
Tender For District Cooperative Bank Ltd. Raebareli Auditorium Renovation Work Etc. - Providing And Fixingalluminium Work For Door , Window , Ventilation And Partition With Extruded Built Up Standard Tubular Section Approvte Z Section And Other Sections O, raebareli-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Cooperative Bank Limited has published Tender For District Cooperative Bank Ltd. Raebareli Auditorium Renovation Work Etc. - Providing And Fixingalluminium Work For Door , Window , Ventilation And Partition With Extruded Built Up Standard Tubular Section Approvte Z Section And Other Sections O. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-01-2025. Auditorium Construction Tenders in raebareli Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For District Cooperative Bank Ltd. Raebareli Auditorium Renovation Work Etc. - Providing And Fixingalluminium Work For Door , Window , Ventilation And Partition With Extruded Built Up Standard Tubular Section Approvte Z Section And Other Sections O
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For District Cooperative Bank Ltd. Raebareli Auditorium Renovation Work Etc. - Providing and fixingalluminium work for door , window , ventilation and partition with extruded built up standard tubular section approvte Z section and other sections of approved make conferming to IS 733 and IS 1285 fixing with dash fastners and required dia and size including necessary filling up to gap as Junction i.e. at top bottom and side with requred EPDM rubber coprensc Gussets etc. alluminium section shall be smooth rust free . Straight methoud and jointed mechanicaly , achive required including coat angle alluminium snap bording of glazing painting C.P. brass star screw at complete as per attachedment Drawing and the Direction of Engineer in charge (Glazing panaling and dash fastners to be paid separatelly ).DAR 21.1.1 and shedule page No 39 2 Providing corrugat G.S. sheet roofing vertica / cuvred surface fixed with polymer CaotedJ or L hooks , bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter with bitumen and G.I Impetwhaser or with G.I. Impect washers filed with white lead , including a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on overlaping of sheets complete (up to any pitch in Horizontal and vertical or coverd surface )excluding the cost of purlins rafter and trusess and including cutting the size and shape where required.1.00 mm thick with Zinc coating not less than 275 gs/m2. DAR 12.1.1 and shedule page No. 28 3 Supply and Fixing of alluminium panells seets with Complete work . Market Rate 4 S/ F of Wooden wall mounting/pvc sheet wall clading/ Pencilling (Market rate for estimate only) 5 S/F of 1.5 tone AC withstablizer in all complete (for estimate only) 6 Float glass panes of normal thickness 5 mm (weight not less than 12.50 kg/m ) DAR 14.6.2 AND Shedule page No 31 7 P/F ofblade curtain for windows and cabin (Market rate for estimate only) 8 S/F of comercial door flush ply shutter in of approved Quality 32mm thick confirming toDAR 9.21.2 9 Aluminium door fiting -- ISI marked 10 10mm of 200mm Long Tower bolt 11 100mm Long Door handle 12 16mm of200mm Long Sliding bolt 13 10 mm of 100mm long Tower bolt 14 S/F of Urinal pot 465x355x265mmDAR 17.4.1 15 S/F of Comboard western style in all complete As per Market rate 16 S/F of wash handbesin 550x400DAR 17.7.3 17 S/F of 50mm dia CI vent pipe 18 S/F of 100x75mm Nahanitrap 19 S/F of 100mm dia P.V.C.. pipe 20 S/F of 25mm PVCpipe 21 Wriing point for light with 1sq. Mm FR PVC insulated maltistanded single core cooper conductor cable in heavy gauge as per SI No. 138 c 22 Wriing point for Fan with 1sq. Mm FR PVC insulated maltistanded single core cooper conductor cable in heavy gauge as per SI No. 140 c 23 S/w of sub man with 20mm dia heavy duty (2mm thick) PVC conduit with 1 nos 2.5 sqm mm multistand copper conductor cable as earth continuty wire drown condut complete in all respect SI No. 211 c 24 S/F 6 ways 16 Amp SPN metal clad rewirable tipe distribution fuse bord as per SI No. 364 25 S/F of 18 watt. Single CFL complete in all respect 26 S/F of batton/ angle holder complete in all respect SI No. 405 27 S/F of celling fan of approved quality Size 48 inch. complete in all respect for ISI mark 28 S/F of 32 Amp 240 volt SPN metal clad rewireable tipe switch fuse unit on MDFG/Teak wood complete in all respect SI No. 364 (b) 29 S/F of water Tape 30 S/F of Gate valve 31 Dismantelling cc floor I/Cbase concrete and including stacking of dismantlling material as directed by the Engineer-In-charge . SINO 697 32 Repaires of plaster of thickness 12 to 20 mm in patches of area 2.50 sqm and under including cutting the patch in proper shape raking cut joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete Including disposal of rubbish to dumping ground. All complete as per direction of Engineer -in charge .DAR 4.1.2 and page 31 33 Scraphing White wash/ colour washtwo coat over onecement primer base coat. i/c cost of all matereial labour T&P etc 34 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg/sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. UPDAR-2018, 11.47.2 and 11.49.2 (Size of Tiles 600x600 mm) 35 Finishing of wall with weather coat emlusion Supply of Material labaur compl. 36 Enamal painting or door window two coat with one coat primer Supply of Material labaur compl. 37 Mild steel or Iron work of small sizes and section such as fabrication holding down bolts, hold fast , tie rods, grating etc. (when not inluded in an over all rates) wrought to required shape as necessary for bending etc including supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if required for and welding, grinding and making holes as required for completion of work. (i) Fabrication of holes, Door, chaukhats Nosing . PWD SOR Ch. 12 DAR No. 10.31 38 s/f of bib cock 39 Misllanius work in work

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 860 /-
INR 32000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15.79 Lakhs /-
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