
Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No. P-67/1 At Leimakhong Mil Stn., Leimakhong-Manipur

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No. P-67/1 At Leimakhong Mil Stn.. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-12-2024. Building Work Tenders in Leimakhong Manipur. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No. P-67/1 At Leimakhong Mil Stn.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No. P-67/1 At Leimakhong Mil Stn.; 1 Demolition of brick work or stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quions, arches, pillers etc complete all as specified and as directed. 2 Material and labour forbrick work with sub class `B` bricks, old size,straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and as directed. 3 Materials and labour for half brick thick brick work with sub class B bricks straight or curved on plan to any radius built in cement mortar(1:4) complete all as specified andas directed. 4 Material and labour forbrick work with sub class `B` bricks, old size (Except bricks),straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and as directed.Note: Serviceable bricks obtained from demolition vide serial Item No. 1 shall be re-used. 5 Demolition of Reinforced Cement Concrete [reinforcement cut as required to facilitate demolition] of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided complete all as specified and as directed. 6 Material and labour for mild steel TMT bars 6mm to 8mm dia, cut to length bent to shape required, including cranking bending spirally for hooping for columns , hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.90mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and as directed. 7 Material and labourfor reinforced cement concrete (1:1.5:3) type B-0 using 12.5mm graded aggregate (nominal mix)for slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves, chajjas complete all as specified and directed. 8 Material and labour for use and waste of form work to soffits of suspended slab such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landing, chajjas and similar work, etc. not exceeding 200mm thick with rough finished surfaces of concrete flat complete all as specified and as directed. 9 Taking down cement plaster of any description built in cement mortar on brick or stone walls etc including raking out joints, hacking for Key, scrubbingdown with water etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 10 Material and labour for 15mm thick rendering in CM (1:4) onbrick work or concrete surface as on wall in two separate coat (10mm thick backing coat and 5mm thick as finishing coat mixed with integral water proofing compound @ 2% by wt of cement,finished the surface even and fair including necessary scaffolding for height upto 12m complete all as specified and directed.(Note:Water proofing compound shall be measured & paid separately) 11 Material and labour for repair to ends of chajjas/soffits/ceiling (thickness of slab 10cm) by removing loose concrete materials at the height upto 12m, cleaning the reinforcement, fixing of wiremesh to reinforcement and finishing surfaces fair and even by using CM 1:4 and applying two coats of cement based paint over a coat of alkali primer including necessary scaffolding etc complete all as specified and as directed. 12 Materials and labour for 10 mm thick rendering on other than fair faces of brick work or concrete surface as on wallin cement mortar (1:6) andfinished the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cementcomplete all as specified and as directed. 13 Supply only integral water proofing compound (WPC) of best quality (ISI marked on packet) completeall as specified and as directed. 14 Materials and labour for 5 mm thick rendering onconcrete surfaces as on ceilingin cement mortar (1:3) andfinished the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cementcomplete all as specified and as directed. 15 Demolition of cement concrete (unreinforced) in ground floors and paving n.exc.15cm thick (below or above ground level) and removal of rubbish from the site complete all as specified and as directed.. 16 Material and labour for 75mm thick PCC (1:3:6) type C2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in flooring/plinth protection and finish the surface even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. 17 M & L for Forming Contraction Joint [Dummy], 65mm deep X 10mm wide, filled with sealing compound and sealed with Sealing Compound Grade A complete all as specified and directed. 18 Material & Labour roughening surfaces of old concrete floor by picking, sweeping clean & washing down with water to remove dust etc complete all as specified and directed. 