
Tender For Provision Of Stp At Af Station Bihta., bihta-Bihar

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Stp At Af Station Bihta.. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-03-2025. Building Work Tenders in bihta Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Stp At Af Station Bihta.
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Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Stp At Af Station Bihta.; 1 SCHEDULE A PART I (BUILDING WORKS) 2 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartI . 3 SCHEDULE A PART II (INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY) 4 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartII. 5 SCHEDULE A PART III (INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONS) 6 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartIII. 7 SCHEDULE A PART IV (EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY) 8 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartIV . 9 SCHEDULE A PART V (EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION) 10 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartV 11 SCHEDULE A PART VI (SEWAGE DISPOSAL) 12 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartVI 13 SCHEDULE A PART VII (AREA DRAINAGE) 14 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartVII 15 SCHEDULE A PART- VIII (ROAD/PATH AND CULVERT) 16 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartVIII 17 SCHEDULE A PART- IX (COMPOUND WALL, FENCING AND GATE) 18 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part IX 19 SCHEDULE A PART- X (EARTHWORK AND SITE CLEARANCE) 20 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part X 21 Sch A PartXI (Miscellaneous Items of B/R and E/M) 22 Supply, Installing, testing and commissioning of Sewage treatment plant based on principle of aerobic attached growth non clogging randomly moving bed bio reactor (MBBR) with primary, secondary and tertiary process domestic sewage treatment plant having capacity 200 m3/day, Indion Package MSEP 200 KLD STP with Anoxic System as per NGT norms - along with interconnecting equipment,and setting up of in-plant laboratory for physical, chemical and bacteriologicalanalysis inclusive of all glassware, testing chemicals and culture, testing tables and furniture, manuals, register, logbooks etc.comprising following accessories / equipment as per the OEM specification and attached drawing to achieve the indicated parameters mentioned elsewhere in the tender documents complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Make: Thermax / Ion- Exchange / Sintex- BAPL Ltd. 23 S & F of overflow type oil skimmer with flow of 0-50 LPH with belt size of 150 mm and motor rating of 0.5 HP complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Make: PP Aquatech / PPAPL / Max 24 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1 Nos SS-304 Perforated, Screens with suitable lifting arrangement having size of 1800 mm (HT) x 400 mm (W) x 200 mm (T) & having 10 mm Openings to be fitted within Bar Screen Chamber, complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge.Make: PP Aquatech / PPAPL / Max 25 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Submersible, non-clogging, Equalized waste Water Transfer Pumphavinghaving 10.0 m3/hr at 10 MWC head, continuous duty rating, cast iron casing, stainless steel impeller and stainless steel shaft complete directly coupled with induction motor 415 V, 3- Phase, 50 Hz of suitable capacity with 2900 RPM, IP 58 protection, class F insulation including installation, foundation as per OEM specification, electrical connection, with suitable rating of copper cables, starter panel with complete protection device such as over load current protection, phase reversal, single phasing, no voltage / over voltage protection, complete accessories such asvoltmeter, Ammeter, LED indicators etc. including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified in technical / particulars specification (1 W + 1 S) complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge.Make: KIRLOSKAR, LUBI,GRUNDFOS, CRI , CROMPTON OR JOHNSHON 26 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Twin lobe rotary Air Blowers(1 W + 1 S) capable of delivering 100 m3/hr of atmospheric air at 5.5 kg/cm2 pressure, driven through V belt or directly coupled through flexible coupling to a TEFC motor suitable for 415±10% V, 3- Ph, 50 Hz AC supply,including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge.Make: IONEXCHANGE /A 0NE BLOWER / MAX / CHEMFLOW 27 M & L for Sodium Hypochlorite dosing system consisting of one HDPE tank of 20 litres capacity, positive displacementdiphragm dosing pump havingvariable flowrate of 0-6 LPH along with motor suitable for operation at 230 V, 1- Ph, 50 Hz. supply and complete with necessary polypropylene piping, valves, strainers, low level switch andinjection fittings. The pump shall have speed & stroke control, complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge.Make: MILTON ROY / TOSCONE / E DOSE 28 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Centrifugal Filter Feed Water Pump (FFP) capable of 10.0 m3/hr