
Tender For The Remaining Work (Development Work And Electrification Work) Of Sanskriti School Under Construction Under Cg City Scheme, 1 Road Work 2 Preparation And Consolidation Of Sub Grade With Power Road Roller Of 8 To 12 Tonne Capacity After Exca, lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow Development Authority has published Tender For The Remaining Work (Development Work And Electrification Work) Of Sanskriti School Under Construction Under Cg City Scheme, 1 Road Work 2 Preparation And Consolidation Of Sub Grade With Power Road Roller Of 8 To 12 Tonne Capacity After Exca. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-11-2024. Building Work Tenders in lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For The Remaining Work (Development Work And Electrification Work) Of Sanskriti School Under Construction Under Cg City Scheme, 1 Road Work 2 Preparation And Consolidation Of Sub Grade With Power Road Roller Of 8 To 12 Tonne Capacity After Exca
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender for the remaining work (development work and electrification work) of Sanskriti School under construction under CG City Scheme, 1 ROAD WORK 2 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50 metres. DSR 16.1 3 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Materialspreading in uniform layer with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401. PWD SOR 4 Providing and laying design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade, inroads/ taxi tracks/ runways, using cement content as per designmix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40 mm nominalsize in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified designcriteria, providing dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars wherever required,laying at site, spreading and compacting mechanically by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope/ camber, finishing with required texture, including steel form work with sturdyM.S. channel sections, curing, making provision for contraction/expansion, construction & longitudinal joints ( 10 mm wide x 50 mmdeep) by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints withapproved joint filler and sealants, complete all as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge (Item of joint fillers, sealants, dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars to be paid separately). Cement content in M-30 is @ 340 Kg/Cum. Excess/Less cement Used as per design mix is separately.DSR 16.43.2 5 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler in expansion joints.DSR 16.45 6 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C.work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level PWD SOR 504 7 PARKING 8 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50 metres.DSR 16.1 9 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Materialspreading in uniform layer with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401. PWD 10 Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks In foot path, park & lawns driveway or light & traffic parking etc. of required strength, thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of course sand, compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand, all complete as per manufacturers specifications & direction of Engineerin-Charge. 80mm thick Cement concrete paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour, design & pattern. DSR 16.91.2 11 Providing, laying and making kerb channel 30 cm wide and 50 mm thick with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including finishing the top smooth etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. DSR 16.63 12 Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarsesand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including making drainage opening wherever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for payment. (Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge). DSR 16.69 13 DRAIN 14 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.All kinds of soil.DSR 2.8.1 15 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)DSR 4.1.8 16 Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in- considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum.“Excess/ less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately). All works upto plinth level DSR 5.33.1 17 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C.work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level PWD 504 18 12 mm cement plaster finished with a floating coat of neat cement of mix : 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) DSR 13.7.1 19 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works DSR 10.25.2 20 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work DSR 13.61.1 21 Providing and fixing factory made precast RCC perforated drain covers, having concrete of strength not less than M-25, of size 1000 x 450x50 mm, reinforced with 8 mm dia four nos longitudinal & 9 nos cross sectional T.M.T. hoop bars, including providing 50 mm dia perforations @ 100 to 125 mm c/c, including providing edge binding with M.S. flats of size 50 mm x 1.6 mm complete, all as per direction of Engineerin-charge.DSR 23.9 22 COLUMN UPTO 10 FT 23 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts DSR 5.9.6. 24 Providing and laying in position ready mixed M-25 grade concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for reinforced cement concrete work,including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying , excluding the cost of centering, shuttering finishing and reinforcement, including cost of admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete,improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately) All works upto plinth level DSR 5.37.1 25 Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the basement, water tanks, roof slabs, podiums, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels/ subway and bridge deck etc., prepared by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal surfaces and applying the same from negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic fiber brush. The material shall meet the requirements as specified in ACI- 212-3R-2010 i.e by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side. The crystalline slurry shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guaranteed for 10 years against any leakage. For vertical surface two coats @0.70 kg per sqm per coat DSR 22.23.1 26 RETAINING WALL 27 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.All kinds of soil. DSR 2.8.1 28 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 29 Supplying chemical emulsion in sealed containers including delivery as specified. Chlorpyriphos emulsifiable concentrate of 20% DSR 2.34 30 Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for POST-CONSTRUCTIONAL anti-termite treatment (excluding the cost of chemical emulsion) : Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration DSR 31 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III): 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). DSR4.1.6 32 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete DSR 5.9.1 33 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. DSR 5.9.2 34 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts DSR 5.9.6 35 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.All works upto plinth level Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum DSR 5.37.1 36 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C.work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level 37 Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the basement, water tanks, roof slabs, podiums, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels/ subway and bridge deck etc., prepared by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal surfaces and applying the same from negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic fiber brush. The material shall meet the requirements as specified in ACI- 212-3R-2010 i.e by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side.The crystalline slurry shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guaranteed for 10 years against any leakage. For vertical surface two coats @0.70 kg per sqm per coat DSR 22.23.1 38 Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the basement, water tanks, roof slabs, podiums, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels/ subway and bridge deck etc., prepared by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal surfaces and applying the same from negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic fiber brush. The material shall meet the requirements as specified in ACI- 212-3R-2010 i.e by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side.The crystalline slurry shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guaranteed for 10 years against any leakage. For horizontal surface one coat @1.10 kg per sqm DSR 22.23.2 39 Providing and laying integral cement based treatment for water proofing on horizontal surface at all depth below ground level for under ground structures as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and consisting of : Ist layer of 22 mm to 25 mm thick approved and specified rough stone slab over a 25 mm thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 in the recommended proportion over the leveling course (leveling course to be paid separately). Joints sealed and grouted with cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound. 2nd layer of 25 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound in recommended proportions. Finishing top with stone aggregate of 10 mm to 12 mm nominal size spreading @ 8 cudm/sqm thoroughly embedded in the 2nd layer. Using rough kota stone. DSR 22.1.1 40 Providing and laying integral cement based treatment for water proofing on the vertical surface by fixing specified stone slab 22 mm to 25 mm thick with cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 in recommended proportions with a gap of 20 mm (minimum) between stone slabs and the receiving surfaces and filling the gaps with neat cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound and finishing the exterior of stone slab with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 20 mm thick with neat cement punning mixed with water proofing compound in recommended proportion complete at all levels and as directed by Engineer-in-charge : Using rough Kota stone DSR 22.2.1 41 SKYLIGHT & BRICK WORKS 42 Providing & fixing of roof with multilayer standing seam polycarbonate panel system of 18mm thickness (min) including all standard fixing accessories on top of the supporting structure (paid extra) complete & as per the direction of the engineer in charge. The panels should work on angular daylighting concept with translucent and opaque combination of louvers inside, for better thermal insulations and diffusion of light especially with white and clear combination designed for tropical regions & shading throughout the day for better ambient temperature below the roof. Panels shall have minimum seven layers with all fixing accessories to ensure best performance for wind uplift, vibration, oil canning and visual appearance. The entire panel system shall be with a width from min 1200mm. Bigger width and minimal junctions should be preferred for better performance. Panels shall be manufactured with vertical offset standing seam at both sides of the panel. Panels have to be fixed on purlin with snap on connectors with grip lock double tooth locking mechanism and will be secured on MS Structure/ purlins (will be paid separately) with HDSS Fastener and double tooth polycarbonate connector for best stability and having a pull-out load of min 7000N (7KN) tested as per ISO 6892:1998 and IS 1608:2005. Panels cell structure be in truss bridge design or commonly called X structure for better strength and stability. Panels must satisfy Dart drop impact test as per IS 14443-97 shall show no sign of breakage on polycarbonate panel which have been exposed to UV for a min. of 500 hours as per ASTM G155. Panels shall not have yellowness Index as per ATSMD 1925 of 15 units when tested on a sample exposed to UV for 500 hours as per ASTM G 155. U value shall not be more than 2.0W/m2K as per EN ISO 10077-2:2018. Panel shall be with additional End cp/ Aluminium U/F profile/ Glazing Bar (all mill finish) for ends as required. Trained and factory authorized layout with supervision to complete the entire panel installation as per drawing & direction of the engineering in charge.Colour: as per approval. 