
Tender For Construction Of Pds Shop At Ward No .3 Aladipattiin Surandai Municipality - Earth Work Excavation For Foundation In All Soils And Sub Soil To Full Depth As May Be Directed Except In Hard Rock Requiring Blasting But Inclusive Of Shoring Struttin, surandai-Tamil Nadu

Municipal Adminitration And Water Supply Department has published Tender For Construction Of Pds Shop At Ward No .3 Aladipattiin Surandai Municipality - Earth Work Excavation For Foundation In All Soils And Sub Soil To Full Depth As May Be Directed Except In Hard Rock Requiring Blasting But Inclusive Of Shoring Struttin. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in surandai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Pds Shop At Ward No .3 Aladipattiin Surandai Municipality - Earth Work Excavation For Foundation In All Soils And Sub Soil To Full Depth As May Be Directed Except In Hard Rock Requiring Blasting But Inclusive Of Shoring Struttin
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Construction of PDS Shop at Ward No .3 Aladipattiin Surandai Municipality - Earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub soil to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting and requiring the sides of foundation. 2 Cement concrete 1 : 4: 8 mix using 40 mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 3 Brick work in CM 1 : 5 mix using country bricks ground mould of size 23 x 11 x 7 cm for the following including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 4 Suppling and fabricating and placing in position MS(or) R.T.S. bar for reinforcement to all RCC works as per the design given including cost ofsteel and binding wire also in all floors. 5 Providing and laying in position Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456 - 2000 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement contenet of 325Kg/ cum and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55 including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, related setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability with about (5.0cum), 7730Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cum), 5156kg of 10 - 12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79cum) 7670 kg of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra cost etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers - The Coarse and Fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requiremnents of IS staandards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials) 6 Supplying and Erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29m height for plane surface in all floors with all cross bracing using mild steel sheets of size 90x60cm and 10 gauge stiffened, welded with steel angle of size 25x25x3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists (Country wood) of size 10x6.5cm spaced @ about 90cm c/c and supported by casurina props of 10-13cm dia spaced @ 75cm c/c etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. Rate for 10Sqm for the following items (RCC floor slab, roof slab, Rectangular/Square, tee/All beams, lintels, staircase waist slabs, landing slabs, landing beam, portico beam etc.Slab & Beam 7 Supplying and Erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29m height for plane surface in all floors with all cross bracing using mild steel sheets of size 90x60cm and 10 gauge stiffened, welded with steel angle of size 25x25x3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists (Country wood) of size 10x6.5cm spaced @ about 90cm c/c and supported by casurina props of 10-13cm dia spaced @ 75cm c/c etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. Rate for 10Sqm for the following items (RCC floor slab, roof slab, Rectangular/Square, tee/All beams, lintels, staircase waist slabs, landing slabs, landing beam, portico beam etc.Column 8 Supply and fixing of M.S Grills with Doors and Windows with one coat of Red oxide with Primer including all costs such as welding,grinding and fabrication charges, cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specification. 9 Supplying and fixing of rolling shutters shall be pull and push type (Gear operated) made of 18G/3 lathe sections which consist of five main parts such as curtain, lock plate, guide channels rollers and hood cover. These five main parts are made out of special components detailed below: curtain shall be of 18G/3 lath sections cut to required size and filled with heavy cast iron / MS clips. For 80(2.45m) high rolling shutter lath sections provided shall be not less than 37 numbers. Lock plate shall be 10GMS sheet and attached to the side brackets with 20mm square bar.Side brackets shall be of 10G MS plate and cast iron U clamps shall be rivetted to the side brackets. Roller shall be of heavy cast iron pullies fitted with heavy duty C class 40mm steel pipe and high tensile high carbon coil springs. 2 springs shall be supplied. Side brackets shall be of 10G MS plate and cast iron U clamps shall be rivetted to the side brackets. Roller shall be of heavy cast iron pullies fitted with heavy duty C class 40mm steel pipe and high tensile high arbon coil springs - 2 springs shall be supplied. Hood cover shall be of 0.8mm CRCA sheet reinforced with 25mmx25mmx3mm MS angle or gate channel. The rolling shutter in addition to the above should have pulling hook and shall be coated on exposed area with heavy coat of red oxide primer etc., complete. 