
Tender For Misc Repair Maintenance To Nai Building At Ambajhari Nagpur, nagpur-Maharashtra

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Misc Repair Maintenance To Nai Building At Ambajhari Nagpur. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Misc Repair Maintenance To Nai Building At Ambajhari Nagpur
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Misc Repair Maintenance To Nai Building At Ambajhari Nagpur; 1 BUILDING WORK (B/R) 2 Demolition of brickwork or stone/ boulder masonry in cement mortar complete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of concrete in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as specified and directed. 4 Demolition of reinforcement cementconcrete for roofs, floors (reinforcement cut as required to facilitate demolition), beams, staircases, and similar suspended work including removal of all demolished material form site complete all as specified and directed 5 Material and labour for brickwork with fly ash bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in CM 1:6 all as specified and as directed. 6 Taking down cement plaster on brick or concrete surfaces on wall/ceilling etc including racking out joint, hacking for key,scrubbing down with water etc all as specified and as directed 7 Material and labour for rendering 15 mm thick in CM 1:6 over brick surfaces, finished even and smooth without using extra cement all as specified and as directed. 8 Material and labour for Plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type B1 (using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate) incoping, kneelers water throughs bed plates, kerbs and like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered engles and throating, finished even & smooth without using extra cement Complete all as specified and directed 9 Material and labour forPlain cement concrete,1:2:4,type B2using40 mm graded stoneaggregateas in surface channel and drains complete all as specifiedand directed 10 Material and labour for extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30cm inner girth in cement concrete using extra cement , including forms, moulds, mitred/stopped ends etc complete all as specified 11 Material and labour for pre-cast RCC 1 : 2 : 4, typeB-1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) in cover slabs, set in CMI : 6complete all as specified and directed. 12 Supply and fixing high strength deformed bars( TMT bars)10 mmdia and over as in reinforcement for concrete cut to length , benttoshaperequred, includingcranking , bendingspirallyforcolumnshookingfor columnshookingends and bindingwith and includingmildsteelwire ( annealed )not less than 0.9mmdia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed. 13 Supply and fixing mild steel framed work such as in doors or gates using angle or other sections with gusset plates, rails, braces etc complete, drilled for and including steel sheeting or covering as required.Doors etc to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including hooks and hinges of steelfor hanging door and other fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete all as specified and as directed. 14 Dismantling posts or struts (wood, steel or R.C.C.) in masonry ground any section, including taking out embedded portion and making good disturbed ground complete all as specified and directed 15 Material and labour forPCC in 1:4:8 type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation filling, mass concete etc complete all as specified and as directed. 16 Dismantlingfencing wire mesh,any type complete all as specified and as directed. 17 Fixing only Chain link fencing including line wires any mesh size and type to any type of standards, rails straining bolts etc including provision of binding wire all as specified and as directed. 18 Supply only Chain link MS galvanised fencing, any size or type all as specified and as directed. 19 Material and labour forfor preparation of new steel surfaces of any description over 10cm width or grith and apply two coats of synthetic enamel over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and as directed. 20 Dismantling of wrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided for all as specified and directed. 21 Supply and fixing ofSteel work in tubular trusses including special shaped washer etc. complete using ERW or induction butt welded tubes conforming to IS 1161-1979 grade St.-240 complete all as specified and as directed. 22 Dismantling asbestos cement, galvalume, fiber sheet (Plain, corrugated , semicorrugated, etc.) sheet in roof covering all as specified and directed. 23 Supply and fixing Pre painted GalvaIume aluminium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet0.50 mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/cladding to wall fixed with self tapping screws etc complete all as specified and as directed. 24 Supply and fixing Pre painted GalvaIume aluminium zinc coating GI based Plain steel sheet0.50 mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in ridge of roofcovering fixed with self tapping screws etc complete all as specified and directed. 