
Tender For Provision Of Otm Accommodation At 4 Ts At Af Stn Gorakhpur., gorakhpur-Uttar Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Otm Accommodation At 4 Ts At Af Stn Gorakhpur.. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-03-2025. Building Work Tenders in gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Otm Accommodation At 4 Ts At Af Stn Gorakhpur.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Otm Accommodation At 4 Ts At Af Stn Gorakhpur.; 1 SCHEDULE A PART I (BUILDING WORKS) 2 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Building works as listed in Sch ‘A’ PartI. 3 Sch A Part II (INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY) 4 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Internal Water Supply as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part II. 5 Sch A Part III (INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONS) 6 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Internal Electrifications as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part III . 7 Sch A Part IV (ROAD PATH AND CULVERT) 8 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Road Path and Culvert as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part IV. 9 Sch A Part V (EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY WORKS) 10 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for External Water Supply Worksas listed in Sch ‘A’ Part V 11 Sch A Part VI (EXTERNAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY WORKS) 12 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for External Electric Supply Worksas listed in Sch ‘A’ Part VI 13 Sch A Part VII (SEWAGE DISPOSAL WORKS) 14 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Sewage Disposal Works as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part VII 15 Sch A Part VIII (AREA DRAINAGE WORKS) 16 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Area DrainageWorks as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part VIII 17 Sch A Part IX (EARTH WORK (FOR ALL SCHEDULE ) AND SITE CLEARENCE WORKS) 18 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Earth work (for all schedule ) and Site Clearence Works as listed in Sch ‘A’ Part IX 19 Sch A PartX (Miscellaneous Items of B/R and E/M) 20 Material & labour for construction of 100 users convetional type RCC Septic tank designed to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 Design Mix in Walls, Base Slab, Baffle walls and Roof Slab including beams etc with Vent shaft, manhole openings with cover connection etc. complete with effective depth 1.5 Mtr and overall depth of 3 Mtr. complete all as specified and as directed. 21 Construction of Soakage well of size 3.0 mtr dia and 4.5 m effective depth including excavation in any type of soil, foundation in PCC 1:3:6, walls of honey combed masonry with top ring of M25 concrete including intercepting chamber and screen chamber made of Brick masonary in CM 1:6, RCC cover slab in M25 / SFRC cover, interconnecting pipes of RCC/DWC complete filled with brick bats all as shown in TD Drawings complete all as specified & directed. 22 M&L for boring of holes under road, pavement, hard standing using Pneumatic tools by trenchless technology using ultra sounding technique and necessary machine including HDPE pipe of 150 mm dia (of 6kg/Sqmm) suitable for 0.4 mpa working pressure, minimum length 5m or as required including making good of disturbed surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 23 Material and labour for construction of brick masonary valve chamber of size 600 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm (internal dimension), with 150 mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 (using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation), brick work using old size brick of sub class B bricks in cement mortar 1:6, 50 mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B1(using 40 mm graded stone aggregate) as in coping on top of brick wall, 15 mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:4 to all internal and exposed surfaces including excavation, earth work in any type of soil, MS sheet cover 3.15 mm thick fixed with angle iron frame of size 40 x 40 x 3.5 mm with locking arrangement embeded in PCC and painting of MS sheet cover with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer etc and all disturbed surfaces making good to match surroundingcomplete all as specified and directed. 24 M & L for laying brick as in protection covers over cables using well burnt sub class B old size bricks in trenches over sand cushioning complete all as specified and directed. 25 M & L for drilling and tapping cast iron water mains (in position) for branch connections by inserting Tee /Clamps and connection with existing pipe line 80/100mm bore pipe complete all as specified and directed. 