Tender For Construction Of Battery Room With Electrification In The Existing Control Room And Other Allied Civil Works In Tondiarpet Cdh 110 Kv Ss.; 1 Earth work excavation soil and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand, or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loom and ordinary soil etc., completeincluding cost of all materials lead lift etc complete as directed by the department engineer at site. 2 Providing M-sand filling in foundation, including cost of sand, filling charges, watering and consolidation etccomplete. As department enigineer at site 3 labour charges for transporting the surplus excavated earth, debris atc.,away from the site to a lead of 5 KM including cost of all materials lead lift etc complete as directed by the department engineer at site. 4 Providing foundation concrete in PCC1:4:8 using 20 mm HBG stone including cost of cement, and all materials labour, lead, lift etc complete.As department enigineer at site 5 Laying P:C:C1:2:4 using 12 to 20mm HBG metalfor Foundation including cost of all materials, transport, lead, Lift, labour, for laying concrete curing etc., complete as directed by the department engineer at site. Without form work 6 Providing and laying P.C.C 1:2:4 using20mm HBG stone withform workusing steel centering for soffits of reinforced cement concrete slabs or plain surfaces including stutting up to 3m high, using M.S. Sheets of size 90cm x 60cm. and B.G.10 guage, stiffened with welded M.S. angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm laid over silver oak (Country wood) joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm. (spaced at about 90 cm c/c) and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13cm. dia (spaced at 75cm c/c) complying with standard specification including cost of all materials,transport, curing, labour, lead, lift etc. complete.as per standard specification as directed by the dept. Engineer at site. 7 Brick work in C M 1:4for superstructure partition wall 115 mm thick including cost of all materials labour, lead & lift etc., complete as directed by the department at site. 8 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 using 12- 20mm metal for Wall with form work using steel centering for soffits of reinforced cement concrete slabs or plain surfaces including stutting up to 3m high, using M.S. Sheets of size 90cm x 60cm. and B.G.10 guage, stiffened with welded M.S. angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm laid over silver oak (Country wood) joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm. (spaced at about 90 cm c/c) and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13cm. dia (spaced at 75cm c/c) complying with standard specification including cost of all materials,transport, curing, labour, lead, lift etc. complete.as per standard specification as directed by the dept. Engineer at site. 9 Supplying and fabricating and placing in position of MS/RTS steel reinforcement for RCC works including labour for cutting, bending, tying and fixing in position as per specification including cost of all materials, lead, lift, labour, cost of binding wire etc. comlete as directed by the department engineer at site. 10 Plastering in CM 1:520 mm thickfor inside and outside walls, plinth protection including cost of all materials, transport, curing, labour, lead, lift etc. complete.as per standard specification and as directed by the dept. Engineer at site . 11 Supplying fabrication and fixing in position of anodised aluminiumdoor of various size in accordance with ISI 1868 / 1962 for T bottom gutter arrangement so as to drain the water entry and extended ano. Alu section of bottom track of size 100x45mm with gutter arrangements shutter / plain top & bottom section of size 45x45mmx2mm plain frame 63x38.4mm switch lock special U rubber L angle alu.clip 17.15 x 17.27 x 1.5mm thick at 0.118Kg/m screws and fixing 9mm thick Novapan board / 5mm fristed glassproviding floor gear, all materials, lead lift transportation , labour for fabricating and fixing in position including drilling holes in RCC / brick work with electric power driller etc. complete. Alu.door partly pannelled and partly glazed 12 Paving the floor with acid resistant tiles (quality, colour and shade as directed by the engineer at site) of size 305 mm x 305mm x 8mm in battery room over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three sand ) 20mm thick laid in-situ and pointed with same coloured cement 13 Dadooing and laying of Acid Proof Tiles for Battery room of approved quality and colour laid in CM 1:2, 12 mm thick and pointing with white cement using 0.40 Kg/m2 including finising