43 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 44 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) DSR 6.4.2 45 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) DSR 13.4.2 46 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) DSR 13.5.2 47 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 48 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) DSR 13.46.1 49 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture DSR 13.62.1 50 CHAIN LINK FENCING 51 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.All kinds of soil. DSR 2.8.1 52 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 53 Supplying chemical emulsion in sealed containers including delivery as specified. Chlorpyriphos emulsifiable concentrate of 20% DSR 2.34 54 Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for POST-CONSTRUCTIONAL anti-termite treatment (excluding the cost of chemical emulsion) : Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration DSR 55 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) DSR 4.1 56 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete DSR 5.9.1 57 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts DSR 5.9.6 58 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete. Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement. All works upto plinth level Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum DSR 5.37.1 59 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C.work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level 60 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 50x50 mm including strengthening with 2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and washers as required complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Made of G.I. wire of dia. 4 mm, PVC coated to achieve outer dia not less than 5 mm in required colour and shade DSR 16.70.2 61 Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel rimer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete. Hot finished seamless type tubes DSR 10.16 62 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture DSR 13.62.1 63 M.S. GRILL WORKS 64 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding DSR 9.48.1 65 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of 40x40x6 mm angle iron and 3 mm M.S. gusset plates at the junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete, including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer. Using flats 30x6mm for diagonal braces and central cross piece DSR 10.5.2 66 Providing and fixing angle iron frames for doors, windows and ventilators of mild steel Angle sections of size 35x35x5 mm, joints mitred and welded by angle iron 35x35x5 mm or 35x 5 mm flat pieces to the existing T-iron frame or to the wall with dash fastener, including fixing of necessary butt hinges and screws and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, all complete as per the direction of Engineer-In-charge. 67 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works DSR 10.25 68 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture DSR 13.62.1 69 BASEMENT WORK 70 Excavating, supplying and filling of local earth (including royalty) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 6 km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete. 71 Supplying chemical emulsion in sealed containers including delivery as specified. Chlorpyriphos emulsifiable concentrate of 20% DSR 2.34 72 Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for POST-CONSTRUCTIONAL anti-termite treatment (excluding the cost of chemical emulsion) : Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration DSR 73 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand (zone-III): 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). DSR 4.1.10 74 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 25 mm thick DSR 11.26.1 75 Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. 76 BASKETBALL COURT 77 Concrete Base:-Providing and laying of 75 mm thick PCC, 75mm RCC with 6mm bar, spacing 300 C/C as per slope & level specified by concern federation . 78 Synthetic Specification: -Providing and laying of ITF Classified material. 8 layers System Synthetic Acrylic for Synthetic Basketball Court:-(1 layer) Conrete Primer(2 layer) Resurfacer(3 layer) Cushion Rubber(4 layer) Top CoatWhite Line Marking as per standard 79 Basketball pole fix type 6” round pipe , Projection 2*20 Acrylic board 20mm Malaysia with dunking ring (3 spring) 80 Providing and fixing chain link fencing made with vertical pipe of 50 mm & horizontal 40 mm OD MS pipe frame size of 3 m x 3 m with 2”x2” of 10 SWG hot dip galvanized chain link fencing fixed with nut bolt/wire for ms flat patti and complete with all T&P. 81 Providing and fixing of lighting as per details. Nos of pole-4 nos with 20 ft light, Metel halide light 400 wt on each pole. No of MCB-05 ,cable, junction box with complete fit. 82 SPORTS FACILITIES 83 LAWN TENNIS COURT 84 Concrete Base:-Providing and laying of 75 mm thick PCC, 75mm RCC with 6mm bar, spacing 300 C/C as per slope & level specified by concern federation . 85 Synthetic Specification: -Providing and laying of ITF Classified imported material (AcryCoat Made In Europe)8 layers System Synthetic Acrylic for Synthetic Court :-• (1 Layer) Concrete Primer • (2 layers) Acrylic Resurfacer• (3 layers) Cushion • (2 layers) Top Coat•Line Marking 86 Providing and fixing chain link fencing made with vertical pipe of 50 mm & horizontal 40 mm OD MS pipe frame size of 3 m x 3 m with 2”x2” of 10 SWG hot dip galvanized chain link fencing fixed with nut bolt/wire for ms flat patti and complete with all T&P 87 Providing and fixing of lighting as per details. Nos of pole-4 nos with 20 ft light, Metel halide light 400 wt on each pole. No of MCB-05 ,cable, junction box with complete fit. 88 Pole socket type 80*80 mm , thickness (4 mm) with net 89 SKATING RING 90 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50 metres.DSR 16.1 91 Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from batching plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator , vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge. (The panel shuttering work shall be paid for separately). (Note:- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/ recoverableseparately). DSR 16.75 92 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar worksDSR 10.25.2 93 Painting runway/taxi track/apron marking with adequate nos of coats to give uniform finish with road marking paint of superior make as approved by the Engineer-in-charge, i/c cleaning the surface of ail dirt, scales, oil, grease and other foreign mater;al etc. and lining out complete.New work (Two or more coats) DSR 16.47.1 94 HORTRICULTURE AND LANSCAPING 95 Supply and stacking of of good earth at site including royaltyand carriage up to 1 Km DSR 2.2 96 Supply and stacking of sludge at site including royalty and carriage up to 1 Km DSR 2.3 97 Supply and stacking of dump manure from approved source at site including carriage up to 1 Km DSR 2.4.3 98 Rough dressing the trenched ground including breaking of clods DSR 2.5 99 Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after 10 to 15 days of its flooding with water including disposal of uprooted vegetation. DSR 2.6 100 Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after 10 to 15 days of its flooding with water including disposal of uprooted vegetation. DSR 2.7 101 Spreading of sludge, dump manure and or good earth and mixing as per direction of engineer incharge DSR 2.8+2.9 102 Grassing with selection No-1 grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn. free from weeds and fit for moving and disposal of rubbish as directed DSR 2.10.1 103 Half brick circular treeguard in brick 1.25 m internal dia and of ht 1.20 m above ground and 0.20 m below ground..... DSR 2.15 104 Anti termite treatment by digging pits 30 cm deep and 4 cm dia, 6 to 7 holes around the tree using chemical emulsion at the rate of 1.5 liter per hole in two time or more application to get the trees free from termite infection chemicals used Chlorpyriphos 20% EC in the ratio of 1% concentration and as per direction of officer-in-charge. DSR 2.54 105 Anti termite treatment of lawn area through premise 30.50% I P. one liter premise diluted in 499 liters water and applying solution @ 1.00 litre solution per sqm lawn or bed area.(two application) i/c cost of chemical)and as per direction of officer-in-charge.and as per direction of officer-in-charge. DSR 2.56 106 Supply and stacking of Azadirachta indica ( Neem ) plant of height 120- 130cm in big polybag of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge DSR 7.5 107 Supply and stacking of Delonix regia (Gulmohar) plant of height 150-165 cm. in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge DSR 7.24 108 Supply and stacking of Ficus bengalensis (Bargad) plant of height 120-135 cm. in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. DSR 7.28 109 Supply and stacking of Ficus elastica Decora (Rubber plant) plant of height 45-60 cm. in earthen pots of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge.DSR 7.31 110 Supply and stacking of Phoenix sylvestris Roxb. (Wild date palm/khajur) of height 150-165 cm. in Big HDPE Bag as per direction of the officer-incharge DSR 7.63 111 Supply and stacking of Polyalthia longifolia (Ashok) plant of height 180- 195 cm. in gunny bag of size 30 cm as per direction of the officer-incharge. DSR 7.75 112 Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated / supplied earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering of each layer, dressing etc., lead upto 50 meter and lift upto 1.5 m complete as per direction of Officer-in-charge DSR 2.28 113 Providing and laying Neelgiri/Mexican grass turf with earth 50mm to 60mm thickness of existing ground prepared with proper level and ramming with tools wooden (Dhurmos) and than rolling the surface with light roller make the surface smoothen and light waterning with sprinkler and maintenance for 30 days or more till the grass establish properly, as per direction of officer-in-charge DSR 2.33 114 Plumbing Detail 115 SANITARY FIXTURES 116 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device(handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests. DSR 17.1.1 117 Providing and fixing white vitreous china extended wall mounting water closet of size 780x370x690 mm of approved shape including providing & fixing white vitreous china cistern with dual flush fitting, of flushing capacity 3 litre/6 litre (adjustable to 4 litre/8 litres), including seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket etc complete. DSR 17.78 118 Providing and fixing white vitreous china battery based infrared sensor operated urinal of approx. size 610 x 390 x 370 mm having pre & post flushing with water ( 250 ml & 500 ml consumption), having water inlet from back side, including fixing to wall with suitable brackets all as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.. DSR 17.80 119 Providing and fixing 600x450 mm beveled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6 mm thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers complete. DSR 17.31 120 Providing and fixing toilet paper holder : C.P. brass DSR 17.34.1 121 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm dia CP Brass single hole basin mixer of approved quality and make, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required:- (a) White Vitreous China Wash basin size 550x400 mm with a 15 mm CP Brass single holebasinmixer. 