
Tender For Maintenance Works To Replace/Repair Damaged/Unsafe Roof And Sheds Of Md Otm Accn Alongwith Connected Items As Well As Electrical Safety, Sanitation And Hygiene Related Works At Mil Stn Ratnuchak Under Ge Kaluchak, Kaluchak-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Maintenance Works To Replace/Repair Damaged/Unsafe Roof And Sheds Of Md Otm Accn Alongwith Connected Items As Well As Electrical Safety, Sanitation And Hygiene Related Works At Mil Stn Ratnuchak Under Ge Kaluchak. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-01-2025. Shed Construction Tenders in Kaluchak Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Maintenance Works To Replace/Repair Damaged/Unsafe Roof And Sheds Of Md Otm Accn Alongwith Connected Items As Well As Electrical Safety, Sanitation And Hygiene Related Works At Mil Stn Ratnuchak Under Ge Kaluchak
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Maintenance Works To Replace/Repair Damaged/Unsafe Roof And Sheds Of Md Otm Accn Alongwith Connected Items As Well As Electrical Safety, Sanitation And Hygiene Related Works At Mil Stn Ratnuchak Under Ge Kaluchak-- 1 Demolition of brick work or stone / bouldermasonry includingall quoins, arches, pillars, etc. built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar complete all as specified and directed. 2 Dismantling of asbestos cement /CGI/PGI(corrugated, semi corrugated,etc.)sheets in roof coverings complete all as specified and directed. 3 Dismantling of wall and ceiling boards (fibre, pulp, insulation, etc.) or insulation boards/slabs/blankets, any thickness, including cover fillets complete all as specified and directed. 4 Dismantlingwrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided for complete all as specified & directed. 5 Taking down cement or cement lime plaster from brick or stone walls etc. including raking out joints, hacking for keys, scrubbing down with water etc. complete all as specified and directed. 6 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) including removing the rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 7 Dismantling of water tank exc. 250 Litre but not exc. 500 Litre capacity complete all as specified and directed. 8 Dismantling of water tank exc. 500 Litre but not exc. 1000 Litre capacity complete all as specified and directed. 9 M & L for providing plain cementconcrete type B-1, 1:2:4, (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate), as inbenching,water throughtsetc and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles & throating as directed including necessary form work as required complete all as specified and directed. 10 M & L for brick work with sub class ‘B’ old size bricks straight or curved on plan exc. 6.00 m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 11 S & F of mild steel framed work such as gate grills, gratings etc. with ends of bars shouldered and / or riveted, or forged into spikes, framed guard bars, barred iron doors, ladders, framed balusters, walk ways, railing, frame work of water tanks and similar work conforming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 complete all as specified and directed. 12 S&F for suspended false ceiling system using 4mm thick high pressure steam cured fibre cement pre-primed textured varient E-board (classic), ISI marked, conforming to IS:14982-2000 over and including GI snap grid frame workfor false ceiling, grid size605 x 605 mm with GI angle of size 24x24mm, main runner ‘T’ of size 24x38mm, secondary runner ‘T’ of size 24x28mm with 6mm GI wire with butterfly clips as hangers for leveling, fastners, supports, plugs to walls/joists etc , hangers to be fixed with approved rawl plug, level adjusters and screwsa etc, last hanger at the end of each runner shall not be greater than 450mm from adjacent wall all as per manufacturer’s Instructions including making holes, cutting chasis and making good existing walls in cement mortar 1:3 or PCC 1:2:4 type B1, complete all as specified anddirected. Note :- All steel members shall be hot dipped galvanised with zinc coating not less than 120 gm/sqm. 13 S & F of Pre- painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws as specified complete all as specified and directed.NOTE:- Corrugated shape of sheet shall be approved by GE 14 S & F of Pre- painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based plain steel sheet 0.50mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws as specified complete all as specified and directed . 15 M & L Non - skidjoint free ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match complete all as specified and directed. NOTE: - SCREED SHALL BE MEASURED AND PAID SEPARATELY. 16 M & L Non - skid Ceramic joint free colouredtiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in skirting/dado etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white orcoloured cement to match complete all as specified and directed.NOTE: - RENDERING SHALL BE MEASURED AND PAID SEPARATELY. 