tender for :(A):-Construction of 33/11 KV (2x5 MVA) Sub-station with Modernisation of 33 KV switchyard & upgradation of 3.3 KV control room on existing 33/3.3 KV 2x3 MVA sub-station alongwith commissing, Testing & charging complete in all respect at Bhojpur Pump Canal, Utraula under the head of Deposit Scheme 2024-25. Under the geographical area of Elecetricity Distribution Division-Balrampur.”Part-B:-Strengthening of existing 33 KV line Bhojpur Pump canal from 132/33 KV Balrampur to Pump site with interpolling of 9 Mtr. PCC Pole,13 Mtr. ST Pole & 3x300sq.mm. XLPE cable alongwith fittings and matching material’s under the head of Deposit Scheme 2024-25. Under the geographical area of Elecetricity Distribution Division-Balrampur.” Sl. No. Item Description 1 PART-(A) Construction of 33/11 kv S/S (2X5 MVA) 2 Supply of Centralized Material by contractor as per RESSPO. Norms. 3 33 KV CT 200/100/1-1A 4 33 KV PT (O/D) 33 KV/110V 5 33 KV CT/PT Pole Mounted unit for Metering 6 33 KV cable Alluminium 3x300sq.mm. XLPE 7 Control Cable 6x2.5sq.mm. 8 Control Cable 4x2.5sq.mm. 9 Control Cable 2x2.5sq.mm. 10 Cable Jointing Kit I/D size 3x300sq.mm. 33 KV 11 Cable Jointing Kit O/D size 3x300sq.mm. 33 KV 12 Sub-station Base 13 33 KV Fuse Set. 14 33 Kv Line Isolator. 15 Work :-Construction of 33/11 KV (2x5 MVA) Sub-station with Modernisation of 33 KV switchyard & upgradation of 3.3 KV control room on existing 33/3.3 KV 2x3 MVA sub-station alongwith commissing Testing & charging complete in all respect 16 Safe Loading carriage including unloading & proper stacking of following store S/S materials from ESC Balrampur/JE store to site of work. 17 05 MVA Power Transformer 18 250 KVA T/F 19 33 KV VCB (switch yard) 20 33 KV Lightning Arrester 21 11 KV Bus Coupler for Panal 22 33 KV Pilfer Resitant Metering cubical without cable termination kit 23 11 KV VCB, I/C CTR 600/300/5A,350 MVA 24 11 VCB, O/G CTR 200/100/5A, 350 MVA 25 33 KV Electronic TVM 26 11 KV cable Alluminium 3x185sq.mm. XLPE 27 Cable Jointing Kit I/D size 3x185sq.mm. 11 KV 28 Cable Jointing Kit O/D size 3x185sq.mm. 11 KV 29 Erection and Installation of 33/11 KV 5 MVA Transformer 30 Construction of 11/0.4 KV S/S for 250 KVA T/F with mounting and fitting of T/F on plinth/double pole with proper fitting of all acessories and connecting with all circuit including earthing of T/F fitting with all accessories. 31 Installation of 33 KV VCB with Double T/F Control Panel CT 200/100/1A with Structureas per RESSPO norms. (33 KV VCB, Control Panel I/C for33 KV Single T/F, 33 KV CT&PT & Steel structure.) 32 Installation of Lightening Arrestor per drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.3 xO.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the above structure in CC (cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legswith Top frame above structures in proper allignment level and plumb. Both Plinths of the structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges etc. 33 Installation & Errection of Bus coupler for Pannel as per RESSPO norms. 34 Installation & Errection of33 KV Pilfer Resitant Metering cubical without cable termination kit. as per RESSPO norms. 35 Installation & Errection of11 KV VCB, I/C CTR 600/300/5A,350 MVAas per RESSPO norms. 36 Installation & Errection of11 VCB, O/G CTR 200/100/5A, 350 MVA.as per RESSPO norms. 37 Installation & Errection of33 KV Electronic TVM.as per RESSPO norms. 38 U/G Laying of 11 KV cable Alluminium 3x185sq.mm. XLPE. as per RESSPO norms. 39 Fixing and fabrication and erection of cable jointings kits suitable for following sizes of 11 KV XLPE cable of 11 KV cables. With housing of 3.5Mtr long 100 sq.mm. Dia G.I.pipe with feeder cable at feeder D/P. 40 11 KV Jointing Kit I/D size 3x185sq.mm. 11 KV 41 11 KV Jointing Kit O/D size 3x185sq.mm. 11 KV 42 Construction & Repairing of Plinth 5 MVA Power Transformer.as per RESSPO norms. 43 Looping & Hosting of 33 KV XLPE cable.as per RESSPO norms. 44 Road restoration Pakka Road as per RESSPO norms. 45 Road restoration Foothpath as per RESSPO norms. 46 Commissioning &Testing of 05 MVA Power Transformer, metering unit, 11 & 33 KV VCB Panel 47 Construction of Plinth 250 KVA. as per RESSPO norms. 48 Errection of Steel Structure 2.5x6x8 fit (MS Steel beam 90lbs)for 33 kv VCB 49 Plinth & foundation of VCB. as per RESSPO norms. 