19 Material & Labour fornon skid ceramic coloured tiles7 to 8mm thick (square /rectangular) of premium quality, area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exc 0.38sqm in floors etc.set & jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed in white or coloured cement to match including screed bed of mortar 15 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. Note: The colour / shade / design of tiles shall be as approved by GE 20 Material & Labour for non skid ceramic coloured tiles7 to 8mm thick (square /rectangular) of premium quality, area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exc 0.38sqm as in skirting/dado, set & jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed with white/coloured to match over and including rendering of 10mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed.Note: The colour / shade / design of tiles shall be as approved by GE 21 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding, (but not backing) removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 22 Material & Labour for non skid ceramic coloured tiles7 to 8mm thick (square /rectangular) of premium quality, area of each tile exceeding 0.06 sqm but not exc 0.11sqm in floors etc.set & jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed in white or coloured cement to match including screed bed of mortar 15 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. Note: The colour / shade / design of tiles shall be as approved by GE 23 Material and labour for 25mm thick PCC (1:2:4) type B0 (using 12.50mm graded stone aggregate) as floor finished even and rough to receive the top layer complete all as specified and as directed. 24 Material and labour for 75mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in sub base floor and finish the surface even and rough complete all as specified and as directed. 25 Material & Labour forglazed ceramic coloured tiles 450 x 350 x 7 mm thick of premium quality as in skirting/dado, set & jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed with white/coloured to match over and including rendering of 10mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. Note: The colour / shade / design of tiles shall be as approved by GE. 26 Demolition of Stone Slab laid, bedded and pointed in Cement Mortar of any thickness complete all as specified and as directed. 27 Material & Labour for Granite Stone Slabs of 18 to 20 mm thick of Colour Mexican Red / Ruby Red / Z Black / Pearl Black as in Floors, Treads of Steps, Window Cills, Cooking Platform etc., and the like with machine cut edges, Table rubbed and prepolished to smooth mirror finish all to required sizes, granite stone slabs shall be of design / pattern as directed, including inlays, borders, margins in two or more colours / shades, designs / patterns of stone slabs, set and bedded with grey cement [slurry] and jointed andpointed flush using polymer based cementitious tiling joint filler to match the shade of the Granite Slabsincluding screed bed of mortar 20 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:3complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Single stone slab shall be used for entire Width and Length of Steps, Window Cills, Cooking Platform etc. and joints shall match with the flooring. The edges of treads shall be bull nosed / half rounded. The edges of the treads and landings shall also be provided with three Nos of grooves. 28 Material & Labour for machine cut Kota stone slab flooring using 20 to 25mm thick slabs, laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with a admixture of pigment to match shade of slab including rubbing and polishing to smooth mirror finish all to required sizes, the size and design / pattern of slabs shall be as directed, including diagonals, inlays, borders, margins in two or more shades of slabs including screed bed of mortar 20 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:3 complete all as specified and as directed. 29 Material & Labourfor machine cut kota stone slab as in riser of steps, skirting, dado etc. using 20 to 25mm thick slabs laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with a admixture of pigment to match shade of slab including rubbing and polishing to smooth mirror finish all to required sizes, the size and design / pattern of slabs shall be as directed, including borders, margins in two or more shades of slabsover and including rendering of 10mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed. 30 Material & Labour for Rounding to edges of stone slabs one edge, such as in steps, cooking platform, and other similar situations complete all as specified and as directed. 31 Dismantling wall and ceiling boards (fibre, pulp, insulation etc) or insulation boards / slabs / blankets any thickness including cover fillets complete all as specified and as directed. 32 Supply& Fixing 4mm thick plain E board of size 600 X 600 mm of approved texture, design and patterns, suspended on the Exposed Metal Frame Ceiling Grid of 600mm x 600mm size and applying two coats of Oil Bound Distemper over a coat of alkali resistant primer and including GI powder coated snap grid frame work of size600 mm x 600 mm with main/ cross tee of size 24 x 38 x 0.70mm thick and wall /cleat angle of size 25 x 25 x 0.35 mm duly suspended with 4 mm dia GI wire hanger 1200 mm centre to centre both ways fixed with steel dash fasteners or from purlin from the roof with alignment clip including providing provisions for light fixtures of any size complete all as specified and directed. 33 Dismantling of plain or corrugated steel sheeting,any gauge, thickness, including similar pattern roof covering complete all as specified and as directed. 