discharge at 25 MWC head having solid handling capacity of minimum 5 mm size particles CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor suitable for 415±10% V, 3- Ph, 50 Hz AC supply, pressure gauge with isolation cock, isolation valve, NRV on delivery line, strainer at suction. mechanical seal, suitable vibration elimination pads of approved design, drain pipe with valve, etc. including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge (1 W+ 1 S)Make: KIRLOSKAR, LUBI,GRUNDFOS, CRI , CROMPTON OR JOHNSHON 29 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of MS vessel Pressure Sand filter having diameter of 1000 mm & HOS of 1875 mm. Filter shall be suitable for test pressure of 5.0 kg / cm2 and Working Pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 shall include media (Pebbles, Sand, Silex, Fine Sand, Fine Silex), standard fittings like pressure gauges, sampling cock, backwash, including frontal piping and, valves. (Minimum Shell thickness of 4.0 mm & Minimum Dishend thickness of 4.0 mm).Make: IONEXCHANGE / PP AQUATECH,MAXION 30 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of MSEP vessel Activated Carbon filter having diameter of 1100 mm & HOS of 1875 mm. Filter shall be suitable for testpressure of 5.0 kg / cm2 and Working Pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 shall include media (Activated Carbon with supporting Media), standard fittings like pressure gauges, sampling cock, backwash, including frontal piping and valves. (Minimum Shell thickness of 4.0 mm & Dishend Thickness 4.0 mm).Make: IONEXCHANGE / PP AQUATECH,MAXION 31 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Anoxic recirculation pump capable of 10.0 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC head having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity, delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation cock, level controller (with wiring) to control, etc. including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge (1 W + 1 S)Make: KIRLOSKAR, LUBI,GRUNDFOS, CRI , CROMPTON OR JOHNSHON 32 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Non clogging type solid handling pump capable of 0.125 m3/hr discharge at 6.5 kg/cm2 pressure having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity, delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation cock, level controller (with wiring) to control, etc. including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge.Make: ROTO / ICURA / WELCOME 33 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning ofFilter press having size of 5 mtr X 2 mtr X 0.8 mtr complying for following specification. complete all as specified & directed by engineer-in-charge. MAKE - ICURA / WELCOME / UNIVERSAL 34 (i) Type - plate and frame 35 (ii)Plate - poly propelene 36 (iii) Frame - mild steel 37 (iv) Filter cloth - suitable size 38 (v) Fluid handled - sludge 39 (vi)Nature of solids - Biological 40 (vii) Sludge quantity - 41 Kg/Batch 41 (viii) Sludge concentration - 1% 42 Lifting Man hole Pump :- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical non-clogging type wet pit application pump suspended by vertical column pipe which protect the transmission shaft. Pumps having solid handling capacity of upto 30 mm size particles having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity, delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation cock, level controller (with wiring) to control, etc. including suitable size of submersible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge for following requirement sizes:- Make: CRI, Grundfos, Kirloskar, Wilo, Xylem 43 4.67 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC, (1 W +1S), Peak Flow 44 1.17 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1W +0S), Avg Flow 45 5.53m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC(1W +1S), Peak Flow 46 1.38 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC(1 W +0S), Avg Flow 47 9.43 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1 W +1S), Peak Flow 48 2.36 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC, (1 W +0 S), Avg Flow 49 INTERMEDIATE SUMP 1&2 :- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning (SITC) of vertical non-clogging type wet pit application pump suspended by vertical column pipe which protect the transmission shaft. Pumps having solid handling capacity of upto 30 mm size particles having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity, delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation cock, level controller (with wiring) to control, etc. including suitable size of submercible cable from control to motor panel complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. required for following intermideate sumps :-Make: CRI, Grundfos, Kirloskar, Wilo, Xylem 50 15.22 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1W +1S), Peak Flow INTERMIDEATE SUMP -1 51 3.81 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1W +0S), Avg Flow INTERMIDIATE SUMP-1 52 25.88 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1W +1S), Peak Flow INTERMIDEATE SUMP-2 53 6.47 m3/hr discharge at 10 MWC (1W +0S), Avg Flow INTERMIDATE SUMP-2 54 Material & labour of ductile iron pressure pipes having K-9 class, 100 mm Nominal bore, conforming to IS 8329: 2000,having socket & spigot end with necessary fitting i.e. tee,bend,socket etc. including pipe specials complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. 