
Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work Of Quarter Of H Ble Judicial Officer Of J.M.17 At Chomu Court - 1 Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Wi, phulera-Rajasthan

Public Works Department has published Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work Of Quarter Of H Ble Judicial Officer Of J.M.17 At Chomu Court - 1 Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Wi. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-01-2025. Building Work Tenders in phulera Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work Of Quarter Of H Ble Judicial Officer Of J.M.17 At Chomu Court - 1 Dismantling Tile Work In Floors And Roofs Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Wi
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work Of Quarter Of H Ble Judicial Officer Of J.M.17 At Chomu Court - 1 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meter lead:For thickness of tiles 25mm to 40mm. 2 Dismantling doors, windows and clearstory windows steel or wood shutter including chowkhats and holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 meters lead:Of area 3 square meter and below. 3 Dismantling of flushing cistern of any size including stacking of useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meter lead. 4 Labour charges for removing W.C. pan (any type) of all sizes with care including all necessary fittings P or S trap. 5 Removing and re-fixing of wash hand basin including all necessary fittings. 6 P & F Low level Flushing Cistern of 10 litres capacity (IS : 2556 mark) of approved make with complete fittings C.I. brackets duly painted, brass ball cock with ball (IS: 1703 mark) complete including cutting and making good the wall:PVC withPVCbend and superior internal fittings as per IS : 7231 . 7 P & F Indian type white glazed vitreous china 1st quality W.C. orissa pan (IS :2556 Mark) with 100 mm vitreous china P or S trap including cutting and making good the wall and floor: Size 580x440mm. 8 P & F European type white glazed vitreous china 1st quality Double syphonic W.C (IS :2556 Mark) with P or S trap including cutting and making good the wall and floor 9 P & F WVC Wash basin (Ist quality IS:2556 Mark) of approved make with C.I. brackets duly painted 1 No. 15 mm C.P. Pillar cock (IS:8934 Mark) & 32 mm C.P. brass waste coupling of approved make, P.V.C Waste pipe with PVC nut 32 mm complete including cutting & making good the wall :Size 610 mm x 510 mm 10 P & F Looking Mirrors with P.V.C. frame of approved make as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 11 Acrylic shelf on C.P. brass casted brackets & guard rail of approved make as per direction of EI ofsize 550x125mm 12 P & F Grating of approved quality/make:Square 150 x 150 x 8mm. (Anti Cockroach) 13 P & F Soap Dish or Tray of approved quality/make200 x100mm. 14 P & F Tooth Paste & Brush Holder of approved quality/make:C.P. brass (Heavy and Superior quality) 15 P & F Toilet Paper Holder with rod of approved quality/make:C.P. brass heavy & Superior quality. 16 Providing and fixingSuperior quality CP Brassfittings of approved make as per direction of Engineer-in-charge Shower arm 17 P & F Bath Shower of approved quality/make.C.P. brass of Heavy & superior quality, revolving with adjustable key 150mm 18 P & F Towel Rail or Ring of approved quality/make: C.P. brass Towel Rail elbow type with concealed screws size 450mm (Heavy duty). 19 Providing and fixingSuperior quality CP Brassfittings of approved make as per direction of Engineer-in-charge Jet Spray(Premium heavy Quality) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge 20 Providing & fixing C.P.flange for 15mm dia taps. 21 Providing and fixing 1st quality MAT finished ceremic tile size 300x300mm confirmingto code IS : 15622 colour such as white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades in floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (including the cost of cement mortar bed 1:4). 22 P & F G.I. pipes (Internal Work) with G.I. Fittings excluding union (IS:1239 Mark) & MS clamps including cutting and making good the walls and floors:Concealed pipe in wall including painting with anticorrosive bitumen paint15 mm dia nominal bore B Class 23 P&F Sink Mixture of (Adjustable or Non Adjustable) Superior quality Swan Neck. 24 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main including all fitting.Upto 25mm dia 25 P & F Full-way Valve (IS:778 Mark) or wheel valve of approved make :Gun-metal 25mm nominal bore. 26 P & F Divertors of superior quality and approved make:C.P. brass Tip-tone divertor bath spout with mixing valve. 27 P & F Inlet Connection (Angle Valves) Superior quality, of approved make, for Wash basin, Gyser etc. with 60 cm long thread and nut 28 P & F Bib Cock (IS : 8931 Mark), Superior quality of approved make:(-do-) Long body, 15mm nominal bore weight not less than 690 gm 29 P & F Pilllar Cocks (IS :8931 : 1993 Mark) of superior quality and approved make:C.P. Pillar cock, Swan-neck with casted spout, 15mm nominal bore. 30 P & F PVC Storage Tank ISI Marked (IS : 12701) indicating theBIS license No),of approved make with cover, 25mm dia 1M long G.I. over-flow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out pipe with plug & socket, including making connection etc., complete of approved design: 1000 litres capacity. 