
Tender For Maintenance Of Residential And Public Buildings At Kaiga Township, Mallapur., kaiga-Karnataka

Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited has published Tender For Maintenance Of Residential And Public Buildings At Kaiga Township, Mallapur.. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-01-2025. Building Work Tenders in kaiga Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Maintenance Of Residential And Public Buildings At Kaiga Township, Mallapur.
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Tender Details

Tender For Maintenance Of Residential And Public Buildings At Kaiga Township, Mallapur.; 1 Providing and fixing Powder Coated AluminiumFrames and Shutters for Windows & Ventilators [Normal & Sliding] of reputed make, two / three tracks four track [as per site requirement & as directed by engineer-in-charge] etc. with extruded built up standard tubular and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:733 and IS:1285 powder coating [shade & colour shall be per requirement site requirement & as directed by engineer-in-charge], fixed with raw plugs and screws or with fixing clips, including necessary filling up gaps at junctions at top, bottom and sides with required PVC felt. / selicon sealent [shade & colour shall be per requirement site requirement & as directed by engineer-in-charge] etc. aluminium section shall be smooth, straight, mitred wherever required including cleat angle, aluminium snap beading for glazing / panelling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws including preparation of base, providing; fixing & removing necessary staging / platform / ladder / zoola [if required], collecting & disposing the generated waste up to a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters from the place of work etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge at all locations & all lifts / heightsNote: 1] Glazing shall be paid separately under relevant item.2] All fixtures & fittings required for completion of this itemshall paid on weight basis.3]Rate including removing of old Damaged shutters 2 Providing and fixing 4 mm thick [minimum] Clear Glass for Windows, Ventilator and Partitions etc. with nylon / rubber clear beading, Glass shall be of Modi / Saint Gobin make and free from all defects, cutting to required shape & size [as per site requirement], preparation of base, providing; /fixing & removing necessary staging / platform ladder / zoola [if required], collecting & disposing the generated waste & construction waste etc. up Ito a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters from the place of work etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge at all locations & all lifts / heights. Note: Aluminium will be measured & paid separately under item no :1 3 Providing and fixing 5 mm thick [minimum] Frosted Glass for Louvers of Ventilator Windows etc. with nylon / rubber clear beading, Glass shall be of Modi / Saint Gobin make and free from all defects, cutting to required shape & size as per site requirement, preparation of base providing; fixing & removing necessary staging / /platform / ladder / zoola [if required], collecting & disposing the generated waste & construction /waste etc. up to a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters from the place of work etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specifications and as directed by engineer-in charge at all locations & all lifts / heightsNote: Aluminium will be measured & paid separately under item no.:1 4 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel Wire mesh 304 L of 26 Gauge wire and 16 Meshes to an inch [16 X 26 G] confirming to relevant BIS specification of latest addition, to the openings along with aluminium frame work & suitable aluminium screws, cutting to required shape & size as per site requirement, preparation of base, providing; fixing & removing necessary staging platform / ladder / zoola [if required], collecting & disposing the generated waste & construction waste etc. up to a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters from the place of work etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge at all locations & all lifts heights Note: Aluminium Material will be measured & paid under item No.: 1. 5 Removal of Existing FRP / Flush Shutters & depositing in Sectional Civil store at township; Mallapur. Providing and fixing in position factory made, FRP Door Shuttersmade out of fibre glass reinforced plastic sheets having over all thickness not less than 2.00 mm [with a tolerance of ± 0.2 mm]. The shutter shall have outer wooden frame made out of 65 mm wide X 130 mm thick well seasoned hard wood and also with vertical, horizontal, middle & locking rails to mount the hardware & fixtures. The door surface further to have depressed mould design with special impression of wood veins of approved colour. The infill shall be with polyurethane thermo cole dipped in resin / non-decaying type layers of cardboards dipped in resin. The entire shutter shall have good finish including providing & fixing [fittings to each shutter] One number of 250 mm long & 16 mm dia. Aldrop, One number of 200 mm long & 10 mm dia. Tower Bolt. One number of 150 mm long & 10mm dia. Tower Bolt. Two numbers of 125 mm grip D handles, Two numbers of 40 mm dia. & 50 mm long rubber bushes [Aldrop, Tower /Bolts & D handles shall be of approved make aluminium powder coated], Four numbers of MS oxidised Hinges [required if any] preparation of base, providing; fixing & removing necessary staging / platform / scaffolding, collecting & disposing the general waste up to a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters. from the place of work & cleaning the work area, etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specification, drawing (if any] and as directed by engineer-in charge at all locations & lifts / heights. 