
Tender For Provision Of 150 Kva Transformer At Nachlana Under Age (I) Bhalra., Udhampur-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of 150 Kva Transformer At Nachlana Under Age (I) Bhalra.. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-12-2024. Civil Work Tenders in Udhampur Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of 150 Kva Transformer At Nachlana Under Age (I) Bhalra.
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of 150 Kva Transformer At Nachlana Under Age (I) Bhalra. ; 1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of step down transformer 11 KV/ 433 Volts (at no load) 3 Phase 50 Hz, 150 KVA, copper wound, outdoor type, with off load tap changing arrangement of HT side to vary secondary voltage upto ± 7.5 % in step of ± 2.5% including suitable cable entry boxes both on HT and LT to receive 95 sqmm 3 core XLPE cable on HT side complete in all respect with std. accessories and fitment confirming to IS-1180 Part-I of 2014/IS 2026 and IS-1180 latest ammendments Dyn -11 connection complete all as specified and directed. The salient features of Transformer shall be as follows :- (a)Transformer shall be oil immerse, naturally self cooled double wound copper, winding core type, MS radiater cooled tank complete with first fill of transformer oil plus 5% spare oil as per IS 335 of 1980 with test certificates with own cooling system.(b)Rating and diagram plates.(c)Earthing terminals = 02 Nos.(d) Lifting lugs.(e) Thermometer pocket.(f) Air release hole with plug(g) Winding/Oil temperature indicator(h) Conservation with oil level indicator(j) Castors with locking provision(k) Silica Gel breather complete(l)Wheel with baringNote : Transformer must be as per Energy efficiency Level-2 of IS: 1180:2014 with amendment No. 4. Transformer must be BIS Marked and BEE labelled and manufacturer should have NABL aproved testing lab. 2 Steel tubular swaged poles complete with MS base plate 6mm thick of size 300mm x 300mm, finial taper plug, bolts, nuts, washers and screws (11 metres long) type 410 SP-55 (11.0 Mtr long) including drilling of holes or required size and nuts for fixing of cross arms, painting with a coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer and two coats of aluminium paint on exposed surfaces and two coats of back bituminous paint for portion embedded in concrete, painting five black/white bands at lower portion of pole each of 300 mm height at 300mm spacing, complete all as specified and directed. Note : Excavation and earth work, PCC coping shall be measured and paid for separately. 3 Supply & fixing lightening arrestor, expulsion type consisting of multiple spark gaps in series with one or more non linear resister to limit voltage surge on AC power circuit to interrupt power flow current suitable for outdoor installation and exposed direct to sun with ambient temperature below - 10 degree C to 50 degree C suitable for surge discharge capacity 65 KA, 11000 volts grade conformign to IS-4350 including all fittings, complete all as specified & directed. 4 Supply & fixing in replacement switch air break, gang operated, triple pole, mechanically operatedsuitable for horizontal or vertical mounting, fixed type,mountedoninsulatorandsteel frame with operating mechanism workedfromgroundlevel,provided with locking arrangement for operating handle, consisting of MS channel, HT post type insulator, contacts of copper alloy, high pressure, heavy duty contact assembly,operating rod of 25mm dia GI pipe medium grade, drop out expulsion assembly of phases fuses etc conforming to IS:1018 of 1972 with continuous current rating with 15 insulators ofcurrent rating upto 400 amps 11000 volts grade, complete all as specified & directed. 5 Material & labour for earthinggalvanized steel earth plate electrode 600mm x 600mm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr depth below normal ground level) with top edge of earth not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level connected to and including galvanized steel strip 32 mm x 6 mm as earth lead upto equipment by means of steel bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers, test point made of GI strip 40x8mm, 10cm long PCC 1:2:4, type B-1 in pit with precast RCC 1:2:4 type B-1 in cover reinforced with XPM not less than 4 Kg per Sqm with 40mm bore GI light grade protection pipe, 20mm bore GI medium grade watering pipe with funnel including charcoal, dust, salt, all as shown in electric plate No 3 of SSR Part-I (2009) Specifications, complete with necessary earth work in any type of soil, removal to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr. On testing after completion if the desired earth resistance is not obtained the earthing will be redone at no extra cost. 6 Supply & fixing in replacement earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc as required of galvanised steel strip of 32mm x 6mm to connect earthpit to electrical equipment room, complete all as specified & directed. 7 Material & labour for earthing of galvanized steel earth plate electrode 600mm x 600mm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr depth below normal ground level) with top edge of earth not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level connected to and including earth lead wire 4.0 mmby means of steel bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers, test point made of GI strip 40x8mm, 10cm long PCC 1:2:4, type B-1 in pit with precast RCC 1:2:4 type B-1 in cover reinforced with XPM not less than 4 Kg per Sqm with 15mm bore GI light grade protection pipe, 20mm bore GI medium grade watering pipe with funnel including charcoal, dust, salt, all as shown in electric plate No 3 of SSR Part-I (2009) Specifications, complete with necessary earth work in any type of soil, removal to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr including testing on completion & dismantling of existing earthing, complete all as specified & directed. 