34 Supply and fixing Galvanised, corrugated mild steel sheeting of 0.63mm thick with two corrugations side lap, fixed with L-type or J-type or cranked hook bolts, in roofs, walls etc. with grade of zinc coating 275 complete all as specified and as directed. 35 Refixing of Galvanised, corrugated mild steel sheeting of 0.63mm thick with two corrugations side lap, fixed with L-type or J-type or cranked hook bolts, in roofs, walls etc. complete all as specified and as directed.Note: The corrugated steel sheets obtained from dismantling vide Serial Item No. 33 shall be reused. 36 Taking down chowkat with shutter without taking off shutter from the frame n.exc 1.50 Sqm each complete all as specified and as directed. 37 Taking down chowkat with shutter without taking off shutter from the frame exc 1.50 Sqm but n.exc 4.00 Sqm each complete all as specified and as directed. 38 Taking down shutters of any description exceeding 1.00 Sq.m and not exceeding 2.00 Sq.m each and removing unserviceable material from site of work complete all as specified and as directed. 39 Taking down and refixingin the same opening shutters of any description exceeding 1.00 Sq.m and not exceeding 2.00 Sq.m each after easing and adjusting complete all as specified and as directed. 40 S & F Second Class Hard Wood, plain, solid, straight Chowkats and Frames, wrought, framed, rebated on the solid, rounded or chamfered, put together with glue, pinned at joints complete all as specified and directed. 41 S & F Factory made, 35 mm thick Flush shutters, solid core construction, with block board core and plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as specified and as directed. 42 S & F Factory made, 35mm thick, Second Class Hard Wood, Glazed and Skeleton Shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze, etc., divided into squares, with plain, chamfered or rounded, mitred and rebated Sash Bars, any numbers, edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing glass, etc., sizes of members of shutters as specified in SSR Part – I, Section 8, Clause 8.24 [a] and fitted to Chowkats complete all as specified and as directed. 43 S & F Solid PVC door frame of size 50mmX47mm made out of 5mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube in opening, sizes of sections and other details as specified in SSR Part – I, Section 8, Clause 8B.3.1 complete all as specified and as directed 44 Supply and fixfactory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of MS tubes for top andbottom rails. MS frame shall be covered with heat moulded decorative coloured laminates PVC `C` channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and decorative coloured laminates PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail or bottom rail ; panelling of decorative coloured laminates PVC sheet to be fittedin the MS frame welded/sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC laminated sheet beeding, and joined together with solvent cement, supplying and fixing in the frame at the site as per specification and drawings as shown in SSRcomplete all as specified and as directed. 45 Supply & Fixing Factory made UPVC Sliding Window, White Colour, Two Track of area not exceeding 2.0 Sq.m, made of extruded profiles with wall thickness of 2.3mm±0.2mm, Window profile with hollow section with multi chamber, Frame of size 60mm X 62mm, Sash of size 42mm X 67mm, Sliding Interlock [one vertical length in each shutter] of size 45.50mm X 28mm, Glazing Bead of size 24.50mm X 16mm, shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling holes for fixing hardware and drainage of water etc., making arrangement for fixing of hardware EPDM Gasket of size 1.2mm±0.2mm thick, Galvanized Steel Frame of size 30mmx 10mm, Sash of size 30mm x 10mm, profile to be inserted in required profile, frame shall be fixed to wall with 8mm X 100mm long fasteners, Hardware such as Touch Lock of zinc alloyed [white powder coated], Steel Roller system, 5 mm thick glazing with selected quality glass, Aluminium track on bottom rail for Two Track Sliding frame, wool pine for Sliding sash and interlock frame shall be fixed to wall with high quality fasteners and silicon glue is to be applied to fill up gap between frame and wall to make leak proof complete all as specified and as per Manufacturer instructions.Note: (i) The unit rate quoted by contractor is deemed toinclude glass and all other connected accessories. (ii) Net opening will be measured for payment purpose. 46 Hacking out old broken glass (any thickness, size, quality or description) from wooden frames or stone, concrete or brick surrounds, glazed with putty or fixed with beads complete all as specified and directed. 47 Supply and fixing 3mm thick sheet Glass ordinary quality in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sq.m and glazing with oil putty in each pane complete all as specified and as directed. 48 Material and Labour for securing glass of any description in existing steel frames glazed with putty/ beads including removing loose or decayed putty/beads, painting/oiling one coat on rebates, grooves, reputtying and painting/oiling puttied surface tomatch existing work (New length of frame reputtied shall bemeasured complete all as specified and as directed. 