
Tender For Construction Of Additional Boys Hostel Building With 200 Capacity In Government College Of Engineering, Erode., erode-Tamil Nadu

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Construction Of Additional Boys Hostel Building With 200 Capacity In Government College Of Engineering, Erode.. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-12-2024. Building Work Tenders in erode Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Additional Boys Hostel Building With 200 Capacity In Government College Of Engineering, Erode.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Additional Boys Hostel Building With 200 Capacity In government College Of Engineering, Erode.; 1 Earthworkexcavationfor foundation in all soils and sub soils to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, baling out water wherever necessary, refilling the foundation with excavated earth and depositing the surplus earth within compound in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10 metre and initial lift of2 metre and clearing and leveling the site etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 2 Earthwork Openexcavationin all soils and sub soils to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, baling out water wherever necessary refilling the foundation with excavated earth other than sandy soil in layers of not more than 15 cm thick layers well rammed and depositing the surplus earth within compound in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10 metre and initial lift of2 metre and clearing and leveling the site etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 3 Refilling basement with excavated earth other than sand with an initial head lead of 100 mts. and depositing the earth as shown by the departmental officers in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification. 4 Supplying and Filling in foundation and basement with filling M sand in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and consolidated etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 5 Supplying and Filling in foundation and basement withgravel in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and consolidated etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 6 Cement concrete 1:5:10 (one cement, five M sand and ten aggregate) using 40mm gauge hard broken blue granite stone jelly for foundation and basementincluding dewatering if found necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 7 Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase steps, etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of size 90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oakjoists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable intervals etc. complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation. (Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid)For column footing plinth beam etc. 8 Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for plane surfaces, for all RCC works including strutting upto 3.29min all floors using mild steel shutters of size 90cmx60cm of BG 10 stiffened with mild steel angles of size 25mmx 25mmx3mm laid over silver oak (Country wood) Joists of size 10cmx6.5cm spaced at about 90cm c/c and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13cm dia. (spaced at 75cm c/c) etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.(The centering will be removed after specified period of concrete without damaging the concrete) 9 For plane surface such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beam litels bed blocks, landing slab, waist slabs and beams, etc., 10 For plane surface such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshdes, top and bottom slab of RCC, etc., 11 For plane surface such as Vertical surfaces such as sunshade, boxing vertical drops, facia for sunshade and other vertical walls etc., 12 Brick workpartition wall 11.10 cm thick using Fly Ash bricks of size 230×110×70mm fixing hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary, laying, finishing and curingetc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 13 ForSuper structureinGround Floor 14 ForSuper structurein First Floor 15 Brick work in cement mortar 1:6 (one cement and six M sand) using Fly Ash bricks of size 230×110×70mm including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the department officers. (Masonry projections wherever necessary for obtaining required elevation shall be done without extra cost). 16 For Foundation & Basement 17 ForSuper structureinGround Floor 18 ForSuper structurein First Floor 19 ForSuper structurein Second Floor 20 Damp proof Course with Cement Mortar 1:4 (One cement & four sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound of approved quality confirming to ISS @ 2% by weight of cement used etc complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 21 Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance usingwith IS:456-2000, 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79 cu.m.) 7670 kg. of M sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of IS standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials). 22 For Foundation & Basement 23 ForSuper structureinGround Floor 24 ForSuper structurein First Floor 25 ForSuper structurein Second Floor 26 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position of steel reinforcement using MS (or) RTS rods for all RCC item of works including cost of steel and binding wire in all floorsetc., complete complying with standard specificationand as directed by the departmental officers. 27 Special ceiling plastering in all floors and finishing the exposed surface of RCC items of work such as slab, beam, sunshade, facia, canopy slab, staircase waist slab, landing slab etc., with cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three P-sand) 10mm thick including hacking the surfaces and providing cement mortar nosing, beading for sunshade, staircase, step, landing slab etc., including neat finishing and curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 28 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (one cement and five p-sand) 12mm thick in all floors using fine P sand including neat finishing, curing,etc., complete complying with standard specificationand as directed by the department officers. 29 Painting the exterior walls surface two coats of best and approved first quality and colour of Interior emulsion paintin all floors over one coat of primer including preparation of surface, wall puttytwo coats with good quality including cost ofwall putty , emmary sheet, plates, etc. and including labour charges for rubbing the wall scrapping putty pasting works and makinggood smooth surface and finishing neatly etc.,. complying with standard specification and as directed by thedepartmental officers etc. complete. ( The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the departmental officer before use of work) 30 Painting the exterior walls surface two coats of best and approved first quality and colour of Exterior emulsion paintin all floors over one coat of primer including preparation of surface, wall puttytwo coats with good quality including cost ofwall putty , emmary sheet, plates, etc. and including labour charges for rubbing the wall scrapping putty pasting works and makinggood smooth surface and finishing neatly etc.,. complying with standard specification and as directed by thedepartmental officers etc. complete. ( The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the departmental officer before use of work) 31 Painting the new iron work with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat and including cost of painting materials, brushes, putty, preparation of surfaces and scaffolding charges etc.,complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. (Thequality and colour of paint should be got approved by the departmental officer before use on work). 