10 Weathering Course with Concrete Broken Brick (S.I.No.278) & ( P & D) Data 54.Jelly 20mm gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be added) over roof slab,the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32 to 12.5 well beated with wooden beaters for giving required slope and thickness as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete.-10 cum 11 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 200 mm x 200 mm x 20 mm of approved quality in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement add three sand) 12 mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete 12 Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mixto 10 mm thick including Cost and Conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete for 10 sqm. 13 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 mixto 12 mm thick including Cost and Conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete for 10 sqm. 14 Supplying and fixing in position Indian water closet of size 580 X 440mm, white glazed earthen ware of approved quality with P trap or S trap confirming to IS:2556 -Part XII with sand cushion and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete1:2:5 ( one part of lime, two parts of sand and five parts of brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to required slope and including giving necessary connection to cast iron soil pipes/ PVC pipes by dismandling brick masonry, reinforced cement concrete roof/floor slab and making good the disturbed portion to original condition without leakage etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 15 Paving the floor with design Antiskirt ceramic tiles (colour and shade as directed) of size 305 mm x 305mm x 6 mm in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 20mm thick laid in-situ and pointed with same coloured cement 16 Dadooing walls withGlazed tiles of sizes 305mm X 200mm X 6mm size of approved make and quality and colour Set in cement mortar 1:2 (One part of Cement and two part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) over 10 mm base layer plastering and pointing with white cement neatly as directed. 17 Supplying and fixing in position Cement basedhydrualically pressed Anti-Skid tiles (pattern design) 20mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 20mm thick and pointedwith same colour of cement etc., complete as per standard specification 18 Painting two coats for Exterior surface with approved Exterior Plastic Emulsion paint approved quality and colour over a priming coat, including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required etc, complete as per standard specification. 19 Wiring with 2x1.5(22/0.3) sqmm PVC unsheathed SC Copper conductor of 1100 V gradein suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories and with T.W. switch box with 5amps F.T. switch in flush with wall covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable colour with continuous earth wireconnection of 14 SWG wire for cocealed Light point/fan point (5 points per coil) [ SD No. 23 ] 20 Wiring with 2x1.5(22/0.3) sqmm PVC unsheathed SC Copper conductor of 1100 V gradein suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories and with 150×100×113mmTW switch box for 5A - 3 pin- non inter lockingCS plugIncluding pin top with painting of suitable colour with continuous earth wire connection of 14 SWG TC wire for concealed PVC Plug Point [SD NO36 ] 21 Supplyandfixingof1200mm(48)ACceilingfancompletewithsteppedelectronic300Wregulatorwith300mmdownrod on the existing clamp 22 Supply and fixing of fancy glass shade and 11W CFL for BH point 23 Supply and fixing of WT bulk head fitting with guard (philips/ bajaj/crompton/k .lite) suitable for 11W CFL lamp with CFL 24 Supply and fixing of single box type4 40 W flu fitting completePVC unsheathed Copper leads fron terminals to the fitting. SD 88 25 Supply and fixing of 16Amps Dp Switch of 500 V with matel clad with fuse and neutral (side Handle) on sutiable TW board with earth connection only 26 SupplyandfixingofTNEBmeterboardsuitablefor32Asinglephaseserviceconnectionwith32Afuseunit(500V)32Aneutrallinkandearthlink(1x1/8copperflat)onTWplankofsize375mmx300mmx19mmwithsupportingTWreepersof1thickaneithersidewithpaintingwithsuitableboltandnutsforfixingtheTWplankonwallwithearthconnectionandinterconnectionwith7/20PVCinsulatedcopperwirefromEBmetertofuseunitwith1No40Amp30MA Double Pole RCD / RCCB (Higher End) with suitable necessary connection 27 Supply and run of 2 of 1.5sqmm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100v grade on 7/20 GI Bearer wire of service connection mains SD-65 28 Supply and fixing of 20mm dia GI Pipe including all cost and conveyance all labour charges etc complete. 29 Supply and delivery and fixing of HDPE 500Lit capacity tankas per IS 12701 / 1996 including loading, unloading, transportation and labour charges for fixing of the GI pipes and specials for pipe connection works including cutting, threading and fixing charges etc., Page No:89 of TWAD SOR 24-25

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INR 13000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 13 Lakhs /-
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