49 Material and labour for preparation of new steel surfaces to receive painting over 10cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide zinc chrome primercomplete all as specified and directed. 50 Dismantling of Mild Steel or Wrought Iron Work of any description not otherwise provided for complete all as specified and as directed. 51 S & F Mild Steel framed work conforming to Fe - 290, Grade E-165, as inGrills, Gratings, Ladders etc with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted, or forged into spikes, framed Guard Bars, Barred Iron Doors, Ladders, framed Balusters, Walk Ways, Railings, framework of Water Tanks and similar work complete all as specified and as directed. 52 Supply and fixing of Steel windows with side hung shutters including projecting type hinges with steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete with glazing bars, dovetailed or welded as per size mentioned in TD drawing No. CESZ/2015/TD/019complete all as specified and as directed. 53 Supply and fixing stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staplescomplete all as specified and as directed. 54 Supply and fixing in repairs stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staplescomplete all as specified and as directed. 55 Supply and fixing Floor Door Stopper of size 140 mm ofaluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring complete all as specified and as directed. 56 Supply and fixing 75mm size Butt hinges, mediumweight, cold rolled mild steel, and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 57 Supply and fixing 100mm size Butt hinges, mediumweight, cold rolled mild steel, and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 58 Supply and fixing aluminium anodized, barrel tower bolts, 150mm long of extruded section complete all as specified and as directed. 59 Supply and fixing aluminium anodized, barrel tower bolts, 200mm long of extruded section complete all as specified and as directed. 60 Supply and fixing 150mm long extruded aluminium alloy handles, cast type, anodised complete all as specified and as directed. 61 Supply and fixing Aluminium alloy anodised Sliding Door Bolt with hasp and staple [Bolt Type] of size 300 mm and fixing clips of sheet cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminium alloy complete all as specified and as directed. 62 Supply and fix 300mm long ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs including roller and roller plate complete complete all as specified and directed. 63 Supply and fixing 50mm size Butt hinges, mediumweight, cold rolled mild steel, and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 64 Supply and fixing 2nd class Hard Wood Small fittings such as brackets of any type, latch and hinge blocks, shaped door and window stops and the like, including all necessary labours; articles n exc 200 cu. cm each complete all as specified and directed. 65 Material and labour mild steel work as in holdfast and similar works conforming to Fe290 GDE E-165 complete all as specified and as directed. 66 Material and labour Plain cement concrete type C-1 1:3:6 (20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in hold fast complete all as specified . 67 Supply and fixing in repairs Vitreous China squatting pan of‘Orissa pattern’, size 580 mm x 440mm (white) with ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap, front or back inlet and integral foot rests, any pattern complete including provision of PCC bedding andconnection to trap, flushing pipe, antisyphonage pipe, etc. including making good the disturbed floor complete all as specified and as directed 68 Supply and fix in repairs vitreous china WHB of size 550x400mm including waste fittings, brass, chromium plated with long screwed shanks and flynuts, flange end bedded in red lead cement and other end fixed etc complete all as specified and directed. 69 Supply and fix in repair pillar taps 15mm dia bore fancy typewith capstain heads, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered Hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts, screwed for iron pipe complete all as specified directed. 70 Supply and fixing in repairs 10 litre capacity low level PVC flushing cistern (any colour), syphonic action type, with inlet, ball valve, float, handle, fixed with cast iron bracket (of suitable size) and providing 32 mm dia PVC flush pipe and making all necessary connections complete all as specified and as directed. 71 Supply and fixing in repair 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) floor trap, plain with grating including jointing to waste pipe and fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1, diameter of outlet pipe 75mm complete all as specified and as directed. 72 Supply and fix in repair PVC connection 15mm size with PTMT nuts of length 600mm complete all as specified and directed. 73 Supply and fixing in repairs 15mm bore fancy type chromium plated bib taps with crutch of butterfly handle screwed down for iron pipes complete all as specified and directed. 