25 Maintenanceof rolling shutters of any size upto 5.5 m wide with easing, greasing, necessary welding to make the shutters full functional andeasy operational including minor spares and materials costing upto Rs. 200/- as required all as specified and as directed.NoteSafety lever lock/ ball bearing and other major spares if required will be replaced and paid separately. 26 Supply and fixing Safety lever locks mild steel with 4 levers for rolling shutter all as specified and as directed. 27 Supply and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters all as specified and as directed. 28 Supply and fixing MS vertical guide of rolling shutters of standard size and thickness matching to the existing including taking down old one all as specified and as directed. 29 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding and disposal of rubbish off the premises all as specified and as directed 30 Material and labour for providing screed bed or bedding layer of mortar 15 mm thick for laying floor finishes in CM 1:6 all as specified and as directed. 31 Material and labour forpolished Chequered cement concrete tiles 30cm x 30cm x 25mm thick, set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry in floors 32 Material and labour for factory made machine pressed rubble moulded precast conctete interlocking paver block any shape and sizewith grey cement and pigments confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 60 mm thickness, M-35 Grade over and including 40 mm thick stone dust cousioning all as specified and directed 33 Material and labour forforof old painted surface of stone work of any description not specifically mentioned otherwise over 10 cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint all as specified and as directed. 34 ROAD FURNITURE 35 Material and labour for preparation of road surfaces and applying thermoplastic paint of minimum 2.5 mm thick and 100 mm in width as in lines, dashes, arrows etc with using HOT MARK thermoplastic paint, White/Yellow by indigenous modern propelled road marking machine including all ingredients such as blinder, glass beads, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate inter fillers etc complete all as specified and as directed. 36 Supply and fixing cat eye solar reflective type of metal body alloy of size 100mm x 100mm x 20mm with PAMA striplens reflector of model No. DA 972.0 fixed with and incl MS stud of suitable size as per manufactures instructions complete all as specified and as directed. 37 INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION 38 Taking down carefully sub-main wiring of any description and making good to the disturbed surfaces to match the existing all as specified and as directed by EIC. 39 Taking down DB/main switch of any size and making good disturbed surface of wall/floor complete all as specified. 40 Material and labour for sub main wiring (concealed/surface as required) complete with four single core 10 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable drawn through in and including 32 mm dia rigid non-metallic PVC conduit mediumgrade and conduit accessories including 10 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheated stranded copper earth cable connected to common earth dolly complete and including cutting chasing in walls for concealed wiring using machine cutting and making good the disturbed surface all as specified and directed.Note: 5 run of 10 sqmm & one run of PVC conduit shall be measuredas single unit 41 Material and labour for sub main wiring complete with four single core 6 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable drawn through in and including 20 mm dia rigid non-metallic PVC conduit heavy grade and conduit accessories including 6 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheated stranded copper earth cable connected to common earth dolly complete and including cutting chasing in walls for concealed wiring using machine cutting and making good the disturbed surface all as specified and directed.Note: 5 run of 6 sqmm&one run of PVC conduit shall be measuredas single unit 42 Material and labour for sub main wiring (concealed/surface as required) complete with two single core 6 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable drawn through in and including 20 mm dia rigid non-metallic PVC conduit mediumgrade and conduit accessories including 6 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheated stranded copper earth cable connected to common earth dolly complete and including cutting chasing in walls for concealed wiring using machine cutting and making good the disturbed surface all as specified and directed. Note: 3 run of 6 sqmm&one run of PVC conduit shall be measuredas single unit 43 Material and labour for sub main wiring (concealed/surface as required) complete with two single core 4 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable drawn through in and