
Tender For Provision Of 01 X Lab (10.6 X 7M) At Kv Namkum Under Ge Ranchi., ranchi-Jharkhand

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of 01 X Lab (10.6 X 7M) At Kv Namkum Under Ge Ranchi.. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-12-2024. Building Work Tenders in ranchi Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of 01 X Lab (10.6 X 7M) At Kv Namkum Under Ge Ranchi.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of 01 X Lab (10.6 X 7M) At Kv Namkum Under Ge Ranchi.; 1 Surface excavation n exceeding (not exceeding) 30 cm deep and averaging 15 cm deep and getting out in soft/loose soil 2 Excavation in trenchesnot exc 1.50m wide and not exc 1.50m depth for foundation, laying of cable/ GI pipe etc and getting out in soft/loose soil. 3 Removing excavated materials n exc 50 mtrs and deposited where directed at a level n exc 50 mtr where directed n exc 1.50 m above the starting point.complete all as specified and directed. 4 Returning filling in including spreading levelling and well ramming in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 5 M&L PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregates) foundation fillings and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 6 M&LBrick work with fly ash brick, straight or curved on plan exc 6 mtrs mean radius and built in cement mortar 1:6 all as specified and directed. 7 M&L 40mm thick DPC in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-0 mixing with liquid water proofing admixture as per manufacturer instructiions including necessary form work (WPA shall be measured & paid seperateley) 8 Supply only Liquid water proofing compound 9 Material & labour 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:6 on fair fair faces of brick wall orconcrete surfaces finished even and fair complete all as specified 10 M&L rendering 15 mm thick in CM 1:4 on brick or concrete surfaces finished even and smooth without using extra cement mixed with WPC complete all as specified and directed. (WPC shall be measured & paid seperateley) 11 Filling of approved earth under floors, spreading, levelling in layers n exc 25cm and well raming including watering all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note : Earth to be obtained from out side MoD Land. 12 M&L for Cement concrete 1:4:8 type D2 using 40mm graded agg 75 mm thick as in sub base of floor etc complete all as specified and directed 13 M&L for doubly charged vitrified ceramic tiles 9- 10mm thick area of each tiles n exc 0.36 sqcm in floors over & including 15mm thick screed bed in CM 1:4, set & jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed with white or coloured cement to match complete 14 M&L for Vitrified ceramic tiles 9- 10mm thick area of each tiles n exc 0.36 sqcm in wall/skirting over & including 15mm thick screed bed in CM 1:4, set & jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed with white or coloured cement to match complete. 15 Material and labour forreinforcementcement concrete design mix M-25 (20mm graded aggregates)for slabs supported on wall/coloumn etc complete all as specified and directed. 16 Use and waste of formwork to soffit of suspended slabs such as roof slab etc for rough finished surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L rendering 5 mm thick in CM 1:4 on brick or concrete surfaces on ceiling finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed 18 S&F tubes medium grade galvanised with all fittings & fixed complete to walls & ceiling or laid in floors 15mm bore etc complete all as specified and directed 19 Description all as per ser item No.18 above but 25mm bore 20 S&F vitreous china wash hand basin, white, flat back, size 550x400 mm incl chain and plug and porcelain stopper, brackets, waste pipe incl cutting for and pinning in ends of brackets or erecting stand including dismantling 21 M&L for preparation of new or previously untreated steel surfaces over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamel (ordinary tint) paints over a coat of red oxide priming paint complete all as specified and directed. 22 Material and labour for reinforcementcement concrete design mix M-25 (20mm graded aggregates)for Foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams, plinth beams, bases for columns, etc; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass conbcrete etc complete all as specified and directed 23 Material and labour for reinforcementcement concrete design mix M-25 (20mm graded aggregates)for column, pillars, piers, post and struts etc complete all as specified and directed 24 Material and labour forreinforcementcement concrete design mix M-25 (20mm graded aggregates)for Beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels over 1.5m span etc complete all as specified and directed 25 Material and labour for reinforcementcement concrete design mix M-25 (20mm graded aggregates)for Chajjas complete all as specified and directed 26 Use and waste of formwork to side of concrete foundation, footing, base of column, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams, and similar works vertical or to batter etc for rough finished surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. 