
Tender For Special Repairs To Kill House Bldg Of 21 Para Sf In Jorhat Mil Stn, jorhat-Assam

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repairs To Kill House Bldg Of 21 Para Sf In Jorhat Mil Stn. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-01-2025. Building Work Tenders in jorhat Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repairs To Kill House Bldg Of 21 Para Sf In Jorhat Mil Stn
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Special Repairs To Kill House Bldg Of 21 Para Sf In Jorhat Mil Stn; 1 PREPARATORY & ENABLE WORKM & L for Providing and erecting at site self-supported steel/bamboo scaffoldingas required to reach any place of work on external façade of building, including approaches, extension, working platform, ladders, lifting tackle for men and materials etc. all complete, dismantling and taking away all materials and debris after completion of proposed work etc. all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 2 M & L for removal of existing plaster to get the original mother concrete for treatment all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 3 M & L for making groove cutting at all visible cracks and apply Master Brace ADH 2200 is a solvent free, high performance, non-slumping epoxy mortar and adhesive. MasterBrace 2200 can be used as a bedding mortar, thixotropic adhesive and non-sag concrete repair mortar for filling the groove along the crack line throughout mixing 10-15% of river sand for preparing the mortar. Filling the groove with MasterBrace 2200 for a thickness of 25mm all as specified and directed. 4 Epoxy Grouting : Nozzle Fixing M & L for Fixing GI nozzles in honey comb area and along crack lines at required spacing after drilling using mechanical tools and plugging it using two component, high strength, non-sag, epoxy compound complying with ASTM C881 Type I, Grade 3, Class B & C and formulated to achieve adhesive bond strength with concrete substrate an average of 1 MPa at 7 days or concrete failure when tested to ASTM D4541; Compressive strength in excess of 40 MPa at 1 day & 60 MPa at 7 days when tested as per BS: 6310 Pt 2, Tensile Strength of 10 MPa at 7 days when tested as per BS: 6319 Pt 7 such as MasterBrace2200 of BASF make all as specified and directed.Epoxy Grouting - Injection of Low Viscous Epoxy ResinGrouting the cracks after fixing the injection ports at predetermine locations with the help of suitable injection grouting pumps at suitable pressures using two-component, high strength, low viscous (<350 cps @ ambient temperatures) epoxy injection resin system having minimum pot life of 30 minutes at ambient temperatures, achieves compressive strength higher than 55 MPa at 1 day & 65 MPa at 7 days; Flexural strength higher than 55 MPa at 7 days; slant shear bond strength higher than 15 MPa in 7 days such as Master Inject 1315 of BASF make all specied and directed. 5 M &L for Patch Repair with High Grade Dual Shrinkage Compensated Pre Packed Cement Based Repair Mortar for thickness reqd. in Columns where condition of Column is in very bad shape for Epoxy Injection Grouting. Providing and repairing the damagedconcrete in patches using high strength, single component, dual shrinkage compensated, fibre reinforced, thixotropic hand applied mortar that achieves compressive strength minimum of 45MPa at 28days as per as tested and capable of applying 50mm thick in single layer such as MasterEmaco S348 of BASF or equivalent initially by hand and final finishing using trowel to a maximum thickness of 50mm all as specified and directed. 6 Strengthening work for Beams: Bottom side: Carbon Laminate: 2 linesM & Lfor Strengthening structural elements by using MasterBrace Laminates (1.4mmx50mm) of BASF with thickness, tensile strength mean value 3100MPa, Tensile Modulus of 170GPa as per EN 2561. Apply one layer of MasterBrace ADH 2200/ MasterBrace 4000 approximately 2 – 3 mm thick onto the substrate & laminate surfaces. Apply the MasterBrace Laminate to the substrate and using a roller, exert a constant pressure by moving the tool both ways in the longitudinal direction of the laminate complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 7 Strengthening work for Beams & Beam-column junction - Carbon Fiber:M & L for Strengthening structural elements with Single layer of MasterBrace system consisting of MasterBrace GSM carbon fibre sheet reinforcement all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (a) Surface preparation : Grinding concrete substrate, cleaning it with wire brush removing oil, laitance if present.(b) Profiling : Applying compatible MasterBrace 3500 primer on prepared substrate, Filling the holes and uneven surface with MasterBrace 2200 high strength epoxy putty etc. complete (c) Wrapping : Applying first coat of MasterBrace 4500 Saturant, cutting the GSM carbon fiber sheet to size, wrapping the fiber sheet to structural element at desired orientation using proper roller to avoid any air voids etc. complete.Apply the second coat of MasterBrace 4500 ensuring total saturation of the MasterBrace Fiber sheet. (d) Sand pasting:Paste the river sand on it to make surface rough to take any further finishes. (e)230/200 carbon fibre 8 Plastering : Using MasterPel 777 12-15mm thickness M & L for 15mm cement plaster in proportion 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and including mixing intergral waterproofing compound like MasterPel 777 @ 100ml per bag cement complete as per detail drawing and as directed by Engineer Incharge. 9 Testing of StructuralStability of the building post repair.M & L for Carry out NDT (Non-destructive Tests) of the Kill house using Rebound hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter and Rebar Locator to asses the strenght/stability of the structucture after repair duly vetted by IITs/Govt Engg Collage and submission of test report as the direction of Garrion Engineer.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 02-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 202000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.01 Crore /-
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