joint and pointing flush with tiles surface including cost of cement all materials, labour, curing, lead, lift etc., complete as directed by the department engineer at site. 14 Supplying and erection of 3.0 HP Texmo/ Kirloskar / Sharp/ Suguna make Monoblock pump with all accessories, suitable L&T/ Siemens starter, L&T main switch, fuse, foot valve, etc. including cost of all materials as directed by the Engineer at site, commissioning etc. complete. (For Sump water) 15 Supplying and fixing in position best quality approved make white glazed earthenware wash hand basin of size 550x400 mm with a pair of cast iron brackets including cost of 15mm dia brass chromium plated pillar tape 32mm dia C.P waste union,32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber plug and chain , 15mm GM wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple, 15mm dia nylon connection etc. including fixing the wash hand basin in the wall in position with a pair of CI brackets with teak wood plugs and screws and giving necessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with two coats of anticorrosive paint including testing for leakage etc. complete complying with standard specification. ( The wash hand basin and specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works) 16 Supply and fixing in position of Indian make white/ Colour glazed earthen ware lipped mouth flat back urinal basin of best approved quality of size 450mmwith GI pipe connection to suitable length ,32mm bell mouthed PVC connection ,20mm dia GM wheel valve fixing the urinal to the wall including cost of all material,labour etc.complete. 17 Construction of inspection chamber at followeing size 0.60X0.60mtr to an average depth of 0.80m with providing cast iron heavy duty manhole cover, with bracket suitable size including cost of all materials labour CI manhole cover as per drawing and specification (Brick work in CM 1:3, Plastering with CM 1:3, with 5% admixture of water proof compound 12mm thick for inner side and on the out side with CVM 1:3,12mm thick plastering to be carriedout to 250mm below ground level complete in all respects. 18 Providing and fixing testing and commissioning of PVC pipe of 4kg/cm2 for internal soil, waste & vent to IS:13592 of SWR quality, 4kg /sq.cm, including all fittings like tees, elbows, bends, collars, coupling, etc jointing with rubber ring / solvent cement followed by application of leak proof adhesive like FRP paste laid on floors inside the toilets to the required slope including making necessary bores in walls / foundations / concrete slab as applicable, making good the bores with CM 1:3 or cement concrete as applicable, curing etc., complete.110 mm Diameter 19 Supplying and fixing of PVC/UPVC Pipe (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride)UPVC used for commercial applications operate and designed to handle higher water pressure (Schedule-80) ISI branded and approved quality as indicated below for water line , sanitary line etc. including cost of UPVC special, and all other materials etc. complete as per standard specification. UPVC Pipe 25mm dia 20 Supplying and fixing of PVC/UPVC Pipe (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride)UPVC used for commercial applications operate and designed to handle higher water pressure (Schedule-80) ISI branded and approved quality as indicated below for water line , sanitary line etc. including cost of UPVC special, and all other materials etc. complete as per standard specification. UPVC Pipe 20 mm dia 21 Supplying and fixing in position first quality and approved variety of Gun metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve with BIS make of the following dia including cost of shellac, thread balls, etc., complete complying with standard specifications (for both internal and external water supply arrangements).The valves to be used on work shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work. 25mm dia 22 Supplying and fixing in position first quality and approved variety of Gun metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve with BIS make of the following dia including cost of shellac, thread balls, etc., complete complying with standard specifications (for both internal and external water supply arrangements).The valves to be used on work shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work. 20mm dia 23 Painting 2 coats using white cementover one coat of priming coat for ceiling in all floors and exposed faces of beams including coat of all materials, scoffolding, labour with all lead, lift etc., complete as per specification and as directedand approved by the dept engineer at site 24 colour washing Two coats inside wallsusing Interioremulsion paint over aprimer one coat and two coats of wall putty including cost of all materials, labour, lead, lift etc., complete. 