32 Paintingthe new wood work two coats withbest approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over a priming coat of approved quality in all floors including cost of paint, labour and other materials like brushes, putty andscaffolding charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the departmental officer before use on work). 33 Finishing the top of roof with one course of Machine pressed tiles of size 23×23×2cm of approved quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three M-sand)12mm thick mixed withwater proofing compound (confirming to Indian standard specification) 2% by weight of cement used and pointed with the same mortar including mixing of red oxide andwater proofing compound etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 34 Weathering course using best quality of broken brick jelly of 20mm gauge in pure slacked lime (no sand to be added) the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 Cft. by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer and consolidated to the required design and finished thickness and slope by beating the concrete with wooden beaterof approved pattern and keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 35 Finishing the top of flooring with granolithic floor finish of 25mmthickness with plain cement concrete of mix 1:2:4 (One cement, two M sand and four aggregate) using 20mm / 10 to 12mm ISS gauge hard broken granite stone including finishing the top smooth and forming thread lining and curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the Departmental officers 36 Paving the floor with Double charged Designed Vitrified Tiles of approved quality and colour of size 600x 600x8mm for flooring in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 - 20mm thick and pointing with white cement using 0.30kg of white cement per square metre including adding suitable colour pigments to suit the colour of tiles are finishing perfectly and curing as directed by the Departmental Officers including cost of tiles, all materials and incidental charges, transportation charges and labour charges for laying tiles as directed by the Departmental Officers complete complying with standard specification.The tiles should be got approved by the Departmental Officers before use on work. 37 Paving the floor withcolour designceramictilesof approved quality and colour of size 305 x 305 x 6mmin all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three M sand) 20mm thick and pointing with white cement using 0.30kg/m2including adding suitable colour pigments to suit the colour of tiles finishing perfectly and curing etc., including cost of tiles, all materials and incidential charges, transportation charges and labour charges for laying tiles etc., complete complying with standard specification andas directed by the departmental officers . (The tiles should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on works). 38 Dadooing the walls withcolour design glazedtiles of size 300mmx 200mmx 6mm of approved quality in all floors set in cement mortar 1:2 mix (one cement & two M-sand)10mm thick and pointing with white cement using 0.4 kg/m2 including adding suitablee colour pigments to suit the colour of tiles including finishing the joints neatlyand curing etc.,complete complaying with standard specifications. (The tiles should be got approved by departmental officers before use on the work). 39 Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Granite Stone Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of 18 / 20mm thick of Jet Black andsimilar varieties with machine cut edges laid over a cement mortar bed of 20mm thick using cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three M sand) fixing the slabs with required cement slurry and laid in true right angles with minimum possible width of joints and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with mathcing colouring pigments etc., The granite stone slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard speicification. 40 Labour charges for finishing the top of working tables and staircase step portion with nosing arrangements in Granite slab tiles including cutting the edges and polishing including cost of polishing materials complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 41 Paving the floor with cement concrete Hydraulically pressedAnti skid tiles20mm thickin all floorsset in cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three M sand), 20mm thick and pointing with the cement including adding suitable colouring pigments of match with colour of tiles and finishing and curing as directed by the departmental officers including cost of tiles, and all other materials, transportation charges and labour charges for laying of tiles as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specification. (The tiles should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work.) 42 Fabricating supplying and fixing in position CRCA pressed steel box section 18 gauge or 1.25mm thick for door frames of section size 105mmx60mmx1.25mm thick with necessary rebate of size 35x15mm for housing door shutters conforming to IS specification.Frames shall be fabricatedto the specified door size with joints properly welded and grinded. Stiffeners with 25x3mm MS flat shall be provided around the frame at 60cm intervals. The cost shall also include for providing 3 Nos. of MS clamps with 25x3 flats each on either sides of door frame, providing bottom tie, with 10mm dia MS rod,providing necessary holes for receiving tower bolts 2 Nos. with stiffeners on inner side, providingthe required number of I.Ohinges of size 125x30mm for shutters properly welded to the frames, finishing the door with one coat of good quality red oxide primer with cement concrete 1:2:4 (One cement, two sand and four aggregate) using 20mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly packed inside to the frame including cost of all materials, fabrication and conveyance to the site and fixing in position with necessary scaffolding etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 43 Supplying and fixing in postion of 35mm thick solid core flush door shutterswith following specification. with TW ply on both sides and with TW lipping of size 35x12mm on all edges with necessary adhesives and C.P. Screws Alu. Butt Hinges (6 nos. 250 x 16 mm Size) Alu. Aldrop1 No.250 x 16 mm Size, Alu. Tower Bolt 2 No. 250 x12 mm size, alu. Tower Bolt 2 No.200 x 12 mm size, D type alu. Handle 200mm length 2 No., alu. door stopper with rubber bush 2 No. shall be provided, as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete. 44 Single Leaves 45 Double Leaves 46 Supplying and fixing in position of solid panel PVC door with sliding aluminium frame. The outer frame will be 62x38x2mm @ 1.17 kg/m and 40x20x2mm Aluminium C section. Soild PVC door shutter using 16 Gauge 19mm MS Sq. tubes for styles and outer frames. 