122 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS 13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required : Kitchen sink with drain board 510x1040 mm bowl depth 250 mm. DSR 123 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved quality conforming to IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore 15mm nominal bore DSR 18.53.1 124 Providing and fixing brass bib cock of approved quality : 15 mm nominal bore DSR 18.51.1 125 Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality : 15 mm nominal bore DSR 18.16.1 126 Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape 215 mm long, 200 mm wide with a minimum distances of 37 mm from wall face with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour, weighing not less than 88 gms. DSR 17.72 127 Providing and fixing 8 mm dia C.P. / S.S. Jet with flexible tube upto 1 metre long with S.S. triangular plate to Eureopean type W.C. of quality and make as approved by Engineer - in -charge. MR 128 Providing and fixing of SS coat hook complete in all respect as approved by Engineer In Charge MR 129 Bottle trap 31 mm single piece moulded with height of 270 mm, effective length of tail pipe 260 mm from the centre of the waste coupling 77 mm breadth with 25 mm minimum water seal, weighing not less than 260 gms.DSR 17.70.1 130 Providing and fixing of SS grab bar complete in all respect as approved by Engineer In Charge MR 131 Providing and fixing urinal partition chinaware complete in all respect MR 132 Providing and fixing of sink mixer complete in all respect. MR 133 Providing and fixing SS labourtory sink as per detailMR 134 Providing and fixing laboratory sink mixer complete in all respect.MR 135 Providing and fixing drinking water sink complete in all respects MR 136 SOIL , WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM 137 Providing and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes-Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes as perIS:15905 with stainless steel coupling with EPDM rubber complete in all respectincluding all required fittings: 75 mm dia 138 Providing and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes-Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes as perIS:15905 with stainless steel coupling with EPDM rubber complete in all respectincluding all required fittings : 100 mm dia 139 Providing and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes-Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes as perIS:15905 with stainless steel coupling with EPDM rubber complete in all respectincluding all required fittings : 150 mm dia 140 Providing and fixing trap of self cleansing design with screwed down or hinged grating with or without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making good the walls and floors : Hubless : 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet DSR 17.60.1 141 Providing and fixing PTMT grating of approved quality and colour. Circular type. 100 mm nominal dia. DSR 142 Providing and fixing floor clean out plug consist of CI bend & GI socket heavy class with Brass cap & key for opening male threaded cap etc. including lead caulked to CI pipescomplete in all respects as per drawing / sample approved by Engineer -in -ChargeFCO (floor clean out plug shall be flushed with floor finish: 100 mm dia/150 mm dia 143 Water Supply system 144 Inside Toilets 145 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge : External work. DSR 18.9 146 15 mm nominal outer dia. Pipes. 147 20 mm nominal outer dia. Pipes. 148 25 mm nominal outer dia. Pipes. 149 Distribution lines 150 Providing and fixing of GI Pipes medium class IS :1239 including all required fittings etc. DSR 18.12 151 20 mm dia. nominal bore 152 25 mm dia. nominal bore 153 32 mm dia. nominal bore 154 40 mm dia. nominal bore 155 50 mm dia. nominal bore 156 65 mm dia. nominal bore 157 80 mm dia. nominal bore 158 100 mm dia. nominal bore 159 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete :25 to 40 mm nominal bore DSR 18.13.1 160 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete :50 to 80 mm nominal bore DSR 18.13.2 161 Fixing water meter and stop cock in G.I. pipe line including cutting and threading the pipe and making long screws etc. complete (cost of water meter and stop cock to be paid separately). DSR 18.14 162 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 25 mm nominal bore: DSR 18.17 163 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 32 mm nominal bore. DSR 18.17.2 164 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 40 mm nominal bore DSR 18.17.3 165 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 50 mm nominal bore DSR 18.17.4 166 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 65 mm nominal bore DSR 18.17.5 167 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 80 mm nominal bore DSR 18.17.6 168 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete :15 mm nominal bore DSR 18.18.1 169 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete : 20 mm nominal bore DSR 18.18.2 170 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete : 25 mm nominal bore DSR 18.18.3 171 Cutting holes up to 15x15 cm in R.C.C. floors and roofs for passing drain pipe etc. and repairing the hole after insertion of drain pipe etc. with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including finishing complete so as to make it leak proof. 172 Providing and fixing submrsible vertical drainage sump pumps in sumps including all required valve , fittings etc. complete in all respects. Fully auomatic type with level float control.Status (w+s)1 working + 1 stand bysolid hanldling 40 mm size.discharge 5 lps and head-15 mtr 173 Providing and fixing submrsible vertical sewage sump pumps in sumps including all required valve , fittings etc. complete in all respects. Fully auomatic type with level float control.Status (w+s)1 working + 1 stand by solid hanldling 40 mm size.discharge 5 lps and head-15 mtr 174 RAIN WATER SYSTEM 175 Providing and fixing of HDPE-80 pipes and fittings for rain water pipes complete in all respects. : 100 mm dia 176 Providing and fixing of HDPE-80 pipes and fittings for rain water pipes complete in all respects. : 150 mm dia 177 Providing and fixing of HDPE-80 pipes and fittings for rain water pipes complete in all respects. : 200 mm dia 178 Making of 600x600 mm size khurah complete in all respects including water proofing etc. 179 EXTERNAL SEWARAGE AND DRAINAGE 180 GARDEN IRRIGATION 181 Providing and fixing HDPE pipes conforming to IS:4984 PE 63 Class IV (6 kg/sqcm) including all fittings, e.g.couplings, tees, bends, reducers and screwed adoptors, welded joint as per manufacturers recommendations. 182 a) 32 mm O.D. 183 b) 40 mm O.D. 184 c) 63 mm O.D. 185 Providing and fixing uPVC Schedule 40 pipes conforming to ASTM D-1785complete with uPVC Schedule 40 fittings including necessary cutting of pipes, jointing with HDPE pipe with sadddle fitting completewith testing and commissioning of pipe lines : (a) 1 nominal size 186 Providing and fixing 25 mm brass dia quick coupling valve fitting with auto-close lid, SS spring, brass valve, complete in all respects (Harit model HT-71Bor eq.). 187 Providning and fixing bronze ball valve with screwed female/flangedends with stainless steel valve and spindle, glass fileed tefelon seating and gland packing, quarter turn lever operate full bore design, hydraulically tetsed to 20 kg/sqcm 188 a) 25 mm nominal bore 189 b) 40 mm nominal bore 190 a) 50 mm nominal bore 191 Providing and fixing cast iron flanged wafer type butterfly Valve with quarter turn operation complete in all respects confirming to IS:13095 PN1.0: (a) 65 mm dia 192 Constructing masonry chamber 60x60x75 cms inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1cement : 5 fine sand) for sluice valve with C.I. cover 500x450 mm R.C.C. top slab 1:2:4 mix (1cement:2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement : 5 fine sand and 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement and outside plaster finished rough complete as per standard design. 193 Providing and fixing 15 mm N.B. air release valve alongwith FTA I/c 1 no. ball valve for fixing to HDPE pipeline complete 194 Constructing masonry chamber 60x60x75 cms inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1cement : 5 fine sand) for sluice valve with C.I. surface box 100 mm top dia 160 mm bottom dia and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and R.C.C. top slab 1:2:4 mix (1cement:2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement : 5 fine sand and 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement and outside plaster finished rough complete as per standard design. 195 SEWERAGE 196 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables etc. including excavation for sockets and dressingof sides, ramming of bottom depth upto 1.5 M including getting out the excavated soil and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 200 m. [All kinds of soil] : (a) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 75 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia. 197 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables etc. including excavation for sockets and dressingof sides, ramming of bottom depth upto 1.5 M including getting out the excavated soil and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 200 m. [All kinds of soil] : (b)Extra over 1 (a) above for excavation over 1.5 m depth . 198 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects: (a) 200 mm OD 199 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects: (b) 250 mm OD 200 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects: (c) 300 mm OD 201 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) upto haunches of PVC-U pipes including bed concrete as per standard design. :(a) 200 mm OD 202 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) upto haunches of PVC-U pipes including bed concrete as per standard design. (b) 250 mm OD 203 Providing and fixing square mouth S.W. gully trap grade A complete with C.I. Grating brick masonary chamber with bricks of class designation 75 and water & gas tight SFRC Cover with frame of 260x260 mm size clear opening, frame of size 390x390 mm with weight of frame to be not less than 10 Kg and cover of size 300x300 mm with weightof cover not to be not less than 9 Kg as per standard design: (a) 180X 150 mm size P type with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 204 Constructing brick masonary chamber for underground C.I. Inspection chamber with and bends with 75 class designation bricks in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine sand) C.I. Cover with frame (light duty) 455X610 mm internal diamensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 Kg (weight of cover 23 Kg and weight of frame 15 Kg) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design:Inside dimensions 455X610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With F.P.S. bricks 205 Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonary chamber : for 455X610 mm size : With F.P.S. bricks 206 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)inside cement plaster 12mm thick with cement mortar1:3 ( 1 cement :3 coarse sand ) finished with floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix ( 1 cement 3 Coarse sand: 6graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) and making necessary channelin cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1cement : 2 coarse sand :4 gradedstoneaggregate 20 mm nominal size ) finished witha floating coat of neat cement all complete as per standard design: 0.91 m deep with SFRC cover and frame ( Heavy duty HD-20 gradedesignation) 560mm internal diameter conforming to IS:12592 total weightof cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg, fixed in cement concrete1:2:4 (1 cement:2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) including centering shuttering all complete. (excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the surface shall be paid seperately): with F.P.S. bricks class desigantion 75 207 Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia (at bottom) with beyond 0.91 m to 1.67 m, withF.P.S. bricks class designation 75 208 DRAINAGE SYSTEM 209 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables etc. including excavation for sockets and dressingof sides, ramming of bottom depth upto 1.5 M including getting out the excavated soil and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 200 m. [All kinds of soil]: (a) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 75 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia. 210 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables etc. including excavation for sockets and dressingof sides, ramming of bottom depth upto 1.5 M including getting out the excavated soil and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 200 m. [All kinds of soil]: (b) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia. 211 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects:(a) 200 mm OD 212 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects:(b) 250 mm OD 213 Providing PVC-U sewer pipes confirming to IS:15328 (SN -10 kN/sqcm) with elastomeric sealing ring socket joints complete in all respects:(b) 300 mm OD 214 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) upto haunches of PVC-U pipes including bed concrete as per standard design.: (a) 200 mm OD 215 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) upto haunches of PVC-U pipes including bed concrete as per standard design.: (b) 250 mm OD 216 Constructing brick masonry manhole with 75 class designation bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement:2 coarse sabd : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 garded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) inside and outside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand ) finished with floating coat of neat cementand making channelsin cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1cement : 2 coarse sand :4 gradedstoneaggregate 20 mm nominal size ) neatly finished witha floating coat of neat cement all complete as per standard design. (All earthwork and plastic foot rests included): (a) Inside size 90X80 cms and 60 cms deep including SFRC cover with frame (heavy duty) 500 mm dia clear opening 217 Constructing brick masonry manhole with 75 class designation bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement:2 coarse sabd : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 garded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) inside and outside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand ) finished with floating coat of neat cementand making channelsin cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1cement : 2 coarse sand :4 gradedstoneaggregate 20 mm nominal size ) neatly finished witha floating coat of neat cement all complete as per standard design. (All earthwork and plastic foot rests included): (b) Inside size 120X90 cms and 90 cms deep including SFRC cover with frame (Extra heavy duty) 560 mm dia clear opening. 