
Tender For Provision Of Deficient Married Accommodation At Af Stn Thanjavur, thanjavur-Tamil Nadu

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Deficient Married Accommodation At Af Stn Thanjavur. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-02-2025. Building Work Tenders in thanjavur Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Deficient Married Accommodation At Af Stn Thanjavur
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Deficient Married Accommodation At Af Stn Thanjavur; 2 GENERAL SUMMARY NOTE: Schedule ‘A’ Part II to IX are prepriced by MES under Ser No. 1 to 9. Bidders shall insert their lumpsum amount in the Green coloured field under Col-6 only. 3 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “Internal Water Supply” as listed in Schedule ‘A’Part–II 4 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “Internal Electric Supply as listed in Schedule ‘A’Part–III 5 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “Road / Path / Hardstanding / Culvert as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part - IV . 6 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Area Drainage as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part - V . 7 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “Sewage Disposal” as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part – VI. 8 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “Chain link fencing” as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part – VII. 9 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “External Water Supply” as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part – VIII 10 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for “External Electric Supply” as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part – IX 11 Sch A Part - I : BUILDINGS OR WORKSDesign and Construction of Married accommodation building for JWOs in 2 storey (Ground+1 storey) with Car & Scooter shed in framed construction with permanent specifications in RCC of grade as per structural drawings, AAC solid block masonry walls, ATT, PU based WPT, earthquake resistance as per latest IS etc complete all as specified and as shown on drawings. 12 Design and Construction of Married accommodation building for Sgts & below in 2 storey (Ground+2 storey) with Car & Scooter shed in framed construction with permanent specifications in RCC of grade as per structural drawings, AAC solid block masonry walls, ATT, PU based WPT, earthquake resistance as per latest IS etc complete all as specified and as shown on drawings. 13 Sch A Part - X : Fittings / Fixtures & Misc items. INTERNAL WATER SUPPLYSupply and fix 15mm bore kitchen sink tap, brass chrome finish dual flow patters with silicon black flexible hose swivel type complete all as specified and as directed. 14 Supply and fix 15mm bore washing machine tap, brass chrome for PPR pipe complete all as specified and as directed. 15 INTERNAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY Supply and Fix Surface mounted square panel light fiting 1ftx1ft 18W, 220Volts AC recessed type with high efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete with drivers suitable for roof ceiling including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size and connected accessorie etc. complete in all respects all as specified and as directed Engineer in charge. 16 Supply and fix Modular TV Socket, one module etc complete in all respect all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge . 17 Supply and fix Modular Telephone socket ,RJ-11,one module etc complete in all respect all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge. 18 M&L for Telephone Wiring with unarmoured Solid annealed bare copper industrial cablein concealed of size 0.5 mm ,3 pair with PVC Conduit 25 mm diaetc complete in all respect all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge . 19 M&L for TV Wiring with unarmoured coaxial cable, RG-11in concealedwith PVC Conduit 25 mm diaetc complete in all respect all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge. 20 M&L for Mild steel Box for Telephone wiring including blocks , Suitable for 35 Pair etc complete in all respect all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge. 21 SITE CLEARANCESite clearance in soft / loose soil, cutting of brushes, shurbs, jungle clearance including cutting of trunks not exceeding 30cm girth and disposal exceeding 500m complete all as specified and as directed. 22 ROADMaterial and labour for providing and applying 2mm thick road marking strips (Retro-reflective) of specified shade / colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe, Glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator on road surface including cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil. grease and foreign materials etc complete all as per manufacturers instructions and as specified and as directed. 