15mm Ms. Sq. Tubes for top Lock and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm thick solid PVC sheets. Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for paneling shall rigidly fixed in position including necessary furniture fittings. The overall size of styles shall be 50mmx30mm. The overall size of top rail, lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mmx30mm, with suitable rebate for housing the shutter etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 47 Supplying and fixing 30mm thick solid core PVC door shutter withPVC frame of size 50x45mm with suitable rebate for housing the shutter consisting of frame made out ofMS tubes 19 gauge thickness and size of 19x19mm for styles and 15x15mm for top and bottom rails, MS frame shall be covered ith 5mm thick heat moulded PVC C channel of size 30x50mm forming styles and 75x50mm for top rai8l, lock rail and bottom rail on either side and 10mm thick 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for tap rail, botytom rail, panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet bearing on either side and join together other side etc. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be stack and the interior side of the C channel using PVC sealant adhesiv e including cost of allfurniture fittings, such as aluminium aldrop of size 250x16mm -1 No. aluminium tower bolt 250x12mm-1 No. aluminium D type handled 200mm etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 48 Supply and Fixing of M.S. steel doors with Single Leaves following specification. MS angles of size 40x40x 6mm at 3.5 kg/m used for the outer frame and MS angles of size 35x35x5mm at 2.60 kg/m for the shutter frames. Stiffners with 32x6mm at 1.50 Kg/m. MS flat is provided as the lock rail of the door and welded infact of both ends to the shutter frame, 18 gauge CR sheets of best quality is laid as panel in the shutter frames. 18x5mm at 0.70 kg/m MS flat is welded over the 32x6mm at 1.50 Kg / RM and MS flaton the rear side of the door sandwitching the CR sheet for rigidity with locking rail and bottom tie arrangements. Additional stiffners with 18x5 mm at 0.7 kg/m MS flats are provided horizontally diagonally on the rear side of the shutter. 2Nos of hinges in case of single leaf and 4Nos of hinges in case double leaf shutter is provided 6 Nos of hold fasts 200 length 40x40x6mm M.S. angle spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolt 2 Nos. one at top and the other atbottom are provided. One aldrop is provided incase of double leaves door at lock rail section in the door. For single leaf doors, one more aldrop is provided in the inner side at the lock rail section of the door. 49 One rotating locking arrangements at the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for lock is provided with 32x6mm MS flat on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place incase of a double leaves door MS flat 32x6mm at 1.50 kg/m is provided on the edge of one shutter to conceal the gap between the shutters. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation of fixing. All members are given a shop coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials labour charges transportation taxes and all other incidental charges etc.,complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer 50 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Windows of casement type (open) from the profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile are reinforcement with GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profiles are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with over all the edges of frame and shutter the shutter will be provided with Espag multi power point locks and also it operates as handle. The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations free pin headed plain or brown colour glass 4mm thick should be provided to the shutter and it should not allow leakage of water even at most ranging storms and should have key lockable action, security protective hinges, strong locking systems and as per size for arresting noise and energy loss. The connecting mechanism between sash and outer frame that enables opening of the window. The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The window should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work. 51 Two leaves 52 Three leaves 53 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Louvered Ventilators of from the profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile size of 60 x 78mm both profiles are reinforced with GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profile are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with all over the edges of frame and shutter. The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations pin headed glass 4mm thick should be provided in the louvers. The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The ventilator should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work 54 Providing Anti – termite treatment to soil adjacent and under buildingfoundation, plinth periphery of the building by application of chemicals of IS 6313 part I to IV in stage to suit the progress of work consist as per the detailed specification as below (Measurements taken for the plinth area for the purpose of payment) including braking of termite mounds, making holes with crow bar, closing the holes after the treatment and including cost of chemicals, labour charges, transport & storing etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers.(The chemical should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on work).Stage -1 : Spraying Anti –termite chemical solution for the foundation before laying concrete, in bottom and sides of foundation.Stage-2 : Spraying Anti –termite chemical solution to the grade beam level, spraying has to done for to grade beam brick masonry contact with the back fill earth.Stage-3 : Spraying Anti –termite chemical solution on the sand for the flooring before laying the flooring concrete. This treatment has to be carried out and sand filling by making holes with crow bar to a depth of 60cms and at 60cms intervals on both direction and at junction of wall and flooring throughout.Stage -4 : Spraying Anti –termite chemical solution alround building outside by making holes with crow bar before laying plinth protection and the holes to be close after the treatment. etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 55 Manufacturing, Supplyingand fixing Stainless Steel hand rail for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Gradestainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at at required locations to a height of 1000mm from finished floor level welded to 38.30 mm dia stainless steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as vertical at 900 center with 3nos of 25.40mm dia intermediatehorizontal stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in between. The vertical pipe has to be welded to the 100x100x6mm MS base plate encased in the base concrete. The rate is inclusive of charges for cutting , bending , welding , grinding polishing conveyance, electrical charges , etc., complete. 