
Tender For Yearly Civil Maintenance Work At Various Commercial Complex Etc For Pmpml Various Depots, Standsetcfor Pmpml, Pune-Maharashtra

Pune Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Yearly Civil Maintenance Work At Various Commercial Complex Etc For Pmpml Various Depots, Standsetcfor Pmpml. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-12-2024. Building Work Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Yearly Civil Maintenance Work At Various Commercial Complex Etc For Pmpml Various Depots, Standsetcfor Pmpml
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Tender Details

Tender For Yearly Civil Maintenance Work At Various Commercial Complex etc for Pmpml Various Depots, Standsetcfor Pmpml-- 1 YEARLY CIVIL MAINTENANCE WORK AT VARIOUS COMMERCIAL COMPLEXETCFOR PMPML 2 Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel Cu.M and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m.) By Manual Means 3 Excavation for foundation in hard murum and boulders (Lift upto 1.5m.) Excavation for foundation in hard murum and boulders including removing the excavated material up to a distance 50 metres, beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. 4 Excavation for foundation in Soft rock and old cement or lime Cu.M masonry foundations including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the building area and stacking as directed, including dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling with available earth /murum, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete (lift upto 1.5m) By Mechanical Means 5 Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated material in 15cm. to 20cm. layers including watering and compacting etc. 6 Filling in plinth and floors with contractors material/brought from outside and approved by Engineer incharge in layers of 15 cm to. 7 Providing dry/ trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including hand packing and compacting etc. complete. 8 (Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections, fixed with connecting plates or angle cleats )Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections, fixed with connecting plates or angle cleats in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters, purlins connecting to truss members and the like, as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making riveted/ bolted/ welded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete 9 ( Providing and fixing mild steel grill gate ) Providing and fixing mild steel grill gate as per the detailed drawing including hinges, locking arrangements and painting in three coats of oil paint of approved colour and shade etc. 10 ( PCC M20 for for bed blocks ) Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in M20 of trap/ granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for bed blocks, foundation blocks and such other items including bailing out water, plywood/steel formwork, laying/ pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.), with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With natural sand/V.S.I. quality Artificial Sand 11 ( Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 ) Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, 12 ( Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry in plinth ) Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in plinth as backing in composite masonry including bailing out water manually, striking joints, raking out joints and watering etc Complete. 13 ( Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry in superstructure ) Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints, watering and scaffolding etc. Complete 14 ( Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry half brick thick wall )Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:4 in half brick thick wall including mild steel longitudinal reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm diameter / 2 hoop iron strips 25 mm X 1.6 mm placed at every third course, properly bent and bonded at ends scaffolding, racking out joints and watering etc. complete. 2 hoop iron strips 25 mm X 1.6 mm placed at every third course, properly bent and bonded at ends scaffolding, racking out joints and watering etc. complete. 15 ( Providing fly ash brick masonry in foundation and plinth ) Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / I.S. type fly ash bricks in C.M. 1:6 in foundation and plinth including bailing out water manually striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding etc. complete. 16 ( Providing fly ash brick masonry in superstructure ) Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints, watering and scaffolding etc. Complete 17 Uncoursed rubble masonry in foundation and plinth : Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually , striking joints on un exposed faces and watering etc.complete. 