74 Supply and fixing in repairs Stop Valves, 15 mm dia, cast copper alloy, Chromium Plated, Fancy Type, screwed down high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle with long shank and cup [concealed type] for iron pipe etc complete all as specified and as directed. 75 Supply and fixing in repairs of size 125 mm brass chromium plated shower rose with or without swivel joints, any size including fixing to steel pipe or union complete all as specified. 76 Supply and fixing in repairs Brass Chromium Plated Tubular Towel Rail, 20mm dia, D Type, 600 mm long between flanges complete all as specified and as directed. 77 Supply and fixing in repairs looking mirror ofsize 600mm x 450mm x 5mm thick bevelled edge of selected quality glass, decorative type mounted on 6mm thick commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers completeall as specified and as directed. 78 Supply & Fixing Shelf of PTMT fixed with and including chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic cleats (Minimum weight 300gms complete all as specified and as directed. 79 Taking up or down steel tubing 15mm bore and connections including cleaning for refixing and deposited to stores complete all as specified and directed. 80 Supply and fixing 15mm bore galvanised steel water tubing medium grade including all fittings and fixed complete to walls/ceiling or laid under floors complete all as specified and as direcetd. 81 All as per Serial Item No. 80 but except 15mm bore galvanised steel water tubing medium grade complete all as specified and as direcetd.Note: The serviceable pipes obtained from taking down vide serial No. 79 shall be re-used. 82 M&L for cutting chases, pinning in, making good to facing where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 tro ends or edges of landings, steps, cills, sunshades, shelves, lintels etc and cutting chases for concealed water tubing or concealed conduit wiring etc and making good, cutting not exc. 10 cm girth complete all as specified and directed.Note: Cutting of holes will be carried out by using mechanical means like Groove cutter/ wall chaser. 83 Taking up or down steel tubing 20mm bore and connections including cleaning for refixing and deposited to stores complete all as specified and directed. 84 Supply and fixing 20mm bore galvanised steel water tubing medium grade including all fittings and fixed complete to walls/ceiling or laid under floors complete all as specified and as direcetd. 85 All as per Serial Item No. 84 but except 20mm bore galvanised steel water tubing medium grade complete all as specified and as direcetd.Note: The serviceable pipes obtained from taking down vide serial No. 83 shall be re-used. 86 Supply and fixing in repair 20mm bore Gun-metal, globe or gate valves, with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 87 Supply and fixing 110 mm bore dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls/ laid in floors complete all as specified and directed. 88 Supply and fixing 75 mm bore dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls / laid in floor complete all as specified and directed. 89 Supply and fixing 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends any radius complete all as specified and directed. 90 Supply and fixing 110 mm bore PVC [SWR] Branch Piece, Single [Single T] equal or unequal including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and as directed. 91 Supply and fixing 75 mm bore PVC [SWR] Branch Piece, Single [Single T] equal or unequal including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and as directed. 92 Supply and fixing 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends any radius complete all as specified and directed. 93 Supply and fixing 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) vent cowl complete all as specified and directed. 94 Supply & fixing in repair of fancy type decorative Drapary MS rod of 20mm dia suitable for window and doors with decorating doom holders fixed to wall with screwscomplete all as specified and as directed. 95 Supply & fixing of GI 40mm dia spouts projecting atleast 20 cm clear distance fromwall complete complete all as specified and as directed. 96 Supply and fixing in repair Rotational Moulded Polythene [HDPE] triple layered Water Tanks, ISI Marked, Cylindrical & Vertical Type 1000 Litres Capacity hoisted and fixed in position including Ball Valves, 20 mm Bore, high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated Aluminium rod & high-density plastic ball screwed for iron pipe [Minimum Weight 20mm - 210 Grams] etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 97 Material and labour for preparing newly plastered Wallsurfacesandapplying two coats of Oil Bound Distemper over a coat ofprimer over one mm thick Cement based Wall Care Putty on walls including rubbing with sand paper to obtain a smooth surface and making good any undulations on the Wall surfaces complete all as specified and as directed. 98 Material and labour for Complete removal of existing treatment of any description on wallsurfaces and applying 1mm thick Cement based Wall Care Putty on walls including rubbing with sand paper to obtain a smooth surface and making good any undulations on the surfaces and applying two coats of Oil Bound Distemper over one coat of primer on wallsurfaces complete all as specified and as directed. 