56 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails for toilets of Differentially abled person using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick will be provided with tubular supports made of 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 25mm dia of 1.60mm thick welded to the railing.The supports will be grouted into the wall and provided with 93.00mm thick Stainless Steel circular base plate of 304 Grade.The rate shall included for grouting into concrete with necessary supporting arrangements the hand rail in floor polishing buffing, bonding, cutting, grinding, conveyance, welding charges, electrical charges, etc. complete 57 Supplying and fixing in position best approved of ISI qualityof following PVC rain water down fall pipes having a working pressure of 4 kg / sq.cm including cost of necessary PVC shoe, PVC bend, C.I. gratings of required dia. and special clamps, brass screws, nails etc., and fixing of cast iron gratings at juction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finishing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cost of removable iron grating. The PVC pipe shall be fixed on wall with special type of clamps. Special type U clamp at the centre of the pipe line shall be fixed in addition to those for more than 3.0M pipe length complying with standard specification. 58 110mm dia pipe 59 Supplying and fixing MS grills to doors, windows and ventilators etc. using necessary MS flats (or)square rods for inner members and outer members which should be fixed to window frames as directed and design given by the departmental officers inclusive of cost of providing one coat of best quality red oxide primer etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers . 60 Supply and fixing of stored pressure ABC (Mono Ammonium Phospate) powder type fire extinguisher of 6 kg capacity as per IS:15683with pressure gauge, discharge hose & control nozzle, wall mounting bracket, safety clip etc. including conveyance, all incidential charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions to its original condition wherever found necessary etc. complete as per standard specification and as directed by the Departmental Officers. Make: Excellent/Safety First/equivalent. 61 Supplying and fixing in position15mm diaChromium Plated screw down Taps(heavy type) of best quality and approved make conforming to ISS andproviding leak proof joints with thread and shellac etc., including fixing and connecting to the pipes etc., complete complying with standard specification and including cutting and threading wherever necessary. (Taps should be got approved by the departmental officer before use onwork) 62 Supplying and fixing in position Indian water closet oriya type of size 580x440mm white glazed earthernware of approved quality with P trap or S trap conforming to IS 2556-Part XII with sand cushion and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete 1:2:5 (One part of lime, two parts of sand and five parts of brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to required slope and including giving necessary connection to PVC. pipes by dismantling brick masonry, reinforced cement concrete roof/floor slab and making good the disturbed portion to original condition without leakage etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.(The Oriya type Water Closet andall accessories should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work) 63 Supplying and fixing in position White Glazed European water closet of best quality and approved make with 100mm P or S trap with double flapped rigid PVC.seat cover with chromium plate brass hinges, including supplying and fixing PVC. Low level flushing tank 10 litre capacity of approved quality on wall with teak wood plugs, brass screws and 2 numbers 15mm dia gun metal wheel valve, 15mm dia nylon connection and giving necessary water supply connection as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of 100mm dia PVC.Pipe 60cm long including cost of 3 Kg.of white cement 6Kg.of cement, spunyarn, shellac, thread ball, teak wood plugs, brass screws 75mmx10mmetc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The European Water Closet and flushing tank should be got approved by the Departmental Officers before use on work.) 64 Supplying and fixing in position best quality of approved make white glazed earthernware wash hand basin (without pedestal) of size 550x400mm with a pair of cast iron brackets , including cost of 15mm diametre brass chromium plated pillar tap, 32mm diametre C.P.waste, 32mm diametre PVC waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm diametre gun metal wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple, 15mm dia nylon connection etc. including fixing the wash hand basin in the wall in position with pair of C.I.brackets with teak wood plugs and screws and giving necessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with two coats of paint over a priming coat of anti-corrosive paint including testing for leakage etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.(The wash hand basin and specials should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work) 65 Supplying and fixing in position PVC Nahini trap of size 100x75mm with best pvc gratings of approved brand and quality with fixed over a bed of brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5(one part of lime,two parts of sand and five parts of 40mm size brick jelly)and finished with cement Mortar 1:3(one cement and three sand)including dismantling masonry works wherever found necessary and making good the damaged portions to the original condition giving connections to the pipe etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The PVC Nahini trap with grating should be got approved by the departmental officer before use on works). 66 Supplying and fixing Stainless steel health faucet of best quality with control valve etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers(The materials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). 67 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / sq.cm) of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using PVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak wood plugs,UPVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.The UPVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.For External Water supply arrangements. (Above Ground Level) 68 40mm dia UPVC pipe 69 32mm dia UPVC pipe 70 25mm dia UPVC pipe 71 20mm dia UPVC pipe 72 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / sq.cm) of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) with necessary earth work anf refilling charges the earthwork and refilling charges shoul be paid seperatly, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.The UPVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works. For External Water supply arrangements. (Below Ground Level) 73 40mm dia UPVC pipe 74 Supplying and fixing in position UPVC specials such as plain bend and shoe of various sizes of best approved quality conforming to ISS.and providing leak proof joints including fixing to wall and giving connection to the UPVC. Pipes including,dismantling the brick masonry/RCC.floor or roof slab and redoing the disturbed portion to original condition etc.complete as directed by the Deptl.Officers complete complying with standard specification 75 40mm Dia UPVC Elbow 76 40mm Dia UPVC Tee 77 40mm Dia UPVC Coupling 78 40mm Dia UPVC Union 79 32mm Dia UPVC Elbow 80 32mm Dia UPVC Tee 81 32mm Dia UPVC Coupling 82 32mm Dia UPVC Union 83 32x25mm Dia UPVC Reducer 84 25mm Dia UPVC Elbow 85 25mm Dia UPVC Tee 86 25mm Dia UPVC Coupling 87 25mm Dia UPVC Union 88 25x20mm Dia UPVC Reducer 89 20mm Dia UPVC Elbow 90 20mm Dia UPVC Tee 91 20mm Dia UPVC Coupling 92 20x15mm UPVCReducer 93 Supplying and fixing in position best quality and approved variety of new Gun Metal Gate Valve heavy typeexcluding the fixing charges but including necessary cutting & threading of GI pipes for jointing the GI specials and providing two coats of painting with good quality and approved variety of anti-corrosive paint over a coat of red oxid primer coat in the case of pipe line above ground level and one coat of tarring in the case of pipe line below ground level etc., complete 94 40 mm dia 95 32 mm dia 96 Supplying and fixing PVC Ventilating shaft of 110mm dia (having working pressure 4 kg / sq.cm) and 3 m height including cost of cylindrical cowl of best approved quality etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. The PVC ventilating shaft should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. 