Tender For Renovation Of Abc Center In Sattur Municipality; 1 Earth work excavation for foundation in Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders SS 20B and Sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand, silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering and baling out water wherever necessary refilling the sides of foundation with excavated soil other than sand in layers of 15cm thick well rammed and completed, cleaning and levelling the site etc., complete 2 Narrow Foundations- First Depth Upto 2.00M 3 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement with Stone Dust in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. 4 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (one part of cement, four part of Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand) and eight part of coarse aggregates) using 40mm size ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges and all incidential charges such as water providing etc., complete as per standard specification 5 Supplying and filling the basement with Good carted Earth 5km away from the site and filling in layers of not more than 15cmthick well rammed watered and compacted - etc., complete complying with standard specification. 6 Brick work in CM 1:5 (one cement & Five Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand)) using II class ground moulded bricks of size 9X43/8X 23/4 standard specification including finishing, curing, etc., complete complying with standard specification (Masonry projections wherever necessary for obtaining required elevation shall be done without extra cost). 7 Upto Basement 8 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (One cement and five plastering sand (P- Sand)) 12mm thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specifications 9 Paving the floor with design Antiskid ceramic tiles (colour and shade as directed) of size 305mm x 305mm x 6 mm in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three plastering sand (P- Sand)) 20mm thick laid in-situ and pointed with same coloured cement etc, complete as per standard specification. 10 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with approved Cement Paint over cement plastered wall surface, ceiling andincluding preparing the surface, clean removal of dirt and including necessary plaster of paris putty wherever required and cost of painting materials, brushes, preparation of surfaces and scaffolding charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer 11 Painting the new iron work with two coats of best pproved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat and including cost of painting materials, brushes, putty, preparation of surfaces and scaffolding charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 12 Supplying, fabricating, erecting structural steel work for roofing welded or bolted type using MS channels, angles, plates and round bars etc. conforming to IS specification including primer coating and enamal painting as per Design given by the departmental officers etc, complete as per standard specification 13 Fabricating supplying and fixing of pre painted galvanium colour sheets with the following specification. The materials should be of PPGI tile profile with a red colour or any other approved design 0.47 mm thick 24 guage having width 1050 mm. The sheet should be G.I.base pre painted hot dipped galvanized iron sheet and to be fixed with shelf tapping screws,plastic washer.The washer and screws to be fixed by using minute power machine drilled with out damaging the sheets paint coating to be regular modified polyster coat with zinc coating of Z 120 GSM paint thickness the finish should be terra cotta finish like malabar mangalore tiles finish optional matt finish. The sheet to be fixed with making suitable corrugated,cutting the sheet in to the required ssize and making ornamental designs as per the site condition and as directed by the departmental officers. 14 Providing & fixing PVC RAIN WATER DOWNFALL PIPE of 110mm dia with necessary T.W.Clamps Plugs, Shoes,Bemds, other clamps, screws nails etc.,complete complying with standard specification. The rate is inclusive of cost of removable iron gratings of appropriate size. The size of Teak Wood plugs used is 150X25mm in front & 200x75mm in rear (wall side) with a depth of 110mm. The pipe is to be fixed by means of U clamps at the centre of pipes to be fixed.110mm dia PVC Pipe [4 Kg/SqCm] 15 Supplying and fixing in position best quality approved make white glazed earthenware wash hand basin of size 550 X 400 mm with a pair of cast iron brackets, including cost of 15mm diametre brass chromium plated piller tape,32 mm diametre C.P. Waste union, 32 mm diametre P.V.C. waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm diametre G.M.wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple, 15mm dia nylon connections etc., including fixing the wash hand basin in the wall in position with a pair of C.I. brackets with teak wood plugs and screws and giving necessary water supply connection and paintiung the brackets with two coats of paint over a primimg coat of anticorrosive paint including testing for leackage etc., complete complying with standard specifications 16 Supplying laying and jointing P.V.C pipes (6Kg/SqCm) of approved quality and best variety conforming to I.S.S & with I.S.I mark, of the following sizes including cutting , Fixing to PVC specials using Adhesive but excluding cost of such specials and fixing to wall with necessary teak - Wood Plugs,PVC Clamps and screws,making holes on the wall or drilling holes in roof and making good the dismantled portions to original condition with necessary brick work and plastering wherever necessary with necessaryscaffolding charges. 17 32MM dia,PVC pipe 18 25mm dia.PVC pipe 19 Wiring with 2x1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100V grade insuitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories inflush with wall with 3mm thickhylum sheet cover with TW switch box and 5 AF Tswitch with continuousear thwire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire for making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for PVC concealed light point / fan point (for electronic regulator). 20 Wiringwith2x1.5sq.mm.PVCinsulatedSCunsheathedFRLScopperconductorof1100VgradeinsuitablePVCrigidpipeconcealedinwallandceilingwithPVCaccessoriesinflushwithwallwith150mmx100mmx113mmTWswitchboxwith3mmthickhylemsheetcoverfor5A3pinnoninterlockingwallsocketwith5Aflushtypeswitchwithcontinuousearthwireconnectionof1.5sq.mmcopperwireandmakinggoodoftheconcealedportionwithsuitablecolour for concealed PVC plug point. 21 Supply and run of 2 of 1.5 sq.mm .PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copperconductor of 1100V gradeinsuitable PVC rigid pipeon wall and ceiling with continuousear thwire connection 1.5 sq.mm copper wire with painting of suitable colour. 22 Wiring with 2 x 4 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor cable of 1100 V grade insuitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories in flush with wall with 150 mm x 100 mm x 113 mm TW switch box with 3 mm thick hylem sheet for 15 A 3 pin non inter locking wall socket with 15 A flush type switch with continuou searth wire connection of 4 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for concealed power plug point.SD 40 23 Supply and delivery of 2000 lit capacity and fixing of HDPE tank as per IS 12701/1996 including loading, unloading, transportation and labour charges for fixing of the GI pipes and specials for pipe connection works including cutting, threading and fixing charges etc.,complete as per standard specification. 24 Supply and fixing of M.S Grills with Doors and Windows with one coat of Red oxide with Primer including all costs such as welding,grinding and fabrication charges, cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specification. 25 Supplying and Fixing of Chain link-2x2 using 10 Gauge Galvanised Iron wires (Of all sizes) for fencingcost including all material, binding wire and labour charges etc. complete as per Standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.For 10M2 26 Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone sand and four hard broken stone jelly) using 20mm jelly for wearing coat including laying, compacting, finishing and curing, etc., complete as per standard specificatins and as directed by the departmental officers. 27 Supply and Fixing of 2.0 Tr Split AC with 5k v a Stabilizer with Copper Coils 5 Star Rated of Reputed make With required accessories and as directed by the departmental officers(M-1985)pg No 153