25 Labour charges for dismantling of existing RCC structure inside the control room during execution including cost of all materials, lead, lift, labour charges, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the department engineer at site. 26 Labour charges for dismantling of existing brick work for cable inside the control room building including cost of all materials, lead, lift, labour charges, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the department engineer at site. 27 Supplying and fixing MS channelas requiredincluding the cost of cutting to required length, fixing in position and all materials, labour, lead, lift, etc.,complete and as directed by the department engineer at site. 28 supply, fabrication, cutting and fixing in position of MS chequared plate 8mm thick with lifting hooks / holes and placing over cable duct inside control room building, painting with one coat red oxide, two coats enamul paint, labour for laying, transport, T & P including cost of all materials, labour, leads, lift, cutting, grinding, painting, placing in position etc., complete as directed by the department engineer at site. 29 Supply and fixing of 3 phase 4 wire 4 way ICDB of 16A per way with 32A TPNMC switch with suitable MS cable entry boxes trunking box and internal connections on suitable angle iron frame work with earth connection 30 Supply and fixing of 8 way single pole and neutral MCB sheet steel enclosure distribution board with double door (metal) 1 No. 32A DP MCB as ncoming and 6 Nos. 6A to 32A SPMCB outgoing in flush with wall and making good of the concealed portion with earth connection only. The MCB DB and MCBs should be with ISI mark (like standard make) 31 Supplying and fixing of panel board of good quality of size 0.90 x 0.60m including fixing 3 Nos. 32 Amps fuse carrier and 3 nos phase bulb with 3 nos batten holder and 3 nos 5 amps switch and 3 nos 52 amps fuse unit for arial fuse and in and out wiring in the panel and panal board to meter with 7 / 20 CTS wire and GI pipe of earthing as per TNEB standard specification including cost of materials, labour, lead, lifts, etc, complete. 32 Supply & run of 31/2 core 70 sq.mm. PVC Armoured UG Cable with all accessories from Main EB pillar box to EB meter. 33 Supplying and providing wiring with 2 runs of 4 sq.mm PVC insulated copper wire alongwith 1.5 sq.mm PVC insulatd copper wire for earthing inside the PVC rigid conduit not less than 25mm width and 2mm thickness for running circuit main from DB to all Switch Boxes, motors and inverter. Neutral should not be looped.Neutral in back and earthing in green to be followed. 34 Supplying and Wiring with 2 x 1.5 Sqmm (22/0.3) PVC insulated single core unsheathed copper conductor cable of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box in flush with wall with 5A F.T.Switch covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable colour with continuous earth wire connection of 14 SWG TC wire for open PVC light point / Tubelight paint / Buzzerpaint inclluding cost of all materials lead, lift, etc., complete - (SD - 23) 35 Wiring with 2 x 1.50 Sqmm (22 x 0.30) PVC insulated single core unsheathed copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with suitable TW box in flush with wall to house the control switch regulator and covered with 3 mm hylem sheet with painting of suitable colour with continuous earth connection of 14 SWG TC wire for fan point (For rheostatic type regulator) std data - ( SD - 35) 36 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.mm. (22 / 0.3 ) PVC insulated single core unsheathed copper conductor cable of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories and with TW switch box and 5A FT switch and mounted on thewall surface for computer point (SD-27) 37 Wiring with two pair copper telephone cable in suitable conduit pipe in walland terminated with socket for telephone jack with TW switch box in flush with wall covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick for telephone point 38 Supplying of switch board and wiring 2 runs of 4sq.mm PVC insulated copper wire and for earthing and connection with 15Amps switch and socket combined with 15 Amps plug and MS switch box size 6x4x3 for Battery point . This includes cost of materials and labour charges. 