31 Hoisting Charges for each floor :For items 2.26.5 to 2.26.8 32 Labour Charges for Removing & Refixing the water Storage Tank of all sizes and including all Necessary fitting complete in all respect as per approved sample and direction of engineer in charge. 33 Supply & fixing G.I. Union ISI marked in G.I. pipe line as required complete in all respect of size :15mm dia nominal bore 34 Providing and Fixing Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) SWR Pipes Type B for sciland waste discharge system (IS:13592 : 1992 Marked) of approved quality /make110 mm dia 35 Providing and Fixing Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) SWR Pipes fittings type B for sciland waste discharge system (IS:13592 : 1992 Marked) of approved quality /makeBend 87.5 Dg.110mm dia 36 Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door profiles to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100mm size complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 37 30mm thick factory made solid both side Pre laminated panel PVC door shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for stiles and 15x15mmtop & bottom rails. M.S .frame shall have a coat of steel primers of approved make and manufacture M.S. frame covered with 5mm thick heat moulded PVC ‘C channel of size 30mm thickness, 70mm width out of which 50mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45 degree angle on either side forming stiles; and 5mm thick, 95mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail. Top bottom and lock rails shall be provided either side of the panel. 10mm (5mm x 2) thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet shall be provided as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail. Panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the stiles & rails with 7mm (5mm +2mm) thick x 15mm wide PVC sheet bending on inner side, and joined together with solvent cement adhesive. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on the interior side of the ‘C Channel using PVC solvent adhesive etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, manufacture’s specification & drawing.(For W.C.and bathroom door shutter). 38 Providing and fixing steel glazed window frame made out of 80x40 mm hollow sheet section of 16 gauge thickness, joint mitred weldedand grinded including hold fast of steel lugs 13mm x 3mm and 15 Cm long embedded in C Cblock 15 x 10 x 10 Cm of 1:3:6 nominal concrete and including fixing of pivoted hinges of superior quality, window shutters made out of 50 x 25.0 mm hollow steel section 15 mm paitam of 18 gauge thickness, joint mitred and grinded including 10mm x 10mm square bars welded to framefor paitam fixing float glass 4mm thickpanes with glazing clips and metal sash putty andfixing of shutters frames peg stay, U shape handle 100 mm long, tower bolts 100 mm long of steel powder coated superior quality including fixing and jointing with frame hinges priming coat with steel primer complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in –charge 39 Supplying and fixing fixed wire gauge of 14 mesh x 24 gauge to the metal frame of rolled section by metal beading 20x3mm with suitable screw at not exceeding 150mm distance. 40 Providing and fixing wood panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (Area of opening for panel inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled and glazed shutter 25 mm to 40 mm thick Ivory coastwood grade I 41 Providing and fixing wood panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (Area of opening for panel inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled and glazed shutter 25 mm to 40 mm thick SS wire gauge 14 mesh x 24 gauge 42 Providing and fixing external grade board solid core single leaf flush door shutters ISI 2202-67 marked using Phenol formal dehyderesinin glue both sides with approved steel fittings complete as per annexure A:Decorative teak veneer both side 43 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry, making of lines or groove etc complete but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 40mmthickwith20mmthicknominalsizeaggregate. 44 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thickbase laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing completewith base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)For area of each slab from 2001 to 5000 Sq.Cm 45 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved brand and manufacture and or required shadetogive an even shade including all scaffolding: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm). 46 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including all scaffolding:Newwork(twoormorecoats)overandincludingscrappingandprimingcoatwithcement primer. 47 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade : Two or more coats on new work 48 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. metres and under including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 m lead With cement mortar 1 :4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 25660.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.83 Lakhs /-
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