Tender For Spr:27021933; 33 Kv Gss Building Equipment Erection 27021933 10 10 710 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 1C-70 sqmm 16 SET 310 CBL Laying LV 3C 1.5 SQMM PVC Flexible 500 M 800 S&F 12 Swag GI 40 M 300 CBL Laying LV 2C 1.5 SQMM Unsheathed 400 M 920 S&F Sand bucket 4 NO 810 Supply and apply Fire retardant paint 45 L 850 S&F Static Disch rod salisbury or equiv 4 NO 380 240V SYNC Dig timer with C/0 Contact 4 NO 720 CBL laying 5C x 2.5 sq. mm 4,000 M 540 CBL lying 1C X 70 sqmm 300 M 260 CBL Laying LV 3.5C, 70 SQMM AL(A), XLPE 100 M 370 S&F 240V 3PIN 2P1E 20A Soc RCBO 30mA 6 NO 110 ETC SLDB 1350 mm x 1250 mm x 300 mm 2 NO 900 S&F Shock Treatment Chart 4 NO 190 Erec of 750 mm ldr tray st run S/S & TNL 16,100 M 510 CBL lying 3.5C x 25 sq. mm 280 M 210 Erec of 750 mm per tray st run S/S & TNL 2,280 M 880 S&F Ins boots Salisbury equi with certi 6 PAA 250 Erection of all type light fixture 299 NO 290 CBL Laying LV 3C 1.5 SQMM Unsheathed 400 M 340 S&F 240V JB for light fixtures 2 LO 410 S&F 240V, 230MM Swp Ex fan with bracket 8 NO 270 CBL Laying LV 2C,6 SQMM CU(A), XLPE 100 M 240 S&F CHM Earthing & PIT 50mm OD x 3mtr GI 200 NO 780 S&F 50 sqmm stranded wire 20 M 520 CBL lying 3C x 150 sq. mm 140 M 50 Bus Duct 8 mtr length 90 deg bend 2no 2 SET 320 S&F 100 MM GI perforated cable tray 400 M 640 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-150 sqmm 16 SET 400 S&F concealed type mod typ box as per dg 58 NO 680 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3C-150 sqmm 8 SET 790 S&F 6 sqmm stranded wire 40 M 360 S&F 240V 16A DP MCB Isolator st encl 28 NO 120 S&F 415/240V MCBDB Wall mounted 2 NO 280 CBL Laying LV 3C, 2.5 SQMM CU(A), XLPE 4,200 M 500 CBL lying 3.5C x 50 sq. mm 370 M 750 S&F GI Strip 50 mm x 6 mm 1,640 M 660 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-50 sqmm 14 SET Email : Nikhil.Parmar@amns.in Contact : Name : Nikhil Parmar Item Details : Scope of Work- BOQ and Detail as per requirement:- Following are the major job scope ( details attached) • Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 33KV switch board 2Nos. Building. • Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 415V LV Switch Board (including PCC, ACDB, ELDB, Lightning Transformer. • Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Battery Bank, Dual Float Cum Boost Battery Charger. • LV Cable Laying, Control Cable Laying within substation and substation to transformer. • Cable Tray Erection in Substation Building and Tunnel. • Lightning System Erection in tunnel and Building. • Supply and Installation of Earthing Equipment. • Supply and fixing of structure material for panel and tray erection. • Supply and Installation of lightning accessories material PPE equipment. • Detailing is as per attachment. Vendor Scope :- • All tools, tackles and testing equipment’s should be in vendor scope. • All testing of panel and equipment should be done as per AMNS guidelines. • Unloading, Shifting, Storing shall be in vendor scope at storage location provided by AMNS. • Machinery as per requirement (Crane, man lifter etc) arranged by vendor. • Materials mentioned in supply shall be as per approved standards of AMNS. AMNS Scope : • AMNS will give single point electrical supply and water. Further distribution shall be done by the contractor if required. • Open plot will be provided by AM/NS for manpower and machinery. • 24x7 working permission will be provided by AM/NS. Specific Penalty for nonperformance by the vendor must be cardinally measured. • Non-Conformity of work. • Penalty will be imposed in case of non-compliance to HSE norms of AMNS. Item Note : Page 2 of 3 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000125454 Date 09.12.2024 Submission Date 16.