6 Removal of Existing FRP / Flush Shutters with frame, fittings & depositing in Sectional Civil store at township; Mallapur. Providing and fixing in position factory made, FRP Door Shutters with FRP frame made out of fibre glass reinforced plastic sheets having over all thickness not less than 2.00 mm [with a tolerance of ± 0.2 mm]. the frame in which shutter is to be placed of 75mm wide and 50mm thick.The shutter shall have outer wooden frame made out of 65 mm wide X 130 mm thick well seasoned hard wood and also with vertical, horizontal, middle & locking rails to mount the hardware & fixtures. The door surface further to have depressed mould design with special impression of wood veins of approved colour. The infill shall be with polyurethane thermo cole dipped in resin / non-decaying type layers of cardboards dipped in resin. The entire shutter shall have good finish including providing & fixing [fittings to each shutter] One number of 250 mm long & 16 mm dia. Aldrop, One number of 200 mm long & 10 mm dia. Tower Bolt. One number of 150 mm long & 10mm dia. Tower Bolt. Two numbers of 125 mm grip D handles, Two numbers of 40 mm dia. & 50 mm long rubber bushes [Aldrop, Tower /Bolts & D handles shall be of approved make aluminium powder coated], Four numbers of MS oxidised Hinges [required if any] preparation of base, providing; fixing & removing necessary staging / platform / scaffolding, collecting & disposing the general waste up to a lead of 2000 to 3000 meters. from the place of work & cleaning the work area, etc. complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specification, drawing (if any] and as directed by engineer-in charge at all locations & lifts / heights. 7 providing and fixing wardobe complete all as per standard & manufacturers technical specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge at all locations & all lifts heights 8 Supply of 1st quality; reputed make [make as approved by EIC], 30 mm thick, BWP; commercial solid core : Flush Door Shutters made out of hard wood core and commercial ply on both faces bounded with phenol formal dehyde synthetic resin including, providing, fixing teak wood lipping all around the shutter, Flush Door Shutters shall be conforming to IS-2202 (Part-l) 1980 including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput letc., complete all as per the standard & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in-charge. 9 Supply of followingfittings / fixtures of superior 1st quality, reputed make and make as approved by EIC, including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput etc., complete all as per the standared & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in- charge. 10 Supply of Godrej Night Latch(ULTRA XL TWIN BOLT) or any other reputed make, 1stquality withlocking device for Residential doors confirming to IS 3847:1992 11 Supplying of bewelled edge 5 mm thick, Mirror of size 600 x 450 mm made out of best Indian glass 5 mm thick mounted on ACP sheet backing of 4 mm thick fixed in position with 4 Nos. of CP brass screws with SS caps 12 250 mm long, 14 mm dia & 3 mm thick Aldrop- SS of grade -202 13 200 mm long & 12 mm dia Tower Bolt - SS of grade -202 14 100 mm long & 10 mm dia Tower Bolt - SS of grade -202 15 150 mm grip [long]C/D handles-SS of grade -202 16 Godrej speed Hydraulic Door Closer 25L X 8W X4H cm 17 Door stopper with Rubber bush 75mm longx 50 mm dia 18 Door Hinges of 5 inch and 1.9mm thickness of SS 19 Spring Door Closer Iron Brown Color 20 Supply of Clay wire-cut bricks of Standard size 230mmx110mmx70mm the Bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in color.The bricks shall me made from machine free from cracks,The bricks shall have frog in it and including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput etc., complete all as per the standared & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in- charge. 21 Supply ofTable moulded Bricks of Standard size 230mmx110mmx70mm the Bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in color.The bricks shall me made from machine free from cracks,The bricks shall have frog in it and including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput etc., complete all as per the standared & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in- charge. 22 Supply of Birla White Portland Cement of 1kg packet confirming to relevant BIS specification of latest addition, and including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput etc., complete all as per the standared & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in- charge. 23 Supply of Quick Setting Compound for Cement confirming to relevant BIS specification of latest addition, and including stacking the same materials in Civil sectional store at Kaiga Township, Mallaput etc., complete all as per the standared & manufacturers technical specification and as directed by engineer-in- charge.

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 326186.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.63 Crore /-
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