Tender For Special Repair To Bldg No P-188 (Qtr Gd) Of Inf Bn-I At Mil Stn Abohar.; 1 Demolition of cement concrete (un-reinforced) in floors / pavings, (below or above ground level) and of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for all as specified. 2 Material & labour for 75mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in hard standing ,plinth protection/path etc,laid in suitable panels not exceeding 3.00 m length finished even and smooth without using extra cement with contraction(Dummy)joints 65mm deepx10mm wide Joints filledwithbituminous sealing compound of grade ‘A’/bitumen mastic filler/sealant complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 3 Dismantling brick tiles in floor or in roofs laid dry and pointed in cement mortar all as specified. 4 M & L for 40mm thick cement concrete type B0 1:2:4 (12.5mm graded aggregate) as in, surface finished even and smooth without using extra cement . 5 Material and labour for Preparing surface of top roof slab including sides of parapits and cleaned of all foreign materials such as fungues, moss, dust, loose particle etc by wire brushing, sprinkling water on the surface and ensure water does not stand anywhere. If it is so, the roof surface shall be leveled with cement mortar and after that surface shall be painted with one coat of cold applied bituminous primer @ 0.40 ltr per sqm, applied over primed surface APP based polymeric membrane minimum weighing 3 kg/sqm and minimum 3mm thick reinforced with polyster non woven fabric (wt. not less than 150 gms/sqm) laid on primed surface by forced application, torching with overlaps as recommended by the manufacturer complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6 M&L 40mm thick brick tiles laid/beded including screed bed 15mm thick in cement mortar (1:6) on existing lime concrete sufaces of roof,joints grouted flush in cement mortar (1:3) mixed with liquid WPC @ as per manufacturer instruction per bag of cement of 50kg and including flush pointing as work proceed with same material complete all as specified in clause 11.27.3 of MES Sch Part-I (2009) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 7 M&L 40mm thick brick tiles( old serviceable tiles obtained from demolition/desmantled item shall be reused) laid/beded including screed bed 15mm thick in cement mortar (1:6) on existing lime concrete sufaces of roof,joints grouted flush in cement mortar (1:3) mixed with liquid WPC @ as per manufacturer instruction per bag of cement of 50kg and including flush pointing as work proceed with same material complete all as specified in clause 11.27.3 of MES Sch Part-I (2009) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 8 Dismantlingof reinforced cement concrete (by chisel or mechnical cutter) of any description and in any position as in roofs, floors (other than ground floor), beams, landing, chajjas and similar suspended work. 9 M&L Reinforced cement concrete 1:1 1/2:3 Nominalmix,using 20mm graded stone aggregate in slab supported on walls,beams and columns in floors,roofs,landings,balconiies,deck slabs and in shelves and the like all as specified and directed. (form work & reinforcement measured separately). 10 M & L mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia or over cut to length bent to shape required including cranking, hooking ends and binding with MS wire (annealed) not less than 0.90mm dia all as in column, beam etc . 11 M&L for Form work to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs,floor slabs,landings and similar work not exc.200 mm thick(horizontal or sloping)rough finish surface of concrete flat all as specified and directed. 12 M&L for precast reinforced cement concrete (1:2:4) type B1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in cover slab of drain/manhole set in cm (1:6). ( Note : Cost of Form Work is deemed to be inclusive of unit rate quoted by the contractor & reinforcementshall be measured & paid Separately.) 13 Taking down chowkatsor frame with shutters(without taking off shutters from the frame not exceeding 1.50 sqm each & removing to store all as specified. 14 Taking down chowkatswith shutters(without taking off shutters from the frame exceeding 1.50 sqm each but not exceeding 4 sqm) 15 Taking down steel door shutter only of any description area exceeding 1.0 sqm and not exceeding 3.0 sqm each and refixing in same opening after necessary easing, adjustments, minor repairs, oiling,welding andadjustment etc to remove gap between floor and shuttercomplete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 16 Supply and fixingfactory made pressed steel frames of size 125 x 60mm (thickness of sheet shall be 1.25mm) for doors with one or more rebates including necessary lugs and lock strike plate, etc. , includingbutt hinges suitable Nos as directed for each leaf, complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 17 Supply and fixingfactory made pressed steel frames of size 105 x 60mm (thickness of sheet shall be 1.25mm) for doors with one or more rebates including necessary lugs and lock strike plate, etc. , including butt hinges suitable Nos as directed for each leaf, complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 18 M&L Cement concrete 1:3:6 