26 Supply and fixing recessed mounted type LED light fitting complete with 20 Watt LED luminaire of 2x2, as per IS Code 16102 part 1&2extruded aluminium heat sink provided for efficient heat dissipation & integrated electronic driver complete with all accessories internally pre-wired and including connecting up with twin core twisted flexible copper conductorcablesuitable size.etc complete all as specified and directed 27 Supply and fixing steel tubular swaged poles type 410 SP-31 (9.0 meter long) complete with CI base plate, pole cap/final taper plug reduced section and longitudinal weld throughout entire length of pole, including PCC 1:4:8 in foundation, PCC 1:3:6 in side filling for embadding and PCC 1:2:4 in coping as per relevent TD complete with including 2 coats of black bituminous paint externally up to planting depth and remaining portion of pole shall be provided with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of aluminium paint complete all as specified and directed. 28 M&L for junction box pole mounted of size 230 x 170 x 110mm made out of engineering plastic comprising 60 Amps, 4 pole aluminium bus bar mounted on DMC insulator, 1 No SP MCB 6 Amps, 10 KA, junction box should be mounted on pole with MS flat iron of sizes 40mm x 6mm including nuts, bolts and washers and inclusive of 1.5 sqmm 3 core flexible copper cable from junction box to street light complete all as specified and asdirected. 29 Supplying and fixing Automatic Timer switch which switches ON/OFF the street lights based on LUX level of natural light ranges from less than 30 LUX and More Than 10 LUXof capacity 8 KW Three phase, 220V contactor rating 40A,incoming-outgoing MCB rating 40A having over voltage and under volttage protection all as specified and directed. complete all as specified and directed at site. 30 Cable route indicator 100mm dia, 5mm thick duly engraved with LT/ HThaving CI rod 10mm dia, 50 to 70 cm long, duly weldec to round plate complete with PCC block of PCC 1:3:6 type C2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate of size 60x60x30cm in ground complete all as specified and as directed. 31 Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of ECO friendly Diesel Engine driven generating set outdoor type of capacity 100 KVA, HP 310, latest CPCB emission norms, 415 volts AC, 3 phase and neutral wire, 50 HZ, 4 wire, 0.8 PF, Governing class G3, noise level <75 dBA, fuel tank, electrical battery starting volt-24 V DC, directly coupled alternator, measuring display board etc common steel base fixed on cement conctrete in foundation as per OEM recommendation plateform with inbuilt AMF panel as per manufacturer recommendation and other acessaries comprising of following. Note:- The plinth should be as per Manufacturer Recommendation and the rate of plinth is deemed to be included in quoted rate.DIESEL ENGINE ECO friendly for emission and noise (PCB NORM COMPLIANCE ) 4 stroke diesel Engine confirming to BS std developing 156 BHP @ 1500 RPM turbocharged water cooled complete with a provision of 10 % overload for 1 hour.(i) Fly wheel with starter ring for generating set. (ii) Dry type air filter.(iii) Lube oil cooler assembly with accessories. (iv) Exhaust air manifold.(v) Exhaust silencer(vi)Expansion bellow (vii) Exhaust gas turbocharger (viii) Fuel filter (pree micro) (ix) Oil filter(x) 12V or 24V DC as per manufacturer norms electrical starting system with starting motor & battery charging alternator with self starter and other auto electric accessories as recommended by manufacturer.(xi) Centrifugal by pass filter(xii) Front and rear mounting support. 32 (xiii) Engine control panel consisting of OFF/ON/START keys lub oil pressure gauge, Ammeter, Electric hour meter, speedo meter.(xiv) Safety against low lube oil(xv) Engine test certificate(xvi) Cold starting kit(xvii) Engine main manual with spare part list(xviii) Governer as per manufacturer norms(xix)Cooling radiator with first fill coolent. 33 ALTERNATOR Siilent pole brushless copper wound type suitable for direct couple to engine self excited, self regulated with fast response thyristor type electronic automatic voltage without output voltage within desired limit(+1%) Dynamicaly balanced 415 V , AC, 3 PHASE, 50 Hz, 4wire 0.8 PF lagging 250 KVA 1500 RPM star connected screen protected drip proof enclousers with radial fan mounted on rotor with insulated class H with following acessaries: (i) One MS frame suitable for mounting of Engine and Alternator(ii) Fuel tank of suitable capacity as per manufacturer recommendation complete with fuel gauge inlet/outlet connections drain valve with plug etc.(iii) Battery of suitable capacity with copper leads and terminal leads of suitable size. (iv) One set of AVM pads fitted on base frame.Acoustic EnclosureSupply and install of Acoustic Enclosure suitable for 250 KVA DG set the degree of protection IP-42 confirming to IS-2147 as under:-(i) Fabricated out of CRCA sheet of suitable sizeas per manufacturer design.Polyster based powder coad internaly and externaly with lockable type door handle. All nuts and handles shall be zinc coated.(ii) The door are gasketed with EPDM gaskets.(iii) Sound proofing with high quality rock wool/mineral wool confirming to IS 8183 of 50 mm thickness and density at 96 kg/m3 covered with fiber glass cloth and perforated pwder coats sheet specialy designed allenuators (sound controller) at air entry and exit of the container nice level shall be not exceed 75 dB at 1 meter distance as per CPCB norms.