50 Errection of Structure for 33 KV lightening areestor. as per RESSPO norms. 51 Providing & fixing Sub-Station Base. as per RESSPO norms. 52 Earthing of pole mounted unit. as per RESSPO norms. 53 Earthing of cubical unit. as per RESSPO norms. 54 Earthing 250kva Transformer Body&neutral. as per RESSPO norms. 55 Providing & fixing of Protection unit of 250 kva DT with tailress unit.as per RESSPO norms. 56 Providing & fixing of 24 volts Battery & Battery charger with Cabinet. as per RESSPO norms. 57 Providing & fixing of Control board with fitting all equipment . as per RESSPO norms. 58 Providing & fixing of Connector for L.I./B.I./L.A..as per RESSPO norms. 59 Providing & fixing of 11 KV Cable stand .as per RESSPO norms. 60 Providing & fixing of Neutral Stand. as per RESSPO norms. 61 Providing & fixing of Copper L.Piece M/O 50x8 mm.as per RESSPO norms. 62 Providing & fixing of Outdoor Switchyard ,Control Room & approch road lighting as per Schedule as per RESSPO norms. 63 Providing & fixing of Fire Extingulsher Mount Type. as per RESSPO norms. 64 Providing & fixing of Fire Bucket (8 No) with stand Complete . as per RESSPO norms. 65 Providing & fixing of Rubber Matting one side chequered and other side plane size.as per RESSPO norms. 66 Providing & fixing of Rubber hand gloves .(Standard make.) 67 Providing & fixing of wall clock. (Standard make.) 68 Providing & fixing of Raidem Sign Board for Bhojpur Substation (2..5x8 feet).as per RESSPO norms. 69 Providing & fixing of Safty Instruction Board .as per RESSPO norms. 70 Providing & fixing of Raidem Name Plate with fitting all equepment size 6x18 inch.(Standard make.) 71 Providing & fixing of Single Line Diagram Board, Notice Board, Max/Min load board Complete .as per RESSPO norms. 72 Providing & fixing of Digital meggar 5000 volts. (Standard make.) 73 Providing & fixing of Tool Kit (33kv Line&33/11kv S/S) & Cable Punching Machine(Standard make.) 74 Providing of Rassa and Pullung for 33kv Line. as per RESSPO norms. 75 Providing & fixing of Led Torch.(Standard make.) 76 Providing of Safty Shoes .(Standard make.) 77 Providing & fixing of Earth mat of Switchyard of 33/11 KV Substation . as per RESSPO norms. 78 Providing & laveling of Earth filling in switch yard including cartage from outside.as per RESSPO norms. 79 Providing & fixing of Tripping Coil &Vacume Intrupter for 11kv VCB Panal.as per RESSPO norms. 80 Painting Control Room, Swith yard & equepment structure .as per RESSPO norms. With (Standard make paint.) 81 Providing & fixing of Office Table (1220mm x 915mm) 5 no Chair & 01 no Bench 82 Other Mislenious(White Wash,Small Instument Repairing work,Furniture, Chair and Table, Control Room Trunch repairetc). 83 Providing & leveling of 40mm Gravells (Gitti) .as per RESSPO norms. 84 Providing & fixing of Interlocking (Cemented Bach) of Switchyard with Sand, complete in all respect. as per RESSPO norms. 85 Special Pipe earthing of Power Transformer for Body & Neutral as per RESSPO norms. up to the water lavel. All the materials including standred size and make pipe shall be provided by the contractor. 86 Special Pipe Earthing of 33 KV Lighting Arrestor for line side & Bus side(Transformer side).All the materials including standred size and make pipe shall be provided by the contractor. 87 Special Pipe Earthing of 33 KV VCB. as per RESSPO norms. All the materials including standred size and make pipe shall be provided by the contractor. 88 All other miscellanious works if required like-Safe loading-unloading and carrage of Power Transformer 2x5 MVA from an other 33/11 sub-station to work site an oil top-up, Spray painting of Power Transformer, centrifusing of Transformer oil up to the standrd BDV value. Smoke gray Paint & Primer of standred make etc. 89 Safe loading-unloading and carrage of all the materials & equipments, Power Transformer 2x3 MVA, VCB,Pannels, etc. from work site Bhojpur Pump canal to store center, Balrampur. 90 Deparment (MVVNL) will only provide the materials/equipments mentioned at Sr.N-1.02 to 2.13. All others materials/equipments shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost. 91 Part-B:-Strengthening of existing 33 KV line Bhojpur Pump canal from 132/33 KV Balrampur to Pump site with interpolling of 9 Mtr. PCC Pole,13 Mtr. ST Pole & 3x300sq.mm. XLPE cable alongwith fittings and matching material’s under the head of Deposit Scheme 2024-25. Under the geographical area of Elecetricity Distribution Division-Balrampur.” 