218 Extra for additional depth of manholes: (a) Size 90X80 cms beyond 60 cms depth 219 Extra for additional depth of manholes: (b) Size 120X90 cms beyond 90 cms depth 220 Constructing brick masonary chamber for underground C.I. Inspection chamber with and bends with 75 class designation bricks in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine sand) C.I. Cover with frame (light duty) 455X610 mm internal diamensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 Kg (weight of cover 23 Kg and weight of frame 15 Kg) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design: Inside dimensions 455X610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With F.P.S. bricks 221 Constructing brick masonary road gully chamber 50X45X60 cm with bricksof class designation 75 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine sand) including 500X450 mm precast RCC horizontal grating with frame complete as per standard design:With F.P.S. bricks 222 Making connection of stormwater lines with existing municipal manhole including breaking into and making good the walls, floors with cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) cement plastered on both sides with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making necessary channels for the drain etc. complete: (a) For pipes 250 to 450 mm diameter 223 FIRE FIGHTING WORKS 224 FIRE FIGHTING 225 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning in trenches the following sizes of M.S. class `C (heavy class) pipes conforming to IS:1239 with accessories like fittings including tees, elbows, reducers, flanges, rubber gaskets, G.I. nuts, bolts and washers and providing 150mm thick fine sand layer all around the pipe, including excavation in all kind of soil, refilling, ramming and removing the excavated surplus material and making good the same complete as required. Providing protection toembedded M.S pipesandfittingsbywrapping allaround 4mm thick pypkote protection including proper overlaps on joints.:(a) 80 mm dia ( 4.85mm thickness) 226 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning in trenches the following sizes of M.S. class `C (heavy class) pipes conforming to IS:1239 with accessories like fittings including tees, elbows, reducers, flanges, rubber gaskets, G.I. nuts, bolts and washers and providing 150mm thick fine sand layer all around the pipe, including excavation in all kind of soil, refilling, ramming and removing the excavated surplus material and making good the same complete as required. Providing protection toembedded M.S pipesandfittingsbywrapping allaround 4mm thick pypkote protection including proper overlaps on joints.:(b) 100 mm dia ( 5.40mm thickness) 227 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning in trenches the following sizes of M.S. class `C (heavy class) pipes conforming to IS:1239 with accessories like fittings including tees, elbows, reducers, flanges, rubber gaskets, G.I. nuts, bolts and washers and providing 150mm thick fine sand layer all around the pipe, including excavation in all kind of soil, refilling, ramming and removing the excavated surplus material and making good the same complete as required. Providing protection toembedded M.S pipesandfittingsbywrapping allaround 4mm thick pypkote protection including proper overlaps on joints.:(c) 150 mm dia ( 5.40mm thickness) 228 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of butterfly valve suitableforworking pressure 15 Kg/Sqcm.& test pressure 30kg/sqcm with flanges, nut bolts&gasketscomplete required.:(a) 100 mm dia 229 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of butterfly valve suitableforworking pressure 15 Kg/Sqcm.& test pressure 30kg/sqcm with flanges, nut bolts&gasketscomplete required.:(b) 150 mm dia 230 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of C.I. dual plate wafer type check valve suitableforworking pressureof15 Kg/Sqcm & test pressure 30kg/sqcm withflanges, Nut, bolts & washers, painting etc.completeas required.:(a) 100 mm dia 231 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of C.I. dual plate wafer type check valve suitableforworking pressureof15 Kg/Sqcm & test pressure 30kg/sqcm withflanges, Nut, bolts & washers, painting etc.completeas required.:(b) 150 mm dia 232 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of double flanged flexicon expansion joint with unit control of standard length as per maufacturers specs tested to a pressure of 30Kg/Sqcm including rubber gaskets, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers complete as required.:( a) 65 mm dia 233 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of double flanged flexicon expansion joint with unit control of standard length as per maufacturers specs tested to a pressure of 30Kg/Sqcm including rubber gaskets, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers complete as required.:(b) 150 mm dia 234 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning ofC.I.`Y strainer with bronzeperforatedsheetbasket includingrubber gasket, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers, complete as required.: (a) 150 mm dia 235 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of SS single head fire hydrant valvewith80 mm N.B.flangedinlet, brass spindal, one no. 63 mm dia femaleinstantaneousoutlet type. G.M. coupling,blank cap, chain. Conforming to IS:5290.Includingtappingfromwet riser complete as required. 236 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning ofHose pipe, 63 mm diaand15mts long, duly reinforced, rubberlined suitable forbrusting pressurenot lessthan22Kg/Sqcm. conformingtoIS 636-1988type A with gun metal heavy dutyinstantaneous type coupling ( Pairmale&femaleparts) conforming to IS 903. Complete as required. 237 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of63 mm dia instantaneouspattern branchshort SSpipe,16 mmdia nozzle conforming to IS 903, suitable for inter connection to hose pipe coupling complete as required. 238 Supply, Installation, Commisioning of standard firemans axe with heavy rubber handle. 239 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning ofinletbreaching havingC.I.bodyfourway SS 63 mm diainstantaneousinlets conforming toIS 903fittedwithnon returnvalves, 25 mm diagun metal drain cock, blank cap, brasschains and 150 mm dia flanges with allaccessories suitableforlocal fire tender complete as required. 240 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning ofSS Fire Brigadeadopter assemblywith150mm diaoutlet,suitableforlocalfire tender complete as required. 241 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of weather proof cabinet of size not less than0.6 x 0.6 x 0.45 mtr made out of M.S. sheet not less than 1.5 mm thick having central opening and 4 mm thick glazed glass doors (Two nos.)suitably markedon the outside with the letters FIRE HOSE including necessary lockingarrangement and painting in red coloursuitableto accomodate, externalyard hydrant valve, 2 nos15 mtrlongHose pipe, branch pipe, nozzle and fire mans axe. It shall be mounted on boundary wall complete as required. 242 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Electric driven Main Fire Pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required :Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520.: Suitable HP Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 1500 RPM, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS-325.: M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads.2280 lpm at 70 m Head 243 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of diesel engine driven main fire pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required : (Diesel Driven Pump): Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal pump of cast of iron body and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520. Suitable HP, 1500 RPM water cooled with radiator, diesel engine conforming to relevant IS standard complete with auto starting mechanism, 12 /24 volts electric starting equipment, diesel tank, exhaust pipe extended upto 10 m outside pump house duly insulated with 50 mm thick glass wool with 1.0 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer, instruments and protection as per standard specification, stop solenoid for auto stop in the event of fault with audio indications, painted with post office red colour etc. as required. M.S fabricated, common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required.Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered and with anti vibration pads.: 2280 lpm at 70 m Head 244 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of electric driven pressurisation pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required : (Jockey Pump) : Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal pump of cast iron body and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS : 1520.: Suitable HP squirell cage induction motor TEFC type suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz AC supply with IP 55 class of protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS : 325.: M.S.fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required.: Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered and with anti vibration pads. : 180 lpm at 70 m Head 245 Fabrication, supply, Insallation testing & commissioning of Electrical control panel of cubical construction, floor mounted type, fabricated out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet, compartmentalised with hinged lockable doors, dust and vermin proof, powder coated of approved shade after 7 tank treatment process, cable alley, interconnection with suitable size copper conductor cable/solid copper strip, having switchgears and accessories, mountings and internal wiring, earth terminals, numbering etc. complete in all respect, suitable for main fire pump, pressurisation pump & diesel pump set complete as per CPWD specification with following in coming and Outgoings, suitable for operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz Ac Supply with enclosure protection class IP 42 as required : 246 INCOMING:250A, 50kA 4 Pole MCCB, Ics=100% Icu ratingDigital Voltmeter 0-500V with selector switchDigital Ammeter (0-250 A) with selector swtich & CTs etc:LED type RYB phase indicating lamps, ON, OFF, trip indicating lamps Set of Copper Bus Bar 300AOUTGOING:( Note : All outgoing feeders for pumps should have digital Ammeter with selector switches, and LED type ON, OFF, trip indicating lamps)Main Fire Pump125 A, 50kA TPN MCCB, Ics=100% Icu, with fully automatic Star/Delta starter suitable for 60 HP pump with overload protection, current sensing type single phase preventor complete with all acceessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation, selector switch for local/remote, auto/manual/OFF operation. 247 Jockey Pump : 63 A, 50kA TPN MCCB, Ics=100% Icu, with suitable HP fully automatic Star/Delta starter with overload protection, current sensing type single phase preventor complete with all acceessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation, selector switch for local/remote, auto/manual/OFF operation.DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL 248 Control for diesel engine comprising -Automatic/Manual selctor switch & 3 attempts starting device, timers and relays as required, push buttons, start/stop in manual mode Indicating lamp for high/ Low Lub. Oil pressure, High Water Temp and Engine on indication Battery charger suitbale for 12V/24 V DC with boost and trickle selector switch, 0-30 V DC volt meter, and 0- 20 A DC Ammeter All standard relays and accessories for automatic operation of diesel engine System Controller Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of system controller to control operation of main electric fire pump, diesel pump, Pressurization pump, Terrace pump in sequence as per specification consisting of relays, timers. Sensors, annunciation window for fault indication, complete as per specification 249 Supplying and fixing of fire brigade connection of cast iron body with gun metal male instantaneous inlet couplings complete with cap and chain as reqd. for suitable dia MS pipe connection conforming to IS 904 as required : 4 way - 150 mm dia M.S. Pipe 250 Supplying and fixing air vessel made of 250 mm dia, 8 mm thick MS sheet, 1200 mm in height with air release valve on top and flanged connection to riser, drain arrangement with 25 mm dia gun metal wheel valve with required accessories, pressure gauge and paintingwith synthetic enamel paint of approved shade as required. 