type C-1 for filling of pressed steel frame and hold fast blocks etc complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 19 S & F Factory made Plain framed, panelled shutter IInd class hardwood rail and style 35 mm thickness (two panel) with lock rail and panel of 9 mm B.W.P. commercial ply or 12 mm veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both faces. The size of rail and stile as per IS : 1003 (Part I), kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 20 S & F Factory made 35mm thick IInd class hard wood glazed and skeleton shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze etc. (without sash bars), edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing glass, etc.; size of members of shutters as specified in SSR Part – I, Section – 8, clause 8.20 (a) ; supplied and fitted to chowkats complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 21 S & F tower bolt 200 mm of aluminum complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 22 S & F door handle D type 150 mm of aluminum complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 23 S & F Aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door bolt 300mm with hasp,staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extrudedsections or cast-aluminium alloy and fixed 24 S&F Floor door stopper of aluminum allow body and tongue, 150mm overall length, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor. 25 S & F mild steel 300mm ordinary rat rail rod pattern spring inluding roller and roller plate complete all as specified. 26 S& FStainless steel curtain rod 25 mm dia , including fancy type brackets and pair of decorated end knobs (finials), stop roller etc.as per site requirement, fixed to wall with fixing accessories,including taking down old existing curtain rods any description complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 27 S&F steel ventlators with top hung shutters including box type hinges, steel peg stay complete 28 S & FSteel windows with side hung shutters including box type hingeswith steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete with glazing bars, dovetailed or welded (Glazed steel window) 29 S &F steel windows with side hung shutters including box type hinges , steel handle with fixing arrangement for wire gauge windows etc complete (wire gauge steel window) 30 Supply only stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.18 mm all as specified. 31 S & F in repair stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.18 mm all as specified. 32 S & F 4 mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality and glazing within square not exceeding 0.50 sqm including aluminium cleat/rubber beading in each pane complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 33 S & F figured glass 4 mm thick pin head type and glazing withnot exceeding 0.50 Sqmincluding aluminium cleat/rubber beading in each pan complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 34 Material and labour for machine cut 16 to 18 mm thick, Kota stone slab (size of slab not less than 500x550mm for flooring and in single piece for treads of staircase), laid over and including 20 mm thick bedding layer in cement mortar (1:6) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of slab including rubbing /grinding (mirror finish) andpolishing by machine, including machine cutting to make it square or rectangular as per site complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 35 Material and labour for machine cut 16-18mm thick, Kota stone slab as in skirting, dado and on pillar, laid over and including 10 mm thick bedding layer in cement mortar (1:3) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of slab including rubbing /grinding (mirror finish ) and polishing by machine, including machine cutting to make it square or rectangularcomplete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 36 Taking down cement or cement lime plaster from brick walls etc including raking out joints, hacking for key scrubbing down with water etc. 37 M & Lfor rendering 15mm thik on fair faces of brick work in cement mortar 1:6 finished even & smooth without using extra cement. 38 M & Lfor rendering 15mm thick on fair faces of brick work in cement mortar 1:4 finished even & smooth without using extra cement. 39 M&L rendering10 mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 on fair faces of concrete surfaces of ceiling finishing even and smooth without using extra cement. 40 M&L Integal water proofing compound 41 M&L for two coat of cement base paint over a coat of alkali resistant cement primeron newly plastered surface including preparation of undecorated surface complete all as specified and as directed 42 M & L Preparation of newly plastered wall surfaces and applying threecoats of white wash including preparation . 43 M&L preparation of newly plastered surfaces of ceiling and applying three coats of white wash on ceiling. 44 M & L one coat of white wash on old decorated plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceiling including preparation of surfaces complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge . 45 M & L one coat of white wash on old decorated plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls including preparation of surfaces all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge . 46 M & L two coats of cement base paint over old surfaces including preparation of surface complete all as specified . 47 M & L Preparation of newly plastered surfaces andapplying two coats of Acrylic distemper over one coat of cement primer including all as specified by mechanical method i.e. spray gun all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 48 M & L Preparation of Old plastered surfaces by removing old treatment andapplying two coats of Acrylic distemperover one coat of cement primer including all as specified by mechanical method i.e. spray gun all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 49 M & L providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint over new steel surfaces and a coat of red oxide primer onincluding preparation of surface of any description not exceeding 10 cm width or girth complete all as specified and directed by Engineer -in -charge. 50 M & L providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint over new wooden surface including preparation of surface withprimer all as specified. 51 M&L for preperationof old steel surface and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed by Engineer -in -charge. 52 M&L for preperationof old wooden surface and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paintcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer -in -charge. 53 Shotcreting 25MM thick in RCC columns, beams and slabs etc in layers with approved design mix (minimum cement content of 350 Kg/Cum on M-25) concrete having the specified minimum characterristic compressive strength (with ordinary protland cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 10 mm maximum size in proportion as per design criteria) including the cost of certering and shuttering at edges and corners etc as directed by Engineer-in-Charge including Chipping of unsound /weak concrete material 25 mmaverage thickness from slabs,beams, columns etc with manual chisel and /or by standred power driven percussion type or of approved make including tapering of all edges, making square shoulders of cavities including cleaning the exposed concrete surface and reinforcement with wire brushes and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry etc. including removal of rust by applying approved rust removal chemical & the coating with Dr Fixit epoxy zinc primer@ 6sqm/ltr at DFT of 100microns as per specifications and disposal of debries for all lead and lifts all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 54 S&FHard drawn steel wire fabric not exc 4Kg/Sqm cut to lengths, bent to shape required and tying with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm in dia supplied and fixed in reinforcemntall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 55 M & L 5mm thick rendering in Cement Mortar 1:3 on fair facesof brick work or concrete surfaces of ceiling finished even and smooth without using extra cementcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge . 56 Dismantling structural steel work including doors,gates but excluding framed truss etc. 57 S & F MS framed work such asframed and hung as MS steel door shutter( including pintle hinges, stops, hand-made sliding bolts),grills,cooler stand ,ladder , grating and sun shed etc., with ends of bars shouldered and / or riveted, or forged into spikes; framed guard bars; barred iron doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings; frame work or water tanks and similar work conforming toFe 410-0 or Fe 310-0 all as specified . 58 Dismantling of floor hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding ( but not backing) and rubbish off the permices. 59 S&F glazed ceramic colouredtiles joint free 350x250x7mm/450x350x7mm square or rectanguleras on walls etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in whiteor coloured cement to match over 10mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 60 M&L Non skid ceramic coloured /printed tiles 7 to 8 mm thick( square /rectangular) area of each tile exc. 0.11 sqm but n. exc, 0.18 sqm in floor and shall be jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in paste pigmented to tile shadeover and incl 15 mm th screed bed in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and directed by Engr in Charge. 61 Ditto all as above item No. 60but as in skirting over 10 mm cement screed bed backing ( 1:3) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 62 M&L cement concrete type B-0, 1:2:4 using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate as in floors 25 mm thick for tilesall as specified.& directed by Engineer -in-charge.. 63 M&L 18-20mm thick granite (of any type ) work (table rubbed and polished )in floor,steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platformsand like in 15mm thick cm (1:4) and pointing with white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite. 64 M&L 16-18 mm Granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) for wall lining (veneering to wall) 12mm thick in cement mortar (1:3) and pointing with white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite. 65 Dismantling water tanks and removing to store ofexc 500 nexc1000 ltr capacity 66 S & F rotational moulded polythene three layered white coloured water storage tank (cylindrical vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position all as specified in SSR part I of capacity 500 Litres all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge . 67 S&F20mm Ball brass valves, high pressure, with polytheene float and flynut complete, screwed for iron pipe orr brass ferrule and fixed. 68 S & F in 20mm bore gunmetal globe or gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed all as specified . 69 S & F in repairs 15 mm bore bib tap fancy type chromium plated with crutch or butterfly handle screwed down ,screwed for iron pipe all as specified. 70 Taking up or down steel tubing of 15 mm bore and connections, including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store 71 Supply & fixing mild steel tubes of size 15mm bore (medium grade) galvanised with all fittings and fixed complete to wallall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 72 Taking up or down steel tubing of 20 mm bore and connections, including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store 73 Fixing onlymild steel tubes of size 20 mm bore (medium grade) galvanised with all fittingsand fixed complete to wallall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 74 Supply & fixing mild steel tubes of size 20 mm bore (medium grade) galvanised with all fittingsand fixed complete to wallall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 75 Dismantling of cast iron pipes jointed in cement mortar and taking out from trenches walls etc upto 100 mm bore all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge . 76 S & F PVC(SWR) 110 mm bore Pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints,laid in trenches or in floorsIS 4985-2000 in pressure rating 6Kgf/sq.cm and complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Chargeall as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. 77 S&F PVC (SWR)branch pieces single /double (equal or unequal) ordinary or inverted with parallel branches 110mm boreIS 4985-2000 in pressure rating 6Kgf/sq.cm and complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge 78 S&F PVC(SWR) bend ( any radius) dimenshing pieces or tappers ( large bore measured) 110mm boreIS 4985-2000 in pressure rating 6Kgf/sq.cm and complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge 79 Demolition of brick work built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars etc . 80 M&L for Brick work using fly ash bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 81 Labour only forBrick work built in CM (1:6) with subclass B bricks, straight or curved on plan exceeding 6m mean radiuswith Reusing the old bricks obtained fromitem no 5 . 82 Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made chamfered edge cement concrete paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour, design & pattern as in footparth, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc.,of required strength, thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, compacting and proper embedding/ laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand and complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 83 Supply,framed and fix Wrought Second class hard-wood in scantlings for rackcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 84 supplied and fixed Welded steel wire fabricnot exc 4Kg/Sqm cut to lengths, bent to shape required, including welded to steel membersall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 85 M&L for taking down carefully point wiring complete including fixture and fittings from boards/outlet boxes, fittings and fixtures such as switches, sockets, ceiling roses, lamp holders, brackets, ceiling fittings, bulk head fittings, tube light fittings and regulators, etc. and making good to disturbed area all as specified 86 M&L for Point wiring complete with ISI marked 1.5 sqmm single core PVC insulated unsheathed cable 1100V grade FRLS with multistranded copper conductor drawn through concealed in wall/ceiling surface and its accessories includingPVC rigid concealed conduit heavy duty suitable size with all accessories such as bend, reducers, MS hooks, MS junction boxes, 2mm thick galvanised steel pressed sunken terminal boxes of suitable sizes for mounting of switchs, sockets, fan regulator etc covered with 3 mm thick plastic laminated Hylem top cover sheet of required color fixed with brass screws and cup washers painting terminal boxes inside and outside with one coat red oxide primer includingfixing and 1.5 sqmm copper conductor as earth continuity to connect common earth dolly completed for the following all as specified 87 (a) All as per item no 86 One light point/Fan point/Exhaust controlled byone way switch 88 (b) All as per item no 86One 5 pin socket out let 5 amps on the same board with other switches 89 (c) All as per item no 86One 5 pin, 5A socket outlet point on independent board with other switches. 