Tender For Construction Of Co-Location Centre Type-1 In Siruvalai Panchayat,Kanai Block.; 1 Construction of Co-Location Centre Type-1 in Siruvalai Panchayat 2 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead and lift in hard stiff clay and hard gravelly soil as per SS20B for narrow foundations . 3 Filling in Foundation andBasement withFilling Sandin layers not more than 15 cm thick , well ramed and consolidated complying with standard specification 4 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40mm ISSHBG stone jelly for Foundation and flooring including cost,conveveyance of all materials and labour chargesto laid in layers not more than 15cm thick, well rammed etc, complete with standard specification 5 Refillingtheapprovedgoodqualityearthin plinths,areadevelopmentetc.wherever specifiedinlayersis notexceeding200mm thick, with available eanh at site. 6 Supplying andfillingof good earthfilling locallyavailableearthtransponedfromthe outside including consolidation.leveling specified in layersofnotexceeding200 mm thick., etc. 7 Supplying and erecting shuttering including complying with standard speficiation including all labour charges etc.complete. 8 For Below GL 9 Rate for Roof Beam ,Slab 10 Rate for column post 11 Cement concrete 1:1.5:3using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcemeat and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor or roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls , sides and bottom of the slabs, beams etc., shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick. and with Kraft paper without claiming extra as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specifications 12 For foundation and basement 13 For superstructure in ground floor 14 Supplying and Fabricating and placing in position MS steel or ribbedsteel for all reinforced cement concrete works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc,Complete complying with standard specification. 15 Brick work in CM 1:5mix using country bricks ground molded of size 23 x 11 x 7cm for the following including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 16 For foundation and basement 17 For superstructure in ground floor 18 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best qualityII class table moulded bricks 8°3/4 x 41/4X23/4 in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers 19 Finishing the exposed surface of RCC item of work such as slabs, beams, sunshade, facial, canopy slab, staircase waist slab, landing slab etc., with CM 1:3, 10mm thick. including raking the surface. The rate is to include the cost of providing cement mortar beading or nosing for sunshades & staircase steps, landing slabs etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 20 Plastering with CM 1:5,12mm thick. over the cement concrete for floor finish including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 21 Paving the floor with best quality Verified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mmof approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement moxar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone M.Sand) 20mm thick in all floors and the top pointed with the white cement mixed same colour pigments etc.,complying with standard specification. 22 Weathering Course Concrete using best qualitybrokenbrick jellyof20mmuniform gaugeinpurestakedlime(NOSandtobe used ( over the RCC roofslab in the proponion of brick jelly to lime being 32 : 121/2 by volume laid over in single layer and consolidated to the required slope and finished thickness and beatingtheconcretewithwoodenbeatersof approved pattern, keeping the surface constantlywet by sprinkling lime,jiggery water etc.complete 23 Finishingthetopofroofwithonecourseof machine pressed tiles of size 23Omm x 230mmx20mmofapprovedqualitysetin CementMolar1:3{OneCementandThree Sand)12mmthickmixedwithwaterproo1ing compoundconformingto ISS at2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mopar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete 24 Supplying and Painting new ceiling plastered surfacewithtwocoatsofdistemperingone of distemper primer 25 Supplying and Painting new plastered internal wallsurfacewithtwocoatsofdistempering one coat of distemper primer 26 Exterior Emulsion Two coats over priming coat including cost and conveyance of all materials and labor charges etc complete. 27 Painting two coats over new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., withbest approved best quality of synthetic enamel paint of approved color over the existing priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 28 Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x6mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place.Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at 1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two shutters.at an appropriate place in the door. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., 29 Providing, fabricating andfixingM.S.grills Windows, andventilator,gates,ladders,rail pipes.nosingangles. withM.S.lugsin stepsetc.,madeoutofM.Srods. flats,angles,pipes, channelsetc.including necessaryfixturescompleteasperdrawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.of steel sheeted windows ( Three Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer frames of windows made of Z section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion J section (F4B) o1 size 46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shuber semion of made ofF7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990. Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of the shutters to be with 18 gauge rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intam with shuxer frames. Horizontal stiffeners using MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shuxer and additional diagonal stiffners of the same MS flats at all the four corners of each shuxers to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in position firmly2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are reverted to the shuRers at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place tothe window handle. each window shuxer having an adustable stay made out of 18 x Smm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m,welded to the shu«er at two place equivalent from each from top and boflom of the shutter. 30 Supplying and fixing of Cuddapah slab for Cupboard shelf 31 Supplying and fixing of PVC Rain water downfall pipes etc., complete 32 Wiring with 2 x 2.5 Sq.mm PVC unheated SC allocable of 650V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with T.W. Switch box in flush with wall, covered with nylon sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable color for concealed PVC light point / Fan Point SD 25 33 Light Point 34 Fan Point 35 Supply and fixing of 4 - 18W LED Tube with Fitting inclusive all charges 36 Wiring with 2 x 2.5 Sq.mm PVC unheated SC allocable of 650V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with 150 x 100 x 113mm T.W. switch box in flush with wall, covered with nylon sheet of 3mm thick 5 Amps 3 pin non - interlocking C.S. Plug top with painting of suitable color for Concealed PVC plug point.- SD -38. 37 supply and fixing of 1200mm sweep AC ceiling fan complete with stepped electronic regulator with 300mm down rod on the existing clamp SD 106 38 Supply and run of 2 of 1.50 Sq.mm polyhene insulated PVC sheathed heavy duty SC Copper conductor of 1100 V grade on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains (SD No.641) 39 Supply and run of 2x4 sqmm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductorof 1100V grade in 25mm dia GI pipe (Class B) suitably bent at both ends with necessary angle iron upright and end supports for mains SD 70 40 Provision for Ramp 41 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}