8 Supply & fixing earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc as required of galvanised wire of 4mm dia to connect earthpit to electrical equipment room, complete all as specified & directed. 9 Supply and stringing ACSR conductor any size to HT over head lines , stretching properly to achieve proper sag including binding to insulators using GI/alumn binding wire all as required at site or directed by Engr In Charge. 10 Material & Labour for disc type insulator porcelain vitreous white, brown or green 145mm high and 255mm dia ball and socket type, single disc assembly for tension with tension clamp for conductor of working pressure 11000 volts, complete all as specified & directed. 11 Material & Labour for Pin type porcelain, vitreous white, brown or green insulator including one galvanized mild steel spindle, two galvanized iron washers and one galvanized iron nut, 150mm height, 150mm dia for 11000 volt. complete all as specified and directed. 12 Supply and fix cable jointing kit for 11 KV grade cable for outdoor termination , heat shrink type, joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE, armoured, Al conductor cable of size95/120sqmm. complete all as specified and directed. 13 Supply and fix cable jointing kit for 1.1 KV grade cable for outdoor termination , heat shrink type, joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3.5 core XLPE, armoured, Al conductor cable of size95sqmm. complete all as specified and directed. 14 Material & Labour for cross arms, bracings, supports, clamps and back plates fabricated from steel section including nuts, bolts, washers, welding bending cold or hot drilling holes for bolts in any shape ors size as indicated or directed and inclusive ofoneprimer coat, one under coat and one finishing coat of alumn paint. 15 Supply, laying & testing cable XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty)with stranded aluminium conductor, 11000 volts grade, of size 3 core 95 sq mm. 16 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 95 sq mm 3.5core 17 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 70 sq mm 3.5core 18 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 50 sq mm 3.5core 19 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 35 sq mm 3.5core 20 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 mtr wide and not exceeding 1.5 mtr in depth for foudation of poles/cable,stay assy etc and getting outany type of soil complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge 21 Excavationintrenchesnotexceeding1.5 mtr wideand exceeding1.5 mtr but n.exc 3.0 mtr indepthandgettingoutin any type ofsoilfortakingup orlaying ofcable, foundation of poles, stay etccomplete allasspecified&directed.Note :Due care shall be taken while deciding cable route for excavation.However any damage to Signal, BSNL, MES cable water/sewage pipe or any other service while excavation will be made good by the contractor and cost of the same for jointing material & labour is deemed to be included in the cost of excavation. 22 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm thick each layers complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 23 Removing excavated soil to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 mtr above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 24 Supplyandlayingdryriversandlaidintrenchesascablecushioning 80mm below and 150mm above the cable and punned to 180mm andcoveringall asdirected.Note: Punned qty will be measured and paid. 25 Supply & Laying brick covering with width equil to length of brick as the mechanical protction to cable with well burned sub class B laid in trenches flat complete all as specified and directed. 26 Material & Labour for cement concrete 1:4:8 type D2 ( using 40mm graded stone aggregate) forbase of foundation of pole / stay including form work etc.all as specified and as directed. 27 Material and labour for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate as incoping of pole, including necessary form work complete all as specified and Engineer-in-Charge. 28 Material and labour for GI tubing light grade 80mm bore with fittings laid for protection of cable under road crossing fixed to walls or pole complete all as specified and as directed.(clamps for fixing pipe, nuts, bolts washers shall be measured separately ) 29 Material & Labour testing & Commissioning of LT pannel frame CPRI approved, outdoor type,factory made fabircated to CRCA sheet with min 3.15 mm thickness, double door front/rear opening and locking arrangement, floor mounted on plateform of suitable size, aluminium bus bar chember (enclosed) with two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer, fixed with grouted bold,nuts and washer and making complete connection in all respects as diected by engr-in-charge comprising of following parts.Incomer MCCB(a) MCCB 250 Amps FP 36 KA - (adjustable thermal and magnetic release) - 01 No Outgoing MCCB(b) MCCB 160 Amps FP 36 KA - (adjustable thermal and magnetic release) - 01 No(c) MCCB 100 Amps FP 36 KA - (adjustable thermal and magnetic release) - 01 No (d) MCCB 63 Amps FP 16 KA - (adjustable thermal and magnetic release) - 02 No(e) MCCB 100 Amps FP 16 KA - (adjustable thermal and magnetic release) - 01 No (f) Aluminium bus bar chamber (4 Strips) 3 phase 415 volts 400 Amps all as required (g) Indication lamps for R, Y, B - 1 Set Each(h) Digital voltmeter 0-500 volts with selector switch - 01 Set(j)Digital ammeter with CTs of suitable ratio & selector switch 0-500 A cap- 01 Set(k) Panel Wiring with suitable size PVC insulated PVC sheathed 1100 volts grade with copper conductor multi-stranded cable with lugs on both ends of cable.(l) Front operated on load change over switch 400 amps.-01 No(m) Lock pedestal - 01 No 30 Supply & Installing , designing testing and commissioning of automatic power factor correction (APFC) out door type panel board, factory made , cubical kiosk type weather , dust & , vermin proof, CPRI approved with locking arrangement , made out of CRCA sheet of 3.15 mm thick with suitable size of channel for base complete with capacitor banks of capacity 80 KVAR reverse power relay 3 phase with tuned reactor for 150 KVA transformer outdoor type suitable for 1100 Volt 3 phase 50 Hz AC supplysuitable size thimbles/lugs, PVC insulated multistranded copper wire of suitable size with PVC flexible conduit medium quality as required comprising of copper bus bar 200 Amps capacity fixed on insulators to achieved power factor 0.95 and duly powder coated in siemens grey colour mounted on PCC platform of PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20 mm graded aggregate on angle iron frame made of 50 x 50 x 6 mm thick angle iron duly marked with incoming , outgoing controls, completed all as specified directed and comprising of the following :-(a)MCCB 63 Amps, breaking capacity 16 KA 4 pole , 415 with shunt trip coil - 01 No(b)Heavy duty TP contactor 32 Amps with MCB TP - 20 Amps, 20 KA to connect directly with 3 phase 25 KVAR capacitor bank (including 10 KVAR capacitor bank)- 01 No.(c )Capacitor bank 80 KVARFOUR stages (50 KVAR+ 20 KVAR +5 KVAR + 5 KVAR) Make : L&T/ABB/SIEMENS (EPOCS)(d)Fivestage APFC relayMake : L&T/ABB/SIEMENS(e)Heavy duty TP contactors 16 Amps - 06 Nos , MCB TP 10 Amps -03 Nos , MCB TP 6 Amps -03 Nos (f)Current , transformer epoxy resin type capacity 200/5 , class 1 - 06 Nos.(g)Over current and relay protection-01 No Make : L&T/ABB/SIEMENS(h)Over voltage protection - 01 No Make : L&T/ABB/SIEMENS (j)Digital Multifuntional meter which shows voltage , Amps, Power Factor, and frequency -01 No(k)Indication lamps for R, Y, B- 03 Nos(l)Connected copper wiring , selector switch and locking pedestral etc.Note :-Manufacturers Test Certificate shall be submitted by the contractor alongwith purchase voucher. 31 Material and labour for construction of Platform suitable for 150 KVA transformer of size 3m x 3m with 1.00m clear height from ground level, 1.00m deep foundation, 150 mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in foundation below ground level, 23cm wide brick masonry in CM 1:6 below & above ground level, hollow space to be filled hard core of size not exceeding 63 mm, deposited spread and levelled in layers not exceeding 15cm thickness, watered and well rammed with 100mm thick cement concreate 1:2:4 type B-2 as in Floor/Top of platform, brick surfaces plastered in CM 1:4 including protection with XPM, gate and chain link fencing rail around the platform with angel iron of 40 x 40 x 6mm frame upto 1.00m clear height supports grouted in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in foundation of angle iron including excavation in any type of soil, returning filling in and removal of surplus soil to a distance 50m, complete all as specified and directed 32 Supply and fix Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation, three phase, naturally oil cooled, indoor type & designed for input variation between 300 V to 480 V with output voltage stabilized at 415 with accuracy ± 2.5% and speed of correction 8 Volts per second and of capacity 150 KVA, complete all as specified and directed 33 Supply and fix 11 KVCTPT metering unit , type outdoor oil cooled , pole mounted , CT Ratio:5/5 A , Burden 10 VA, Class-0.5 S , STC -3 KA/1 Sec and PT Ratio 11KV /110 V, Burden -0.50 VA, Class-0.5 S, insulation -12 KV/28KV all as per IS-2705/1992 and IS-3156/1992 all as specified and as directed. 34 Supply & fix Trivector meter three phase four wire TVM 110 Volt , PTR 11 kv/110 V , 5A class 0.5 S for active and 1 S reactive with water proof box and suitable copper cable for connection from CT PT Unit. 35 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning sheet metal enclosure out door type, weather proof for Energy Meter Factoryfabricated from 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet, compartmentalized design, suitable for downloading data from meter to AMRI without opening panel with suitable locking arrangements, of size not less than 0.60 x 0.45 x 0.30 mtr including suitable clump fitted to poles as required at site or directed. 36 Material and labour for Anti climbing devices; comprising 2.24mm dia galvanised steel 2-strand barbed wire with 2.00mm dia barbs wrapped spirally round poles, to a length of 0.5 to 1.0 metre clamped andproperly secured or as ordered all as specified and directed. 37 Material and labour for Danger notice plate of 1.6mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enamelled white, with letters, figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed withM.S. clamps, bolts and nuts of approved size, for LT, 20 x 15cm complete all as specified. 38 Material and labour for Danger notice plate of 1.6mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enamelled white, with letters, figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed withM.S. clamps, bolts and nuts of approved size, for HT, 25 x 20cm complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 13-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 36000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 18 Lakhs /-
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