251 Providing & fixing of pressure switch in M.S. pipe line including connection etc. as required. 252 FINISHING WORK 253 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle,Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : For fixed portion: Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) DSR 254 For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately): Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron)DSR 255 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in panelling fixed in aluminum doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of Engineer-in-charge. Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on both sides DSR 21.2.2 256 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item): With float glass panes of 5.50 mm thickness: DSR 21.3.2 257 Providing and fixing ISI marked aluminium butt hinges anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete: 125x75x4 mm: DSR 9.95.1 258 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts, ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868), transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with nuts and screws etc. complete : 300x16 mm: DSR 9.96.1 259 Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than gradeAC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : 300x10 mm: DSR 9.97.1 260 Providing and fixing aluminium handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than gradeAC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : 125 mm: DSR 9.100.1 261 Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade, with necessary screws etc. complete.: Twin rubber stopper: DSR 9.101.2 262 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour complete, as per manufacturers specification.: Two or more coats on new work: DSR 13.42.1 263 Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with floor location as per drawings and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The joints system will be of extruded aluminum base members, self aligning / self centering arrangement and support plates etc. as per ASTM B221-02. The system shall be such that it provides floor to floor /floor to wall expansion control system for various vertical locations in load application areas that accommodates multi directional seismic movement without stress to its components. System shall consist of metal profiles with a universal aluminum base member designed to accommodate various project conditions and finish floor treatments. The cover plate shall be designed of width and thickness required to satisfy projects movement and loading requirements and secured to base members by utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-centering arrangement that freely rotates / moves in all directions. The Self - centering arrangement shall exhibit circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside the corresponding aluminum extrusion cavity to allow freedom of movement and flexure in all directions including vertical displacement. Provision of Moisture Barrier Membrane in the Joint System to have watertight joint is mandatory requirement all as per the manufactures design and as approved by Engineer -inCharge. (Material shall conform to ASTM 6063). : Floor Joint of 100 mm gap: DSR 5.44.1 264 Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with wall joint (internal / external) location as per drawings and direction of Engineer-In- Charge. The joints shall be of extruded aluminum base members, self aligning / centering arrangement and support plates as per ASTM B221- 02. The material shall be such that it provides an Expansion Joints System suitable for vertical wall to wall/ wall to corner application, both new and existing construction in office Buildings & complexes with no slipping down tendency amongst the components of the Joint System. The Joint System shall utilize light weight aluminum profiles exhibiting minimal exposed aluminum surfaces mechanically snap locking the multicellular to facilitate movement. (Material shall conform to ASTM 6063.): Wall Joint of 100 mm gap:DSR 5.45.1 265 Providing and fixing of expansion joint system of approved make and manufacture for various roof locations as per approved drawings and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The joints shall be of extruded aluminum base members with, self aligning and self centering arragement support plates as per ASTM B221-02. The system shall be such that it provides water tight roof to roof /roof to corner joint cover expansion control system that is capable of accommodating multidirectional seismic movement without stress to its components. System shall consist of metal profile that incorporates a universal aluminum base member designed to accommodate various project conditions and roof treatments. The cover plate shall be designed of width and thickness required to satisfy movement and loading requirements and secured to base members by utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-centering arrangement that freely rotates / moves in all directions. The Self centering arrangement shall exhibit circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside the corresponding aluminum extrusion cavity to allow freedom of movement and flexure in all directions including vertical displacement. The Joint System shall resists damage or deterioration from the impact of falling ice, exposure to UV, airborne contaminants and occasional foot traffic from maintenance personnel. Provision of Moisture Barrier Membrane in the Joint System to have water tight joint is mandatory requirement. (Material shall confirm to ASTM 6063.) : Roof Joint of 100 mm gap : DSR 5.46.1 266 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including necessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 267 CONNECTING BRIDGE 268 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer allcomplete. DSR 10.2 269 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.: In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works DSR 10.25 270 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture DSR 13.62 271 ROOF SKYLIGHT -18 mm THK POLYCARBONATE SHEET Supply and Installation of polycarbonate multi-layered, Multicell Xfix Connectible modular panel system for, a complete assembly of coextruded UV protected polycarbonate panels incorporated into a complete system. Standing seam polycarbonate panel system of minimum 18 mm thick (Min.) Panels with bigger width will be preferred for reducing number of joints in the roof.Panels shall be with grip lock double tooth lockingmechanism with interlocking connectible connectors running lengthwise at both sides of the panel. Panels shall be fixed on Purlins of MS tructure (will be paid Separately) with self-drilling screws and specialsTrapezoidal Heavy Duty Fastener/ Al- Cleat to ensure a pull-out load of min. 7000N (7KN) testedas per ISO 6892:1998 and IS 1608: 2005. The min width of the panel system shall be 900mm (min.). 272 Panels shall be uniform in color UV protected in combination with seven layers for required lux level, along with all fixing accessories to ensure best performance for wind uplift, vibration, oil canning and visual appearance. Panels with morelayers will be preferred for better insulation and improved shading coefficient. Prices includes All accessories including Aluminum profiles with EPDM Gaskets, at alternate edges with taper cutting to achieve the required profile, aesthetics and performance criteria. U value shall not be more than 1.8 Watt/m2K as per EN ISO 1077- 2:2018 and respective third Party test certificate shall be produced before procurement. 273 Panels shall have an X cell structure also called truss bracing design to have more strength and flexibility simultaneously. Panels must satisfy Dart drop impact test as per IS 14443-97 shall show no sign of breakage on Polycarbonate sheets which have been exposed to UV for a min. of 500 Hours as per ASTM G155.Panels shall not have Yellowness Index as per ASTM D 1925 of 15 units when tested on a sample exposed to UV for 500 Hours as per ASTM G 155. Panel shall be with additional End cap/Aluminium U/F profile/ Glazing Bar for ends as required. Panel shall be fixed over MS structural steel/MS purlin (paid separately) conforming to the detail technical specifications as per approved architectural drawings. Trained and factoryauthorized labour with supervision to complete the entire panel installation as per drawing and direction of the engineering in charge. 274 LEVELLING 275 Excavating, supplying and filling of local earth (including royalty) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 6 km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete. SOR 2.31 276 Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. SOR 2.32 277 Clearing grass and removal of the rubbish up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. SOR 2.33 278 Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level), including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the roots and stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material.: Beyond 60 cm girth upto and including 120 cm girth: SOR 2.33.2 279 EXTERNALELECTRICAL 280 COMPACT SUB STATIONS - 01 (with OLTC) 281 Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of 11 kV / 0.415 KV Compact Sub Station(with OLTC)outdoor plinth mounted type designed for natural cooling having type tested equipment comprising distribution transformers, SF6 insulated VCB compact switchgear (RMU) having metal enclosed robotically sealed/welded stainless steel tank , L T Panel, interconnection between HT switchgear & Transformer using single core cables and Transformer to LT switchgear using Al bus bars/Cables factory built / ready for connection type, otherassociated equipment etc. complete as required conforming to detailed specification. 282 The enclosure shall have modular construction usingG.I. sheets and shall be painted with polyurethane paint from the exterior of approved shade. The enclosure for LT switchgear & HT switchgear shall be provided with IP54ingress protection. The transformer compartment will have IP23 ingress protection. Each compartment will be provided with the door and pad locking arrangement. The Compartment illumination lamp with door operated switch shall be provided for each compartment.Transformer compartment door shall be interlocked with HT breaker.The transformer used shall be specially designed for low losses and shall be hermetically sealed & with corrugated tank. 283 The L T ACB shall have inbuiltmicroprocesor based Over load protection (L), Short Circuit protection (S), Instantaneous Short Circuit protection (I), Earth Fault protection (G), Shunt Trip releases with Ics=Icu=Icw=50 KA for 1 sec, fully rated at 50 deg C ambient temperature with all standard accessories i.e. auxillary switch with 4NO + 4NC contacts, cradle, handle, safety shutter in confirmity with IS:60947 284 L T Panel BUS : 415 Volts, 3 phase 50 HZTPN high conductivity electrolytic Aluminium bus bar of suitable length, SMC / DMC supports, with colour coading and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves and clip on shrouds for joints. The Maximum allowable temperature for the Bus bar to be restricted to 85 deg C. The temperature rise should be restricted to 35 deg C above design ambient temperature of 50 deg C. 285 The Transformer losses should confirm to IS - 1180 Part-1 (2014) efficiency Level - 2[ 1.86 KW at 50% load & 5.3 KW at 100% load shall not exceeds by 5.0% of the maximum total loss values. 286 The combination of CSS shall be as per details below:- 287 (a) Supply of 3 way 11kV ,3Phase, 50Hz, 3 wire , earthed neutral, Indoor type floor mounted, non extensible, having hinged arc proof cable doors, breaking capacity 18.4 kA,VCB Ring Main Unit enclosed in robotically laser welded stainless steel tank having IP67 degree of protection consisting of following:- 288 (i) 1 Nos. 630Amps Fault making load breaking spring assisted SF6 Ring Switches, fitted with fixed type voltage indicator device as per IEC 61958 along with associated sensor and fault passage indicator.