27 Use and waste of formwork to side of pillars, post, struts, piers, columns and stanchionsetc for rough finished surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. 28 Use and waste of formwork to side of RCC/PCC bands in walls etcfor rough finished surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. 29 M&L TMT Bars 10mm dia and over cut to length bent to shape required inculding cranking bending spirally hooping for columns etc and binding with MS wire ennealed less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clip complete all as specified and directed. 30 Description all as per ser item No 29 above but 5 mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia as in stirrups spacers and binders etc. 31 M&L 75mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 as in plinth protection, path etc finished the surface even & fair complete all as specified 32 Materials & labour for prepration of newely plasteredsurfaces of wall and applyingtwo coat of Oil Bound distemper on walls, white or tinned over a coat of chalk whiting over 1.0mm oil putty complete all as specified & directed. 33 Preparation of newly plaster surface of wall and applying two coats of cement base paint over one coat of primer complete all as specified. 34 M&L Broken bricks hardcore of gauge 63mm deposited spread and levelled in layers n exc 15 cm thick watered and rammed to a true surfacecomplete all as specified 35 Supply & fix 3mm thick sheet glass, ordinary quality glazing with oil putty of make Shalimar Hardware or fixed with wooden beads or in steel windows in square n.exc. 0.50sqm each pane. 36 Supply & fix mild steel framed work such as grills, grating etc with end of bars shouldered and/ or riveted forged into spikes, framed guard bars, railings and similar work complete conforming to Fe-410-0 or Fe-310-0. 37 S&F rolled MS framed work as in doors or gate of angle or other section with gusset plate, rail, brases etc ornamental and intricate design including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fitting to be prepared for hanging and also fastening conforming to Fe 410-0 or 310-o complete all as specified and directed 38 S&F mild steel plain black sheet 0.80 mm th.in steel gate and similar work,cut to size hole punched including round headed screw/weldedwith steel framing with 40mm lap joint with reveted or welded seams including bending or turning up ,mitred angles etc as required complete all as specified and directed. 39 M & L Sand filling under floors including watering and consolidation 40 M&L Machine pressed precast concrete coloured Inter locking paver block of any shape and size conforming to IS 15658-2006 of 60mm thickness, M-35 grade with grey cement and pigment over sand cushion & laid over sub base all as specified and directed. 41 M&L PCC 1:3:6 type C1 using 20 mm grade stone aggregate as in benching, coping,kerbs etc 42 S&Fanodised aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing etc complete all as specified 43 S&Fanodised aluminium door shutters, aluminium shutters, aluminium section weighing 0.55 Kg/m including necessary joining joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber neoprene packing, handles 2 Nos in each door, anodised alumnium snap beading, screws etc. complete all as specified 44 S&F anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, fixed type without sash bar, aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised alumnium snap beading, screws etc. complete all as specified 45 M&L for Anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, side hung type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodised aluminium fittings such as peg stays 150mm long (1 no.). hinges type B-21 100mm long (2 no.) suitable handle (1 no.) completeallasspecified 46 M&L 18 to 20mm thick Granite slab (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of graniteincluding circular cutting,chamfering of edges as required. 47 M/L screed bed or bedding layer of mortar 20 mm thick for layinng floor finishes in CM 1:4 for fixing tiles/stone. 