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Pritam Paul Contact Email PRITAM.PAUL@AMNS.IN MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 180 ETC of 415-240V wall mounted type ESLDB 2 NO 620 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-300 sqmm 16 SET 70 Plante type lead acid battery bank 4 SET 570 Supply and laying 1C-2.5 Sqmm (Black) 400 M 480 CBL lying 3.5C x 150 sq. mm 400 M 580 Supply and laying 1C-1.5 Sqmm (Red) 400 M 550 CBL lying 2C X 6 sqmm 2,030 M 420 S&F 25MMDia GMS RIGID Conduit with acc 100 M 840 Supply and inst 200 dia GMS Pipe 20 M 670 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-300 sqmm 16 SET 530 CBL lying 2C x 10 sq. mm 2,450 M 450 S&F 1/C, 2.5 SQMM Str CU Cbl yel gren 200 M 740 S&F GI Strip 75 mm x 10 mm 1,130 M 610 Supply & laying 3C2.5 Sqmm PVC flexible 500 M 170 ETC Lightning Inverter 500x800x1000mm 2 NO 820 Supply and apply Fire Retardant sealant 20 KG 460 CBL lying 3.5C x 300 sq. mm 4,000 M 80 BHMS 110V,450AH Palnte-Lead acid battery 4 SET 60 ETC of FCB Charger 110V DC, 160 Amp 4 SET 760 S&F GI Strip 25 x 6 mm 520 M 430 S&F 25MM Dia PVC Conduit with acc 100 M 40 33 kV B/D Erection 50 MTR with Accs.N/E 1 SET 910 S&F First Aid Box 2 NO 560 Supply and laying 1C-2.5 Sqmm (Red) 400 M 140 ETC of 415/240 V ACDB 1250x850x1900 2 NO 10 33KV SWG ETC 3600(D) x 2700(H) x 1200(W) 65 EA 890 S&F Ambu bag 4 NO 200 Erec of 750 mm ldr tray all bends joints 718 NO 230 Spl/fab/ere of Steel for tray/PNL etc 72 TO 160 ETC 415V EM. Lighting Distribution board 2 NO 30 33 kV B/D Erection 50 MTR with Accs.S/W 1 SET 20 33KV SWG ETC 3600(D) x 2700(H) x 1200(W) 72 EA 90 DCDB Panel erection 110VDC,160AMP 2 SET 830 Supply and inst Fire Retardant blocks 270 M2 590 Supply and laying 1C-1.5 Sqmm (Black) 400 M 770 S&F GI Strip 25 x 3 mm 100 M 100 415V 630 Amps, PCC inc brker trly L 5mtr 2 SET 490 CBL lying 3.5C x 70 sq. mm 650 M 650 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-70 sqmm 24 SET 220 Erec of 750 mm per tray all bends joints 127 NO 130 415/415V, 25 kVA, Lgt Trafo ETC 4 NO 350 S&F 4 Way MS JB for false ceiling 2 LO 150 ETC of 415V HVAC MCC 1500 x 800 x 2200 2 NO 390 S&F point wire SAS/UPS room as per drg 2 LO 330 S&F 40 MM DIA GS Pipe 65 M 440 S&F 25MM Dia Flex PVC Conduit with acc 40 M Page 3 of 3 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000125454 Date 09.12.2024 Submission Date 16.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Pritam Paul Contact Email PRITAM.PAUL@AMNS.IN MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 600 Supply and laying 1C-1.5 Sqmm (Green) 800 M 470 CBL lying 3.5C x 240 sq. mm 100 M 630 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 3.5C-240 sqmm 8 SET 690 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 2C-10 sqmm 100 SET 700 S&F lugs(4n) and glnd(1n) 2C-6 sqmm 68 SET 730 CBL laying 3C x 2.5 sq. mm 4,400 M 940 S&F Insulating Rubber Mat 3mm,1mtr Wide 180 M 860 Supply 40 Cal suit Salisbury with certif 4 NO 870 S&F Ins glove Salisbury equi with certi 6 PAA 930 S&F Danger board (250 x 200mm) IS: 2551 8 NO 950 S&F Insulating Rubber Mat 2mm,1mtr Wide 50 M