92 Supply of Centralized Material by contractor as per RESSPO. Norms. 93 33 KV Cable Alluminium 3x300sq.mm.XLPE. 94 Cable Jointing kit O/D size 3x300 sq.mm. 33 KV 95 ST Pole 13 Mt. Long 96 Dropper Angle 97 GI wire for guarding. 98 33 KV V type X-arm 99 33 KV Top channel 100 33 KV Disc with fitting 101 33 KV Disc Insulator 102 33 KV Pin Insulator with Pin & Nut. 103 X-Brasing 104 Guarding angle. 105 Errection & Labour cost for 33 KV line 106 Safe Loading carriage including unloading & proper stacking of following store materials from ESC Balrampur/JE store to work site. 107 PCC Pole 9 Mtr. Long 108 ACSR Dog Conducter. 109 Stay Set coplete for 33 KV Line. 110 GI wire 6swg. 111 Earthing Complete set for 33 KV line. 112 Errection of Single Pole 113 Errection of Single Pole :-The excavation of foundation pit of size (750x450) mm and having depth of 1/6 of the full length of the support. Errection of support, complete with providing & Fixing of all clamps and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling support from sectional store to pit site as well as any fabrication work if required. (3 Nos. 33 KV G.I Pin, necessary clamps, F-Bracket, stone padshall be provided by Contractor.) 114 P.C.C Pole 9.0 Mtr. Long. 115 STP,13 Mtr. Long 116 Errection of Sectional Double Pole support /Exposure Double Pole :-The excavation of foundation pit of size (750x450) mm and having depth of 1/6 of the full length of the support. Errection of support, complete with providing & Fixing of all clamps and other accesories as per dwawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site,fixing of Top Channel and cross bracing sets as well as any fabrication work if required. (3 Nos. 33 KV G.I Pin with nuts, Top channel clamps, Bracing angle Clamp, E-Bracket, Disc fitting, bolt and nuts, stone pad as per norms etc shall be provided by Contractor.) 117 9 Mtr. PCC Pole. 118 STP,13 Mtr. Long 119 Grouting of supports in ST & PCC 1:4:8 (cement, sand, & 20 mm size stone Grit). Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x 1/6th of full length ofsupport, upto ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with C.C 1:3:6 (Cement, Coarse sand and Stone grit of 20mm of size with muffing as per drawing). 120 9 Mtr. P.C.C Pole 121 STP,13 Mtr. Long 122 Fixing of Stay set complete (size 20x1800 mm) on different types of supports as per drawing. (8 Nos.on each sectional pole) 123 Grouting of stay rods including all work of excavation, cement concrete in size (0.60x0.6x0.30)m in ratio 1:4:8 cement, sand, 400mm brick ballast as per drg. Including back filling of soil and proper ramming. 124 Laying of33 KV 3x300 Sq.mm XLPE CableIn Double circuit in normal soil by digging of trench 1050 mm deep, 750 mm wide including supply of required material as fine a sand, Ist class bricks, Inter axial spacing between the two cable should be in between 0.25 . to 0.40m, the two cables should be separated by a partition of single bricks along the cable and stones slab/brick on top of the each cable, including back filling of soil and proper ramming. 125 Installation of Outdoor Heat Shrinkable Type cable jointing kits 3x300 mm.sqr. Cable 126 Hoisting of 33 KV Cable on existing/erected support by MS Pipe 150 mm dia 3 mtr long suitable for 3x300 sq mm cable fixing of proper support and its clamping, jumpering properly as per RESSPO Norms. (MS pipe, supporting channel and clamps shall be provided by contractor). 127 Providing & fixing of PG clamp for Dog Conductor.as per RESSPO. Norms. 128 Providing & fixing of X-arm holding clamp with Nut&Bolt ST Pole.as per RESSPO. Norms. 129 Providing & fixing of X-arm holding clamp with Nut&Bolt PCC Pole.as per RESSPO. Norms. 130 Providing & fixing of Danger Board with clamp.as per RESSPO. Norms. 131 Providing & fixing of 33 KV F-clamp.as per RESSPO. Norms. 132 All other miscellanious works like-painting of ST Pole with standrd make alumium paint and primer etc. 133 Part-B:-Deparment (MVVNL) will only provide the materials/equipments mentioned at Sr.N-65.02 to 65.06. all others materials/equipments shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost.