Tender For Comprehensive Repairs / Replacement To B/R Nature Work Of Otm Accommodation (Zone ‘D’) In The Aor Of Age B/R-I Under Ge Hisar At Hisar Mil Stn.; 1 Taking down chowkat or frame with shutters area not exc. 1.5 Sqm each (without taking off the wooden shutters from the frame) including cutting holes for hold fasts complete all as specified 2 Taking down shutters of any description, exc 1 sqm and n.exc 2sqm each and removal from site etc complete all as specified and directed. 3 Dismantling of cast iron pipes of any size of bore as in soil, waste or vent pipe including removal of cement joint dixed to wall or laid in floor complete all as specfied and directed 4 Taking down cement plaster or cement lime plaster on PCC/stone surface/brick surfaces including raking out joints hacking for key scrubbing down with water etc all as directed. 5 Demolition of cement concrete (un-reinforced) in ground floor and paving not exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level.) & removing unserviceable materials in low laying area, complete, all as directed. 6 Demolition of cement concrete reinforced (other thanground floor ) as in beam, stair case, landing, chajjas and similar suspended works all as directed. 7 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) and removing unserviceable materials out side of APS complex and filling in low laying areas of HMS complete all as directed. 8 Hacking out old broken glass any thickness, size, quality or description from metal frame including punching or drilling out old glazing pins/spring clips complete all as specified and as directed. 9 Demolition of brick/stone masonry built in cement/lime mortar of any mix and stacking serviceable stones aside for reuse & removing unserviceable materials in low laying area, complete, all as directed. 10 Raking out joints/pointing to brick work or brick tiles, laid flat, in floors, surface channels, roofs, etc all as specified. 11 Racking out of joints of brick work or brick tiles in cement mortar, laid flat in floors roofs etc and removing unserviceable materials out side of APS complex and filling in low laying areas of HMS complete all as directed 12 Chipping of loose/ damaged / cracked / previously repaired/ delaminated or weak concrete by chieseling to expose the sound core concrete where ever required and to expose rusted reinforcement upto depth n.exc 50mm and disposal of rubbish off the premises to a distance not exc 50 mtrs including cleaning of reinforced concrete surface by air compressor complete all as specified and directed. 13 M&L for providing by mixing and trowel application of prepacked, light weight, two component structural grade polymer modified fibre reinforced thixotropic cement mortar Sika Monotop 122F of Sika or equivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GE at an average thickness exceeding 10mm and upto 25mm to the prepared concrete substrate in soffit of slabs, beam, columns, parapets, fins and facias at any height, including finishing of applied Polymer mortar as per the technical specifications and manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L for weld-mesh of size 75x75x3mm to be wrapped on the exposed surface of rib of beam & on the slab bottom and tack welding to the exposed reinforcement at close intervals and gunite with cement mortar 1:3 mixed with admixture Sika Plasto creat plus or equivalent make in Fosroc / Themax as per manufacturers instructions as approved by GE around rib of beam or roof slab of thickness n.exc 40mm to be applied under an operating pressure.The gunited surface to be cured properly for a min of 7 days all in complete as per the technical specifications and manufacturers instructions and directed. 15 Providing and fixing water tight centering & shuttering and Scaffolding including bolting, strutting, propping etc.Including removal of from work from column, beam, slab and chajja etc. complete as per site requirement and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. 16 Supply and apply a ready to use non shrink, cementitious free flow micro-concrete (<100 mm) using Product : SikaRep Microcrete-4 + adequate coarse aggregate, Yield:approx 17 Ltr/bag (30 Kg) (depending on the size and quantity of coarse aggregate added), Product : SikaRep Microcrete-4 or equivalent make in Fosroc/Thermax as approved by GE.Product requirements: compressive strength > 60 N/Sqmm (28 days) according to ASTM C 1107-99 complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L for reinforcement TMT bars 8 mm dia and over cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally or hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia complete all as specified. 18 M&L reinforced cement concrete (nominal mix) 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate in slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, shelves and the like.Note :- Reinforcement & formwork shall be measured and paid for separately. 19 M & L for rendering 10mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 on faces of brick work or concrete surfaces of walls, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified. 20 Material and labour preparation of newly plastered/asbestos cement surfaces of ceilings & applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified. 21 M & L for rendering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:6 on faces of brick work or concrete surfaces of walls, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified. 22 M&L for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of wall & applying two coats of oil bound distemper of approved shade/tint over a coat of primer on walls all as specified & as directed. 23 M & L for rendering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on faces of brick work or concrete surfaces of walls, finished even and smooth without using extra cement including mixed with and including liquid water proofing compound @200 ML per 50 KG by weight of cement complete all as specified and directed. 24 Supply onlywater proofing compound conforming to (ISI marked) 2465-1975 complete all as specified and directed. . 25 M&L for rough cast finish plaster by applying the under coat of cement and sand mortar 1:3 not less than 10 mm thick and while it is still in plastic state the roughcast mixture consisting of crushed stone or fine gravel aggregate (size between 6 to 12 mm depending on the texture required) mixed with coarse sand and cement in the ratio of 1: 1: 1 shall be applied and finished even complete . 26 M&L for complete removal of existing treatment on walls (any numbers of layers) by scrapping with steel wire brushing or any other means, scrapping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots. etc and including filling cracks or holes with white cement putty and applying two coats of oil emulsion distemper (OBD) of approved shade/tint over a coat of 1mm thick wall care putty all as specified & as directed. 27 M&L for complete removal of existing treatment on ceiling (any numbers of layers) by scrapping with steel wire brushing or any other means, scrapping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots. etc and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified & as directed. 28 M&L for complete removal (any number of layers) of existing treatment by using scaffolding, ladder, cradles & other protective measures which are necessary for execution of work upto 15mtr height including cleaning of mortar drops, smoke soot, moulds, moss, efforescent salts, treating oil, greasy spots etc by steel brushed or by any other suitable scrapping tools including dleaning of surfaces by spraying water and thereafter preparing of scrapped surfaces with 1mm thick wall care putty and applying two coats of exterior emulsion paint apex (Weather proof) of approved shade/tint over a coat of primer of same make on walls all as specifeid & as directed.Note(a) The area of entire one bldg will be scrapped/removed and will be prepared with 1mm thick wall care putty.(b) Apex weather proof work will not be allowwed until unless putty work is completed for whole bldg.(c) 2nd coat of Apex weather proof will be allowed only after 1st coat is completed for entire bldg. 29 M&L for preparation of new plastered surfaces of walls and applyingtwo coats ofcement base paint of approved shade/tint complete all as specified and directed. 30 M&L PCC 1:5:10 type E2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate in sunken, filling and mass concrete. 31 M&L for brick work with old size sub-class ‘B’ bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6.00 metre mean radius, built in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified. 32 M&L brick work with subclass B old size bricks, straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thick walls built in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified. 33 M&L for vitrified ceramic tiles 1st quality, 10mm thick (square/rectangular), polished, coloured (light shade as approved), area of each tile not exceeding 0.36 sqm, in floors etc, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles laid over & including 15mm thick screed bed in cement & sand mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 34 M&L for vitrified ceramic tiles 1st quality, 10mm thick (square/rectangular), polished, coloured (light shade as approved), area of each tile not exceeding 0.36 sqm, on vertical surfaces such as dado, skirting etc., set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles laid over & including 10mm thick screed bed in cement & sand mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. 35 M&L for non skid ceramic jointless tiles (coloured) 1st quality, 7 to 8mm thick, area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.38 sqm, as in floors, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles laid over & including 15mm thick screed bed in cement & sand mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and as directed. 36 M&L for glazed ceramic tiles (coloured) 1st quality,450mm x 300mm x 7mm thick, on vertical surfaces such as dado, skirting etc., set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles laid over & including 10mm thick rendering (as screed bed) in cement & sand mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. 37 M&L for 20mm thick granite (of any type) work table rubbed and polished) in cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite etc laid over & including 15mm thick screed bed in cement & sand mortar 1:6, complete all as specified & as directed. 38 S&F Factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail; Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading, and joined together with solvent cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at site as per specification & drawing complete all as specified & directed. 39 S&F for factory made Solid PVC Door Frame of size 50mm x 47mm made out of 5mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with M.S. Square tube, suppling & fixing in opening as per specification & drawing complete all as specified anddirected. 40 Supply and fixing factory made 35 mm thick plain framed, paneled shutter (Two panels) with lock rail and panel of 9mm thick BWP commercial ply or 12 mm thick veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both faces, size of rail and styles as per IS : 1003 (Part-I), kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated using second class Hard Wood rail and styles,fixed to chowkat, complete all as specified & directed. 41 M&L for preparation of new surfaces of wood or wood based materials of any description over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved tint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 42 S&F in repairs stainless steel wire cloth, 0.56mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staples complete all as specified. 43 S&F stainless steel butt hinges of size 100mm medium weight, cold fixed with stainless steel screws complete all as specified. 44 Supply & fixing butt hinges of size 100mm medium weight, cold rolled mild steel ISI marked complete all as specified. 45 S&F in repairs 150mm long extruded aluminium alloy handles, fabricated type, anodised (ISI marked) complete all as specified. 46 S & F in repairs 150mm long aluminium anodized barrel tower bolts of extruded section (ISI marked) complete all as specified. 47 S&F 300mm long aluminium alloy, anodized, sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminium alloy complete all as specified. 48 S&F in repairs fancy type pillar tap, cast copper alloy with capstan heads, chromium plated, fancy type, screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’ with long screwed shanks & fly nuts, screwed for iron pipes of 15mm bore. 49 S&F in repairs Bib taps,cast copper alloywith crutch or butterfly handle, chromium plated, fancy type , screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule, for 15 mm bore GI pipe complete all as specified and directed. 50 S&F in repairs 15mm bore Angle valve, fancy type , chromium plated cast copper alloy screwed down, high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends of iron pipe or for union and fixed all as specified and directed. 51 S&F in repairs, PVC connection 450 mm long suitable for 15 mm bore GI pipe including PTMT nuts on both sides complete all as specified. 52 S&Fin repairsstainless Grating 110 mm dia with waste hole pipe all as directed. 53 S&F in repairs 600mm x 180mm looking mirror of selected quality glass not less than 5.5mm thick, mounted on 6mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood including aluminium framing and fixed to PVC rawl plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers complete all as specified. 54 S&F in repairs Jet Spray with 1 Meter PVC Tubecomplete all as specified and as directed. 55 S&F in repairs 15mm bore, fancy type brass CP Hand Shower (Health Faucet) (ABS Body) with 8mm Dia, 1.2 Meter Long Flexible Tube & Wall Hook confirming to cat No BEA 85 of prayag or techno commercial equivalent complete all as specified and as directed. 56 S&F in repairs vitreous china half stall urinal, 580mmx380mmx350mm (minimum), white with grating and union for discharge pipe includng providing and fixing plugs, bedding urinal against wall in CM (1:2), securing urinal to plugs with and including 60mm long brass screws complete with PVC flush pipe complete all as specified and as directed. 57 S&F in repairs vitreous china wash hand basin, white, flat back of size 550mm x 400mm with & including a pair of cast iron brackets duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer embedded in PCC 1:3:6 type C1 blocks of size 10x7.5x15cm, 32 mm dia PVC waste pipe and 32mm bore chromium plated brass waste fitting with long screwed shanks and fly nuts, flange end bedded in red lead cement & other end fixed, (excluding tap, waste chain & plug), complete all as specified. 58 S&F in repairs vitreous china squatting pan (Orissa pattern) water closet (white) of size 580x440mm with integral foot rests, P or S trap, including connection to trap and flushing pipe, antisyphonage pipe etcincluding provision of PCC (1:5:10) type E2 in filling, making good to floor, complete all as specified. 59 S&F in repairs vitreous china wash down water closet (Padestal pattern) White, with P or S trap including plastic water closet seat cover, black, closed pattern with flat bottom with mild steel chromium plated or aluminium hinging device and fixing with all jointsincluding connection to drain or outgoing pipe and to flushing pipe, anti-syphonage pipe etc complete all as specified and as directed. 60 S&F in repairs PVC valveless symphonic action type low level flushing cistern (ISI marked) of 10 litre capacity including32 mm dia PVC flush pipeconnected to water closet with inlet, ball valve, float and handle complete all as specified. 61 S&F in repairs Plastic water closet seat, white, closed pattern with flat bottom, and cover and mild steel chromium plated or aluminised hinging device. 62 S&F 4mm thick fully transperent polycarbonate solid sheet, in square/rectangular size, smooth surface, weather resistant, fine finish, bent and pressed including aluminium glazing clips, rubber beading and clear silicon or glazing with oil putty with putty or fixed with beads complete all as specified and directed. 63 Supply and fixing 3mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square not exc 0.5 sqm in each pane including painting / oiling to new putty to match with the existing/new surfaces complete all as specified. 64 Taking up or down 15mm bore steel tubing and connection incl cleaning for refixing or removal to store 65 Taking up or down 20mm bore steel tubing and connection inclor removal to store all as directed. 66 Taking up or down 32mm bore steel tubing and connection inclor removal to store all as directed. 67 M&L for galvanized steel water tubing medium grade of 15mm bore with & including all fittings and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors all as specified and directed. 68 M&L for galvanized steel water tubing medium grade of 20mm bore with & including all fittings and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors all as specified and directed. 69 M&L for galvanized steel water tubing medium grade of 32mm bore with & including all fittings and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors all as specified and directed. 70 Supply and fixing in repair 500 Litre capacity Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (colour other than black as approved by Engineer-in-charge) triple layered (cylindrical vertical with closed top) ISI marked, hoisted & fixed in position & making necessary arrangements for fixing inlet, outlet & over flow pipe & provision of wash out pipe etc. complete as specified in SSR Part-I. 71 S&F float Ball valves, high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod & high density plastic ball, screwed for iron pipe 20mm bore (minimum weight 210 gms) complete all as specified and as directed. 72 S&F in repairs Gun metal gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe of 15mm bore. 73 S&F in repairs Gun metal gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe of 20mm bore. 74 S&F in repair Door closer aluminium (extruded section body), hydraulically regulated, designation No. 2 universal type, suitable for door shutters of 851mm to 1000mm in width and of weight between 61 to 80 kg and fixed complete all as specified & as directed. 75 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in levelling course 25mm thick finished fair & even complete all as specified & as directed. 76 Material and labour40mm thick brick tiles laid on mud mortar and joints grouted flush in cement mortar (1:3) mixed with 5% of crude oil by weight of cement on mud phuska complete all as specified. 77 M&L for machine cut Kota stone slab flooring 18 to 20mm thick laid over & including screed bed or bedding layer of 15mm thick in CM 1:6 and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and mirror polishing complete all as specified.Note : - Kota stone shall be of size 550mm x 550mm (minimum) when brought at site. 78 M&L for machine cut Kota stone slab 18-20mm thick in riser of steps, skirting, dado and pillar, laid over cement screed and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of slab including rubbing and mirror polishing laid over & including 10mm thick rendering (as screed bed) in cement & sand mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. 79 M&L for grinding, rubbing and mirror finish polishing to existing kota stone/mosaic floors/vertical surafces etc complete by mechanically by using different grits all as specified and directed. 80 M&L for factory made 60mm thick machine pressed precast cement concrete coloured interlocking paver blocks glossy finish of Grade M-35 conforming to IS 15658-2006 of shape and size as directed with grey cement and pigment laid over & including 25mm thick sand cushioning, joints of blocks filled with dry sand and compacted with mechanical vibrator complete all as specified & directed. 81 M&L for Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5 mm), including making drainage opening wherever required complete. complete, all as directed 82 M&L formachine pressed coloured Ultra Refelective chequered cement concrete tiles,30cm x 30cm x 25mm thick, set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry in floors with grey cement & pigment, laid over & including 15mm thick screed bed in cement & sand mortar 1:4, complete, all as specified & as directed. 83 M&L for 75mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D2 using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as insub base, surface finished fair and evencomplete all as specified. 84 M&L for flush pointing to brick laid flat or brick tile terracing as in roof in CM 1:3 with and including raking out joints / pointing brick work or brick tiles, laid flat, in floors, surface channels, roofs completeall as specified. 