99 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered wall surfaces and applyingAcrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade, two coats applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqmon wallsurfaces complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Cost of necessary scaffolding for height upto 12m shall be deemed to be included in unit quoted rate. 100 M & L for Complete removal of existing treatment of any description on wallsurfaces and applyingtwo coats of Acrylic exterior paint of required shade over and including priming a coat of exterior primer on wallsurfaces complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Cost of necessary scaffolding for height upto 12m shall be deemed to be included in unit quoted rate. 101 Material and labour for preparing newly plastered ceiling surfaces and applying three coats of white washing complete all as specified and as directed. 102 Material and labour for preparation of old plastered/ unplastered surfaces by brooming down or steel wire brushing and applying one coat of white wash on ceilings complete all as specified and as directed. 103 Material and labour forpreparation of new wooden surface exc 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primercomplete all as specified and as directed. 104 Material and labour for preparation of old wooden surfaces over 10cm width or girth and applying one coat of syntheticenamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 105 Material and labour for preparation of old steel surfaces over 10cm width or girth and applying one coats of syntheticenamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 106 Materials and labour for 15 mm thick rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfacein cement mortar (1:4) andfinish the surface even and smooth without using extra cementcomplete all as specified and as directed. 107 Material and labour for PCC (1:2:4) type B-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) as in surface channel and like etccompleteall as specified and as directed. 108 Materials and labour for Extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30 cm inner girth in cement concrete, using extra cement, including forms, moulds, mitred/stopped ends etc.completeall as specified and as directed. 109 Material and labour for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in coping including necessary formworkcomplete all as specified and as directed. 110 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes of 75/100 bore (Salt glazed ware, AC or Reinforced concrete)/ PVC/CI set in cement mortar complete all as specified and directed. 111 M & L for Roughening surfaces of old concrete floor by picking, sweeping clean and washing down with water to remove dust etc and brushing neat cement slurry with 3.0 KG of cement per Sq.m area, rendering 15mm thickin cement mortar 1:4 on concrete surfaces finished even and smooth without using extra cementincluding mixing of water proofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement of approved make as per manufacturers instructions for levelling the surface smooth to receive the water proofing membrane, applying one coat of hot paving bitumen of penetrationvalue 85/25 conforming to IS 73 @ 1.20 kg/sqm over a coat of bitumenous primer @ 0.30 ltrs per sqm and applying a layers of APP based polymeric membrane, 3mm thick (minimum) weight 3.00 Kg/sqm reinforced with polyster non woven fabric (weighing not less than 150 gms/sqm) shall be applied overBitumenious primer (Application of polymeric memberane shall be by torch application, over laps shall be minimum 100mm on the transverse direction & 75 mm on the longtudinaldirection) polymeric membrane shall be taken to a height of 60 cm (minimum) and then inserted inside the groove of parapet wall ( Cont..) 112 and shall be finished by membrane flashing, coved fillet in PCC (1:2:4) type B-0 of radius 75 mmshall be provided at the junction of roof & other vertical surfaces& surfaces shall be painted with hot paving bitumen of penetrationvalue 85/25 conforming to IS 73 @ 1.20 kg/sqm & applying two coats of aluminium paint over the APP modified membrane @ 0.11 kg/sqm including taking down existing Roof Treatment of any description and removing rubbish to a distance not exceeding 50 M complete all as specified and as directed. Note: (i) Water proofing compound will be measured and paid separately. 113 Taking down copper/ aluminium point wiring (light, fan, socket or power) complete, (including unscrewing from boards/out-let boxes, fittings and fixtures such as switches, sockets, ceiling roses, lamp holders, brackets, ceiling fittings, bulk head fittings, tube light fittings and regulators, etc.), removing materials off the site of work and making good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc.all as directed. 