55 M & L for sludge transfer 50 mm Nominal bore,MS ERW CLASS- C Piping of including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessories, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 56 M & L for sludge transfer 80 mm Nominal bore,MS ERW CLASS- C Piping of including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessories, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 57 M & L for sludge transfer 100 mm Nominal bore,MS ERW CLASS- C Piping of including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessories, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 58 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of65 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI butterfly valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 59 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of50 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI butterfly valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 60 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of80 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI butterfly valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 61 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of100 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI butterfly valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 62 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 50 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated swing check type multidoor reflux valve (NRV), designed & tested as per IS 5312 (Part- 2): 1986, suitable to handle clear water having turbidity up to 5000 PPM, having CI body, door and diaphragm, leaded tin bronze seat rings and flange drilling standard end connection, etc., duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 63 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 65 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated swing check type multidoor reflux valve (NRV), designed & tested as per IS 5312 (Part- 2): 1986, suitable to handle clear water having turbidity up to 5000 PPM, having CI body, door and diaphragm, leaded tin bronze seat rings and flange drilling standard end connection, etc., duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 64 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 80 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated swing check type multidoor reflux valve (NRV), designed & tested as per IS 5312 (Part- 2): 1986, suitable to handle clear water having turbidity up to 5000 PPM, having CI body, door and diaphragm, leaded tin bronze seat rings and flange drilling standard end connection, etc., duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 65 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 100 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated swing check type multidoor reflux valve (NRV), designed & tested as per IS 5312 (Part- 2): 1986, suitable to handle clear water having turbidity up to 5000 PPM, having CI body, door and diaphragm, leaded tin bronze seat rings and flange drilling standard end connection, etc., duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 66 S & F of 4 bourdon tube pressure gauge conforming to EN 837-1, having copper alloy process connection & pressure element, plastic black pointer & case, plastic crystal-clear window, snap-fitted in case, accuracy class 2.5, scale range 0- 25 bar complete with accessories, etc. as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge.Make: General, WIKA, TSI 67 S & F of50 mm Nominal bore UPVC PIPE SCHEDULE 80/EPDM FOR FINE BUBBLE - complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. 68 S & F of40 mm Nominal bore UPVC PIPE SCHEDULE 80/EPDM FOR FINE BUBBLE - complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. 69 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 50 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI ball valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge.Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 70 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 40 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI ball valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge.Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 71 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 20 mm nominal bore wafer type PN 1.6 rated short pattern CI ball valve having Gr. FG-200 CI body conforming to IS 210: 2009, seat having EPDM rubber lining, CF 8 stainless steel disc, AISI- 410 stainless steel stem, 2.4 MPa body test pressure & 1.6 MPa seat test pressure and standard flange end conforming to BS 10 Table D/E & ANSI B 16.1 CI- 125, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge.Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 72 M & L for sewage water piping of 65 mm NB SS 304 including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessorie, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge., Make: sant/ zoloto/ advance 73 M & L for sludge recirculation piping of 40 mm NB SS 304 including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessorie, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 74 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 40 mm NBPN 1.6 rated two piece design vertical/horizontal lift non return valve (NRV), having Bronze body, Conforming to Bronze IBR 282(a)(iv) Gr.B, renewable seat & disc, screw female BSP taper threads end connection, etc.,complete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge.Make: Sant, Hindustan, Advance 75 M & L for Hypo dosing piping of 20 mm NB SS 304 including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessorie, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 76 M & L for sludge transfer piping of 65 mm NB SS 304 including necessary fittings viz. flexible connections, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, air purge valves, drain valves, structural support, necessary clamps, vibration isolators, etc. including painting and supporting / fixing the pipe in excavated trenches or on floor / wall / ceiling with clamps, hangers, angles, channels (using anchor fasteners) with necessary accessorie, duly insulatedcomplete all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 77 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning (SITC) of non-clogging type centrifugal pump having flow rate of 10 m3/hr and 10 MWC head, suitable for solid handling capacity of upto 30 mm size particles having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity, delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation cock, level controller (with wiring) to control, etc. complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. (for dewatering purpose) 78 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of CPRI approved load-break/fault-make switch with TAG type HT HRC fuse, fuse trip mechanism, earth switch with interlock with the main drive mechanism, shunt trip coil (220 V, 50 Hz, AC) and electrical standard indications, conforming to IS 9920/ IEC 62271-2002 and having the following specifications for outdoor floor mounted installation as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge. 79 [i] Type of Break: Air Break 80 [ii] Rated Voltage: 12 kV 81 [iii] Rated Frequency: 50 Hz 82 [iv] Rated Current: 630 A 83 [v] Rated Peak Current: 85 kA 84 [vi] Rated Short time Current: 31.5 kA (for 1 sec.) 85 [vii] Rated Making Current: 80 kA 86 [viii] Rated breaking Current: 630 A 87 [ix] Impulse Voltage wave shape 1.2/50 µs: To Earth: 75 kV; Between Poles: 75 kV; Between Open Contacts: 85 kV 88 [x] Power Frequency Test Voltage: To Earth: 35 kV; Between Poles: 35 kV; Between Open Contacts: 45 kV 89 [xi] Breaking of Capacitive Load: 50 A 90 [xiii] Closed Loop Breaking Current cos φ = 0.31 MD 91 [xiv] Rated Transformer Off Load Breaking Capacity = 120 A 92 [xv] Rated Line Charging Breaking Capacity: 90 A 93 [xvi] No. of Poles: 3 94 [xvii] No. of Breaks per Pole: Single 95 [xviii] Degree of Protection: IP 65 96 S & F 45W LED street-light having pressure die-cast housing with toughned glass and individual LEDs with secondary optics and IP 66 protection, including necessary electrical connections to the fitting with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size and 1.5 m long bracket, having 40 mm diameter light grade GI pipe, including GI clamps, nuts, bolts & washers with two coats of synthetic enemal paint over a coat of red oxide primer all as specified and directed. [Make: BAJAJ Cat-Part No. 169799 BRTFG 45W LED ,Havelles Cat-Part No. ENDURAPEARLNEOSL45WLED757PASYTOPC, Crompton Cat-Part No. LSTP-45-CDLor equivalent] 97 S & F weather- proof PVC junction box of size 250 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm, having IP 65 protection for outdoor installation fixed with 4 way bakelite cable terminals including 03 Nos. of polymide gland with check nut (M-32- 3 Nos.) fixed on poles with flat aluminium clamps of size 20 mm x 3 mm, nuts, bolts, washers, etc. complete all as specified and as directed. [Make: SINTEX Cat-Part No. GS-JB-2817, ENYCASE Cat-Part No. KF5350, HENSEL Cat-Part No. JSN250 or equivalent] 98 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based STP Panel of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. (STP Panel) 99 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 100 [a] Busbar Chamber: 101 [i] Aluminium busbar of 150A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 102 [a] Incoming: 103 [i] 100 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 104 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 105 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 106 [b] Outgoing: 107 [i] 3 kW Starter with 6.3A, 100kA,TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 108 [ii] 2.2 kW Starter with 6.3A, 100kA,TM ReleaseMPCB - 4 No. 109 [iii] 1.5 kW Starter with 4A, 100kA,TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 110 [iv] 1.1 kW Starter with 4A, 100kA,TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 