including 20 mm dia rigid non-metallic PVC conduit medium grade and conduit accessories including 4 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheated stranded copper earth cable connected to common earth dolly complete and including cutting chasing in walls for concealed wiring using machine cutting and making good the disturbed surface all as specified and directed. Note: 3 run of 4 sqmm & one run of PVC conduit shall be measuredas single unit 44 Taking down carefully any type point wiring (light, fans, socket etc) complete including battens and fittings such as switch, ceiling rose, light fittings, regulators, socket, etc. and making good disturbed surface of wall/floor, etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 45 Material and labour for point wiring (concealed) on walls and surface on ceiling complete with FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 Volts grade, conforming to IS-694, 1.5 sq mm (nominal area) multi stranded copper conductor cable drawn though in and including non metallic medium grade rigid PVC conduit medium grade accessories, ISI marked, 19/20 mm dia including all accessories, concealed in wallsby cutting chases using machine and making good the disturbed surface, with and including suitable modular boxes ,,inner and outer coverof suitable make and 1.5 sq mm copper earth continuity wire connected to earth dolly complete for the following complete all as specified and as directed. (a) One light point controlled by one switch 46 (b) One fan point controlled by one switch 47 (c) One exhaust fan point controlled by one switch. 48 (d) One bell/ buzzer point controlled by one push switch. 49 (e) One switch socket outlet modular type 3 pin 6 amp on same board. 50 (f) One light point controlled by two, two way switches, 51 All as per item No 43 above but 1.5 sq mm cable sizeand 1.5 sq mm earth continuity wire for one 3 pin socket outlet, 6 amps on Independent board. 52 All as per item No 43 above but 2.5 sq mm cable sizewith 2.5 sq mm earth continuity wire for one 3 pin socket outlet, 16 Amps on independent board. 53 Material and labour for point wiring (surface) complete with FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 Volts grade, conforming to IS-694, 1.5 sq mm (nominal area) multi stranded copper conductor cable drawn though in PVC caping/ casing of suitable size including all accessories and making good the disturbed surface, with and including suitable modular boxes surface type of suitable make, switch plates of suitable make and 1.5 sq mm copper earth continuity wire connected to earth dolly complete for the following complete all as specified and as directed.(a)One light/fan point controlled by one switch. 54 (c)One 3 pin socket outlet 6 amps on same board. 55 (d)One 3 pin socket outlet 6 amps on independent board. 56 All as per item No 51 above but 2.5 sq mm cable sizewith 2.5 sq mm earth continuity wire for one 3 pin socket outlet, 16 Amps on independent board. 57 Supply & Fix new master led tube 4ft20 W LED batten of high-quality materials and design, Extruded aluminum housing enhances safety, High quality PC Diffuser. Reliable and robust housing structurehaving nominal system lumen output of 2500 lumens and a minimum system efficacy of 125 lm/W. The luminaire shall have a rated system lifetime of 50,000 burning hours at L70.The luminaire should have a color temperature of 6500K and CRI>83. The luminaire shall meet IP20 rating with THD < 10% and PF > 0.95. The total power consumption should not exceed 20W (including driver) complete all as specified and as directed.Make :CG Cat Part No. CCS-100-20-65-HL2-DP-NWH or equivalent in Bajaj/ Wipro. 58 Supply & Fixing Decorative LED down light 36 watt recessed mounting type full lit luminaire with glare free uniform illumination with longer life and less maintenance, 2x2 Ft (>100 lm/W) complete with all accessories & connector etc internally pre-wired and including connecting up with twin core twisted flexible copper conductor cable with suitable size, complete all as specified and as directed. Make : CG Cat Part No. LCTLRNE-36-FO-CDL or equivalent in Wipro/Philips. 59 Taking out the existing any typefittings from ceilings and Supply and fixing new 18 Watt LED round/square recessed flat panel light pearl model with locking arrangement in ceilingwith a nominal system lumen output of 1800 lumens and a minimum system efficacy of 100 lumen/watt. The luminaire shall have rated system lifetime of 50,000 burning hours at L70 complete all as specified and as directed. Make : CG Cat Part No. LSCRM-18W-CDL/NWor equivalent in Bajaj/Wipro/Philips. 