(iv) Adequate ventilation to meet to meet air requirement for combustion and heat removal with provn of a blower. (v) Emergency stop push button out side the container.(vi) Provn of light inside the canopy 20 W LED fitting with wiring and control switch. 34 Supply, install, test & commission LTMAINpanel CPRI Approved, Outdoortype,dust & Vermin proof self supporting fabricated out of CRCA steel sheet 1.6mm in inner compartmentofsuitable size with 450 mm depth with base ISMB 100 mm and Angle Iron frame (50x50x5mm) support to mount panel and tightened with 06 Nos 30 mm x 15 mm bolts & nuts , cubicle type floor mounting, suitable for 3 phase 4 wire, 415 V,50 Hz, ACsupply, having cable ally on both sides of panel independant bays for incomming & outgoings with openable from front, rear, left & right side . Duly painted with powder coating (10 tank process) and PU gasket . Cable lugs are to be used to terminate cables/wires. Existing incomming connections are to be re-arranged as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Single core copper cables shall be used for connections from bus bar to MCCBs/MCBs/instuments etc.Following shall deemed to be included in the cost of panel:-Note:Panel drawing should be approved by Garrison Engineer and CPRI.A:-Incoming(i) MCCB 250 A adjustable type ,rupturing capacity 36 kA with micriprocessor Based Release (O/C & S/C Protection). - 01 Nos(ii) Phase indicating lamps LED type RYB- 01 Set (Set of three) and Indicating Lamp On / OFF - 01 Set (Set of two). (iii) Digital Voltmeter with 4 Position Selector Switch, PTR 415/110V, CL1.0, Size 96x96mm -01 No. (iv) Digital Ammeter with 4 Position Selector Switch, CL-1.0, 96x96mm, Aux Suply - 230VAC - 01 No. . CT,1200/1A Cl-1.0, 15VA, Resin Cast - 03 Nos, B : Bus Bar - Electrolytic high conductivity annealed copper strip – 04 Nos 400 Amps and GI/Alu stripEarth Busbar.C: Outgoing (i) MCCB 100Aadjustable type ,rupturing capacity 25 kA with micriprocessor Based Release (O/C & S/C Protection). - 03 NosC: Outgoing (i) MCCB 63Aadjustable type ,rupturing capacity 25 kA with micriprocessor Based Release (O/C & S/C Protection). - 04 Nos 35 M & L for earthing complete with galvanised steel plate electrode 600mm x 600mm x 6 mm thick buied directly in ground ( earth pit not less than 2.25 mts deep below ground level with top edge of the pleate not less than 1.50 mts below ground level connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washerstof galvanised iron or steel connected to earthing test point all as specified incl 15 mm GItubing medium grade and necessary fitting for protection of GI strip incl laying of charcoal dust and common salt in alternate layer, PCC pit (1: 3: 6) type C-1 using 20mm graded stoneaggregate,RCC cover 40 mm thick (1:2:4) type B -0 using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate reinforced with 6mm dia round bar @ 75 mm C/C both ways with MS handle 8 mm dia , plastering 15 mm thick CM (1:6) externally upto 150 mm below ground level , GI funnel with 20 mm dia medium grade GI pipe for watering and wire mesh incl excavation and earth work and disposal of surplus soil complete all as specified and shown on electrical plate No 3 of SSR Part (2009) and connected to earth test point incl testing and marking Bldg Nos and writing test results on a 3.0 mm thick painted M S earth pit marking plate (200 mm x 100 mm ) duly welded with a 450mm long 10mm dia round MS rod , fixed with the earth pit champer by grounting complete all as specified an directed by Engr-in-Charge. 36 M&L for Earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60cmx 6mm thick buried direcly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 meters below normal ground lev el with the top edge of earth plate not less than 1.5 meters below ground level connected to galvanized iron strip 32 x 6 mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers made out of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No.5 of SSR part I and earth wire protected by galvanized pipe light grade 40mm bore and thorugh test point including necessary earth work and excavation in any type of strata, GI light grade 20mm bore watering pipe with funnel and wire mesh, PCC 1:2:4 type B1 chember with 40mm thick RCC 1:2:4 type B1 design mix cover slab with 6mm kdia MS bars at 100mm c/c both ways with MS Hook 6mm dia MS bars etc complete all as specified and directed and testing on completion.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-02-2025 date corrigendum1 Date 17-02-2025
2 10-02-2025 date corrigendum 3 Date 24-02-2025
3 14-02-2025 Other corrigendum for drg upload Other 27-02-2025
4 14-02-2025 BOQ corrigendum BOQ 27-02-2025
5 14-02-2025 date corrigendum3 Date 27-02-2025
6 27-01-2025 date corrigendum Date 10-02-2025
7 27-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 06-03-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 428000.0 /-
Tender Value
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