48 M&L brushing neat cement slurry (3 kg of cement per Sqm) mixed with chemical compound in the proportion, chemical compound SUPER LATEX of DR FIXIT OF PIDILITE INDUSTRIES LTD. Water & cement (1:4:7 or SBR LATEX of STP LTD or equivalent of Sika as per manufacture instructions for bonding of old concrete surface to new concrete all as specified & directed complete. (Note : WPC will be measured and paid separately) 49 M&L rendering 10 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on concrete/ brick surfaces with liquid water proofing compound @ 200 ml/50 kg per bag cement or as per manufacturer instruction finished even and smooth without using extra cement over roof/ sunken slab/ wall complete all as specified and directed. Note: Water proofing liquid will be measured and paid separately. 50 M&L for water proofing treatement on inaccessible roof surface Horizontal & vertical surfaces) in following sequence through manufacturer/ authorzed applicator of the manufacturer all as specified and directed complete:-(a)Property cleaning and drying concrete surfaces.(b) Applying a coat of oxidized bitumen based solvent primer @ 0.4 kg/Sqm(c) Applying evenly tack coat of industrial 85/25 grade @ 1.2 kg/Sqm.(d) Laying unrolled over the bitumen coated surface, APP modified water proofing membrance wt not less than 3.6 kg/Sqm with 100mm overlaps shall be sealed by flame as per manufactures instructions. 51 M& L for coat of binuminous aluminum paint @ 100 gm/ Sqm over APP membrane complete all as directed 52 M & L for Point wiring using approved colour coding as per IS, with multistranded copper conductor1.5 Sq. mm (nominal area), two single core, PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS cable 1100 volts gradeISI-694 marked drawn through in and including heavy duty, PVC concealed conduit of white/ ivory colour including all accessories after chasing in wall/ceiling etc, heavy duty ISI marked, with GI sunken boxes 1.2 mm thick, 60 mm deep with earth dolly duly, covered with modular white cover plate with frame suitable for modular switches,including PVC insulated multistranded copper conductor 1.5 Sqmm (nominal area) single core FRLS cable as earth continuity conductor to common earth and connecting to earth dolly all as specified and directed for the following :-(Note- Modular cover plate of any module with all fittings are included in point wiring.) Contractor should make good even distributed wall/surface as before. 53 One light point controlled by one, one way switch 5 Amps 54 One fan point/ exhaust fan point controlled by one, one way switch 5 Amps and regulator 55 One 3 pin 5 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on independent boad. 56 One 3 point 5 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on the same board. 57 Description all as per item No 50 here in before butusing 2.5 sq mm single core copper conductor FRLS cable of multistranded PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade for 5/15 amps switch socket cobmination point including necessary running of2.5 sq mm PVC insulated copper conductor FRLS cable as earth continuity conductor along with wiring and connecting to the common eath dolly. 58 S & F for Modular Switch piano flushtype, single pole, one way, and 5/6 Amp single module complete all as specified. 59 S & F for Modular Switch piano flush type, single pole, one way, and 15/16 Amp single module complete all as specified. 60 S & F for Modular Socket outlet multipurpose having provision for 3 pin, 5/6 Amp and 2 pin, 5/6 Amp, 2 module piano flush type complete all as specified. 61 S & F for Modular Socket outlet multipurpose having provision for 3 pin, 15/16 Amp and 3 pin, 5/6 Amp, 2 module piano flush type complete all as specified. 62 S & Ffor modular step type fan regulator 120 watt 2 module suitable for 230 volt 50 Hz AC supply complete all as specified and as directed. 63 S & F for Ceiling rose, surface Bakelite suitable ISImarked for batten fitting complete all as specified 64 M & L for Sub main wiring with approved colour coding as per IS with two single core PVC insulated FRLS cable with stranded copper conductor of size 4.0 Sqmm nominal area and drawing intoPVC non metallic rigid heavy duty PVC conduit of white/ ivory colour and its accessaries ISI marked heavy duty of suitable size concealed in wall etcincluding one run ofPVC insulated 2.5 Sqmm (nominal area) stranded copper conductor FRLS cable as earth wire complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Two runs of 4.0 sqmm cable,one run of 2.5 sqmm cable and one run of PVC casing caping will be measured as one unit 65 S & F for sheet metal enclosure MCBDBSPN8 way with 200 Amps rated bus bar 240 volts double door with magnitic locking system including necessary provision for inserting the DBs in wall by cutting the brick/stone masonary etc and making good of distrubed surface to match with existing colour of wall complete all as specified and as directed. 