
Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work In Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) At Hanutiya - Repairs To Plaster Of Thickness 12Mm To 20Mm In Patches Of Area 2.5 Sq. Metres And Under Including Cutting The Patch In Proper Shape, Raking Out Joints And Preparing An, beawar-Rajasthan

Public Works Department has published Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work In Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) At Hanutiya - Repairs To Plaster Of Thickness 12Mm To 20Mm In Patches Of Area 2.5 Sq. Metres And Under Including Cutting The Patch In Proper Shape, Raking Out Joints And Preparing An. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-12-2024. Temple Tenders in beawar Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair And Maintenance Work In Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) At Hanutiya - Repairs To Plaster Of Thickness 12Mm To 20Mm In Patches Of Area 2.5 Sq. Metres And Under Including Cutting The Patch In Proper Shape, Raking Out Joints And Preparing An
Open Tender

Tender Details

Repair And Maintenance Work In Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) At Hanutiya - Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. metres and under including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 m lead :With cement mortar 1 :4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 2 Half brick masonry in Superstructure , above plinth level upto floor Vlevelusing bricks of designation 75 Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 3 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finish : 20mm thick. 4 Painting exterior surface ofWallwith 100% acrylic exterior paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade with two or more coats including prepartion of base with sand papering, primer, putty,etc complete in all respect including scaffolding and safety provisionOld Work 5 Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including all scaffolding:Old work (One or more coats ) 6 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meter lead: For thickness of tiles 25mm to 40mm. 7 P & F 1st qualityVitrified Porcelain Polished tiles on floor, skirting and steps etc.in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufactuer) with water absortion less than 0.08% and conforming to IS 15622 of approved make in all colour and shade,laid with 20 mm thick CM 1 : 4 including grounting the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc complete. size 600 mm X 600 mm 8 Providing and fixing 1st quality standard white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades glazed tiles confirming to IS : 13753 & IS :15622 of size 400mm x 400mm in walls, floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (excluding the cost of cement plaster on walls and pillar). 9 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade :Two or more coats on new work. 10 P & F PVC Storage Tank ISI Marked (IS : 12701) indicating theBIS license No),of approved make with cover, 25mm dia 1M long G.I. over-flow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out pipe with plug & socket, including making connection etc., complete of approved design:500 litres capacity. 11 P & F G.I. pipes (Internal Work) with G.I. Fittings excluding union (IS:1239 Mark) & MS clamps including cutting and making good the walls and floors: Exposed on wall 20mm dia nominal bore B Class 12 P & F WVC Wash basin (Ist quality IS:2556 Mark) of approved make with C.I. brackets duly painted 1 No. 15 mm C.P. Pillar cock (IS:8934 Mark) & 32 mm C.P. brass waste coupling of approved make, P.V.C Waste pipe with PVC nut 32 mm complete including cutting & making good the wall : Size 550 mm x 400 mm 13 P & F Indian type white glazed vitreous china 1st quality W.C. orissa pan (IS :2556 Mark) with 100 mm vitreous china P or S trap including cutting and making good the wall and floor: Size 580x440mm. 14 P & F Bib Cock (IS : 8931 Mark), Superior quality of approved make: CP Brass Long body, 15mm nominal bore weight not less than 690 gm 15 P & F Ball Cock (IS :1703 Mark) with Rod& P.V.C. Ball complete : Brass wt.Not less than 400 gm, 20mm. 16 Repair to stone masonary in cement sand mortar 1:6 with old and new stone. 17 Providing and Applying ACRYLIC emulsion polymer waterproofing chemical coating, on over roof on over roofslabs/terrace/balconies/parapet wall etc.with following method/specification:Paint the surface with regular paint brush so as to obtain approximately 0.3mm thickness coating. apply the 2nd coat next day at right angles to the 1st coat so that total thickness of the coating should be approximately 0.6mm coverage by using above formulation will be 40 ft2/ litre of chemical. painted surface does not require any external water curing since chemical will hold sufficient water for curing.After the primer coat Apply 2 coats of modified acrylic emulsion polymer water proofing compound having solar heat reduction properties coating @ 0.330 KG/SQM on the surface of the interval of 3-4 hours. Undulation on the surface is repair before the waterproofing work. 18 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter. All kinds of soils 19 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering -M10 grade Nominal Mix 1: 3: 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 20 Random Rubble stone masonry for with hard stone in foundation and plinth in Cement Sand mortar above 30 CM thick wall in: Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1-Cement : 6-Sand). 21 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation , footings,strap beam, raft , bases of columns etc. 22 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete forall RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design MixAdd extra for providing richer mixes respectively at all floor levels Providing M-25 grade concrete by usingcement as per codal provision instead ofM-20 grade design mix. 23 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level. (Original producers who manufacture billet directly from iron ores and roll the bilets to produce steel conforming to IS:1786) Thermo-mechanically Treated bars (Conforming of relevent IS code) Thermo-mechanically Treated bars (Conforming of relevent IS code) 24 Supplying and Filling in plinth with blown sand under floors including watering ramming consolidating and dressing complete including cost of sand. 25 Random Rubble stone masonry with hard stone in superstructure aboveplinth level and upto five levelabove 30cm. thick walls in : Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1-Cement : 6-Sand). 26 Providing&fixingprecastcementconcretecoping1:2:4mix50mmthickcompleteas per specification : 27 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finish : 25mm thick. 28 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved brand and manufacture and or required shadetogive an even shade including all scaffolding:New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm). 29 Making of Health Wellness Centre Pattern (Gola) including colour picture work inside for façade branding incl. material labour & T&P as per direction of Engineer-in-charge as per standard drawing/ pattern 30 Making of Border of window for Health Wellness Centre as per given pattern for Façade Branding including material, labour & T&P as per direction of Engineer-in-charge upto window size 4 x 56 as per standard drawing / pattern

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 6040.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.02 Lakhs /-
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