17 M & L for 15 mm thick rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces with cement mortar 1:6 finished even and smooth (without using extracement)complete all as specified and directed. NOTE:-(i) The work will be carried out upto triple storey buildings and the cost of scaffolding is also included in this items 18 M & L for 15 mm thick rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces with cement mortar 1:4 finished even and smooth (without using extracement)complete all as specified and directed. NOTE:-(i) The work will be carried out upto triple storey buildings and the cost of scaffolding is also included in this items 19 M & L for 5 mm thick rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces of ceiling with cement mortar 1:3 finished even and smooth (without using extracement)complete all as specified and directed. 20 Supply only water proofing compound ( (Liquid)complete all as specified. 21 M & L for 15 mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cement mortar 1:4 for laying floor finishes finished even and rough complete all as specified and directed. 22 M & L for 10 mm thick cement plaster on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 on vertical surfaces of wall finished even and rough suitable for laying wall tiles complete all as specified and directed. 23 M & L for preparation of newly plastered or un-plastered surfaces of ceiling and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 24 M & L for preparing newly plastered or previously untreated wall ,chajjas, facias,parapets wall surfaces and applying two coats of cement base paint over one coat of primer complete all as specified and directed. 25 M & L for preparing newly plastered or previously untreated ceiling surfaces and applying two coat of oil bound distemperover a coat of 1 mm thickbirla wall care putty complete all as specified and directed.NOTE:-The work will be carried out upto triple storey buildings and the cost of scaffolding is also included in this items. 26 M & L for preparation of steel surfaces over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 27 S & F of 500 Litre capacity rotational moulded polythene water storage tanks (cylindrical vertical with closed top) of specifications as per MES Schedule 2009, Part – I and hoisted, fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. 28 S & F of 1000 Litre capacity rotational moulded polythene water storage tanks (cylindrical vertical with closed top) of specifications as per MES Schedule 2009, Part – I and hoisted, fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. 29 Taking up or down 15 mm bore steel water tubing and connection, including cleaning for refixing or removal to store complete all as specified and directed. 30 Taking up or down 20 mm bore steel water tubing and connection, including cleaning for refixing or removal to store complete all as specified and directed. 31 S&F 15mm nominal bore of pipe in walls, and ceiling or laid in floors, jointing and testing galvanised mild steel water tubing “medium grade” with and including all fitting (such as bends, elbows, tees, short pieces connectors, back nuts, diminishing pieces, capas, plugs and union etc) complete all asspecified and directed. 32 S&F 20 mm nominal bore of pipe in walls, and ceiling or laid in floors, jointing and testing galvanised mild steel water tubing “medium grade” with and including all fitting (such as bends, elbows, tees, short pieces connectors, back nuts, diminishing pieces, capas, plugs and union etc) complete all asspecified and directed. 33 S & F of20 mm dia ball valves, high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod & highdensity plastic ball screwed for iron pipe and fixed. (Minimum weight 15mm-142gms/ 2 0 m m - 2 1 0 g m s . / 25mm-455gms/ 40mm - 690 gms) complete all as specified and directed. 34 Taking down copper/aluminium point wiring (light, fan, socket or power) complete, including fixture and fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, pendants, regulators, sockets, light fitting etc. removing materials to store for keeping in safe custody or for taking credit (credit for above items should be made as per conditions separately) and making good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc.complete all as specified and directed. 35 Taking down carefully existing sub main wiring complete of any size and capacity complete all as specified and directed. 36 Taking down carefully unserviceable main switches, DBs including MCBs etc. complete of any size and capacity complete all as specified and directed. 37 Taking down electronic / electric meter single phas any size or type from the existing site and refixing the same at same place after carrying out necessary repair work and making the surface good to match with existing surface with proper concealed connections on the same and testing after complete of reading completeall as specified and directed 38 M&L for point wiring one light / fan/ bell/Exhaust fan point controlled by one way switch(concealed type) complete with multistranded copper conductor flame retardant low smoke (FRLS)1.5 Sqmm size PVC insulated unsheathed cable 1100 volts grade drawn through with and incl medium grade duty concealed PVC conduit ISI marked not less than 20mm dia including conduit fittings and accessories such as socket,elbow,junction box, bell mouth,bend, reducer etc complete incl cutting chases inexisting walls of any description built in cement mortar and making good the disturbed surfaces in cement mortar (1:4)and finishing the surfaces to match with existing surfaces and finish with using sunken type pressed steel terminal boxes of required sizes of not less than 1.6 mm thick factory made and factory painted with top cover of 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheet fixed with brass screws washers with all accessories including single core multi stranded copper conductor1.5 Sqmm size PVC insulated unsheathed cablegreen in colouras earth wire to common earth andconnected to earth dolly drawn in same conduit complete all as specified .NOTE :-Wire/Cablecolour coding Shall be maintained properly as per IE rule. 39 All as per item No 38 but for one 3/5 pin socketoutlet 5 Amps on the same board with other switches. 