66 S & F for wall mounted LED tube light fitting 20 watts batten for surface mounted, anodized extruded aluminium housing, high transmissitivity diffuser, high lumen ouputboxtype fitting, 230 volts and intregrated electronic driverconnector block etc complete with all accessories internally pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements, provision of new 3 core multistrandedcopper conductor of size 23/0.193 from ceiling rose to fitting complete all as specified and as directed. Make :-Bajaj, Philips, Havells. 67 S & F for MCB Single pole and neutral rated capacity 40-63 Amps, 240 volts breaking capacity 10 KA including removal of old unserviceable one complete all as specified and as directed. 68 S & F for MCB Single pole rated capacity 40 Amps, 240 volts breaking capacity 10 KA including removal of old unserviceable one complete all as specified and as directed. 69 S & Ffor MCB Single pole rated capacity 5 to 32 Amps, 240 volts breaking capacity 10 KA including removal of old unserviceable onecomplete all as specified and as directed. 70 Supply and fixing ceiling fans complete with blades, down rods, electronic regulator and accessories, 230 V, 1200 mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00 BEE. Five star rated with brushless direct current motor (BLDC) complete all as specifeid and directed 71 M & L for earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground vertically (earth pit not less than 2.25m deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.50 mtr deep below normal ground level, connecting to GI earth wire 4mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts, and washers of galvanized iron or steel including 15 mm dia. medium grade protection pipe for earth lead complete with charcoal and common salt including watering arrangement with galvanized iron pipe light grade 20 mm dia, PCC Chamber, CI frame and cover, MS funnel with wire mesh all as shown in electrical plate no 3 of SSR part I including excavation and earthwork in any type ofsoil/strata and testing on completion. Note:- GI earth wire 4 mm dia and 15 mm dia protection pipe upto 7.5 mtr from earth plate is deemed to be included in rate quoted. 72 S & F forEnergy saving new generation 10 watts LED bulk head fitting IP 65 luminaire with opel diffuser pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements , provision of new 3 core multistrandedcopper conductor of size 23/0.193 from ceiling rose to fitting including LED bulb complete all as specified and as directed. Make :-Bajaj , Philips, Havells. 73 S & F Energy saving new generation environmental friendly long life versatile presure die cast aluminium IP 66 building security light fitting luminaire with high power LEDs as light source and electronic driver of capacity 45 watts with pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements, provision of new 3 core multistrandedcopper conductor of size 23/0.193 from ceiling rose to fitting and GI pipe bracket made out of GI pipe medium grade required dia 1.5 mtr long bend to required shape complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Make-Bajaj, Havells, Philips 74 Supply and fix XLPE insulated , armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, cross-sectional area 16 Sq mm 2 core complete all as specified and directed. 75 Spreading ribbed soil in trenches as in cable cushioning all as per IS 1255-1983and as directed. Note :- Excavated approved soil shall be ribbed by using sieve to separate composite particles etc as per IS and refiiling in trenches before laying of cable 8 CM and 15 CM after laying of cable. This is than gently punned down to a depth of 10 cm above the top of upper most cable(ii) For the purpose of measurement only punned thickness only will be considered for paymet. 76 S&F for old size brick well burnt, laid flat, for cable protection complete all as specified and directed. 77 Supply & lay GI tubing light grade 40 mm bore in protection of cable at road at road crossing/hard standing/pole protection fixed with clamps as per site requirement etc of following size complete all as specified and directed. 78 Supply and laying for galvanised iron tubing medium grade with and including all fittings such as bends, elbows, tees, short pieces, union etc in trenches complete all as specified and as directed offollowing sizes. All GI fittings like union, socket, elbow, reducer, tee, bend, etc of any size required for laying and fixing the GI pipe are deemed to be included in the rate quoted. 79 20 mm dia 80 25 mm dia 81 40 mm dia 82 S & F gun metal gate valvewith iron wheel head screwed both ends ISI markedfixed to GI pipe complete all as specified and as directedoffollowing sizes :- 83 20 mm dia. 84 25 mm dia. 85 40mm dia

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 27-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 04-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 60000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 29.96 Lakhs /-
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