18 Damp proof course 50 mm thick in M20 cement concrete : Providing and laying damp proof course 50 mm thick in M20 cement concrete layer and bitumen / using cement with waterproofing compound curing, formwork etc. complete 19 water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike): Providing cement based water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound and laying the brick bats on bottom layer in C.M.1:5 admixed with approved water proofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M.1:3 admixed with approved water proofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1 Kg per bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound. Marking finished surface with false squares of 300mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for required height, with drip mould at the junction of plaster and parapet and curing and covering 10 years Guarantee against leakproofness on Court fee stamp paper of Rs. 500/- including ponding test etc. 20 Providing waterproof plaster in W.C. and bath 12 mm thick for dado : Providing waterproof plaster in W.C. and bath 12 mm thick for dado in cement mortar 1:3 with neat finishing, floating using waterproofing compound at the rate of 1 kg. per bag of cement of approved make and manufacturer and curing etc. complete. (Excluding Tiles) 21 Providing and applying water proofing treatment using acrylic polymer : Providing and applyingwater proofing treatment using acrylic polymer modified cement based water proofing coating with fibre glass mesh mixing at the rate of powder to liquid (2:1) by weight covering 9 to 10 sqm /kg with two coat using Dr. Fixit or alike of chemicals for masonry and concrete surface by brush covering 7 years guarantee on StampPapers etc. complete. 22 internal cement plaster 20mm thick : Providing internal cement plaster 20mm thick in two coats in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish, to concrete, brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc.complete. 23 Rough cast cement plaster externally in two coats : Providing rough cast cement plaster externally in two coats to concrete, brick or stone masonry surfaces in all positions with base coat of 12 to 15 mm thick in C.M. 1:4 and rough cast treatment 12mm thick in proportion 1:1 1/2:3 including scaffolding and fourteen days curing complete. 24 Providing neeru finish to plastered surfaces in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 25 Flush grooved pointing with cement mortar for stone work : Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for stone masonry work including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 26 Polished Tandur Stone flooring 25mm to 30mm thick in plain/ diamond pattern: Providing and laying Polished Tandur Stone flooring 25mm to 30mm thick required width in plain/ diamond pattern on a bed of 1:6 C.M. including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning etc. complete. 27 polished Kadappa stone 25mm to 30mm thick ( sill ) , : Providing sills of polished Kadappa stone 25mm to 30mm thick, on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with slurry, curing polishing and cleaningceramic tiles of having size 30 cm x 30 cm : 28 Providing and laying ceramic tiles of having size 30 cm x 30 cm confirming to I.S.15622/2006 (group D II-A) and 7 to 8 mm thick for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with white/colour cement slurry cleaning curing etc. 29 ceramic tiles of having size 30 cm. x 30 cm. : Providing and laying ceramic tiles of having size 30 cm. x 30 cm.and confirming to corresponding I.S. for dado and skirting inrequired position with readymade adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white/ colour cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete. 30 cement concrete M20 with tremix treatment for 100 mm thickness : Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M20 with tremix treatment for 100 mm thickness for flooring with groove cutting of 4mm wide and 20mm deep with necessary refilling with bitumen etc. complete 31 vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness a) Flooring : Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. complete. Flooring 32 vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness b) Skirting : Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. complete.b) Skirting 33 green marble of 18 to 20 mm thick for door frame/ dado/ window boxing : Providing and fixing green marble of 18 to 20 mm thick for door frame/ dado/ window boxing etc. On C.M. 1:6 including filling joints with polymer base filler nosing the sharp edges wherever necessary, curing, etc. complete. 34 heavy duty inter locking concrete Gray paving blocks of 80 mm thickness : Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete Gray paving blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 300 kg/Sq.cm. of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 mm thick including skirting joints and cleaning etc. complete. 35 Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of size 30 cm x 30 cm Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15622-2006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete.size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15622-2006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete. 36 two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour to the old structural steel work : Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour to the old structural steel work and iron work previously painted in building including scaffolding, if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (excluding primer coat) etc. 37 Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour and shade to internal / external plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (excluding primer coat) etc. complete. 