97 Supply and fixing in position best quality PVC Soil/ waste pipes 6 kg / sqcm of various size (Below Ground Level)laid properly to alignment including cutting and fixing the required PVC specials but excluding the cost of such specials etc., complete.. (The PVC pipes shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).having ISI mark and providing leak proof joints, complying with standard specification etc., complete. 98 160 mm Dia PVC Pipe 99 110 mm Dia PVC Pipe 100 75 mm Dia PVC Pipe 101 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC soil / waste pipesof approved and best variety conforming to IS. Specification with ISI. mark of the following sizes including, cutting and threading of PVC Pipes, fixing specials but excluding cost of such specials but including fixing to wall with necessary teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling holes in roof and making good the dismantled portion to original condition with necessary brick work and plastering wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges. The PVC Pipes should be got approved by the Departmental Officers before use on work. Above ground level. 102 110 mm Dia PVC Pipe 103 75 mm Dia PVC Pipe 104 Supplying and fixing in position of the following PVC specials best approved quality conforming to ISS and providing leak proof joints with PVC adhesive etc., i and giving connections to the PVC pipeetc., complete complying with standard specification.(The PVC specials should be got approved by the departmental officer before use on works). 105 110mm dia Door Elbow 106 110mm dia Door Tee 107 110mm dia Elbow 108 110mm dia Y with Single Door 109 110mm dia PVC Air Cowl 110 75mm dia Door Elbow 111 75mm Dia Elbow 112 75mm dia PVC Air Cowl 113 Construction of INSPECTION CHAMBER of followingclear sizes including earth work excavation, CC 1:5:10 of 10 cm thick and brick work in Cement Mortar 1:5 [One cement and Five M sand] using best quality of second class Table Mould Bricks of size 9 x 43/8 x 23/4 with Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 [One Cement and Three Plastering Sand] 12 mm thick to inner and outer sides and wearing coat 1:3:6 [One Cement, Three crushed stone sand and Six Aggregate] 15 cm thick and covered with precast slab 5 cm thick etc., complete complying as directed by the departmental officers as per standard specification. 114 Manhole chamber for a clear size of 600x600x600mm 115 Manhole chamber for a clear size of 450x450x450mm 116 Supplying and Fixing of PVC ready made water tank ofapproved quality with standard specification and best brand including testing for leakages after making installations and connections. The cost inclusive of lid and lock with bolt and nuts for PVC tank, transportation, loading, unloading, lifting, installation and necessary connections etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.(The PVC Water Tank should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). 117 Supplying and fixing in position of Indian make white glazed earthen ware lipped mouth flat back Urinal of best approved quality with 32mm dia bell mouthed PVC connection,15mm dia G.M wheel valve,fixing the Urinal to the wall in position with necessary T.W. plugs,clamps,screws shellac etc.,including dismantling masonry if necessary and redoing the same to original condition,fixing the 15mm GI pipe connection and wheel valve, painting the pipe with two coats and checked without any leakage etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.(The urinal should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work) 118 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make bevelled edge mirror of approved quality and brand of size 600x450mm x5.5mm thick with necessary plastic back, PVCframe with bottom stand of approved colour with brass screws, rawal plugs etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The materials should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on works) 119 Supplying and fixing in position of polished white marble slab (Adanga) of 20mm thickfor urinal partition of size 1.20x0.60m includingand fixing the marble slab with C.M.1:3 etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 120 Providing mixing laying polymer based water proofing treatment for the sunkan toilet by applying cement based fiexable WPC conforming to IS 2645 to a thickness of 1mm of the prepared surface of the roof slab / floorslab as per specification mendioned above providing cm 1:3 water proofing cover plaster to a thickness 12mm. The malaime coating with admixture of approved make rate quoted is inclusive of preparation of surface which including cleaning of surface polymer morter, curing, labour, tools equipments etc., rate inclusiveof cement and sand required for the treatment the coat and labour charges for fixing 25mm dia pressure pipe 15 kg / m2 to length of 45 cm for drip pipe etc., complete. 121 Providing expansion joint of RCC floor slab for 20mm width using polysulphide as sealent ontop and bottom for a depth of 7.5mm each and packing the inner space using compressible non - absorbent, filler materials including cost of labour for cutting and fixing filler materials and laying polysulphide sealent with necessary spatula etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 122 Providing expansion joint of 20mm width in RCC roof slabs between RCC twin beams using PVC water bar of 150mm wide centre bulb of 4mm to 6mm thickness of approved quality and brand and includingfilling the inner space with suitable non - absorbent, flexible and well compressible filler materials of approved quality and covering top surface with GI sheet 30cmwide and 1.6mm thick using phill plugs, GI screws, limpetcup washers, bitumen washers, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 123 Providing expansion joint of 20mm width in between RCC twin columns from top of pedastal to full height including filling the inner space with suitable non - absorbent, flexible and well compressible filler materials of approved quality and brand; finishing the sides of RCC columns with polysulphide sealents for a depth of 7.5mm on either side covering the inner space filled with filler materials as above etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 124 Supplying and fixing of special type Terra Cotta Jally of size 20x20x8cm of approved pattern including pointing neat finishing and labour charges for fixing the jally in position etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 125 Supplying and laying of 63 mm thick high strength type of interlocking rubber moulded hydraulic pressed paver block of approved colour made up of designed concrete mix 1:1:2 using 10 to 12mm size HBG stone jelly in required shapes and sizes having minimum compressive strength of 40 N/mm2 to be laid in flurrying bone pattern with approved non sticking surface at top. The rate is inclusive of levelling the site, compacting with power compactor and sweeping the sand grouting and also inclusive of transportation charges, loading, unloading and labour charges for laying the paver block, etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers 126 Supplying and filling of 40mm HBGS metal in dispersion trench around the stoneware pipe or in the leach pit or rain water harvesting pit orsoak pit to the required thickness completecomplying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The rate including cost of metal filling etc. complete complying with standard specification.. 