60 Taking down old unserviceable and Supply & Fix new LED security light fitting 25 W, IP 66 rating, made out of pressure die cast aluminium powder coated housing high impact resistant 4 mm thick toughened glass cover and matrix of power LEDs in built electronic driver, fitted with adjustable pole adopter to enable on site tilt angle setting and input power 25 W system lumens 85/W operating voltage 160-260 V complete all as specified and as directed. Make : CG Cat Part No. LSTS-25-CDL-M or equivalent in Bajaj/Wipro/Philips. Note : (i) The quoted rate shall deemed to be included cost for security ligh brackets made out of 25 mm / 20 mm dia GI medium grade tubing of suitable length and bend to shape including fixing MS flat iron clamps, bolts & nuts as per site requirement complete in all respect complete all as specified and as directed. 61 Taking down old unserviceable and supply & fixing new surface mounting LED Luminaries 2ft and10 Watt LED fitting with connecting up with copper 3 core flexible cord of minimum size 1.5 Sqmmsize complete all as specified and as directed . 62 Taking down old unserviceable and supply & fixing0-4 step, two module,modular type electronic regulator for ceiling fan 1200 mm sweep, 240 volts, 100 Watts humfree single pole, all as specified and as directed. 63 Taking down old unserviceable andsupply & fixing switch modular type, single pole one way 6 Amps, 240 volts AC suitable for existing modular switch boxes without indicator, all as specified and as directed. 64 Taking down old unserviceable andsupply & fixing socket modular type single pole one way 6 Amps 240 volts suitable for existing modular switch boxesall as specified and as directed. 65 Taking down old unserviceable and supply & fixing for ceiling rose, surface bakelite, 65 x 50 mm, two to three terminals all as specified and as directed. 66 Taking down old unserviceable and supply & fixing socket modular type 16 Amps, 3 pin combine, 2 module, 240 volts suitable for existing modular switch boxes all as specified and as directed. 67 Taking down old unserviceable and supply & fixing switch modular type 16 Amps,one way with indicator, 1 module, 240 volts suitable for existing modular switch boxes all as specified and as directed. 68 Taking down old unserviceable andsupply & fixingsheet metal enclosures for TPN DBs with metal double door for incorporating MCBs, IP-43, 8 way with 200 amps rated busbar, 240 volts, as per IS-8623 all as specified and as directed. 69 Supply & fixingsheet metal enclosures for SPN DBs with metal double door for incorporating MCBs, IP-43 , 4 way with 100 amps rated busbar, 240 volts, as per IS-8623 all as specified and as directed. 70 Supply & Fix sheet metal enclosures for SPN DBs with metal double door for incorporating MCBs, IP-43 , 8 way with 100 amps rated busbar, 240 volts, as per IS-8623 complete all as specified and as directed. 71 Taking down old unserviceable and Supply & Fix MCB TPN, 32 Amps, breaking capacity 10 KA C curve confirming to IS/IEC 60898-1 2002,integrated label holder, sliding bottom clamp , IP 20 protected terminal, sliding shutters, 240 volts, 50 HZ including making necessary incoming and outgoing electrical connection with suitable size of copper lugs etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 72 Taking down old unserviceable and Supply & Fix MCB SPN, 32 Amps, breaking capacity 10 KA C curve confirming to IS/IEC 60898-1 2002,integrated label holder, sliding bottom clamp , IP 20 protected terminal, sliding shutters, 230 volts, 50 HZ including making necessary incoming and outgoing electrical connection with suitable size of copper lugs etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 73 Taking down old unserviceable and Supply & FixMCB SP 6-32Amps, breaking capacity 10 KA C curve confirming to IS/IEC 60898-1 2002,integrated label holder, sliding bottom clamp , IP 20 protected terminal, sliding shutters, 240 volts, 50 HZ including making necessary incoming and outgoing electrical connection with suitable size of copper lugs etc.complete all as specified and as directed. 74 Material and labour for servicing and repairs of split ac 1.5/2 ton capacity servicing complete, cleaning of evaporator coil, condenser, blower, base tray, drain hole, replacemtn of polypropelene pad, oiling of fan motor, checking of wiring connections, terminals capacitor, relay selector switches, drainage, rubber bushes bearing bushes etc and refixing the same in position and testing complete all as specified and directed Note :(i) Split Acs are installed at various floors. Contractor shall arrange his own arrangemnt to access the repairs for splitunits. (ii) No tools and plants shalll be supplies to the contractor from the department 75 Taking out unserviceable temp sensor and Supply and fix new Temperature sensor with cold assembly 230 v AC suitbale for split type ac of 1.5/2 Ton capacity of make any make model complete all as specified and directed 76 Taking out defective capacitor and supply and fix running capacitir suitable for 1.5/2 ton 230 v split ac 36/40/45/50/55/60 mfd complete all as specified and directed 77 Taking down unserviceable fan motor blade assembly & supply and fix new fan motor blade assembly for split type AC 1.5/2 Ton capacity of any make/model complete all as specified and directed 78 Taking down unserviceable PVC drain pipe & supply and fix with newPVC drain pipe with clamps set of size 20 mm dia up to 2 