39 Supplying and providing wiring to motor room points from motor to starter switch boxes using 2 runs of 4sq.mm pvc insulated copper wirealong with 1.5 sq.mm PVC casing/ PVC pipe not lessthan25mmwidth with 2mm wall thickness including cost of materials , labour charges , switch board of size 18x12x3 with 16Amps doublepole mainswitch and providing sufficient pace for providingand connections. 40 Supplying and fixing box type 4-40w single flouresent fitting complete with copper choke and condenser 1 no 4-40w tube with T.W. round block on wall or ceiling with pvc unsheated leads from terminals to the fittings 41 Supply and fixing of 2x4 40 W Twin Mirror optic suspension type fitting (Philips / Crompton / Wipro) complete with louvers cover complete with copper choke and condensor with conduit pipe suspension, with PVC unsheathed Copper leads from the terminals to the fittings with flu. tubes. 42 Supply and fixing of 1400 mm sweep (56) AC ceiling fan complete with stepped electronic 300W regulator with 1metre down rod including fan clamp with side plates and cross arm of size 450 mm. 43 Supplying and fixing of 5 amps 3 pin socket in the exisitng switch including 3 pin top. 44 Supply and fixing of 5A / 15 A 3 Pin combined flush type wall socket with 15A flush type switch concealed in suitable MS Box in flush with wall and covered with 3 mm thick hylem sheet 45 Supply and fixing of 450 mm (18) sweep (light duty) AC exhaust fan complete with necessary wall opening and making good of the wall. 46 Supplying and fixing of RCCB safe trip of appd LEGRAND , ISI make , 25amps with suitable box including cost of all materials labour, lead, lift, etc., complete as per standard specification. 47 Supplying and fixing of water tight Bulk head fitting with guard and approved suitablemake for incondescent lamp with guard and 100 w bulb. 48 Supplying and fixing,testing & comissioning of Surface MountedLEDfittings for 100W LEDwith necessary connections etc.,of suitablefor control room 49 Supplying and fixing, testing & commissioning of Mirror optical surface mounted light fitting with 2x236W LED Luminaire lamp and necessary fixing accessories of standard make and connections. 50 Supplying and fixing,testing & comissioning of AC Main Panel Board as per specification and drawing. 1.M.S.BOX 1700x900x300mm= 1 Nos2.100A, Porcelain fuse unit (500 V= 6 Nos3.100A, 3 phase 500V 4 pole c/o switch (Centre operated)=1 No4.Neon lamp indicator with contro = 6 Nos5.100A Neutral li =2 Nos6.25sq.mm pvc insulated copper wire =10 mts7.25x4mm eletrolite copper flat =5 kgs8.Voltmeter (0-500 V)=1 No 9.Voltmeter selector switch=1 No10.100A RCCB =1 No 11.63A TPN MCB =1 No 12. 32A TPN MCB =4 Nos13.16A/32A DP MCB=5 Nos 14.16A SP MCB=12 Nos 51 Supplying and fixing,testing & comissioning of DC Panel board as per specification and drawing enclosed.1.M.S.box 1150x650x300mm=1 No2.63A Fuse unit with HRC fuse= 2 Nos3.63A,double 4 pole c/o switch=1 No 4 25x3mm electrolite copper flat= 2 Kgs.5.10 sq.mm pvc insulated copper wire=4 Mts6.Ammeter (0-500V)= 1 No7.Plush button for load test=1 No8. Voltmeter (0-500)=1 No9.Voltmeter selector switch= 1 No10. 32A Fuse unit with HRC fuse= 8 Nos11.16A DP MCB=4 Nos 52 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Steel table 53 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.S Type chair 54 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Steel side rack open type 4 shelf 55 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Steel stool 56 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Steel half bench 57 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Revolving Chair 58 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.Operator Table 6x5 59 Supply steel furniture manufacture by TANSI or any other ISI mark including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. sample to be approved by department Engineer.PVC armed Chair of reputed make 60 Supplying and fixing of angle with 18Kg sheet proper welding for various size of name board with holding post height 2m above the GL of angle 65x65x6mm and painting and lettering the name of office over the two coat of painting as the direction of site engineer including cost all brush, painting, labour, materials etc complete. 61 Providing grout holes at required position including cost of all materials, curing,labour, lead and lift etc., completeas directed by the department engineer at site. 62 Labourcharges for assembling and re-fixingof template in correct position and alligenment for various equipment plinth and grouting the foundation bolt including cost of all material transport , labour,lead, lift etc, complete as directed by the dept. Engineer at site. (The templete will be make own arrangement by the contractor) 63 GST for bidders within TamilNadu 64 SGST 65 CGST 66 GST for bidders outside TamilNadu (IGST)