23 EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLYM&L for construction of brick masnory valve pit chamber of size900mm x 900mm x 1000mm (internal dimentions) with in CM 1:4 including base concrete PCC 1:4:8 mix, type D2 100mm thick, plastering with CM 1:4, 10mm thick internally and externally including provision of 5mm thick MS sheet cover fixed with 50x50x6mm angle iron embeded in PCC 1:2:4 mix, type B1 coping 100mm thick including painting to steel and iron work with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer and necessary earth work and excavation in any type of soil complete with locking arrangement lifting handles all as specified and as directed. 24 EXTERNAL ELECTRIC SUPPLYSupply install test and commission LT Panel board,three phase, 50 Hz, 400 Amps capacityBusbar, out door cubical type floor mountedfactory made double doordust and vermin prooffabricatedout of CRCA sheet not less than 3.15 mm thick outer sheet & 2mm thick inner sheet andfixed on angle ironframemade out of 50x50x6 mm with cable chamberfor individual feeders for incommingand outgoing connections, Digital meterwith voltmeter, ammeter, slector switch, CTs, Control Fuse and Indicating Lights , danger notice plate, front & back openable doors with locking arrangements, PCC foundation etc and with the followings:- 25 (a)MCCB 160A,36KA, 4 Pole adjustable thermal and adjustable magnetic (I/C)- 01Nos(b)MCCB 40A,16KA, 4 Pole adjustable thermal and fixed magnetic (O/G)- 05Nos(c)MCCB 16A/25A,16KA, 4 Pole adjustable thermal and fixed magnetic (O/G)- 01 Nos(St lt)(d) Digital meterwith voltmeter, ammeter, slector switch, CTs, Control Fuse and Indicating Lights including with all pre-wired connection,- 01 Set(e) Digital Timer Switchfor street light-01 Nos(f) Contactor with nominal current rating 25Amp TP -01 26 Supply install test and commission LT Panel board, TPN three phase, 50 Hz, 200 Amps capacity, out door cubical type floor mountedfactory made double doordust and vermin prooffabricatedout of CRCA sheet not less than 3.15 mm thick outer sheet & 2mm thick inner sheet andfixed on angle ironframemade out of 50x50x6 mm with cable chamberfor individual feeders for incommingand outgoing connections, Digital meterwith voltmeter, ammeter, slector switch, CTs, Control Fuse and Indicating Lights , danger notice plate, front & back openable doors with locking arrangements, PCC foundation etc and with the followings:- 27 (a)MCCB 63A, 16KA, 4 Pole adjustable thermal and fixed magnetic (I/C)- 01Nos(b)MCCB 40A, 16KA, 4 Pole adjustable thermal and fixed magnetic (O/G)- 03Nos (02 + 01 Spare)(c) Digital meterwith voltmeter, ammeter, slector switch, CTs, Control Fuse and Indicating Lights including with all pre-wired connection,- 01 Set 28 Supply and fix moulding compound street lightjunction box of size 250 mm x 250 mm x 160mm complete with shock and rust proof , front openable type and including suitable provision for three phase, four wire cableincomming & outgoing loop -in loop connection and including one No. MCB SP 6 Amp includingfixing clamps (30x4mm) and GI nut bolts and washers of suitable size and fixed on pole / wall complete all as specified and as directed. 29 Material and labour for Cable route indicator showing LT UG Cable and route of cable with arrow made of CI in suitable eliptical/round shape and fixed on angle iron 40x40x6mm, 800mm long painted in Blue Colour with two coats of synthetic enamel paint cover a coat of red oxide primer duly embaded in PCC block (0.40x0.40x0.40)mtrincluding in ground and 0.15mtr above ground lable complete all as specified and as directed. 30 Supply and fix PVC insulated FRLS unsheathed flexible copper conductor cableof size 1.5 Sqmm, multistranded, three core,1100 volts grade for connectingfrom loop in - loop out box to street light fittingcomplete all as directed. 31 Returning and filling of trenches in two parts(i) using riddled soil obtained fromexcavated soil upto depth of 30cm (8cm below cable and remaining above cable) for cushioning of cable and(ii)refilling the trench of remaining depthwith normal excavated soil all as specified and directed.Note :- (i) Excavatedsoil shall be riddled by using sieve to separate composite particles etc as per IS 1255-1983 and refilling in trenches as in cable cushioning.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-01-2025 Amendment No 1 Date 27-01-2025
2 13-01-2025 Amendment No 3 Other 27-01-2025
3 13-01-2025 Amendment No 2 BOQ 27-01-2025
4 27-01-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 03-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 799500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 9.48 Crore /-
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