38 Providing and applying pearl/ luster finish paint of approved colour and shade to the existing plaster surface including scaffolding, preparing the surface, applying the acrylic wall putti etc. complete. (on already painted surface) 39 Providing and applying two coats of exterior weather shield paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning ,preparing the plaster surface ,applying primer coat ,scaffolding if necessary, and watering the surface for two days etc complete. NOTE: For Item No. 15 to 18 prior approval of Superintending 40 Primer coat for internal wall surface and celling :Providing and applying primer coat for internal wall surface and celling including scaffoldin to receive oil bound distemper treatment etc. 41 White-wash in two coats on old / new plastered : Providing and applying white-wash in two coats on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down etc. complete. 42 Plastic emulsion paint to old surfaces in three coat : Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old surface in three coats including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding primer coat) 43 Providing and applying water bound distemper along with primer coats. Recommended companies: Asian, neroleck, Dulex 44 Corrugated galvanised iron sheets of 0.63mm thick (24 B.W.G.) : Providing and fixing corrugated galvanised iron sheets of 0.63mm thick (24 B.W.G.) for roofing without wind tiles including fastening with galvanised iron screws and bolts, lead and bitumen washers as per drawing etc. complete.(Weight of 5.5 kg/sq.m.) 45 6.00 mm thick ISI mark Asbestos Cement Corrugated sheet roofing : Providing and fixing 6.00 mm thick ISI mark Asbestos Cement Corrugated sheet roofing including galvanised iron J or L hook bolts galvanised iron band bituminous G.I. washers, galvanised iron clamps, bolts, nuts and scaffolding etc. 46 valley gutter of 22 B.W.G. (0.8 mm) plain galvanised iron sheets 120 cm wide : Providing and fixing valley gutter of 22 B.W.G. (0.8 mm) plain galvanised iron sheets 120 cm wide with teak wood planking 20 mm thick including two coats of coal-tarring the upper surface of plank etc. complete. (excluding painting to underside of plank). 47 false ceiling of plain asbestos cement sheets 4 mm thick : Providing and fixing false ceiling of plain asbestos cement sheets 4 mm thick with teak wood beadings 45 x 12 mm with frame work of teak wood battens of size 70 x 60 mm at 1.00 M center to center including scaffolding, if necessary, all iron work and painting (visible surfaces) to A.C. sheet and beading in two coats etc. complete. (excluding T.W. runner to be paid separately). 48 frame work of galvanised iron for suspended false ceiling : Providing and fixing frame work of galvanised iron for suspended false ceiling which includes galvanised iron perimeter channels of size 27 mm and 0.5 mm thick having one flange of 20 mm and another of 30 mm along with perimeter of the ceiling, fixing in brick wall / partition with the help of rawal plugs and screws, suspending galvenised iron intermediate channels of size 45 mm and 0.9 mm thick with two flanges of 15 mm each from the soffit at 1200 mm centers with steel galvanised iron hanger of width 25 mm x 0.5 mm fasteners, ceiling section of 0.5 mm thickness having curved wedge of 51.5 mm and two flanges of 26 mm each with lips of 10.5 mm fixed to the intermediate channel with the help of connecting clips and in direction perpendicular to the intermediate channel at 450 mm centers, 12.5 mm dry walls screws at 230 mm centers; fixing screws mechanically either with screw driver or drilling machine with suitable attachment etc. 49 Removing G.I. or A.C. sheet roofing : Removing G.I. or A.C. sheet roofing including purlins, principal rafters etc. including sorting serviceable and unserviceable materials, stacking the same as and where directed in the compound including scaffolding etc. complete. 50 colour coated Zincalume profiled sheets for roofing : Providing and fixing colour coated Zincalume ( R ) AZ150 ( min 150 gms/sq.mt. total on each side ) profiled sheets for roofing. The feed material is manufactured out of nominal 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness ( BMT ) (0.5 mm TCT ), Hi-strength steel with min.550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated with Aluminium-Zinc alloy (55% aluminium 43.4% zinc 1.6% silicon) with COLORBOND ( R ) steel quality super durable polyester paint coat ( with inorganic pigment). The paint shall have a total coating thickness of nominal 35 um, comprising of nominal 25 um exterior coat on top surface and nominal 10 um reverse coat on back surface. Profile sheet shall have nom. 950-1050 mm effective 51 Solid core flush door shutter commercial in single leaf 32 mm : Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter commercial in single leaf 32 mm thick without ventilator commercial type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings with wrought iron hold fast, stainless steel fixtures and fastenings and handles on both sides and finishing with oil painting 3 coats complete. 52 Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum size and shape with square bar, suspension shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm thickness and of any size at top and safety devices including mechanical gear operation arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels and worms of high grade cast iron or mild steel and one coat of red lead primer etc. complete. (I.S.62481979) (Without mechanical gear) 53 Providing and fixing collapsible steel gate in one / two leaves with hot rolled vertical channels of 18 x 9 x 3 mm minimum size, crossings of M.S. flats of size 18 x 5 mm T or E section for runner of minimum 40 x 6 mm size for flange, M.S. flat for top runner of minimum size 40 x 12 mm with roller wheels confirming to grade F.G. 150 fitted with snap headed rivets of minimum size 6 mm max. spacing of vertical channels be 100 mm enclosed gate position and clear space of 150 mm between two sets of crossings with hold fasts, stoppers, spaces, handles, locking arrangement and one coat of red lead primer and oil painting etc. complete. (I.S. 105211983). 