(ii) 2 No. 630Amps tee off spring assisted type vacuum circuit breaker unit with self powered series trip microprocessor based numericalover current and Earth faultrelay for protection, fitted with fixed type voltage indicator device as per IEC 61958, along with associated sensor and fault passage indicator and ring core type protection Current transformer along with LV compartment with Ammeter with selector switches.(iii)Air Insulated Metering panel connected along with above unit , 18.4 kA , 630 amps, having Potential transformer,connected jumpers / Bus Bar, LV Compartment to incorporate Votmeter andEnergy analyser (digital type) consisting of I, V, KW, KWH, KVA, PF, HZ, MDI as per the requirement (at incoming VCB) (Please refer SLD). 289 (b)1 No. 11 KV/415 V, 630 KVA three phase (with %Z is 4.5%) , 50 HZ, DYn11, +10% to -10%in 2.5% equal steps ON LOADTAP CHANGER (OLTC), oil cooled, outdoor mounting type, hermitically sealed, corrugated wall design low loss transformer with Cu winding and standard fittings.(minimum 240 Sq MM HT (E) XLPE AL cable are used for the connectivity between transformer &HT Breaker) 290 LT Bus Bars : 1000 AMP,500 Volts, 3 phase 50 HZTPN. The current density of bus bar shall not exceed1.0 sqmm / Amp 291 Neutral Bus : - Separate 2 nos 32 x 6 mm Copper insulated strip (with conductivity mim 99%) directly connected from neutral point of transformer. 292 (c )Incoming cum Outgoing - 415 VoltL.T. breaker Panel having 1000 Amp FP ACB, 50 kA fixed type, with microprocessor based O/L, E/F, S/C, Inst. S/C releases with CT/PT, ammeter with ASS, Voltmeter with VSS, PF meter, Hz meter, energy enalyser (digital type) consisting of I, V, KW, KWH, KVA, PF, HZ, MDI,phase indicating lamps, On/Offf/Trip indication. 630 KVA Compact Sub Station. 293 DIESEL GENERATING SET 294 Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning ofSilent type Diesel Generating Set at 0.8 PF, 415 Volts, 50 cycles per second, 1500 rpm, 3 phase, suitable for parallel operation / PLC based synchronization / PLC based load manager, 0.85 load factor including circuit breaker for isolation, sound proof acoustic and weather proof enclosure, residential type silencer (as per CPCB norms-2) fabricated out of CRCA sheet of 16 SWG thickness with 9 tank pretreated before powder coating with ventillation system complete in all respects comprising of the following. 295 Diesel Engine suitable for driving alternator of above rating, compression ignition, 4 stroke cycle, Radiator cooled, turbo charged, battery starting, 1500 RPM, suitable for above output of alternator at 40oC, 50% RH & at 210 M MSL and confirming to BS 5514, BS 649, IS 10000, capable of taking 10% overloading for one hour after 12 hrs of prime continuous loading, complete with all the accessories i.e. tachometer with hour meter, flexible coupling with guard, crank case of steel, crank shaft, conncting rods, electronic governing system, dynamically balanced flywheel, air intake manifold, Air cleaner, anti vibration pads, starter motor, including all other accessories required to complete the system. 296 Instrument Panel - Engine mounted Instrument Panel fitted withand having digital display for followings : 297 Start stop switch with keyWater temperature indicationLubrication oil pressure indication.Lubrication oil temperature indication.Battery charging indicationRPM indicationOver speed indicationLow Lube oil trip indicationEngine hours indication 298 Alternator- Synchronous Alternator of above capacity at 0.8 PF, 3 phase, 415 volts, 50 cycles, 4 wire, 1500 RPM, suitable for operation at 40 deg C, 50% RH & at 210 meter above MSL, capable of taking 10% overlioading for one hour after 12 hrs of prime continuous loading, brushless, self excited, self regulated through AVR, continuous duty confirming to IS 4722, BS 2613 suitable for tropical conditions, class H insulation, including terminal box suitable for cable termination as required. 299 Note : - Alternator should have with all other accessories as per specified in Technical specfications. 300 Base Frame - Both the engine and alternator shall be mounted on suitable base frame made of MS channel which shall be installed on cement concrete foundation and vibration isolating arrangement as per recommendations of manufacturer.Inbuilt Fuel tank ofstandard capacity complete with inlet and outlet connections, oil indication gauge, drain plug, air breather, fuel transfer system for automatic fuel refilling system with pump, piping, valves, level indicators etc. complete.Daily service Fuel tank of990 liters capacity fabricated out of 2 mm thick MS sheet complete with inlet and outlet connections, oil indication gauge, drain plug, air breather, provision for fuel transfer system,level indicators and all standard accessories etc. as required.Exhaust Silencer - Exhaust manifold with residential silencer.The D G set should be supplied with required hardware for external PLC based auto load management system.Starting system - 24 Volt DC starting system comprising of starter motors : voltage regulator and arrangement for initial excitation complete with 12/24 Volts suitable nos. lead acid type batteries of suitable AH.Ventillation System - Arrangement for fresh air intake for cooling of the engine & alternator, extraction, discharging hot air into the atmosphere as per standard specifications. 301 550 KVA 302 Supply, Fixing, testing and Commissioning of Exhaust gas piping system ofClass `B MS pipe as per IS:1239 for upto 150 mm dia and for 200 mm dia & above MS pipe as per IS:3589 with welded joints, cut to required lengths with necessary bends, fittings, flanges, painting over primer coat, with mineral wool / rock wool insulation of minimum 75mm thick of 150 Kg per cu M density on all sides of exhaust pipe, with chicken mesh wrapping and 26 SWG aluminium sheet cladding complete as required. The aluminum foil should be tightly cladded to insulation surface of pipe. The aluminum cladding shall be locked with sheet metal screws with other sections of aluminium foil.The measurement shall be doneon the basis of centre line. (Stack height should be in accordance with emission regulations of CPCB, which will gowell above the top most terrace) The exhaust piping system should be suitable for upto 550oC temperature, the surface temperature of exhaust pipe shall not exceed more than 60oC. (The rates are exclusive of support structure) (Note - Final size of exhaust pipe will beconfirmed by the DG vendor after calculating the actual back pressure and submit the same to client / consultant for approval): 300 mm dia (wall thickness - 4.85 mm) (for 625 KVA DG sets) 303 Supply & fixing of SSBellow of following diameter : 300 mm dia(for 500 KVA DG sets) 304 Supply & fabrication ofD G exhaust pipe supports by M.S angle iron of size not less than 100 x 50 mm x 6/8 mm duly grouted in the wall through minimum 8 mm thick plate and with suitable MSangle / channel iron structure. The entire MS support structure should be painted by 2 coats of anti corrosive paint over primer coat of approved shade and make. The design of support to be duly approved by the Structural Consultant / Architect before fabrication and installation. 305 FUEL PIPING 306 Providing and fixing in position the following MSpipes classC (As per IS : 1239) cut to required lenghts and installed with screwed joints including providing and fixing in position the necessary fittings like elbows, tees and reducers, sockets, MS supports and accessories including digging and refilling earth where required for buried pipes / suspended from ceiling including pipe hanger / clamped from wall including hardware complete as per site requirement.: 25 mm NB MS pipes (IS: 1239, 4.0 mm thick) 307 Providing & fixing of hand lever operated forged brass body full way ball valve type isolating valve having forged brass hard chrome plated mirror finish ball, steel handle with PVC grip, teflon seat, screwed ends tested to a pressure of 10 kg/sqcm suitable for HSD complete.:25 mm nominal bore 308 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Fuel Level sensor (for Low & high level) 309 MAIN LT PANEL & SUB DISTRIBUTION PANELS 310 Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings,instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete withsuitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. 311 INCOMING-800 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -1 nos. 200 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA)2 no. 100 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA)2 nos. 63 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA)1 nos. 200 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA) (for spare)1 nos. 100 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA) (for spare)1 nos. 63 AMPS TP MCCB. (25 KA) (for spare) 312 AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION PANEL(CAPACITOR PANEL) 313 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel fabricated cubical type 200 KVAR A P F C Panel consisting of 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KVAR at 415 Volts (rated voltage of bank shall be 440 Volts) capacitor units in tier formation, housed in an integrated cubicle type automatic switching ON and OFF control panel, floor mounting, dust &vermin proof, front operated construction, enclosure class - IP 52, powder coated after proper treatment with 9 tank process with top/bottom removable gland plates, as required, double compression type cable glands, earth bus, hinged and lockable doors to achieve dust and vermin proof complete with all inter connections small wiring by min. 2.5 sq. mm. copper wires, ckt labels etc. The Aluminium Bus Bar shall be of suitable length, 500 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz TPN, electrolytic aluminium as per IS 8623All outgoings MCCBs shall be thermal-magnetic based with inbuilt O/L & S/C release.All MCCBs shall be Ics = 100% Icu, with rotary handle & pad locking arrangement, with adjustable O/L & S/C trip setting as per load requirement. All TP MCCB shall be with heavy duty solid isolable neutral link. The breaking capacity specified is Ics value. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type ammeter, voltmeter, selector switches, CTs, PTs, etc 314 Capacitor duty contactors should be used for switching individual capacitor banks.The fault withstanding capacity of panel & its control gear shall be min. 25 KA rms for 1 sec.Each section of capacitor panel shall have Verticle hood & exhaust fans for ventilation purpose.The capacitor panel shall be integrated with the main L T Panel as per schematic diagram 315 INCOMINGIncomer circuit breaker has been included in the main panel.1 set- 3 CTs , ratio 600/5A Class 1.0 accuracy 15 VA burden formetering.1Nos- (0-600A) digital Ammeter with selector switchMicro processor based automatic power factor control relay (3phase) (including power factor meter) in 9 steps for automaticcut off or add on capacitor units to keep the power factor at0.95 with variation of loads. All associated auxiliary contactors /relays shall be provided with in the scope of work.Phase indicating lamps with HRC fuses, and indicating in eachcapacitor chamber unit to indicate On/Off status of capacitorunit.BUS BARS600 AMP, 500 Volts, 3 phase 50 HZ TPN high conductivityelectrolytic Aluminium bus bar with conductivity on min 57 to58% of suitable length, SMC / DMC supports, with colourcoding and insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves and clips onshrouds for joints. The current density of bus bar shall beminimum 1.0 sq mm / amp.The Maximum allowable temperature for the Bus bar to berestricted to 85 deg C. The temperature rise should berestricted to 35 deg C above ambient temperature. 