90 All as per item no. 86 here-in-before but with 2.5 sqmm cable for 1No 16 amps socket outlet point on independent board including 2.5 sqmm PVC insulated unsheathed cable multistranded with copper conductor green in colour as earth continuity conductor all as specified 91 S&F Piano type switch single pole 1 way 5/6 amps 230 volt AC supply complete all as specified 92 S&F Socket two in one 6/5 Pin 5 Amps230 volt AC supply complete all as specified. 93 S&F Piano type switch single pole 1 way 15/16 amps 230 volt AC supply complete all as specified 94 S&F Socket two in one 6/5 Pin 15/16 Amps230 volt AC supply complete all as specified 95 S&F Ceiling rose surface type, 65mm x 50mm three terminals, 3 phase / PVC / polycarbonate isolated body all as specified 96 S & F Stepped type electronic fan regulator flush type on the existingphenolic laminated sheet etc. as reqd complete all as pecified and directed. 97 S&F Lamp holder, PVC/Polycarbonate type with back plate suitable for batten fittings with LED bulb 09 watt complete all as specified 98 Supply and fixing LED lights fitting 20 W, 220V, AC decorative box type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete. 99 Supply and fixing LED street light fitting 35 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete withIP 65/66 protection complete. 100 S&F sheet metal enclosure for VTPN DBs 415 volts 04 way with 200 amps rated bus bar neautral link, earth bar double door with MCB TPN as incomer complete all as specified 101 S&F sheet metal enclosure for DBs SPN 230 volts 12 way with 200 amps rated bus bar neautral link, earth bar double door complete all as specified 102 Supply and fixing 415V 16 KA 415 volts MCCB of cap 100 amps following poles and current carrying capacity in the DB complete with connection testing and commissioning. 103 Supply and fixing 415V 10KA B curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of cap 40 to 63 amps single poles and current carrying capacity in the DB complete with connection testing and commissioning. 104 Supply and fixing 240V, 10 KA B curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of single poles and current carrying capacity 5 to 32 AMP, in the MCB DB Complete with connection testing and commissioning complete all as specified 105 Supply and fixing amp rating 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of SPN 40 to 63 AMP and current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete with connection testing and commissioning complete all as specified 106 M&L forsubmain wiring comprising single core , 2 Runs of 2.5 sqmm nominal cross sectional areamulti stranded copper conductor cable, PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 Volts gradedrawing in and including appropriate dia. in surface/recessed PVC conduit and its fittings completeincluding provision of 1X2.5 sqmm nominal cross sectional areamulti stranded copper conductor cable, PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 Volts grade as earthwire and using color code as per IS and specified and making good all disturbed work to match the existing complete incl taking down old UNSV sub main complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge.( Note :- Extra length of cables/ wire required for connection to MCBs shall not be measured and the rate quoted by contractor for per unit shall be deemed accordingly) 107 All as per item no. 23 but for single core , 2 Runs of 4.0 sqmm nominal cross sectional area including provision of 1X4.0 sqmm nominal cross sectional area complete all as specified. 108 Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode of size 60 cm X 60 cm X 6 mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 m below normal GL connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washersand earth strip protected by 15 mm dia GI pipe medium grade and connected to main distribution board panel/earthing test point all as shown on electrical plate No.3 of SSR Part I and all as specified including testing on completionincluding taking down old Unserviceable earthing any type all as specified 109 Supply and fix exhaust fan, steel body AC single Phase. 230V of size 380mm sweep with, blades, and frame and louvers complete all as specified and directed. 110 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 35 sq mm 3.5 core complete all as specified and directed. 111 Excavation in trenches any type of soil , n exc 1.5m wide and n exc 1.5m in depth , for foundation, etc or for shaft, well, cesspits , manholes , pier hole etc n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out for laying of cable complete all as specificed and directed. 112 Returning , filling in including, spreading , levelling , wateringand well reamming in layers not exc. 25 cm within the 1 mtr strech complete all as specificed and directed. 113 M & L for sand cushioning with dry coarse sand to under ground cable 23 cmthick, 8 cm thick below the cable and 15 cm thick after laying the cable complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note : Thickness after punning shall be considered for payment. 114 Removal of excavated material to a distance not exc 50 mtr and depositing where directed at level not exc 1.5 mtr above the starting point complete all asspecified and directed.by Engr-in-charge 115 Supplying and laying reinforced precast concrete cable cover Class LV, Type I, flat, size 250mm x 150mm x 40mm complete all as specified and directed.