
Construction Of New Ht/Lt Line And 11/0.4 Lt Sub Station For Releasing New Connection/ Load Extension To Consumer Under The Deposit Scheme In The Area Of Eudd Thakurganj Lesa Central Zone, Lucknow, thakurganj-Uttar Pradesh

Madhyanchal Vidut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Construction Of New Ht/Lt Line And 11/0.4 Lt Sub Station For Releasing New Connection/ Load Extension To Consumer Under The Deposit Scheme In The Area Of Eudd Thakurganj Lesa Central Zone, Lucknow. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-10-2024. Civil Work Tenders in thakurganj Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Construction Of New Ht/Lt Line And 11/0.4 Lt Sub Station For Releasing New Connection/ Load Extension To Consumer Under The Deposit Scheme In The Area Of Eudd Thakurganj Lesa Central Zone, Lucknow
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Construction of New HT/LT Line and 11/0.4 LT Sub Station for releasing new connection/ Load Extension to Consumer under the deposit scheme in the area of EUDD Thakurganj LESA Central Zone, Lucknow- 1 Safe carriage, loading-unloading with proper stacking of following materialfrom ESC-Daliganjto Work Site/JE -Dump Store 2 ABC Cable 3x95/32x120 3 9/11 Meter Long S.T. Pole 4 11 KV XLPE Cable 3x70/120/185Sq.mm 5 11 KV meter Cubicle 6 11 KV CT & PT Unit 7 Transformer 25/63/100 KVA 8 Transformer 250/400 KVA 9 Cable Jointing kit O/D & I/D & Straight Through 3x70/120/185/300 Sq.mm 10 PCC Pole 8.5 mtr long 11 LT Cable 3.5x240/400 12 Erection, Grouting, plinting of STP 9.0 mtr long including mounting of clamp and connector for standing and sagging of ABC (Only pole will be provided by the department). 13 Fabrication erection of substation type Double pole structure on 9/11 Mtr long ST pole including mounting of one no. top channel of size 100x50 mm 2.25m, two nos. dropper angle with clams and nut bolts, with fixing of necessary clamps, accessories required, grouting in 1:4:8 cement sand, brick ballast and making of plinth 300mm above ground level. The pole will be planted on the stone pad of size 300x300x7.5 mm ST pole shall be supplied by the deptt. 14 Earthing of poles as per RESPO norms with earth rod. (All the materials supplied by contractor) 15 Stringing & sagging of AB Conductor of size 3x95/3x120 ( All the materials supplied by contractor except AB Conductor) 16 Fixing of 3 phase distribution Box as per norms (All the material will be supplied by the contractor excpt. D.P. Box) 17 Mounting & commissioning of 25/63/100 KVA transformer as per RESPO Norms along with all accessories.(Except T/F all the materials will be supplied by the contractor). 18 Installation, commissioning of 250/400 KVA Transformer including its connection in between 11 kV lineand LT line mounting of copper L-Pieces 300X65X6 mm, Providing Aluminum Crimping lugs of size 400 Sq. mm. (All the material except transformer will be provided by the contractor. 19 Laying of 11 kV 3x70/120/185 Sq. mm double circuit in normal soil by digging of trench of size 900 mm deep 500 mm wide.The cable will be laid in between two rows of first class bricks after spreading 3” local sand at the bottom of the trench and packing of cable with local sand from each side and covered with bricks (Only cable will be provided by the department). 20 Laying of 11 kV 3x70/120/185 Sq. mm Single circuit in normal soil by digging of trench of size 900 mm deep 500 mm wide.The cable will be laid in between two rows of first class bricks after spreading 3” local sand at the bottom of the trench and packing of cable with local sand from each side and covered with bricks (Only cable will be provided by the department). 21 Hoisting of 11 KV 3x70/120/185 Sq. Mm XLPE cable on existing pole. Cable will be passed through M.S Pipe of required size duly clamped with pole at the bottom, middle and top of the pole.(All the materials will be arranged by the contractor). 22 Chemical Earthing system with outer pipe diameter 50mm, inner Strip 40x6, length 3000 mm. galvanization up to 200 micro, earthing pipe with crystalline conductive mixture filled inside the pipe with anti-corrosion & high conductive along with 50 Kg (As per required) of BFC which should be capable to reducing the soil resistively with good moisture retaining capacity.(Specification of chemical earthing and drawing is hereby enclosed). All material shall by supply by the contractor. 23 Installation and commissioning of CT/PT Metering unit including its connection in between TVM Meter and CT/PT Unit with required size of copper cable. Cable will be arranged by the contractor as his own cost. 24 Disconnection & Reconnection of consumers service connections 25 Fabrications & erection of metering cubicle. 26 Construction of plinth suitable of 250/400 KVA T/F including excavation of foundation base concreting of CC 1:6:12 (cement, fine sand & Brick Ballast) Fist class brick work in cement motor of ratio 1:4 foundation CC in 1:4:8 Ratio (Cement fine sand & brick Ballast) and CC work with ratio 1:2:4 cement coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm Gauge as per RESPO Norms. 27 Construction of retaining wall, fabrication & erection of Wiremesh fencing of size 5+3 & 2.0M height around Transformer and Distribution Pillar Box with retaining wall & 1 no. gate with locking arrangement made of MS Angle iron of size 50x50x6 mm jointed with nuts and bolts. The panel must be supported with MS Flat of size 50x6 mm.Wiremesh of size 10 SWG rectangle type, its painting as per norms of RESSPO.(All the material will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost). 28 Construction of massonary type Distribution Pillar box with first class brick ballast cement, coarse sand, local sand, brick ballast and MS Round bar of 10 mm dia including supply and mounting of 02 nos.Straight MS Angle 50X50X6X750 mm-2 nos, Henely type tailless fuse units 500 Amps. 650 Volts one no. for incoming and other for outgoing, Copper bus bar 1000X50X6 mm with locking arrangement made of 18 SWG BP Sheet (All the material will be arranged by the contractor). 29 High Pressure testing of 11 KV 3x70/120/185 sqmm. XLPE cable with DC voltage at 18 KV with hold up to 5 minutes.(All the material will be arranged by the contractor). 30 Providing earthing strip size 50x6mm and connecting from earthing pipe/m.s. earting rod to fuse unit/transformer body/neutral earthing (Earthing rod & earthing strip arranged by contractor). 31 Hoisting, winding and jumpering of LT cable size 1x400/240 & 3.5x240/400 sq mmbetween LT distribution box/fuse unit & constructed overhead line with proper lugging and clamping

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INR 3540 /-
INR 25000.0 /-
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