40 All as per item No 38 but for one 3/5 pin 5 Amp socket outleton independent board. 41 All as per item No 38 above here in before but with 4.0 Sqmm (nominal area) cable PVC insulated but unsheathed for the 15 Amp 3/5 pin socket power point including 4.0 Sqmm copper conductor green in colour for earth continuity on independent boardcomplete all as specified and directed. 42 M&L for point wiring one light / fan/ bell/Exhaust fan point controlled by one way switch(concealed type) complete with multistranded copper conductor flame retardant low smoke (FRLS)1.5 Sqmm size PVC insulated unsheathed cable 1100 volts grade drawn through with and including PVC casing and caping ISI marked of 20/30mm size as required, terminated in MS sunken box suitable for housing of switches, socket, regulator etc covered with 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheet fixed with brass screws washers with all accessories including single core multi stranded copper conductor1.5 Sqmm size PVC insulated unsheathed cablegreen in colouras earth wire to common earth andconnected to earth dolly drawn in same conduit complete all as specified .NOTE :-Wire/Cablecolour coding Shall be maintained properly as per IE rule. 43 All as per item No 42 but for one 3/5 pin socketoutlet 5 Amps on the same board with other switches. 44 All as per item No 42 but for one 3/5 pin 5 Amp socket outleton independent board. 45 All as per item No 42 above here in before but with 4.0 Sqmm (nominal area) cable PVC insulated but unsheathed for the 15 Amp 3/5 pin socket power point including 4.0 Sqmm copper conductor green in colour for earth continuity on independent boardcomplete all as specified and directed. 46 S&F switch piano flush type polycarbonate single pole one way 5 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 47 S&F in repair switch piano flush type polycarbonate single pole one way 5 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 48 S&F in repair switch piano flush type polycarbonate single pole one way 15 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 49 S&F socket outlet polycarbonate 2 in 1, 3 pin 5 Amps flush type complete all as specified and directed. 50 S&F Switch socket combination 2 in 1, 3 pin, 5 and 15 Amp flush type universal complete all as specified and directed. 51 S&Fin repair Switch socket combination 2 in 1, 3 pin, 5 and 15 Amp flush type universal complete all as specified and directed. 52 S&F Ceiling rose three teminal /PVC/ polycarbonate,insulated body complete all as specified and directed. 53 S&F electronic fan regulator, 100 watt, (5 stepped type), 240 Volt for 1200/1400 sweep AC ceiling fan complete all as specified and directed. 54 S&F in repairs3mm thick laminated bakelite sheet, cutting to 9x11 size, drilling holesfor mounting switch/ socket/ regulators etc, fixed with screws and GI covers with cup head washers, complete all as specified & directed. 55 S&F in repairs3mm thick laminated bakelite sheet, cutting to 5x7 size, drilling holesfor mounting switch/ socket/ regulators etc, fixed with screws and GI covers with cup head washers, complete all as specified & directed. 56 S&F in repairs3mm thick laminated bakelite sheet, cutting to 7x9 size, drilling holesfor mounting switch/ socket/ regulators etc, fixed with screws and GI covers with cup head washers, complete all as specified & directed. 57 M&L for PVC casing capping 20 mm wide on wall/roofpipe 20 mm wide on wall/ceiling (ISI marked, interlocking type) with all fitting ,complete all as specified & directed. 58 Supply and fixing LED lights fitting 1x 20W, 220V, AC decorative box type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rosecomplete all as specified and directed. 59 S&F Lamp holder, PVC/Polycarbonate type with back plate suitable for batten fittings including one LED retrofit Lamp of B-22 holders base warm white Code No LHLDRUEML8X005 of make Havells or equivalent make of Phillips/Crompton etccomplete all as specified and directed. 60 S&F offully diffused recessed mounted luminaire 2X2 LED 36 Watt suitable for POP/Gypsum false ceiling complete with all accessories pre-wired and making connection with three core PVC insulated overall sheathed flexiable copper cable of size 0.75sqmm from ceiling rose to light fitting, complete all as specified & directed. 61 Supply and fixing factory made epoxy powder coated distribution board, SPN, 12 ways with metal door (IP-43 protection), confirming to IS : 8623 fabricated from minimum 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet and fixed flush to wall, suitable for universal mounting including 100 Amp copper bus bar, neutral bar, standard DIN rail, earth bar and cable ties for cable management, top and bottom removable gland plates with knockouts, suitable for one SPN/DP MCB as incomer and SP MCB outgoing, complete all as specified & directed . 