791 Civil Work tenders are published by various Tendering Authorities & Private companies. 791 live Tender for Civil Work are available in Civil Work Tender section You can further filter Civil Work tenders by Tender Value, Tender Submission Date or Project Location.
48430664 tender for civil maintenance and repair works in bidar district
48430412 tender for construction of wsp khasra no 921 sahawa
48428560 tender for special repair to old building in the premises of bus stand at killar
48428556 tender for special repair ayurvedic community hospital and residential building at killar
48426930 tender for doing various development works at nashik district
48425491 tender for construction of bka extension hangars inside sukhoi engine division koraput .
48424805 tender for development/construction/repair construction work
48424736 tender for supply, installation, testing, trials and commissioning of equipment at nd(v)
48424731 tender for term contract for artificer works in zone e at mil stn agartala
48424525 tender for term contract for artificer works in zone a and r at mil stn agartala
48424369 tender for term contract for artificer work at ot road colony balasore and nilgiri
48424365 tender for term contract for artificer work at itr and pxe colony balasore
48424318 tender for term contract for artificer works in zone b, c and d at mil stn agartala
48424313 tender for term contract for artificer works in zone f, g and h at mil stn agartala
48424234 tender for term contract for artificer works for tech area at afs hasimara
48424128 tender for construction of platform :- construction of cycle stand
48423462 tender for doing various development works at palghar district
48423065 construction of entrance plaza along with new road construction and parking at mnit, jaipur
48422617 tender for miscellaneous civil works for maintenance of ash dyke at tps ukai.(civil)
48422532 tender for work of toilet repair, plaster painting, door etc. in ward 3 geedganj bada
48420547 construction of platform with tin shed work in kamdhenu goushala in municipal area uniara
48417592 tender for civil maintenance in sarvagnagara constituency parks east zone
48414229 various development work under 15 th fc at shevagepimpri tal jamner dist jalgaon
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