127 Supplying and filling of 20mm HBGS metal in dispersion trench around the stoneware pipe or in the leach pit or rain water harvesting pit orsoak pit to the required thickness completecomplying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The rate including cost of metal filling etc. complete complying with standard specification. 128 Supplying and fixing of PVC corner beeding of best approved quality and colour standard size and thickness of required height of walls using cement mortar 1:2 (One cement and two sand) and finishing the surface smooth with ceramic tiles etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmetal officers. 129 Supplying and fixing powder coated Galvalium sheet for head room roof with necessary U or J bolts screws nails and bitumen washers including cost of fixing charges etc.,complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 130 Supplying and fixing of rolling shutters shall be pull and push type made of 18G/3 lathe sections which consist of five main parts such as curtain, lock plate, guide channels rollers and hood cover. These five main parts are made out of special components detailed below: curtain shall be of 18G/3 lath sections cut to required size and filled with heavy cast iron / MS clips. For 80(2.45m) high rolling shutter lath sections provided shall be not less than 37 numbers. Lock plate shall be 10GMS sheet and attached to the side brackets with 20mm square bar.Side brackets shall be of 10G MS plate and cast iron U clamps shall be rivetted to the side brackets. Roller shall be of heavy cast iron pullies fitted with heavy duty C class 40mm steel pipe and high tensile high carbon coil springs. 2 springs shall be supplied. Side brackets shall be of 10G MS plate and cast iron U clamps shall be rivetted to the side brackets. Roller shall be of heavy cast iron pullies fitted with heavy duty C class 40mm steel pipe and high tensile high arbon coil springs - 2 springs shall be supplied. Hood cover shall be of 0.8mm CRCA sheet reinforced with 25mmx25mmx3mm MS angle or gate channel. The rolling shutter in addition to the above should have pulling hook and shall be coated on exposed area with heavy coat of red oxide primer etc., complete.(Manualty operated) 131 Supplying and Fixing New Cuddappah slab fine polished of approved quality of38 / 40mm thick including cost of cuddappah slab for cupboards,transportation to work site, labour charge for forming grooves in masonry if necessary and laying the slab in position with cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three m-sand) etc., completecomplying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 132 Supplying and Fixing of Ornamental Teak Wood main entrance Door with Two leaves wooden panel with partly Glazed panel and the shutter planks engraved with Oranamental Carving works as per drawing and design approved by the Departmental officer with following specification. The wood works to be polished with two coatsofMelamine using best quality and approved colour of varnish for Shutter and frames andBEES WAXINGusing best quality of wax over the varnish for Shutter and framesincluding cleaning the surface. The rate is inclusive of cost of all materials and labour, brushes ,scaffolding charges,supplying the following furniture fitting including cost and labour charges for fixing etc., complete complying with standard specification.(The varnish ,waxand furniture fitting to be used should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work). 133 Supplying, fixing and Erecting in position of 3 phase multi stage 3 H.P Submersible Pumpset suitable for 150mm dia Borewell etc., complete complying with standard specification. 134 Supplying, fixing and Erecting in position of 3 phase Panel Board - Star Delta with two level guard and Auto start including Transport charges etc., complete complying with standard specification. 135 Supplying and fixing of NP3 class hume pipe of flush joint to a size 300mm RCC wall with 25mm thick to a length of 30cm in RCC M 35 with nominal special reinforcement as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete complying with standard specification. 136 Supply and run of 3 x 4 sq.mm PVC insulated Sc un shethed copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe consealed inside and outside of with suitable colour.er 137 Barbed Wire - 10 Gauge - Two ply and four pronged ect., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental offi 138 Supplying and fixing of Barbed wire fencing of 10 gauge in 6 Rows and cross wise on both sides as directed Tieing and strengthening the barbed wire,Horizontally,verticallyand cross wise etc.,including cost of Barbed wire and inclusive of loading, conveyance and unloading at site of work and labour charges for fixing in position etc.,complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 139 Stucco plastering 12mm thick using blue granite chips of size 6 to10mmand below, etc.,complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 140 Steam generating boiler LPG operated M.S. outer body of 8mm thick M.S. 8mm inner body, steam circulation pipe, Water circulation pipe, boiler mounting like water level indicator, pressure gauge, safety valve, automatic float valve, emergency water inlet, smoke chimney arc weled smooth finishing with heat resistant painting with T-78 Double burner with 150 kg pressure per hour etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 141 S.S. Rice Cooker 25kgs capacity single Jacketed direct steam injection S.S. Body of 16 gauge salem sheet 304 grade, S.S. vessel rotating shaft of 60mm dia of 304 grade, S.S. Vessel seating plate 6mm thick S.S. Vessel mounting frame of 50mm sq. Tube 14 gauge thick of 304 grade S.S. lid of 16 gauge S.S. Handle of 25mm Rod with heat resistant knobs argon arc welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 142 S.S. Milk Cooker of 150trs capacity Double jacketed indirect steam injection S.S. body of 14 gauge salem sheet 304 grade of double jacket, S.S. vessel rotating shaft of 60mm dia of 304 grade, vessel mounting frame of 50mm sq. tube 16 gauge thick of 304 grade S.S. Lid of 16 gauge S.S. Handle of 25mm Rod with Heat resistant knobs argon welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 143 S.S. Iddly Cooker of 240Iddies Capacity S.S. Outer body of 18 gauge salem sheet 304 grade, S.S. Front Frame and Door of gauge, S.S. inner chamber of 18 gauge Each chamber of 80 Iddies capacity, S.S. Idly tray of 20 gauge of 20 Iddies Capacity S.S. Drip tray 22 gauge salem sheet 304 grade with spare tray. S.S. inner connecting pipe with push type cock Handle with knobs S.S. Stand of 32’3mm ‘L’ angle, S.S. standing pipe and support pipe of 304 grade argon arc welded with matt polish with 2 Nos Spare plate etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 144 S.S. single burner Gas Range Size 27”x27”x24” M.S. Inner angle frame of 32x6mm thick S.S. Top of 16 gauge salem sheet S.S. Side cover Sheet of 18 gauge S.S. Leg of 40 OD with Nylon leveling bush cast iron pan support, T-65 Burner, Copper pig tail, Needle control valve etc. Argon arc welded with Mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 145 S.S.Double burner Gas Range Size 60x3024 M.S. Inner angle frame of 32x6mm thick S.S. Top of 16 gauge salem sheet S.S. Side cover Sheet of 18 gauge S.S. Leg of 40 OD with Nylon leveling bush cast iron pan support, T-65 Burner, Copper pig tail, Needle control valve etc. Argon arc welded with Mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 146 S.S. Wet Grinder Box Type 12 Ltrs capacity Heavy Duty S.S. Drum of 20 gauge sheet S.S. body of 20 gauge S.S. Arm Set, S.S. Arm set pillar of 304 grade base frame of M.S. 50*6mm L-angle hard granite stone hardened gear box Compton motor or equivalent make argon arc welded with mirror polish with coconut scrapper etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 147 S.S. Wet Grinder Box Type 8 Ltrs capacity Heavy Duty S.S. Drum of 20 gauge sheet S.S. body of 20 gauge S.S. Arm Set, S.S. Arm set pillar of 304 grade base frame of M.S. 50*6mm L-angle hard granite stone hardened gear box Compton motor or equivalent make argon arc welded with mirror polish with coconut scrapper etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 148 S.S Working table with under shelves size 45”x24”x34” S.S. Top of 16 gauge and under shelves of 18 gauge salem sheet 304 grade S.S. standing pipe of 40mm pipe of 16 gauge 304 grade with Nylon bush argon arc welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 149 Providing Dosa plate of size 72”x 36” X 34” as per the following specification. The Dosa plate top is made of 20mm MS plate cut neatly on all sides & grounded to smoothness. The legs are made of 40x40x6m with stiffeners of size 35x35x5m MS Angles. The base plate for legs are made of 6mm plate. MS flats of size 32x6, 32x3 & 40x6mm are used for connection clamps & stiffeners25x25x6mm MS angle is provided on all four sides for draining of oil & water. The burner is covered on all sides with 3mm sheet to a height of 0.20m to guard the flame in the burner. All members are given a coat of anticorrosive paint over which two coats of syntatic enamel paint is given. The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transport, erection at site, etc, complete 150 S.S.Vessel with lid Size Dia 20” Height 14: S S Body of 16 gauge S.S bottom of 14 gauge bottom S.S lid of 16 gauge food graded of 304 grade hedge folded with 12mm rod, S.S. handle of 16 mm rod 304 argon arc welded with mirror polish. 151 S.S.Vessel with lid Size Dia 27” Height 12: S S Body of 16 gauge S.S bottom of 14 gauge bottom S.S lid of 16 gauge food graded of 304 grade hedge folded with 12mm rod, S.S. handle of 16 mm rod 304 argon arc welded with mirror polish. 152 S.S.Vessel with lid Size Dia 30” Height 12: S S Body of 16 gauge S.S bottom of 14 gauge bottom S.S lid of 16 gauge food graded of 304 grade hedge folded with 12mm rod, S.S. handle of 16 mm rod 304 argon arc welded with mirror polish. 153 S.S.Storage rack size 72” X 24” X 60 there in one of 16 gauge salem sheet 304 grade with vertical pipe 0f 40mm 16 gauge with adequate stiffness argon arc welded with mat polish etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers 154 S.S.Storage rack size 60” X 24” X 60 there in one of 16 gauge salem sheet 304 grade with vertical pipe 0f 40mm 16 gauge with adequate stiffness argon arc welded with mat polish etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers. 155 M.S. Steam pipe line with cladding main line of 1” 2.5mm thick schedule pipe sub line of ¾” of 2.5mm thick TATA make or equivalent pipe, flange, ‘L’ bow, Bolt and nut etc. S.S. Ball valve Agon arc welded smooth – finishing with asbestos rope insulation to avoid heat loss etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 156 LPG pipe line 4”x2” manifold of TATA or equivalent make with forged fitting S.S. shenco ball value, cooper pipe, Hose with adaptor and regulator VANAZ or equivalent make wall clamping cost of material including labour charges etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 157 S.S. waste food box trolley size 24”x24”32” S.S. top of 18 gauge 304 grade S.S. four sides cover and bottom of 20 gauge salem sheet 304 grade top 12” dia hole wih plastic bucket and 4 nos wheel argon arc welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 158 S.S. three sink unit 72x27x34, S.S. top of 16 gauge salem sheet 304 grade rear side splash of 200mm height, S.S. sink size 21x18x12 S.S. sink corner will be radius end, S.S. inner 40*3mm L - angle frame, S.S. standing pipe Of 40mm, S.S. cross support pipe of 25mm of 16 gauge 304 grade with 1 1/2 BSP Drain pipe and drain ball valve nylon levelling bush with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 159 S.S Food service trolley size 60x30x12 of 2mm thick salem sheet 304 grade S.S. handle with 4 Nos, wheel 2 Nos, swivel, 2 Nos.Fixed argon arc welded with mat finish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 160 S.S Exhaust hood size 72 x 36x18 gauge salem sheet 304 grade dust oil collection pipe etc., and as direced by the departmental officers. M.S Exhaust blower centrifugal type of impeller on direct motor of 5HP, Three phase, 1440 RPM of 3mm sheet arc welded with smooth finishing with painting etc., and as directed byu the departmental officers.G.IU. Duct for Exhaust system of 22 gauge sheet with flanges bolt and nut etc., with fising charges 20 feet support L Angle frame hood handing bolt and nut erection. 161 S.S. Exhaust hood oil filter with 16 gauge of outer section etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 162 S.S. Drain canal grating Removable type grating size width 350mm, length 600mm S.S. flat in vertical position outer frame and internal with gap of 6 of 25*6mm thick of 304 grade, S.S. 6mm rod of 304 grade mounted on 32*6mm thick L-Angle 304 grade argon arc welded with mat polish etc.,and as directed by the departmental officers. departmental officers. 163 Eight persons dinning table size 92”x32”x30” S.S. Top of 20 gauge sheet 304 grade with inner 12mm plywood M.S., frame of 4”x2” rectangle tube of 14 gauge, M.S. Standing frame of 16 gauge, rotating arm of 2”*1” rectangle tube of gauge, S.S. Sent top of 20 gauge 13” Dia arc welded smooth finishing black color powder coated with nylon leveling bush argon arc welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 164 S.S. Bain Marie size 84”x26”x34”12” S.S. top of 16 gauge 304 grade SS side sheet and front sheet of 18 gauge 304 grade, S.S. inner tank of 18 gauge with water immersion heating, element 3KW with thermostat control, rotary witch L&T or equivalent make with indicator lamp, S.S> gastro norm container vessel of 150mm deep full size pan 3Nos, half size pan six S.S. Bottom shelf of 18 gauge with adequate stiffness 304 grade Argon arc welded with Mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. inner 12mm plywood M.S., frame of 4”x2” rectangle tube of 14 gauge, M.S. Standing frame of 16 gauge, rotating arm of 2”*1” rectangle tube of gauge, S.S. Sent top of 20 gauge 13” Dia arc welded smooth finishing black color powder coated with nylon leveling bush argon arc welded with mat polish etc., and as directed by the departmental officers. 