54 M.S grill door 24 Kg/sqm : Providing and fixing M.S. grill door 24 kg/sqm of various size as per detailed drawings without hot dip coating, iron fixtures and fastenings and 3 coats of oil painting etc 55 Alluminium sliding windows two tracks d) with powder coating without box : Providing and fixing in position. (as per I.S.1868 / 1982) Aluminium sliding window of two tracks with rectangular pipe having overall dimension ?63.50 x 38.10 x 1.02 mm at weight 0.547 kg/Rmt. and window frame bottom track section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.20 mm at weight 0.695 kg/Rmt. Top and side track section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 0.659 kg/Rmt. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. Inter locking section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469 kg/Rmt. And handle section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. As per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mm thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts 56 Acrylic plastic sheet panels to doors/windows (a) 2.00 mm thick : Providing and fixing acrylic plastic sheet panels of approved quality in required thickness plain clear or any colour or obscured linings in lieu of glass pans to doors/windows including providing and fixing clips, putty etc. complete. (a) 2.00 mm thick. 57 Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows / ventilator of various sizes with powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete. 58 Partition of CCTW frame and commercial ply : Providing and fixing partitions made up of CCTW frame of size 75 mm x 50 mm at 60 cm c/c with 9 mm thick commercial ply and 4mm thick veneer on both sides with French polish etc. complete. 59 Aluminium partition partly glazed and partly laminated : Providng and fixing in position anodised extruded aluminum partitions, partly glazed and partly laminated having frame made out of extruded tubular section of size 40 mm x 60 mm with 12 mm thick three layered flat pressed teak wood particle board bonded with BWP type exterior grade phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS 128231990, laminated on both sides,Novateakor equivalent and 5 mm thick selected quality plain/ float glass panels fixed with aluminum glass clips 12 mm x 12 mm and rubber cushioning beading to glass partitions as per approved drawing etc. compete 60 Welded Mesh of 11 gauge wires : Providing and fixing welded mesh of 11 gauge wires having mesh size 50 mm x 25 mm including M.S Angle frame of size 35 mm x 35 mm x5 mm in position with oil painting 3 coats etc. complete 61 M.S. Grill (15 Kg/sqm) : Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators, etc. 15 kg/sqm as per drawing including fixtures necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting 62 15 mm dia. screw down bib/ stop tap of brass : Providing and fixing 15 mm dia. screw down bib/ stop tap of brass including necessary socket union nut complete. 63 push cock (Self closing tap) symet type of 15 mm dia. : Providing and fixing push cock (Self closing tap) symet type of 15 mm dia. including necessary socket, testing etc. complete 64 White Glazed Earthenware full stall type Urinal with P.V.C. flushing : Providing and fixing White Glazed Earthenware full stall type Urinal with P.V.C. flushing cistern of 5 liters capacity with fitting, inlet pipes and stop tap, brackets for fixing the cistern, 32 mm dia. P.V.C flush pipe with fittings and flushing arrangement including lead soil pipe, lead trap, soil pipe connectionup to the outside face of the wall 65 white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55cm. x 40 cm.size : Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55cm. x 40 cm. size including cold water pillar tap/cold and hot water pillar tap brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connections including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall. Making good the damaged surface, testing etc. complete. 66 Providing and fixing 10cm C.I. Nahani Trap including C.I. grating bend and piece of C.I. pipe upto the outside face of the wall complete. 67 15cm x 10cm salt glazed stoneware gully trap : Providing and fixing 15cm x 10cm salt glazed stoneware gully trap in cement concrete 1:4:8 outside the building including cast iron grating in the sink, connecting glazed stoneware pipe, brick masonry chamber with cast iron lid and cast iron grating for the gully trap. 68 concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 300mm diameter : Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 300mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. 69 Brick Masonry Inspection Chamber 90cm x 45cm x 90cm : Providing and constructing Brick Masonry Inspection Chamber 90cm x 45cm x 90cm including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round G.S.W.pipes, Brick Masonry, plastering from inside and with frame fixed in cement concrete with R.C.C. Cover medium duty 140 kg with frame etc complete. 