316 OUTGOINGS -2 nos. of 125 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 150 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 50 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 Vcapacitor bank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selectorswitch, start stop push button for manual operation includingon/off indicating lamps and delay timer complete.2 nos. of 63 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 80 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 25 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 Vcapacitor bank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selectorswitch, start stop push button for manual operation includingon/off indicating lamps and delay timer complete.1 no. of 63 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 80 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 20 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 Vcapacitor bank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selectorswitch, start stop push button for manual operation includingon/off indicating lamps and delay timer complete.1 no. of 40 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 50 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 15 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 Vcapacitor bank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selectorswitch, start stop push button for manual operation includingon/off indicating lamps and delay timer complete.1 no. of 32 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 40 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 10 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 Vcapacitor bank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selectorswitch, start stop push button for manual operation includingon/off indicating lamps and delay timer complete.1 no. of 16 AMPS TPN 25 KA MCCB and 20 amps AC3 dutycontactor with 5 KVAR heavy duty MPP type at 415 V capacitorbank (rated Voltage 440 Volts) , auto-manual selector switch,start stop push button for manual operation including on/offindicating lamps and delay timer complete.1 SET 200 KVAR CAPACITOR PANEL 317 Electrical Panel-1 (Block-1)Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamberetc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only.INCOMING-400 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -100 AMP MCCB 2 nos.63 AMP MCCB 8 nos.40 AMP MCCB 8 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 318 Electrical Panel-2 (Block-2)Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall beseparate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving andmounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMCsupport withdeteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only.INCOMING-200 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -100 AMP MCCB 2 nos.63 AMP MCCB 5 nos.40 AMP MCCB 6 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 319 Electrical Panel-3 (Block-3)Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and otherparameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. SOR-2018 813 (E)INCOMING-400 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -100 AMP MCCB 2 nos.63 AMP MCCB 8 nos.40 AMP MCCB 8 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 320 Electrical Panel-4 (Block-4)Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall beseparate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMCsupport with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. SOR-2018/ 812 (C)INCOMING-200 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -100 AMP MCCB 2 nos.63 AMP MCCB 6 nos.40 AMP MCCB 6 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 321 Electrical Panel-5 (Block-5)Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall beseparate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMCsupport with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. SOR-2018/813(E)INCOMING-400 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -100 AMP MCCB 2 nos.63 AMP MCCB 6 nos.40 AMP MCCB 6 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 322 Lighting Panel for Basement :Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall beseparate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMCsupport with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. SOR-2018 / 811 (C)INCOMING-100 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -63 AMP MCCB 2 nos.40 AMP MCCB 5 nos.63 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 323 UPS O/G Panel:Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall beseparate and shall comprise of flush type digital metering system for phase to phase voltage and single phase voltage, current and other parameters(KVA,P.F,KW etc) in each phase with touch type selector switches for different readings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as perIS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMCsupport with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The Job includes the grounting of the board as per directions of Engineer-in charge. All out goings of 100 Amp and above shall have an Ammeter. The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. SOR-2018/811 (C)INCOMING-100 Amp. MCCB-1 Nos.OUTGOINGS -63 AMP MCCB 2 nos.40 AMP MCCB 2 nos.40 AMP MCCB 18 no.25 AMP MCCB 18 no.40 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare)25 AMP MCCB 1 no. (spare) 324 CO2 Gas Flooding System For Main LT PanelSupply, installation, testing and commissioning of Polymer Tube Detection based CO2 Gas Flooding System For Main LT Panel, Consisting of the following components: CO2 Cylinder, 4.5 kg capacity, complete with all necessary CO2 Gas, fittings, support and accessories, connected with Valve (with manual release facility). 325 CO2 Cylinder, 2.5 kg capacity, complete with all necessary CO2 Gas, fittings, support and accessories, connected with Valve (with manual release facility). 326 Filling adopter 327 D/I Adopter for converting the indirect valve to function as Direct System. 328 FET End of Line adapter with Pressure gauge for Automatic fireuppression tube used for fitting at the end of the tube for pressurizing and re pressurizing the tube. Fitting made by brass (plated / unplated), Stainless steel, Elastomeric Sealings, Copper Nickle plated, Temperature range TS -20 Deg C till + 60 Deg C, Maximum working pressure 25 Bars, made as per PED Pressure Equipment Directives. 329 Pressure Switch to monitor Pressure drop in the tube, switchpoint 11 Bars. 330 Flexible Polymer Detection Tube made by special modified Polyamide (PA), Color Red, High grade quality, UV Stabilized, Inner diameter 4mm, Outer Diameter 6 MM, Melting Point approx. 220 degrees Celsius when heating up with 10 K/minute, Steady load tested upto max. 80° C. The lowest operating temperature is stipulated at minus 40°C. Service Pressure 20 Bar, Burst Pressure at 20 Deg C approx 120 Bars, Release Temperature : Rapid heat increase in temperature at 20 bars pressure approx 150 Deg to 180 Deg C (Without Flame) 331 Master Control Unit for connecting each system with electronic hooters and productivity input to Scada /Fire Alarm system including all necessaries +electrical wiring to make each entire system functional.(Indeginous) 332 Containing all required fitting and fixing 333 Installation & Commissioning Charges includes complete setup of the system, Installation of Cylinders on specially designed brackets, Laying of sensor tubes using tube attachments and Cable ties, fixing end of line plugs and end of line adapters, pressurizing tube @ 15-18 Bars using Nitrogen pressurizingagent. 334 Supplying and fixing and connection of the following rating, four Pole MCCB (25 KA), 415 volts, at the incomer / outgoing in seperate enclosure, complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required : 100 AMP FP MCCB (25 KA) micro processor based. 335 (VI) INVERTORSupply, installation, testing and commissioning of on lineUPS with builtin parallal redundancy, as per following detailsTechnology : Micro processor based controls, True on line,Double conversion type, should have cold start facility.Input :- (mains / local D G set compatibility)a) Voltage : 415 V / 3 Phaseb) Voltage Variation : - 20% to + 20%c) Input Frequency : 50 Hz.d) Frequency Variation : + 10%e) Automatic phase sequence correction facilityOutput :-a) Voltage : 230 V / 1 Phase, 415 V / 3 Phaseb) Voltage Variation : + 1%c) Frequency Variation : 50 Hz. + 0.1%Overall Efficiency : > 90%Charger : Should have built in charger to suit systemrequirement.Battery type : Sealed Maintenance Free - SMF (Global Yuasa /Exide)Battery Backup = 15 min.External battery backup will be usedDisplay : Should have LCD display with event logging facility.Upgradeability : Should be upgradeable to work as parallelredundant UPS in load sharing mode.Software Communication : Should have SNMP (Simple NetworkManagement Protocol) compatibilityRating : 30 KVA 336 SUB-HEAD - 1 : S/F MODULAR TYPE SWITCH / SOCKET & SUBMAINS 337 Supplying & fixing suitable size Gl box with modular plate and cover in fronton surface or in recess including providing and fixing 25 A modular socket outlet and 25 A modular SP MCB, C curve including connections, painting etc. as required.DSR 1.57 338 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring along with earth wire with thefollowing sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, singlecore cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit asrequired. DSR 1.14 339 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire (DSR 1.14.4) 340 2 X 16 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire(DSR 1.14.6) 341 4 X 6 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire(DSR 1.14.9) 342 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2X6 sq. mm earth wire(DSR 1.14.10) 343 SUB-HEAD - 2 : DISTRIBUTION BOARDS & CIRCUIT BREAKERS 344 S/F of surface / flush mounting SPN Distribution board with additional metal door without MCB complete in all respects as directed at site by Engineer-in-charge. a) 12 WAYS CAT A (UPSOR 1025(A) 345 S/F of surface/flush mounting TPN distribution board with additional metal door without MCB complete in all respect as directed at site by Engineer-in-charge.. (a) 4 WAYS CAT A (UPSOR 1026 (A) 346 S/F of surface/flush mounting TPN distribution board with additional metal door without MCB complete in all respect as directed at site by Engineer-in-charge.. 6 WAYS : CAT A (UPSOR 1027(A) 347 S/F of surface/flush mounting TPN distribution board with additional metal door without MCB complete in all respect as directed at site by Engineer-in-charge.. : 8 WAYS: CAT A (UPSOR UPSOR 1028(A) 348 Supply & fixing of 6/10/16/20/25/32 amp. SP MCB (10 KA) : CAT A(UPSOR 1002 349 Supply & fixing of 63 Amp DP MCB (10 KA) :CAT A : UPSOR 1011 350 S/F of 63 amp FP MCB (10 K.A.) :CAT A : UPSOR 1020 (A) 351 S&F and making connection of 63A 2 pole 30mA ELCB/RCCB of Din Rail Mounting complete in all respect as per direction and satisfaction to the Engineer in charge.UPSOR 394 352 S&F and making connection of 63 Amp. 4 pole 30mA ELCB/RCCB of Din Rail Mounting complete in all respect as per direction and satisfaction to the Engineer in charge. UPSOR 398 353 Supply and fixing danger board fabricated from 10 gauge M.S. Sheet as per I.E. Rules. UPSOR 1109 354 S&F single pole MCB blanking plate UPSOR 1034(B) 355 SUPPLY AND LAYING OF CABLES & ACCESSORIES 356 Supply and laying of ISI marked aluminium conductor PVC / XLPE insulated armoured, served, sheathed cable 1100 volts grade at 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand around & protected with brick on sides & top on surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor byclamps etc UPSOR (501) 357 6 sqmm 3 core 358 10 sqmm 4 core 359 16 sqmm 4 core 360 25 sqmm 3 1/2 core 361 35 sqmm 3 1/2 core 362 50 sqmm 3 1/2 core 363 95 sqmm 3 1/2 core 364 120 sqmm 3 1/2 core 365 150 sqmm 3 1/2 core 366 185 sqmm 3 1/2 core 367 240 sqmm 3 1/2 core 368 300 sqmm 3 1/2 core 369 deduct in above item when cables is passed through G.I/M.S. or Hume pipe in road crossing or along the wall.The cost of the G.I. pipe,hume pipe is to be extra when and where required. 