineer in-charge and kept in the office of the Executive Engineer.2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 20 Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter commercial in single leaf 32 milimetre thick without ventilator commercial type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings, with wrought iron hold fast, stainless steel fixtures and fastenings and handles on both sides and finishing with oil painting three coats, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 10 / 246Specification No : Bd.T.36Spec. Page No : 500 21 Providing and fixing 30 milimetre thick both side prelaminated solid panel polyvinyl chloride door shutter consisting of frame made out of mild steel tube of 19 gauge thickness and size 19 milimetre X 19 milimetre for styles and 15 milimetre X 15 milimetre for top and bottom rails, mild steel frame shall have a coat of metel primer of approved make and manufacture. Mild steel frame shall be covered with heat mouled polyvinyl chloride C channel made from 5 milimetre (+/0.25) thick prelaminated sheet of density 600 kilogram per cubic metre, of size 30 milimetre thickness 70 milimetre width out of which 50 milimetre shall be flat and 20 milimetre shall be tapered in 45 degree angle on either side forming stiles; and 5 milimetre thick, 95 milimetre wide polyvinyl chloride sheet out of which 75 milimetre shall be flat and 20 milimetre shall be tapered in 45 degree on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115 milimetre wide polyvinyl chloride sheet out of which 75 milimetre shall be flat and 20 milimetre shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail. Top, bottom and lock rail shall be provided either side of the panel. An additional 5 milimetre (+/0.25) thick polyvinyl chloride strip of 20 milimetre width is to be stuck on the bottom side of the C channel prelaminated paneling of 5 milimetre (+/0.25) thick polyvinyl chloride sheet to be fitted inside the mild steel frame welded / sealed to the styles and rails with 5 milimetre (+/0.25) X 30 milimetre polyvinyl chloride sheet beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive, excetra 10 milimetre thickness (5 milimetre (+/0.25) X 2 numbers) 20 milimetre wide cross polyvinyl chloride sheet as gap insert for the rail and bottom rail. Door to be fixed to frames with 3 numbers mild steel powder coated butt hinges of size 100 milimetre X 25 milimetre X 2 milimetre using 32 milimetre long steel screws drilled suitable to pass through both the walls of the mild steel tube. Other hardwares should be fixed with 19 milimetre X 6 milimetre size steel screws including fixture fasting. Complete as per direction of Engineer in-charge. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 47 / 255Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 22 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590 milimetre to 605 milimetre X 590 milimetre to 605 milimetre of 8 milimetre to 10 milimetre thickness and confirming to Indian Standard 15622-2006 (Group BIa) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 40 / 217Specification No : Bd.M.12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 23 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 milimetre to 605 milimetre X 590 milimetre to 605 milimetre of 8 milimetre to 10 milimetre thickness and confirming to Indian Standard 15622-2006 (Group BIa) of approved make, shade and pattern for dado and skirting in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 41 / 217Specification No : Bd.M.12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 24 Providing and laying matt finish ceramic tiles of having sizes 30 centimetre X 30 centimetre and confirming to Indian Standard 15622 : 2006 (Group DII-A) and 7 milimetre to 8 milimetre thick for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with white / colour cement slurry, cleaning, curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 24 / 215Specification No : Bd.M.12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 25 Providing and laying ceramic tiles of having sizes 30 centimetre X 30 centimetre and confirming to corrosponding Indian standared for dado and skirting in required position with ready made adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white / colour cement slurry, cleanding, curing, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 25 / 215Specification No : Bd.M.13Spec. Page No : 386Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 26 Providing and fixing 40 milimetre diameter and 1.5 milimetre thick stainless steel hand railing in stainless steel 304 grade including fabricating, fixtures, errecting, necessary welding, grinding, finishing, buffing to stainless steel pipe, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 6 / 264Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 27 Providing and applying white wash in two coats on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and asbetos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 3 / 227Specification No : Bd.P.1Spec. Page No : 411 28 Providing and applying two coats of waterproof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surfaces, watering for two days, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 13 / 224Specification No : Bd.O.8Spec. Page No : 406 29 Provoding and fixing high density polyethylen container one piece moulded water tank made out of high density polyethylen and built corrugated inclusive of delivery upto destination housting, fixing of accessaries such as inlet, outlet, overflow pipe inclusive of all Taxes. Capacity between 200 litres to 1000 litres. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 53 / 280Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 30 Providing and fixing in position (as per Indian Standard : 1868/1982) aluminium sliding window of two tracks with rectangular pipe having overall dimentsions 63.50 milimetre X 38.10 milimetre X 1.02 milimetre at weight 0.547 kilogram per running metre and window frame bottom track section 61.85 milimetre X 31.75 milimetre X 1.20 milimetre at weight 0.695 kilogram per running metre. Top and side track section 61.85 milimetre X 31.75 milimetre X 1.30 milimetre at weight 0.659 kilogram per running metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre. Interlocking secion 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.10 milimetre at weight 0.469 kilogram per running metre and handle section 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre and top section 40 milimetre X 18 milimetre X 1.25 milimetre at weight 0.417 kilogram per running metre as per detailed drawing and as directed by Engineer in-charge with all necessary aluminium sections, fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 milimetre thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts, excetra complete. - With colour anodising with box. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 37 / 251Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 31 Providing and fixing collapsible steel gate in one / two leaves with hot rolled vertical channels of 18 milimetre X 9 milimetre X 3 milimetre minimum size, crossings of mild steel flats of size 18 milimetre X 5 milimetre T or E section for runner of minimum 40 milimetre X 6 milimetre size for flange, mild steel flat for top runner of minimum size 40 milimetre X 12 milimetre with roller wheels confirming to grade F.G. 150 fitted with snap headed rivets of minimum size 6 milimetre, maximum spacing of vertical channels be 100 milimetre enclosed gate position and clear space of 150 milimetre between two sets of crossings with hold fasts, stoppers, spaces, handles, locking arrangement and one coat of red lead primer and oil painting, excetra complete. (Indian Standard : 10521-1983). (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 26 / 249Specification No : Bd.T.57Spec. Page No : 511 32 Providing and fixing half turn 25 milimetre diameter gun metal flushing cock including all accessories, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 32 / 277Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 33 Providing and fixing on walls / celling / floor 25 milimetre diameter unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion, excetra complete.Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 91 / 284Specification No : Bd.V.5Spec. Page No : 551Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 34 Providing and laying in trenches 25 milimetre diameter chlorinated poly vinyl chloride pipe including necessary excavation, fittings, refilling trenches, excetra complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed excetra complete.Item / Page No : 63 / 281Specification No : Bd.V.5Spec. Page No : 551Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 35 Providing and fixing 15 milimetre diameter screw down bib / stop tap of brass including necessary socket union nut complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 40 / 270Specification No : Bd.V.8Spec. Page No : 554 36 Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware wash hand basin of 55 centimetre X 40 centimetre size including cold water piller tap / cold and hot water piller tap brackts, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connections including polyvinyl chloride waste pipe and trap upto the outside face of the wall.Making good the damaged surface,testing excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 63 / 272Specification No : Bd.V.30Spec. Page No : 565 37 Providing and fixing 10 centimetre poly vinyl chloride nahani trap with grating, excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 67 / 281Specification No : Bd.V.32ASpec. Page No : 551Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 38 Providing and fixing Orissa type white glazed earrthenware 575 milimetre water closet pan including S trap with earthenware foot rests, cast iron soil and vent pipe upto outside face of the wall, 1:2:4 brick bat lime concrete bedding without flushing tank and its accessories excetra complete. (For Ground Floor)Item / Page No : 30 / 277Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 39 Providing, laying and fixing polyvinyl chloride pipe of 110 milimetre diameter with fittings such as bends, tees, reducers, clamps, excetra including necessary excavation, trench filling, excetra complete.Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking thesame in PWD chowky or as directed excetra complete.Item / Page No : 28 / 277Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 40 Providing, laying and fixing polyvinyl chloride pipe of 75 milimetre diameter with fittings such as bends, tees, reducers, clamps, excetra inclduding necessary excavation, trench filling, excetra complete.Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking thesame in PWD chowky or as directed excetra complete.Item / Page No : 27 / 276Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 41 Providing and fixing hume pipe septic tank 900 milimetre diameter with vent pipe and cap including excavation and laying.Item / Page No : 18 / 275Specification No : Bd.V.45Spec. Page No : 575 42 Providing and constructing brick masonry inspection chamber 60 centimetre X 45 centimetre X 90 centimetre including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation, 1:2:4 cement concrete channels, half round glazed stoneware pipes, brick masonary, plastering from inside and farme fixed in cement concrete Cover medium duty 140 kilogram with frame excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND).Item / Page No : 12 / 275Specification No : Bd.V.43Spec. Page No : 574Additional Specifications : If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable. 43 Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete rubber mould glossy paving blocks of 60 milimetre thickness of having a strength of 400 kilogram per square centimetre of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 milimetre to 30 milimetre thick including striking joints and cleaning excetra complete.(using 100 per cent crushed sand), excetra complete.Item / Page No : 53 / 219Specification No : Bd.M-12Spec. Page No : 385Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 44 Providing soak pit of size 120 centimetre X 120 centimetre X 120 centimetre including excavating and filling with brick bats.Item / Page No : 19 / 275Specification No : Bd.V.46Spec. Page No : 576 45 Painting letters upto 20 centimetre height complete brushes, coir brushes, dusting, cleaning, including cost of paint, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 5 / 46Specification No : MORTH-805Spec. Page No : 243-244 46 Royalty charges for various building construction bonafied materials which are used for government bonafied works and for which Royalty charges are to be paid by the contractor. (This Item is to be paid to the contractor only after he pays the Royalty amount to Revenue department and produces the required voucher.)Item / Page No : 3 / 0Additional Specifications : 1. Government of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Department Gazette Number 146 Dated 04/06/2021 and Government of Maharashtra Public Works Department State Schedule of Rates 2021-22 General Note Number A(v), Page 5.2. The amount of royalty charges will be paid only after submission of the receipt in original from Revenue authority for payment of royalty to Government, stating the name of work.3. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item. 47 Laboratory testing charges for various materials required for items of work, on the basis of testing frequency and charges fixed by Vigilence and Quality Control Circle, Pune.Item / Page No : 4 / 0Additional Specifications : 1. The amount of laboratory testing charges will be paid to contractor only after submission of the original receipt from the Vigillence and Quality Control Office with the name of work mensioned on it.2. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item.Compressive Strength of Cement Concrete Cube1 Test for quantity upto 5 cubic metre, 2 Tests for quantity above 5 cubic metre and upto 15 cubic metre, 3 Tests for quantity above 15 cubic metre and upto 30 cubic metre, 4 Tests for quantity above 30 cubic metre and upto 50 cubic metre. For quantity 50 cubic metre and above - 4 Tests + 1 Test for each additional 50 cubic metre 48 Tensile Strength, Percent Elongation, Yield Stress, Weight per Metre, Bend / Rebend Test, Proof Stress (Steel Bar upto 16 milimetre)1 Test per 5.00 Metric Ton 49 Water Absorption, Compressive Strength, Efflorescence Test for Burnt Bricks1 Test per 50000.00 Number 50 GST Charges 18%Non-Dsr ItemAdditional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per the instructions of Engineer in-charge.