114 Material and labour for concealed point wiring (surface type) for one light/fan/call bell point with 1.5 sqmmPVC insulated (FR-LSH) unsheathed copper cable multistranded conductor 1100 volts gradecontrolled by one way switchincluding 1.5 sqmm PVC (FR-LSH) insulated unsheathed copper cable multistrand conductor 1100 volts grade for continuity earth wire connected to common earth dolly drawn through and including 20mm dia PVC, medium grade conduit with all accessoriesand PVC rectangular boxes for mounting switch, socket and fan regulator etc complete all as specified and as directed. Note: (i) Wiring shall be done in proper colour coding using red , yellow, blue for phase, black for neutral and green for earth.(ii) The cost of cutting chases, pinning deemed to be included in the quoted rate.(iii) Cutting of walls will be carried out by using mechanical means like Groove cutter/ wall chaser. (iv) The cost of making good the disturbed surfaces is deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 115 .-Ditto- all as per item No 113.00 here-in-before butfor 3 pin 6 amps switch socket outlet on the independant boardwith 1.5 Sqmm cable and -ditto-. 116 .-Ditto- all as per item No 113.00 here-in-before butfor 3 pin 6 amps switch socket outlet on the same board with 1.5 Sqmm cable and -ditto-. 117 .-Ditto- all as per item No 113.00 here-in-before butfor one 3 pin 16 Amps socket outlet on independent boardwith 2.5 sqmmPVC (FR-LSH) insulated un-sheathed copper conductor cable multistranded conductor 1100 volts grade and 2.5 Sqmm PVC (FR-LSH) copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor. 118 Supply and fixing modular switch, 1 way, 6 A, 1 module complete all as specified and as directed. 119 Supply and fixing modular socket,6 A, 2/3 pin, 2 module complete all as specified and as directed. 120 Supply and fixing modular socket,6 / 16 A, 2/3 pin combined, 2 module complete all as specified and as directed. 121 Supply and fixing ceiling rose, PVC/polycarbonate, isolated body surface bakelite, 65mm x 50mm,ISI marked three terminals complete all as specified & directed. 122 Supply and fixing modular switch, 1 way, 16 A, 1 module complete all as specified and as directed. 123 Supply and fixing White cover plate with frame of 8 module complete all as specified and as directed. 124 Supply and fixing White cover plate with frame of 6 module complete all as specified and as directed. 125 Supply and fixing White cover plate with frame of 3 module complete all as specified and as directed. 126 Supply and fixing blank spacer plate 1 module complete all as specified and as directed. 127 Supply and fixing modular fan regulator 120 watt step type AC 220 Volt complete all as specified and as directed. 128 Supply and fixing of MCB DB SPN 8 ways double door with rated 200 Amps bus bar neutral link, earth bar and din rail,recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall including taking down of existing unserviceable DB complete all as specified and as directed. 129 Supply and fixing of MCCB DB VTPN four way double door, for incomming MCCB and outgoing MCBs), 415 Volts, powder paintedincluding bus bar neutral link, earth bar and din rail,recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall including taking down of existing unserviceable DB complete all as specified and as directed. 130 Supply and fixingMCCB, four pole, 415 volts, Adjustable type, 160 Amps with breaking capacity 25 KAcomplete all as specified and as directed. 131 Supply and fixing of MCB 32 Amps, SPN, 240 Volt C series, breaking capacity 10 KA complete all as specified and as directed. 132 Supply and fixing of MCB 6 to 32 Amps, SP, 240 Volt C series, breaking capacity 10 KA complete all as specified and as directed. Note for serial Item No. 127 to 131: MCB, MCCB, MCB DB and MCCB DB shall be of same make as approved by GE. 133 S & F in repairs Surface & wall mounted Energy efficient LED Tube Light Fitting, of not less than 20 W, 5700 K of cool white, with extruded aluminium / CRCA housing and robust construction with necessary acrylic diffuser & integrated electronic driver, all accessories internally prewired and connecting up with twin core PVC insulated, sheathed flexible copper conductor cable of size 1.5 Sq.mm and making good the disturbed surfaces to match with existing complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Light fitting shall be of PF>0.95 134 Taking down old serviceable existing LED fittings carefullyfrom its original position, kept in safe custody and refixing the same position or at new place including cleaning connecting to ceiling rose complete all as specified and directed. 135 S & F Energy efficient & Long life Building Security Light Luminaire, of not less than 20 W, 5700 K with Pressure Die Cast Aluminium Housing, IP66 protection, heat resistant glass cover, high power LEDs as light source, electronic driver including GI Bracket made out of 32 mm bore GI Tube, Medium Grade of size not exceeding 1.50 m in length and bent to shape required and fixed with 2 Nos of Pole fitting Clamps made out of MS Flat of size 50 X 6mm, bolts, nuts, washers and painting with two coats of aluminium paint over a coat of primer red oxide zinc chrome primer and connecting up with three core PVC insulated, sheathed flexible copper conductor cable of size 1.5 Sq.mmincluding taking down existing light fittings of any description and making good the disturbed surfaces to match with existing complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Light fitting shall be of PF>0.95 136 Taking down ceiling fan carefully of any size from its original position, kept in safe custody and refixing the fan in same position or at new place including cleaning complete all as specified and directed. 