111 [v] 0.7 kW Starter with 2.5A, 100kA,TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 112 [vi] 0.37 kW Starter with 1.6A, 100kA,TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 113 [vii] 13 kW Starter with 50A, 50kA, 3P MCCB - 2 No. 114 16A 4P 10kA, C-Curve - 2 Nos. 115 Ultrasonic Sensor - 16 Nos. 116 Intelligent street light control (ATSC) suitable for 6 kW maximum load, wall/pole mounted, having built-in networking support, built-in astronomical timer, 32 A TP contactor, 40 A TPN MCB - 1 No. 117 Panel Enclosure 118 Size :- 1500MM (W) x 1500 + 300MM (H) x 300MM (D) 119 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 120 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 121 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 122 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based (LIFTING MANHOLE - 27 Panel) of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. ( LIFTING MANHOLE - 27 Panel) 123 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 124 [a] Busbar Chamber: 125 [i] Aluminium busbar of 80A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 126 [a] Incoming: 127 [i] 16 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 128 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 129 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 130 [b] Outgoing: 131 [i] 0.5 HP Starter with 1.6A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 132 [ii] 0.2 HP Starter with 1A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 1 No. 133 Ultrasonic Sensor - 03 Nos. 134 Panel Enclosure 135 Size :- 600MM (W) x 700MM (H) x 300MM (D) 136 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 137 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 138 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 139 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based LIFTING MANHOLE - 123 Panel of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. ( LIFTING MANHOLE - 123 Panel) 140 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 141 [a] Busbar Chamber: 142 [i] Aluminium busbar of 80A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 143 [a] Incoming: 144 [i] 16 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 145 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 146 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 147 [b] Outgoing: 148 [i] 1 HP Starter with 2.5A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 149 [ii] 0.2 HP Starter with 1A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 1 No. 150 Ultrasonic Sensor - 03 Nos. 151 Panel Enclosure 152 Size :- 600MM (W) x 700MM (H) x 300MM (D) 153 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 154 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 155 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 156 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based LIFTING MANHOLE - 88 Panel of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. ( LIFTING MANHOLE - 88 Panel) 157 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 158 [a] Busbar Chamber: 159 [i] Aluminium busbar of 80A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 160 [a] Incoming: 161 [i] 16 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 162 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 163 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 164 [b] Outgoing: 165 [i] 1 HP Starter with 2.5A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 166 [ii] 0.2 HP Starter with 1A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 1 No. 167 Ultrasonic Sensor - 03 Nos. 168 Panel Enclosure 169 Size :- 600MM (W) x 700MM (H) x 300MM (D) 170 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 171 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 172 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 173 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based INTERMEDIATE SUMP-1 Panel of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. ( INTERMEDIATE SUMP-1 Panel) 174 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 175 [a] Busbar Chamber: 176 [i] Aluminium busbar of 80A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 177 [a] Incoming: 178 [i] 16 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 179 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 180 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 181 [b] Outgoing: 182 [i] 2 HP Starter with 4A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 183 [ii] 0.5 HP Starter with 1.6A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 1 No. 184 Ultrasonic Sensor - 03 Nos. 185 Panel Enclosure 186 Size :- 600MM (W) x 700MM (H) x 300MM (D) 187 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 188 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 189 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 190 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CPRI type tested, outdoor, cubical type PLC based INTERMEDIATE SUMP-2 Panel of suitable size, conforming to IEC 61641, having both sides openable with hinged double doors & locking arrangement and IP 55 protection made out of 3.15 mm thick mild steel CRCA sheet, supported and fixed on structural frame of angle iron of suitable size, including earthing stud, labeling, painting to all internal & external exposed steel surfaces with powder coating paint (7 tank process), duly fixed in ground with PCC foundation(1:2:4) type B1, with danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enameled (white) with letters figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, suitable for 3- Phase 4 Wire system, 500 V grade with necessary wiring, PVC sheathed stranded copper conductor of appropriate length & size, including fixing lugs, bolts, screws etc. complete all as specified and directed. ( INTERMEDIATE SUMP-2 Panel) 191 The Panel shall comprise of the following: 192 [a] Busbar Chamber: 193 [i] Aluminium busbar of 80A capacity, covered with PVC insulated sleeves including insulator, nuts, bolts, etc. with complete connection- 01 Set (3P + N) 194 [a] Incoming: 195 [i] 16 A, 415 V, Ics = Icu =10 kA, 50 Hz, FP MCB - 01 Nos. 196 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Feeder 197 PLC Unit - 01 No. with Power Supply Unit 198 [b] Outgoing: 199 [i] 3 HP Starter with 6.3A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 2 No. 200 [ii] 1 HP Starter with 2.5A, 100kA, TM Release MPCB - 1 No. 201 Ultrasonic Sensor - 03 Nos. 202 Panel Enclosure 203 Size :- 600MM (W) x 700MM (H) x 300MM (D) 204 Fabrication:- 3.15 mm CRCA sheet 205 Pre Treatment : 7 tank process 206 Painting : Powder coated with RAL7032 207 S & F ISI marked 16 A, SP, C- curve MCB for AC applications till following capacity, having breaking capacity Icn = 10 kA, conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, sliding bottom clamp, colour coded on/off indication on dolly, biconnect IP 20 protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, all complete as specified and directed. Make: Schneider, Legrand, Havells 208 S & F ISI marked 16 A, SP, C- curve MCB for AC applications till following capacity, having breaking capacity Icn = 10 kA, conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, sliding bottom clamp, colour coded on/off indication on dolly, biconnect IP 20 protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, all complete as specified and directed. Make: Schneider, Legrand, Havells 209 Design, Engineering, Supply, Install, Testing and Commissioning ofsilent Diesel engine driven Generating set of minimum capacity50 KVA, 415 Volts, 3 Ph, 4 wire, 50 Hz engine as per IS:10002 and alternator as per IS:13364 complete with relay panel and switchgears for automatic starting on mains failure, control panel and sound proof canopy as per CPCB norms, necessary earthing pits, connections and foundation, platform, etc all as specified and directed.Make:Kirloskar, Crompton Greves, Cummins or other make approved by GE 210 DG set should be CPCB–II norms complaint. Emission limit (g/kW-hr) standard shall be as under:- 211 (i) Oxides of Nitrogen + Hydrocarbon (NOx + HC ≤ 4.0)(ii) Carbon Monoxide (CO ≤ 3.5)(iii) Particulate Matter (PM ≤ 0.2)(iv) Smoke limit (Light Absorption Coefficient, 1/m) ≤ 0.7 212 The DG Set & AMF Panel shall be wired, interlinked & logically controlled with commercial supply for uninterrupted supply to the Essential Services LT Panel. 213 S & F 10 W surface/wall mounted LED batten having high efficiency long life LED chips with luminous efficacy of > 100 lumen/W, independent isolated SMPS based constant current electronic LED driver with THD < 20%, surge voltage protection and other safety tests as per IS: 15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, polycarbonate diffuser, housed in powder coated white extruded aluminium channel housing and white coloured ABS end caps having input voltage 220- 240 V, input frequency 50- 60 Hz, PF > 0.95, including electrical connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fixture complete all as specified and directed. Make: BAJAJ Cat-Part No. 112407 BCLSB 10 WH or equivalent model of Havells, Philips or Wipro 214 S & F 20 W surface/wall mounted LED batten having high efficiency long life LED chips with luminous efficacy of > 100 lumen/W, independent isolated SMPS based constant current electronic LED driver with THD < 20%, surge voltage protection and other safety tests as per IS: 15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, polycarbonate diffuser, housed in powder coated white extruded aluminium channel housing and white coloured ABS end caps having input voltage 220- 240 V, input frequency 50- 60 Hz, PF > 0.95, including electrical connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fixture complete all as specified and directed.Make: BAJAJ Cat-Part No. 112785 BCLAB 20W or equivalent model of Havells, Philips or Wipro 215 S & F 20 W LED street light having high efficiency long life LED module with SMD LED package mounted on MCPCB with high LED efficacy of ≥ 100 lumen/W, integral SMPS based constant current electronic LED driver with THD < 20%, surge voltage protection and other safety tests as per IS: 15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, IP 66 protection, high effiency polycarbonate cover with integrated lens housed in