62 Supply and fixing factory made epoxy powder coated distribution board, SPN, 8 ways with metal door (IP-43 protection), confirming to IS : 8623 fabricated from minimum 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet and fixed flush to wall, suitable for universal mounting including 100 Amp copper bus bar, neutral bar, standard DIN rail, earth bar and cable ties for cable management, top and bottom removable gland plates with knockouts, suitable for one SPN/DP MCB as incomer and SP MCB outgoing, complete all as specified & directed . 63 Supply and fixing factory made epoxy powder coated distribution board, VTPN, 4 ways with metal door (IP-43 protection), confirming to IS : 8623 fabricated from minimum 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet and fixed flush to wall, suitable for universal mounting including 100 Amp copper bus bar, neutral bar, standard DIN rail, earth bar and cable ties for cable management, top and bottom removable gland plates with knockouts, suitable for one one SPN/DP-MCBas incomer and SP MCB outgoing, complete all as specified & directed . 64 Supply and fixing factory made epoxy powder coated distribution board, VTPN, 4 ways with metal door (IP-43 protection), confirming to IS : 8623 fabricated from minimum 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet and fixed flush to wall, suitable for universal mounting including 200 Amp copper bus bar, neutral bar, standard DIN rail, earth bar and cable ties for cable management, top and bottom removable gland plates with knockouts, suitable for one one FP- MCCB 160/250 Amp as incomer and SP MCB outgoing, complete all as specified & directed . 65 Supply and fixing 240V, 10 KA B curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of single poles and current carrying capacity 5 to 63 AMP, in the MCB DB Complete with connection testing andcommissioning complete all as specified & directed. 66 Supply and fixing 240V, 10 KA B curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of SPNand current carrying capacity 40 AMP, in the MCB DB Complete with connection testing andcommissioning complete all as specified & directed. 67 S&F in replacement of MCCB 63 Amps four pole 415 volts thermal magnetic release ICU=100% ICS having breaking capacity 16 KA including connection terminal strip complete all as specified & directed. 68 M&L forsub main wiring with 2 Single core PVC insulated unsheathed FRLScable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty copper conductor multistranded of size 6.0 Sqmm (nominal area) drawing in and including 25 mm dia or higher medium dutyPVC concealed conduit and conduit accessories and fittings. including one single core green colour PVC Insulated unsheathed FRLS cable copper conductor multistranded of size 6.0 Sq mm as earth wire upto common earth and connected to earth dolly complete all as specified & directed. 69 M&L forsub main wiring with 2 Single core PVC insulated unsheathed FRLScable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty copper conductor multistranded of size 6.0 Sqmm (nominal area) drawing in and including in casing caping andaccessories and fittings. including one single core green colour PVC Insulated unsheathed FRLS cable copper conductor multistranded of size 4.0 Sq mm as earth wire upto common earth and connected to earth dolly complete all as specified & directed. 70 M&L forsub main wiring with 2 Single core PVC insulated unsheathed FRLS cable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty copper conductor multistranded of size6.0 Sqmm (nominal area) drawing in and including existingPVC concealed conduit and conduit accessories and fittings. including one single core green colour PVC Insulated unsheathed FRLS cable copper conductor multistranded of size 6.0 Sq mm as earth wire upto common earth and connected to earth dolly complete all as specified & directed. 71 Supply and laying XLPE insulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable, with stranded aluminum conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanized steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade, nominal cross sectional area 25 Sqmm3.50 core laid in trenches, ducts, drawn through pipes across the road/path/along poles/wall/ floors/ equipment etc including jointing and testing complete all as specified and directed. 72 Supply and laying XLPE insulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable, with stranded aluminum conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanized steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade, nominal cross sectional area 35 Sqmm 3.5 core laid in trenches, ducts, drawn through pipes across the road/path/along poles/wall/ floors/ equipment etc including jointing and testing complete all as specified and directed. 73 Supply and laying XLPE insulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable, with stranded aluminum conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanized steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade, nominal cross sectional area 16 Sqmm 4 core laid in trenches, ducts, drawn through pipes across the road/path/along poles/wall/ floors/ equipment etc including jointing and testing complete all as specified and directed. 