70 Orissa type white glazed earthenware 575 mm water closet pan : Providing and fixing Orissa type white glazed earthenware 575 mm water closet pan including S trap with earthenware foot rests, cast iron soil and vent pipe upto outside face of the wall 1:2:4 brick bat lime concrete bedding without flushing tank and its accessories etc. complete. 71 H.D.P container Syntex or alike one piece moulded water tank : Providing and fixing H.D.P container Syntex or alike one piece moulded water tank made out of high density polythyler and built corrugated inclusive of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet,outlet overflow pipe inclusive of all tanks capacity between 200 to 1000 liters 72 H.D.P container Syntex or alike one piece moulded water tank : Providing and fixing H.D.P container Syntex or alike one piece moulded water tank made out of low density polythyler and built corrugation including of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow of all tanks capacity above 1000 to 20,000 litres 73 P.V.C. Rain water pipes of 110mm outer diameter : Providing and fixing P.V.C. Rain water pipes of 110mm outer diameter and having wall thickness of 2.2 to 2.7 mm confirming to I.S. 13592-1992 including proper rainwater receiving recess with P.V.C. plug, bend, necessary fittings, such as, offsets, shoes,inluding fixing the pipe on wall using approved wooden cleats projecting 25mm to 40mm from face of wall a fixing with clips of approved quality and number ,filing the joint using rubber gasket with solvent cement and properly resting the shoe of pipes on C.C. or masonry blocks, including necessary scaffolding and maintenance for 3 yrs for any leakages or dislocations of pipes. All the P.V.C. fittings and additional 2 piece socket clips shall be got approved from engineer in charge etc. complete. (The contractor shall give 3 yrs guarantee bond for payment) 74 Providing and laying in walls/ceilings/floors 15 mm dia. medium grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes of 1.25 kg/metre necessary fitting remaking good the demolished portion with filling trenches and with primer of anti-corrosive oil paint , 2 coats complete. Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 75 Providing and laying in walls/ceilings/floors 25 mm dia. medium grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes of 2.49 kg/metre necessary fitting remaking good the demolished portion with filling trenches and with primer of anti-corrosive oil paint , 2 coats complete. Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 76 Providing and laying in walls/ ceilings/floors 40 mm dia. medium grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes of 3.68 kg/metre necessary fitting remaking good the demolished portion with filling trenches and with primer of anti-corrosive oil paint , 2 coats complete. Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 77 Providing and laying in walls/ceilings/floors 50 mm dia. medium grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes of 5.17 kg/metre necessary fitting remaking good the demolished portionwith filling trenches and with primer of anti-corrosive oil paint , 2 coats complete. Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete 78 High level 10 liter capacity with fittings inlet PVC pipe with stop tap ,brackets for fixing the cistern,32 mm dia. : Providing and fixing high level 10 liter capacity with fittings inlet PVC pipe with stop tap ,brackets for fixing the cistern,32 mm dia. PVC flush pipe with fitting and clamps 20 mm dia. PVC overflow pipe with mosquito proof couplings, galvanised iron chain and pulley painting if ordered to cistern pipe etc. and cutting and making good the damaged wall and testing etc. complete ( Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engr. is necessary before use) 79 Dismantling brick masonry in lime or cement mortar and stacking the materils as directed with all leads, lifts etc. 80 Removing rich mix cement concrete including stacking the spoils as directed with all leads, lifts etc, complete. 81 Removing cement tiles, or marble or polished shahabad floor or dado without bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. complete 82 Removing cement or lime plaster including disposing of the spoils as directed with all leads, lifts etc, complete. 83 Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6 M. height : Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6 M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50 x 50 mm, 8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40 x 40 x 6 mm size, includind excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm. at 1.75 M. c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S.Angles at top and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size and vertical M.S.flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete. BË`mXrgh. 84 Providing 1.5 mm thick pvc carpet of approved design n color &fixing at site as per site in charge instructions etc. completed. Note:- Dimensions would be considered as per actual carpet size fixed at site. 85 Transportation of material obtained from xcavation including soil, Cu.M rubble, bricks, RCC concrete, kerb stones, steel railing, iron pipes,channels etc. Obtained from dismantling, loading in a truck of minm.5 Cum.capacity or designed capacity and transporting within the municipal limits or any designated place of corporation,unloading, stacking or spreading of material etc. complete. 86 Skilled labour 87 UnSkilled labour

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