137 Taking down exhaust fan carefully of any size from its original position, kept in safe custody and refixing the fan in same position or at new place including making a hole cutting of the wall, cleaning and making good complete all as specified and directed.Note: Cutting of walls will be carried out by using mechanical means like Groove cutter/ wall chaser. 138 M & L for surface sub main wiringwith two single core PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volt grade multi stranded FRLSH Copper conductor cable of size 6.0 sqmm (Nominal area) drawn through in and including PVCCasing/ Caping with all fittings and accessories alongwith one single core green colour PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volt grade multi stranded FRLSH Copper conductor cable of size 6.0 sqmm as earth lead and connected to earth dolly and making good to disturbed surfaces inculdingtaking down the old unserviceable one all as specified as directed. Note : (i) 3 Runs of 6.00 Sqmm cable and one run of PVC Casing/ Caping shall be measured as one unit length.(ii) The cost of making good the disturbed surfaces is deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 139 Materials and labour for earthing complete with galvanised iron earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick, burried directly and preferably vertically in ground, earth pit not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 m below ground level connetced with galvanised wire of 4mm diaby means of nuts, bolts, check nuts and washers made of galvanised iron or steel earthing lead to be protected by galvanised iron pipe of 15mm bore (light grade) and other end connected to earthing test point or lightening arrestor or main controlling switch as directed including providing funnel with 20mm bore galvanised iron pipe (medium grade), wire mesh, charcoal or coke and common salt in alternate layer of 15cm (compacted thickness) all round the earth electrode, concrete earth pit in PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 (with 20mm graded aggregate), 50mm thick precast RCC (1:2:4) cover slab (re-inforced with 8mm dia TMT bar @ 15 cm C/C bothways and suitable handle made of 10mm dia) including necessary earth work in excavation, returning filling and removal of surplus earth upto a distance not exceeding 50 m etc all as shown on electrical plate No. 3 of MES Schedule Part-I(2009) complete including testing on completion including taking down old unserviciable earthing set all as specified and as directed.Notes:-(i) Main earthing strip from earth plate electrode to rest point upto length of 7.5 meters length shall deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted against this item. (ii) On testing after completion if the desired resistenance is not obtained the contractor shall redo the earthing without any extra cost to the department. 140 Materials and labour for earthing complete with galvanised iron earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick, burried directly and preferably vertically in ground, earth pit not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 m below ground level connetced with galvanised wire of 4mm diaby means of nuts, bolts, check nuts and washers made of galvanised iron or steel earthing lead to be protected by galvanised iron pipe of 15mm bore (light grade) and other end connected to earthing test point or lightening arrestor or main controlling switch as directed including providing funnel with 20mm bore galvanised iron pipe (medium grade), wire mesh, charcoal or coke and common salt in alternate layer of 15cm (compacted thickness) all round the earth electrode, concrete earth pit in PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 (with 20mm graded aggregate), 50mm thick precast RCC (1:2:4) cover slab (re-inforced with 8mm dia TMT bar @ 15 cm C/C bothways and suitable handle made of 10mm dia) including necessary earth work in excavation, returning filling and removal of surplus earth upto a distance not exceeding 50 m etc all as shown on electrical plate No. 3 of MES Schedule Part-I(2009) complete including testing on completion including taking down old unserviciable earthing set all as specified and as directed.Notes:-(i) Main earthing strip from earth plate electrode to rest point upto length of 7.5 meters length shall deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted against this item. (ii) On testing after completion if the desired resistenance is not obtained the contractor shall redo the earthing without any extra cost to the department.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 11-12-2024
2 11-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 16-12-2024
3 16-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 19-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 103000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 52 Lakhs /-
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