mtrs complete all as specified and directed 79 Taking down unserviceable brass suction/discharge valve & supply & fix new brass suction/discharge valve of suitable size for 1.5/2 ton split type AC of any make /model complete all as specified and directed 80 Taking down unserviceable brass flare nut supply and fix new brass flare nut of suitable size for 1.5/2 ton split type AC of any make /model complete all as specified and directed 81 Taking down unserviceable sheet metal enclusure with earth plug socket & suply and fix sheet metal enclosure with single pole and neutral with two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one single pole mcb of 20 amp 82 Dismantling of defective compressor sealed unit from the existing ACs foundation by removing suction/ discharge line and providing of new compressor sealed unit of same size and quality from the manufacturers of ACs or of make authorised by the manufacturers of ACs,rotary type and checking (company re-oriented), system with nitrogen gas pressure, testing for leakages and vaccumisation of complete system with gas recharging with R-134a/R -22/R-32/R-410a gas as required and oil testing suitable for 1.5 Ton split AC capacity including testing complete all as specified and directed Note :- The quoted rate shall deemed to be included cost for refrigerant gas. 83 Taking down of unserviceable PCB (Printed circuitboard) and providing new PCB for AC of 1.5 / 2.0 Ton capacity of split AC complete all as specified and directed 84 Dismantling old and providing new copper tubes of size 1/4 inch for suction lineincluding rubber tube insulations of same size for fixing AC complete all as specified and directed. 85 Dismantling old and providing new copper tubes of size 5/8 inch for suction lineincluding rubber tube insulations of same size for fixing AC complete all as specified and directed. 86 Material and labour for checking of gas leakage and supply and charging of gas, includingvacummising, cutting, brazing after filling again and checking of gas leakage after gas charging for the split AC 1.5/2 TonNote :Make of gas :R-134 a/R-22/R-32/R-410a.Contractor shall be ensure that gas charging to be measured as Job and if there is any leakage during the contract period, then the same will be fullfilled by the contractor without any extra cost complete all as specified and directed.Note: Tools and plants, gas cylinder shall not be issued by MES. 87 Supply and charging Refrigerant (R-22/ R -134a/410A/R-32) suitable for Split AC complete all as specified and directed. 88 Supply & Fixing pvc insulated 1100v grade of size 2.5 sqmm, 3 core pvc round sheathed insulated flexible FR copper cable complete all as specified and directed. 89 Supply and provide in holes ofPOP (Plaster of peris) alabaster plaster (450 Gms ) very high strength, fast setting, dries fast, snow whitecolour, creamy consistency, compressive strength after 1 hrs : 150kg/cm2 complete all as specified and directed. 90 Material and labour for disconnecting electric supply, taking down fan, dismantling blades carefully after unscrewing nuts and bolts of ceiling fan, wall fan, exhaust fan of any make from existing position and bringing to AGE E/M store yard for repairs, overhauling, oiling, greasing and cleaning all dusts and rehanging in position and connecting up electrically including minor items like split pins complete all as specified and as directed by EIC. Note:Rewinding work and replacement of spares shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate items.No supporting materials, tools and plants shall be issued by MES to contractor. 91 Material and labour for rewinding to ceiling/wall fanmotor assembly complete with super enameled copper winding wire of suitable gauge for any make and any size of fan including varnishing, drying up, providing fresh clean lubricant oil/grease, reassembling and tesing etc complete all as specified and directed. 92 Supply & fixing replace ball bearing 6201/ 6202/ 6203 for48 (1200 mm ) sweep fan including taking down old unserviceable ball bearing complete all as specefied. 93 Supply and fixing capacitor 2.5 MFD, 240 Volts, including taking down old unserviceable complete all as specified and as directed. 94 Material and labour for rewinding to exhaust fan motor assembly complete with super enamelled copper winding wire of suitable gauge including varnishing, drying up, providing fresh clean lubricant oil/grease, reassembling and tesing etc complete for size upto 12 (305 mm)sweep complete all as specified and as directed. 95 Supply and replace LED driver suitable for existing street light of 45 watt complete all as specified and as directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 08-02-2025
2 08-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 13-02-2025
3 13-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 16-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 14300.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.11 Lakhs /-
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