74 Supply and laying XLPE insulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable, with stranded aluminum conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanized steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade, nominal cross sectional area 16 Sqmm 2.0 core laid in trenches, ducts, drawn through pipes across the road/path/along poles/wall/ floors/ equipment etc including jointing and testing complete all as specified and directed. 75 Supply and laying XLPE insulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable, with stranded aluminum conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanized steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade, nominal cross sectional area 10Sqmm 2.0 core laid in trenches, ducts, drawn through pipes across the road/path/along poles/wall/ floors/ equipment etc including jointing and testing complete all as specified and directed. 76 M&L for well burnt brickwith sub class ‘B’ old size bricks for protection of cablecomplete all as specified and directed. 77 Excavation in trenches not exc. 1.50 m wide and not exc. 1.50 m in depth for foundation etc. or for laying of cable/GI pipe etc. not exc. 10 Sqm on plan and getting out in soft / loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 78 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc. 25 cm thick in each layer as in soil complete all as specified and directed. 79 M&L for dry sand cushioning for UG cable in trenches including spreading levelling and hand paning and consolidating complete all as specified and directed. 80 Removing surplus excavated material (SOIL) to distance not exc. 50 m and depositing where directed at a level not exc. 1.50 m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 81 M&L for laying Galvanised iron tube 40 mm bore light grade (ISI marked) for cable protectionto poles/under floor/under roads/alongwithwallscomplete including MS clamps offlat iron 25x3mm duly painted, GI nuts, bolts and washers & sealing of pipe ends with approved sealing compound, complete all as specified and directed.. 82 M&L for laying Galvanised iron tube50 mm bore light grade (ISI marked) for cable protectionto poles/under floor/under roads/alongwithwallscomplete including MS clamps offlat iron 25x3mm duly painted, GI nuts, bolts and washers & sealing of pipe ends with approved sealing compound, complete all as specified and directed.. 83 Cutting/ boring of road/hard standing to a size of 30cm in width and not exc 60 cm in depth for laying of protection pipe / water line/ cable including returning, filling in, spreading, romoval of surplus soil and providing 100mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate on top, complete all as specified & directed.Note :Due care shall be taken while deciding cable route for excavation.However any damage to Signal, BSNL, MES cable water/sewage pipe or any other service while excavation will be made good by the contractor and cost of the same for jointing material & labour is deemed to be includedthe cost of excavation. 84 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Cubical type floor mounted LT panel board, out door type factory fabricated made out of CRCA sheet of 3.15 mm thick, fully enclosed and angle iron frame of size 50 x 50x 6mm thick and T section with front openable Double Door shutter, dust and vermin proof and rear opening complete with locking arrangement, having a system of bus bars of aluminiumTPN 100 Amps conforming toIS:5082 duly insulated and mounted on epoxy/Porcelain insulatorsin totally enclosed chamber with 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 cycle, 415V, AC system prewired with suitable copper wire PVC insulated with all control accessories, duly painted internally and externally with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over a coat of red oxideprimer on PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 platform 60 cm above the ground level and 45 cm below the ground level including connecting the existing cables/earthings with the proposed LT panel with suitable size of thimbles nuts, bolts and washers etc, comprising of the following:- (a) MCCB 100 amps 4 pole, 16 KA, 415V - 01 No. (incoming) (b)Digital Voltmeter-01 No(c) Digital Ammeter - 01 No .(d) Neon Indication lamp (RYB) - 01 No.(e) Lock pedestal - 01 No 85 M&L for earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 600 x 600 x 6.0mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level, connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel and connecting to main switch or switch board complete and incl PCC masonry pit of 300x300x300mm interior dimensions in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 RCCcover with GI frame, charcoal and common salt 15cm in layers all round the earth plate, 15mm dia GI watering pipe, a funnel with wire mesh should be provided on top of watering pipe complete all as specified as per electric plate No 3 of SSR 2009 including testing after completion complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-01-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 17-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 97600.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48.80 Lakhs /-
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