
Tender For Under District Lucknow, Construction Of 2 Rooms In Panchsheel Shanti Shiksha Niketan Inter College, Anaiya, Nagaram, Lucknow Under Vidhan Sabha Mohanlalganj, Lot No 1 - Reinforcement Cement Concrete Work In Walls (Any Thinckess),Including Attac, lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Rural Engineering Department has published Tender For Under District Lucknow, Construction Of 2 Rooms In Panchsheel Shanti Shiksha Niketan Inter College, Anaiya, Nagaram, Lucknow Under Vidhan Sabha Mohanlalganj, Lot No 1 - Reinforcement Cement Concrete Work In Walls (Any Thinckess),Including Attac. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2024. Building Work Tenders in lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Under District Lucknow, Construction Of 2 Rooms In Panchsheel Shanti Shiksha Niketan Inter College, Anaiya, Nagaram, Lucknow Under Vidhan Sabha Mohanlalganj, Lot No 1 - Reinforcement Cement Concrete Work In Walls (Any Thinckess),Including Attac
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender for Under District Lucknow, Construction Of 2 Rooms In Panchsheel Shanti Shiksha Niketan Inter College, Anaiya, Nagaram, Lucknow Under Vidhan Sabha Mohanlalganj, Lot No 1 - Reinforcement cement concrete work in walls (any thinckess),including attached palster , columns ect. above plinth level . 1:1.5:3 (1 cement :1.5 coarse sand (zone-iii) :3 graded stone aggreate 20mm.Rate as per DSR 5.2.2 3 Brick work with comman burnt clay F.P.S (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : As per cement mortar1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand ) Rate as per DSR 6.4.2 4 Half brick masonary with comman burnt clay ( non modular) bricks of class-150 in superstructure above plinth lvl to floor V lel.Rate as per DSR 6.13.1 5 Reinforcement cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roof having slope upto15 landings, balconies, lintels chajja etc. ecxcluding cost of centering and shuttering etc. 1:1.5:3 (1 cement :1.5 coarse sand (zone-iii) :3 graded stone aggreate 20mm.Rate as per DSR 5.3 6 Centetring and shuttering including strutting propping etc. and removal of form work for: Column in super structure etc. Rate as per DSR 9.5.6 7 Centetring and shuttering including strutting propping etc. and removal of form work for: lintels, plinth beam ,roof beametc. Rate as per DSR 5.9.5 8 Centetring and shuttering including strutting propping etc. and removal of form work for: Slab ,chajjaetc. Rate as per DSR 5.9.3 9 Mild steel or iron in plain work such as reinforced concreteor reiforced brick work ( When not including in overall rates ) wrought to requiredshape as necessary . 10 P/F angle iron frame for doors, windows and ventilators of mild steel angle section of size 35x35x5 mm joints mitred and weled by angle iron35x35x5 or 35x5 flat pieces to the existing T - iron frame or to the wall with dash fastener , including fixonf of ncessary butt hinges and screw and applying apriming coat of approved steel primer , all complete as per the direction of Enginneer-in-charge . Rate as per DSR 10.31 11 P/F fly proof wire gaugee to windows , clerstory windows & doors with M.S flats 15X3 mm and nuts & bolts complete . GalvanisedM.S wire gauge with0.63 mm dia wire and 1.4mm aperture on both sides. Rate as per DSR10.29.2 12 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:6 (1 cement:6 Coarse sand) Rate as per DSR 13.4.2 13 Providing and laying birla white wall care putty to smooth existing surface. complete in all respect as per directed by E/I Rate as per DSR 13.80 14 Distempring twO coat with oil bond distemper as per DSR 13.41.1 15 Finishing with exterior paint with Premium Acrylic Smooth| required shade (a) New work ( Two or more Silicone additives of Coats applied @ 1.43 Ltr./10 Sqm, over and including bsae coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sqm.) (b) Extra for applying water proofing cement paint as primer applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sgm. insteadof| primer for exterior finishing. As per DSR 13.47.1 16 Painting and varnishing and iron work in small area or new WOod work with one coat of ready mixed priming paint and two coat of approved supperior quality ready mixed paint of clear syanthitic varnish including supply of all materials labour T&P etc complete work. Paint to be used should confirm to the I.S.I. No.103 1950. Rate as ner 641 17 Providing and Fixing of 35 mm Flush Door Rate as per DSR 9.21.1 18 Plain Glass (best Quality, Cut Size, Including wastage) 4 mm thick. Rate as per DSR 10.30.1

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 860 /-
INR 26000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.94 Lakhs /-
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