85 M&L for treatment of sunken floor slab compraises of the following specifications and all as specified :-(i) M&L for cleaning the sunken/lowered portion of RCC slab surface (including vertical surfaces upto finished floor level) of floors by wire brush, chisel out any mortar sticking to the surface and brooming completely and providing 40mm thick avgeragePCC 1:2:4 type B-0 using 12.5mm graded aggregate as in padding concrete to achieve proper slope including cutting holes in bricks or RCC wall for providing spout 50mm bore GI pipe medium grade of length 0.50m and fixed all as specified. (ii) M&L for providing rendering of uneven surfaces of vertical sunken with 6mm thick CM 1:4 mixed with integral water proofing compound @ 3% by wt of cement consumed.(iii) M&L for applying two coats of polymer modified cementious water proof coating (Sika / Fosroc / STP / Asian Paint )as per manufacturers instruction to bottom and vertical sides up to finished floor level and 100mm aove FFL , the thickness of two layer shall be 1mm and when the second layer is still sticky, coarse sand spray shall be carried for the vertical and bottom surface of the sunken portion all as specified and directed.(iv) M&L for providing plaster to the bottom and sides up to FFL with minimum 20mm thick CM 1:4 mixed with integral water proofing compound 3% by wt of cement consumed as per manufacturers specification including rounding of corners and junctions sloping towards spout. Note :-(i)All junctions points of side wall where CI/GI pipes are passing through shall be sealed with epoxy putty.(iii)After drying putty, wash the slab and sides of sunken portion with water and make it clear and clean.(iii)Allpipes laid in sunken portion shall be covered with 50mm thick PCC 1:3:6 all round after painting with anticorrosive paint and cost is deemed shall be included in quoted rates.(iv)Cost of WPC shall deemed to be included in quoted rates. (v) Test the water proofed area (ponding test) by filling water for at least 72 hours and tested for leakage seepage to the entire satisfaction of GE. Test shall be done in presence of reps of Engineer-in-charge and record for each sunken slab shall be maintained.(vi) The treatment shall be carried out in presence of Engineer-in-charge and tested. Cost of testing is inclued in the rates quoted above.(vii) For Payment purpose, the Plan area of Sunken floor shall be taken into account. 86 S&F in repairs 100mm bore pipe cast iron sand pipes for soil and waste and vent pipes in any length with our without cars , with cement joints laid in trenches or in floors or fixed to wall complete all as specified. 87 S&F in repairs 75mm bore pipe cast iron sand pipes for soil and waste and vent pipes in any length with our without cars , with cement joints laid in trenches or in floors or fixed to wall complete all as specified. 88 S&F 100mm bore cast iron sand cast Bends (any radius) diminishing pieces or tapers (larger bore measured) complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F 75mm bore cast iron bends (any radius), diminishing pieces or tapers (larger bore measured) complete all as specified & as directed. 90 S&F 100mm bore cast iron branch piece, single (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches with oval access door. 91 S&F 75mm bore cast iron branch piece, single (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches with oval access door. 92 S&F 100 mm bore cast iron P or S traps complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&F in repairs cast iron floor trap of 75 mm bore, with grating including jointing to waste pipe, fixed in cement concrete type B1 (1:2:4), complete all as specified & as directed. 94 S&F 110mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints / solvent cement joints fixed to walls with necessary MS / PVC clamps and necessary screwing complete all as specified. 95 Supply and fixing 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends any radius with access door complete all as specified. 96 S&F MS clamps in repairs for rain water pipes including 02 coats synthetic enamel paining complete all as specified. 97 M&L for disconnecting existing tanks, of capacity exe 250 ltrs and not exc 500 ltrs setting aside (or lowering if required) for repair with silicon gel M-seal and other suitable method as directed and cost thereof shall deemed to be included in quoted rates. 98 M&L for disconnecting existing tanks, of capacity exe 500 ltrs and not exc 1000 ltrs setting aside (or lowering if required) for repair with silicon gel M-seal and other suitable method as directed and cost thereof shall deemed to be included in quoted rates. 99 Cleaning and removing all scale and dirt, etc, from tanks exc 250 litres and not exc 500 litresand from mouths of circulating pipes, etc. complete all as specified and directed. 100 Cleaning and removing all scale and dirt, etc, from tanks exc 500 litres and not exc 1000 litresand from mouths of circulating pipes, etc. complete all as specified and directed. 101 M&L precast cement concrete (1:2:4 type B0 using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate) louvers and jallies, 50mm thick (measured solid), including all mouldings but excluding frame, set in CM 1:4 including taking down existing jalli all as specified & as directed.