pressure die-cast aluminium alloy heat sink for effective thermal management, sturdiness, excellent corrosion resistance, separate optical and control gear compartment & top opening for easy maintenance, suitable for side entry, pole mounting with bracket arm OD 35 mm to 42 mm including necessary electrical connection to the fixture with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size and 1.5 m long bracket, having 40 mm diameter light grade GI pipe, including GI clamps, nuts, bolts & washers with two coats of synthetic enemal paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. Make: BAJAJ Cat-Part No. BAJAJ 169799 BRTFG 45W LED I or equivalent model of Havells, Philips or Wipro 216 S & F BEE five star rated energy efficient high-speed ceiling fan having 1200 mm blade sweep, air-flow not less than 210 CMM, operating voltage 220-240 V and frequency 50 Hz, including a downroad of suitable size and electrical connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fan complete all as specified and directed. Make: Crompton Cat-Part No. ENTRUST50 or Havells Cat- Part No. ES-50 or equivalent model of Usha or BAJAJ 217 S & F engery efficient non-metalic fresh air fan having blade sweep 250 mm, air delivery not less than 860 CMH, operating voltage 220-240 V and frequency 50 Hz, including electrical connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fresh-air fan complete all as specified and directed. Make: Crompton Cat-Part No. VENTILUS 10 or equivalent model of Usha, Havells or BAJAJ 218 S & F engery efficient metalic exhaust fan having blade sweep 300 mm, air delivery not less than 6000 CMH, operating voltage 220-240 V and frequency 50 Hz, including electrical connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fresh-air fan complete all as specified and directed. Make: Crompton Cat-Part No.EXHD450- 4-1 or equivalent model of Usha, Havells or BAJAJ 219 S & F ISI marked MCB for AC applications 6 A SP C Curve type, having breaking capacity Icn = 10 kA, conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, sliding bottom clamp, colour coded on/off indication on dolly, biconnect IP 20 protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, all complete as specified and directed. 220 S & F ISI marked MCB for AC applications 16 Amp SP C Curve type, having breaking capacity Icn = 10 kA, conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, sliding bottom clamp, colour coded on/off indication on dolly, biconnect IP 20 protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, all complete as specified and directed. 221 S & F ISI marked MCB for AC applications 32 Amp SPN C Curve type, having breaking capacity Icn = 10 kA, conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, sliding bottom clamp, colour coded on/off indication on dolly, biconnect IP 20 protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, all complete as specified and directed. 222 Supply and laying SFRC Manhole cover complete all asspecified 223 S & F 150mm Wide PVC Water Bar complete all as specified and directed. 224 M & L for providing and laying Double Flanged (Screwed/ Welded) Centrifugally (Spun) Ductile Iron Pipes of Class K - 7 conforming to IS : 8329 : 100 mm dia Ductile Iron Double Flanged 225 M & L for Cutting of PQC/PCC road to the width and depth required for laying RCC NP3 pipe of sewage line including hacking banching and including making good to top surface of road width 226 M & L for Cutting of bituminous road to the width and depth required for laying RCC NP3 pipe of sewage line including hacking banching and including making good to top surface of road width 227 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible treated water pump capable of100 m3/hr discharge at 30 MWC head having CI casing & impeller complete with all accessories, motor suitable for 415±10% V, 3- Ph, 50 Hz AC supply, pressure gauge with isolation cock, isolation valve, NRV on delivery line, strainer at suction. mechanical seal, suitable vibration elimination pads of approved design, drain pipe with valve, etc. complete all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge. (1 W+ 1 S) 228 S & F of20 mm Nominal bore CL 150 # rated ball valve, designed & manufactured as per IS: 9890 (1981) and tested as per BS 6755 Part- I, having floating type three piece design, CS body, SS- 304 ball, PTFE seal/packing/gasket, CS fastners and lever and screwed/socket weld end connection, etc. with accessories complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-03-2025 DATE CORR NO 4 Date 20-03-2025
2 07-02-2025 date corrigendum1 Date 24-02-2025
3 07-03-2025 TDDRG2 Other 20-03-2025
4 07-03-2025 TDDRG1 Other 20-03-2025
5 07-03-2025 NIT CORRIGENDUM Terms and Conditions 20-03-2025
6 07-03-2025 REV OF BOQ BOQ 20-03-2025
7 07-03-2025 REV OF DRGS Other 20-03-2025
8 11-03-2025 DATECORRNO5 Date 27-03-2025
9 14-02-2025 CorrigendumNo2 Date 03-03-2025
10 24-02-2025 DATE POSTPONEMENT NO 03 Date 13-03-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 662000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6.72 Crore /-


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