165 Supplying & Fixing of G.N. Pans size 1/1 etc., complete and a directed by the dept. 166 Tea can of 15 litres capacity of approved make and qulaity made of Stainless Steel complying with IS specification etc., complete and as directed by departmental officers. 167 Floor doughing machine 10 Kgs capacity with stainless steel drum SS arm complete with guard. 168 Industrial Mixie of following capacity of approved make and quality complying with IS specifications etc., complete and as directed by the deparmtnetal officers. 169 Supplying and fixing stainless steel trough 304 grade in inner size 2.50mx0.45x0.45m depth with a border width of 50mm alround including folding the edges with a provision of stainless steel splash board of 600 mm height including cost of 4 Nos. of 15mm diameter brass chromium plated tap, 32mm diameter C.P. waste union, 32mm dametre P.V.C. waste pipe with C.P. waste coupling, waste pipe, etc including fixing the trough in the wall in position with a pair of C.I. brackets and givingnecessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with two coats of paint over a priming coat of anticorrosive paint including testing for leakage etc., complete complying with standard specifications, (the stainless steel trough and specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works) complete as per directed by the departmental officers. 170 Steel Cot- 3.00x 66 made with 18 gauge 1 round CR tube for head rest and leg rest frame. The bed area is made up of 1.21 mm thick (18 gauge) CRCA Sheet which is profile folded at all the edges. 5 Nos of extra length wise stiffener made up of 1.21mm thick (18 gauge) CRCA Sheet is added beneath the bedarea for extra Strength and stability. Aesthetic side panels made up of 19 mm thick prelaminated wood particle board (ISI & ISO Certified ) for mattress holding is fixed on to the side of the beds. All metal surfaces are finished with 60 microns powder coating. The rate is inclusive of cost of material, manufacturing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and installation at site etc., complete complyingwith standard specificarion and as directed by the departmental officers. 171 Supply and fixing for steel frames powder coated perforated study chair made with 18 gauge 20mm round CR Tube for leg frame andoval CR tube for seat, back & arm frame with injection moulded steel seat & back are fixed to the frame.All metal surfaces are finished with 60 Microns powder coating. The frame is fixed with superior quality PVC Bush. The rate is inclusive of cost of material, manufacturing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and installation at site etc., complete complyingwith standard specificarion and as directed by the departmental officers. 172 Supply ofSteel table of size 29x19 made out 1 1/4 OD ERW Tube 20 G frames covered in the top with 20 mm thick navopen with mica finishing . The Drawer lenght 400mmx350mm with 150mm height made out of 187G CR Sheet. The box 400mm (lenght ) x 350mm width and 480mm height made out of 1OD ERW tube 20G. All Supported with Four vertical tubes and horizontal tube and rubber fet. All members are pretreated and powder coated The rate inclusive of all materials, labour charges for cutting, welding etc., loading, unloading and conveyance and Supplied at work sit etc., complete complyingwith standard specificarion and as directed by the departmental officers. 173 Supplying and erecting in position of 250 liters capacity Industrial Model Reverse Osmosis Water-cum-Purifier to deliver Potable Water with World Health Organisation (WHO) Standards with following accessories. (a) MS Skid - 1 No. (b) Media 11054 No. Vessel with 20 nb Multiport Valve (with Media Pubble and Fine Sand and Activated Carbon Filling) set(c) Feed Pump 0.50 HP – 1 No.(d) Vertical Pump 2-9, 2.00 HP / Single Phase – 1 No.(e) Membrane 40 x 40 filmtech (or) equilaents / Osmonic (USA) - 1 No. and Membrane Pressure Vessel 40 x 40 -1 No. & Pressure Gauge - 2 Nos.(f) Flow Meter - 1 No. 20” Filter with Housing - 1 No. Low Pressure Switch - 1 No., Level Switch - 1 No. & Necessary CPVC Pipes and Fittings.The system shall be provide with Two Panel Control System with necessary Stainless Valves and Fittings and Float Control etc.The rate should be inclusive of all civil works, wherever necessary to install the System in position and intact 174 Providing rain water recharging collection pit having a size of 900mm dia to a total height of 1950mm ie 300mm above ground level and 1650mm below ground level with necessary auger bore of 250mm dia to depth of 2000mm from bottom level of collection pit.The bore is provided with 160mm dia PVC pipe 6kg/cm2length of 2mt approved quality with slottedholes of 6mm dia and filled with 20mm HBG stone jelly and around the slotted pipe. The side of collection pit is provided with RCC well ring of inner size 900mm x 450mm x 50mm with 6mm reinforcement on both direction at 200mm centre using RCC 1:11/2:3 (one cement and half of m sand and three of 20mm HBG jelly). The top of collection pit finished with brick work 23 x 70mm with brick of size 9x41/2x3 in CM 1:5 (one cement and five m sand) plastering the brick masonry inner and outer to a depth of 600mm and top surface using CM 1:5 (one cement and five m sand) 12mm thick with 100mm thick base concrete in PCC 1:5:10 (one cement and five m sand and ten HBG jelly) over a sand cushion of 100mm thick and the top covered with RCC cover slab 50mm thick with perforated holes. 175 Paving the floor withTactile paver type of new tack BT yellow colourceramictilesof approved quality and colour of size 305 x 305 x 15mmin all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three M sand) 20mm thick and pointing with white cement using 0.30kg/m2including adding suitable colour pigments to suit the colour of tiles finishing perfectly and curing etc., including cost of tiles, all materials and incidential charges, transportation charges and labour charges for laying tiles etc., complete complying with standard specification andas directed by the departmental officers . (The tiles should be got approved by the departmental officers before use on works). 176 Brick Jelly Lime Concrete of 1:2:5 (One Lime,Two M Sand and Five Brick jelly ) with 20 mm hand broken brick jelly for Sunken portionsincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick, well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification. 177 Paving the floor with fully polished Rajasthan Kotta stone ofsize 610mm X 610mm and 20mm thick (average) and base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three M sand), 20mm thick and applying cement slurry & pointed with white cement and colour pigments to the colour of stones and polished neatly etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the Departmental officers. (The Kotta stone slab should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works)

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INR 637000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.54 Crore /-
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