Tender For Improvement To Kitchen Of Officers Mess At Vsn Nagpur; 1 Demolition of brickwork or stone boulder masonry, built in cement mortarincluding all quoins,arches, pillars,etc. but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework & precast concrete articles complete all as specified and directed. 2 Demolition of stone tiles/slabs of any description orthickness laidbedded and pointed in any mortar complete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of reinforced concrete of any description & in any position complete all as specified and directed. 4 Dismantling boarding any description fixed in any position with screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. 5 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 6 Material and labourfor glazed ceramic coloured tiles of approved quality ISI marked (600 X 300X7 mm / 450 x 300 x 7 mm / 350 x 250 x 7 mmthick) as in vertical surfaces such as skirting dados etc set jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured cement to match with the tiles including 1:4 cement plaster 10 mm thick on brick work and concrete surface complete all as specified and directed. 7 Material and labour for machine cut kota stone slab flooring 20-25mm thick over cement screed 20 mm thk in cm 1:6 base laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and wax polishing with mirror finish complete all as specified and directed. 8 Material and labourfor 18-20 mm thick granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 9 Supplying and laying CPVC 20 mm outer dia pipes SDR 11 and plain CPVC SDR 11 fittings on walls/ceiling or laying in floors complete all as specified and directed. 10 Supply and fixing 15 mm bore brass CP mixer for mixing hot and cold water screwed down for iron/CPVC pipe etc complete all as specified and directed. 11 Material and labourfor complete removal of existing treatment of wall surfaces and applying 2 mm thick wall care putty in layers of opposite direction for making the surface even & smooth and applying 2 coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of alkali resistant primer complete all as specified and directed. 12 Taking down chowkats or frame with shutter (without taking out shutter from the frame) exceeding 1.50 sqm but not exceeding 4.00 sqm each and removal from site all as specified and directed. 13 Taking down chowkats or frame with shutter (without taking out shutter from the frame) not exceeding 1.50 sqm each and removal from site complete all as specified and directed. 14 Material and labour powder coated anodised aluminium frame of any type for doors, windows, ventilator with one or more rebates including jointing cleats for fixing etc complete all as specified and directed. 15 Material and labouranodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, any type without sash bar, aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. 16 Supply and fixing sheet glass, ordinary quality in square not exc 0.50 Sqm each pane, 4 mm thick fixed to aluminium section complete all as specified and directed. 17 Supply and fixing stainless steel wire cloth 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staples etc. complete all as specified and directed. 18 Supply and fixing pressed steel frames of size 125 x 60 mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate etc complete all as specified and directed. 19 Material and labourfor PCC 1:3:6 type C-0 using 12.5mm aggregate crushed stone aggregate as in filling back side of pressed steel door/window frames complete all as specified and directed. 20 Supply and fixing glazed/wire gauged/ skeleton shutter 35 mm thick out of (well kilnseasoned)2nd class hard wood (hollock) the size of rails and style as per IS chemically pressure treated in factory gainst termite infestation prepared to receive wire gauge (without sash bars) edges of frame chamfered or rounded fitted with cut and mitered beads, complete all as specified and directed.Note : Wire gauge/glazing to be measured and paid separately. 21 Supply and fixing of 40 mm thick flush shutters, solid core construction, with particle board core and ply wood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as specified and directed. 22 Material and labourfor preparation of new wood basesurfaces applying one coats of pink primer andtwocoats of synthetic enamel paint (ordinary tint) of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described complete all as specified and directed. 23 Material and labourfor preparation of new steel surfaces and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint (ordinary tint) of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described over one coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 24 Supply and fixing for 200 mm long Aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolts of extruded section and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 25 Supply and fixing 150 mm long D-type aluminium anodised handles, cast type etc complete all as specified and directed. 26 Supply and fixing 300 mm long aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding dooor bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast-aluminium alloy complete all as specified and directed. 27 Supply and fixing mild steel 300 mm ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs including roller & rooler plate complete all as specified and directed. 28 Supply and fixing floor door stopper of aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor overall length of cover plate 140mm complete all as specified and directed. 29 Supply and fixing disk landing table 6 inch round circle one over head shelf top 1.6 mm thick square pipe frame structure complete stainless steel body of 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etccomplete all as specified and directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 48 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 30 Supply and fixing sink unit with 18 inch x 18 inch x 12 inch perforated dry tray, back side 6 inch space bar, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and as directed. Note : Size of complete unit is 72 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 31 Supply and fixing work table under two tier shelf, top 1.60 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 24 inch x 30 inch x 32 inch. 32 Supply and fixing low height high pressure indian cooking burner with top 1.6 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 30 inch x 30 inch x 21 inch. 33 Supply and fixing work table under two tier shelf, top 1.60 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 56 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 34 Supply and fixing work table under two tier shelf, top 1.60 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 24 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 35 Supply and fixing Chapati bhatti high pressure burner with plate lamp back side 6 inch space bar top 16 mm MS plate with puffer one under shelf 1.2 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 48 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 36 Supply and fixing high pressure indian cooking two burner with plate lamp back side 6 inch space bar,top 1.6 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 48 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 37 Supply and fixing work table under one shelf, top 1.60 mm thickness and under shelf 1.20 mm thickness square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch, four side open etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 55 inch x 12 inch x 32 inch. 38 Supply and fixing Dosa bhatti high pressure burner with plate lamp back side 6 inch space bar, 18 mm MS plate, one under shelf, square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 60 inch x 24 inch x 32 inch. 39 Supply and fixing Store rack with four plain shelves square pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch, four side open etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 72 inch x 24 inch x 60 inch. 40 Supply and fixing work table with two over head, shelf bottom, four side open, top 1.60 mm thicknesssquare pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch, four side open etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 74 inch x 24 inch x 34 inch. 41 Supply and fixing onion, potato bin top door, bottom useable door, four side open wire mesh frame, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with castor wheel etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 18 inch x 20 inch x 30 inch. 42 Supply and fixing flour bin three side stainless steel cover, top stainless steel door complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with custor wheel etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 18 inch x 20 inch x 30 inch. 43 Supply and fixing work table with two over head, shelf bottom, four side open, top 1.60 mm thicknesssquare pipe frame structure, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch, four side open etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 40 inch x 24 inch x 34 inch. 44 Supply and fixing stainless steel hood with stainless steel filter hood body 1.2 mm thickness filter body 1.6 mm thickness with oil collection tap complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 66 inch x 32 inch x 21 inch. 45 Dismantling of old chimney/hood of any type and size and refixing in new/old location including cleaning servicing etc complete all as specified and as directed. 46 Supply and fixing preparation table top under shelf top 1.6 mm thickness under shelf 1.2 mm thickness square pipe frame structure including two overhead shelf of height upto 66 inch, complete stainless steel body with 304 food grade with adjustable nylon latch, etc complete all as specified and as directed.Note : Size of complete unit is 84 inch x 30 inch x 34 inch and height of overhead shelf is 60 inch to 66 inch as required in site. 47 COOKING GAS PIPE LINE 48 Supply and fixing of LPG manifold 1 (Comply with the distributing companys stipulations) to withstand gas pressure of 25 kg per square cm or confirming to IS 6044 (Part-I) 2000 with provision for 4 Nos of flexible pipe for 4 Nos of cylinders (without cyulinders) with suitable pressure regulators complete all as specified and directed.Note : Joints in manifold headers should be welded or brazed using a material which shall have a melting point of atleast 540° C all as per IS practice and relevant code complete all as specified and as directed.Note:All joints between manifold headers and cylinder connectors shall be readily accessible. 49 Supply and fixing of flexible pipe of size 12.70 mm (1/2) with nut for LPG cylinders confirming to IS 6044 (Part-I) 2000 complete all as specified and directed. 50 Supply and fixing of self closing adaptor 12.70 mm(1/2) fixing in flexible pipe complete all as specified and directed. 51 Supply and fixing of non return valve of 12.70 mm (1/2) complete all as specified and directed. 52 Supply and fixing of manifold valve made out of brass/Nickel 12.70 mm (1/2) out diameter after the manifold in the main line complete all as specified and and directed. 53 Supply and fixing and testing of copper pipe line of minimum 1 mm thickness and 9.525 mm (3/8) dia connected to manifold from one side and main pipe line on the other side complete all as specified and directed. 54 Supply and fixing electric resistance welded (ERW) tube 12.70 mm (1/2) medium grade confirming to IS 1239 (Part-1) complete all as specified and directed.Note :- Pipe shall be supported with proper saddles or clamps at intervals of not greater than 50 cm and the quoted rates deemed to be included for the same. 55 Supply and fixing of 15 PSI controller in the main line for controlling the pressure complete all as specified and directed. 56 Supply and fixing of main line valve of size 12.70 mm in the main line for controlling the pressure complete all as specified and directed. 57 Supply and fixing of 5.5 controller regulator confirming to IS 6044 (Part-I) 2000complete all as specified and directed. 58 Supply and fixing of ball valve of size 9.525 mm (3/8) for connection to individual stove connecting with flexible pipecomplete all as specified and directed. 59 Supply and fixing of flexible pipe for burners of size 9.525 mm connecting from ball valve to individual stovecomplete all as specified and directed. 60 Supply and fixing of LPG gas detector system comprising of 1 x remotely located sensor and alarm with linear power supply to monitor gas leakage alongwith indication for normal/fault/alrm alongwith accept/reject button to cancel the alarm all as confirming to IS-2189 and IS-2148 complete all as specified and directed.Note :The quoted rate shall deemed to be included cost for alarm/ hooter. 61 Supply and fixing of fire extingusher 10 kg each mounted on wall for easily removal in case of fire as approved portable B:C rating dy chemical fire extinguisher ISI approvedcomplete all as specified and directed.