370 Supply fixing of plam or pin type copper tin plated cable socket (lug) to the cable leads, insulating with tape and making connections etc. complete in all respects as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (UP SOR 504) 371 6 sqmm 372 10 sqmm 373 16 sqmm 374 25 sqmm 375 35 sqmm 376 50 sqmm 377 70 sqmm 378 95 sqmm 379 120 sqmm 380 150 sqmm 381 185 sqmm 382 240 sqmm 383 300 sqmm 384 Supply and fixing brass nickle plated compression glands for PVC insulated armoured, served, sheathed cable including rubber ring etc. complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor UPSOR 503 385 6 sqmm 3 core 386 10 sqmm 4 core 387 16 sqmm 4 core 388 25 sqmm 3 1/2 core 389 35 sqmm 3 1/2 core 390 50 sqmm 3 1/2 core 391 95 sqmm 3 1/2 core 392 120 sqmm 3 1/2 core 393 150 sqmm 3 1/2 core 394 185 sqmm 3 1/2 core 395 240 sqmm 3 1/2 core 396 300 sqmm 3 1/2 core 397 Supply of ISI marked Copper conductor PVC insulated cable as per IS 1554 armoured, served, sheathed 1100 volts grade. : 25 sqmm 1 core 398 Laying and testing of aluminium / copper conductor cable PVC / XLPE insulated armoured, served, sheathed 1100 volts grade. On surface the cable run shall be fixed by GI clamps etc. of suitable size or on existing cable tray or inside existing RCC / HDPE DWC pipe complete in all respect .The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor including fixing of palm or pin type copper tin plated cable socket (lug) / end terminations to the cable leads, insulating with tape and making connections with brass / nickle plated flame proof double compression glands, providing cable tags complete in all respect upto the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge. (The supply of terminations and glands shall be under seperate item): (a) 25 sqmm 1 core 399 Supply and laying of ISI marked Copper conductor PVC insulated control cable as per IS 1554 PVC sheathed 1100 volts grade. On surface the cable run shall be fixed by GI clamps etc. of suitable size or on existing cable tray complete in all respect .The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor including fixing of palm or pin type copper tin plated cable socket (lug) to the cable leads, insulating with tape and making connections complete in all respect including end termination, double compression glands, supply of clamps, lugs, tape etc complete upto the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge. Armoured 400 6 x 2.5 sq mm armoured (DG to Main LT panel interfacing) 401 12 x 2.5 sq mm armoured (2 runs DG controlling) 402 12 x 2.5 sq mm armoured ( For Transformer contro wiring) 403 2 x 4 sq mm armoured (for Battery charging) 404 Supply of 3 core stranded aluminium conductor 11 KV grade XLPE (E) (Cross linked Polyethylene) insulated PVC bedded, Galvanised flat steel strip armoured cable confirming to IS : 7098 (part II with latest amendments) a) 240 sq. mm 3 core 405 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of grade exceeding 1.1 KV but not exceeding 11 KV of following size in the existing masonry open duct etc. as required.a) Size exceeding 120 sq. mm. But not exceeding 400 sq. mm. 406 Supplying and making indoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable jointing kit complete with all accessories including lugs suitable for following size of 3 core, XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 11 KV grade as required. a) 240 sq. mm 3 core 407 Supplying and making Outdoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable jointing kit complete with all accessories includinglugs suitable for following size of 3 core, XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 11 KV grade as required. a) 240 sq. mm 3 core 408 CABLE TRAY 409 Supply and erection of Perforated type cable trays made out of prefabricated Galvanized sheet steel including tees, bends, crossings, reducers, couplings to be laid in cable trenches or installed over head on wall or hanged from ceiling including all neccessary supports, brackets at every 1500 mm c/c, grouting, levelling, suspention and fixing arrangements, dash fastners, G.I. nuts & bolts complete in all respects.: The support for 1000mm, 900 mm and 750 mm wide cable tray will be by 50 x 50 x 6 mm MS angle, for 600mm and 450 mm wide cable tray will be by 40 x 40 x 5 mm MS angle, for 300mmwide cable tray will be by 32 x 32 x 5 mm MS angle, for 150mmwide cable tray will be by 25 x 25 x 4 mm MS angle. 410 900 mm (W) X 50 mm (H) X 2 mm (T) 411 750 mm (W) X 50 mm (H) X 2 mm (T) 412 600 mm (W) X 50 mm (H) X 2 mm (T) 413 450 mm (W) X 50 mm (H) X 2 mm (T) 414 300 mm (W) X 35 mm (H) X 1.5 mm (T) 415 150 mm (W) X 35 mm (H) X 1.5 mm (T) 416 Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all accessories like socket, bend, couplersetc. conforming to IS 14930, Part II complete with fitting and cutting, jointing etc..direct in ground (75 cm below ground level) including excavation and refilling the trench but excluding sand cushioning and protective covering etc., complete as required.. 417 90 mm dia (OD-90 mm & ID-76 mm nominal) (DSR 14.16.2) 418 160 mm dia (OD-160 mm & ID-135 mm nominal) DSR 14.16.4) 419 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL 420 Providing and fixing M.V. danger notice plate of 200 mm x 150 mm made of mild steel, 2 mm thick and vitreous enamelled painting white on both sides, and with inscription in single red colour on front side as required . DSR 2.21) 421 Providing and fixing H.V. danger notice plate of 250 mm x 200 mm made of mild steel, 2 mm thick and vitreous enamelled painting white on both sides, and with inscription in single red colour on front side as required . DSR 2.22 422 S/F of shock treatment chart (prescribed under I.E.rules) duly framed with glass and supported from back with hard board with supply of all material labour T & P etc for proper completion of work. (Approx front area = 1.20 sq M) UPSOR 1134 423 Supply and fixing of Fist aid box as approved by Indian red cross conforming to IS : 2217. 424 Supply of rubber gloves of 11 KV grade as per IS : 4770. 425 Supply and fixing of cable route maker as directed by Engg-incharge. UPSOR 505 426 Supply and laying of 1800 mm x 900 mm x 20 mm thick chequered rubber matting of tested quality. to withstand 30 KV dielectric strength as per IS 15652 complete in all respects. (For LT Panels) UPSOR 1136 427 Supply and laying of 1800 mm x 900 mm x 20 mm thick chequered rubber matting of tested quality to withstand 45 KV dielectric strength as per IS 15652 complete in all respects. (For 11 KV Panels) UPSOR 1136 428 Providing, laying and fixing following dia RCC pipe NP2 class (light duty) in ground complete with RCC collars, jointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including trenching (75 cm deep) and refilling etc. as required.a) 300 mm dia. DSR 14.14.4 429 Supply and erection of pregalvanized Ladder type cable trays made out 25mm x 75mm x 25mm x 2.5mm GI Section all along (as runner) and 20mm x 30mm x 20mm x 2.5 mm GI Section (as rungs) at every 250mm interval c/c including tees, bends, crossings, reducers, couplings to be laid over head on wall or hanged from ceiling including all neccessary supports, brackets (50x50x6 MS Angle) at every 1500 mm c/c, grouting, levelling, suspention and fixing arrangements, dash fastners, G.I. nuts &bolts complete in all respects. 430 900 mm (W) X 75 mm (H) 431 750 mm (W) X 75 mm (H) 432 EARTHING 433 BODY / SAFETY EARTHING (FOR BODY OF ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS LIKE RISING MAINS, TRANSFORMER, DG SETS,LIFTS ETC. 434 Maintenance Free Earting : - Supply of Low carbon high tensile Copper Bonded Ground rods having min 250 micron of copper coating . The diameter of Rod should be 19 mm with the length of 3000 mm . The ground rod should be UL approved and tested from CPRI. The earthing include 400 mm square C.I. frame with hinged cover, masonry housing including excavation and back filling.The Rod should be surrounded with Earth Enhance compound of 25 Kg tested as per IEC 62561-2 for the rod & IEC 62561 -7 for compound. (borh are of same manufacturer) Exothermic welding shall be used for connection between main electrode (copper bonded rod) and copper strip of size 32 x 6 mm. Further GI strips from equipments shall be connected to Copper strips by means of special bi-matellic connector (i.e. stainless steel). please refer submitted drawing. 435 Providing & fixing 25mm x 5mm G.I. strip on surface, in recess or in ground including connections etc. as required (LT Panel,Cable Trays & Elevator). DSR 5.15 436 Providing & fixing 32mm x 6mm G.I. strip on surface, in recess or in ground including connections etc. as required (Pig tail) UPSOR 717 437 Providing & fixing 50mm x 6mm G.I. strip on surface, in recess or in ground including connections etc. as required (SubstationGrid) 438 NEUTRAL EARTHING 439 Maintenance Free Earting : - Supply of Low carbon high tensile Copper Bonded Ground rods having min 250 micron of copper coating . The diameter of Rod should be 19 mm with the length of 3000 mm . The ground rod should be UL approved and tested from CPRI. The earthing include 400 mm square C.I. frame with hinged cover, masonry housing including excavation and back filling.The Rod should be surrounded with Earth Enhance compound of 25 Kg tested as per IEC 62561-2 for the rod & IEC 62561 -7 for compound.(borh are of same manufacturer) Exothermic welding shall be used for connection between main electrode (copper bonded rod) and copper strip of size 32 x 6mm. please refer submitted drawing. 440 Providing & fixing 32mm x 6mm insulated Copper strip on surface, in recess or in ground including connections etc. asrequired. 441 SOLAR PLANT 442 ON-Line Solar Photovoltaic system plant including suitable rating Poly crystalline Silicon PV Modules having a efficiency of minimum 15% (without any power export arrangement), String combiner box, DC Distribution board etc. complete as required. Scope of work also includes supply, installation of GI structure, (80 micron) in suitable section complete with all accessories and hardware including civil work as required at site for mounting PV panels.: 15 kWp SET 170 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC power string inverter (Grid intractive) with stand & all protection and controls having overall efficeiency of not less than 95%. : 15 kWp (nominal) SET 171 AC distribution board made of 2 mm CRCA sheet, power coated having IP55 degree of protection (for indoor installation) for terminating 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz power suppled from inverter complete height with following multifunction: - Digital multifunction meter (EM 6400 of Schnieder or equal) - 40 Amp TPN MCB (10 KA) - Phase indicating lamps. SET 1Lighting Arrestor SET 1Surge Protector SET 1 443 STREET / EXTERNAL LIGHTING 444 Supply & fixing of 20 mtr High mast shaft of approved make with rising system hot dip glavanized inside & out side dip,heaving pole sheet thickness 4 mm. Top dia minium 150 mm, Bottom dia 410 mm base plate 32 mm thick suitable for wind velocity as per IS 875 part 3 & having no circumferential weld, with accessories for high mast such as head frame suitable for 6 to 12 luminaries & its control gear boxes 1.5 HP power tool moter, 3 point suspension system with steel wire rope 8 mm dia, double drum winch, including making suitable foundation as per manufature drawing/ site reuiment along with foundation bolts nuts, washers, anchor plates etc completee in all respect.(UPSOR 653) 445 Supply and fixing of factory wired integral LED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housing built with dirver set suitable for 170 to 200 Watt. Confirming to IP 66 protection complete in all respect.Category AAA (UPSOR 1455) 446 Supply and fixingof LED Street light Fitting having die cast aluminium body and diffuserwith driver set suitable for 45 watt to 50 Watt. Confirmingto IP 65 and above protectioncomplete in all respect.Category AAA (UPSOR 1443) 447 Supply and fixingof 3 Watt LED Path / Walkover luminaire having powder cotated die cast aluminiumbody with drive set . Confirming to IP 65 and above Protection complete in all respect.Category AAA (UPSOR) MR 448 Supply and fixingof 3 Watt to 4 Watt LED Spot/Spike light Confirming to IP 65 and above Protection complete in all respect. Category AAA (UPSOR 1441) 449 Supply and fixing of decorative 8 to 16 Watt LED bollard luminaire with driver set confirming to IP 65 and above protection complete in all respect.Category AAA 450 Supply & fixing of 6 mtr GI Octagonal Pole of approved make (top dia 70mm, Bottom dia 130mm and base plate 12mm thik) having 3mm thikness with Single arm bracket 1 Mtr length in 1:2:4 RCC foundation bolt including the cost of foundation,excavation & back filling and Required T&P completee in all respect. 451 Supply installation, testing and commissioning of 3x2.5 sqmm flexible fire retardant copper connecting wire of required length from MCB in cable junction box of pole to luminaire along with MCB & Connector complete as required. 452 Supply & burrying of 40 mm dia x 4.50 m long G.I. pipe vertically for earthing having 12 mm dia holes spaced 75 mm apart drilled upto 2 meter brom the bottom complete with one earthing lead of no. 6 to 8 SWG G.I.wire in 15 mm dia. GI pipe upto switch board (from apron to switch mm dia. GI pipe upto switchboard (from apron to switch board the cost of GI pipe & GI wire will be extra), 300 mm square C.I. box with hinged cover, masonary housing alternate layer of charcoal/coke and salt atleast 150mm thick alround etc. as per the direction of engineer in-charge complete in all respect. 453 Supply & burrying of 600mm x 600 mm x 6.0 mm G.I. plate, vertically for pole earthing with its top at least 3 m below ground level complete 20mm dia. G. I. pipe and funnel for watering and one earthing lead of no. 8 to 10 SWG G.I.wire in 15 mm dia. GI pipe upto switch board (from apron to switch mm dia. GI pipe upto switch board (from apron to switch board the cost of GI pipe & GI wire will be extra) 300 mm square C.I. box with hinged cover, masonary housing alternate layer of charcoal/coke and salt atleast 150mm thick alround etc. as per the direction of engineer in-charge complete in all respect . 454 Supplying & Laying of one number 8 SWG G. I. wire in 15 mm. dia. G. I. pipe for earthing, laid in ground or in wall duly concealed including the cost of cement, sand, labour, T & P and other material required for proper completion of the work as directed at site. 455 Supply and fixing following capacity of automatic street light cubicle control panel painted with anti corrosive alkali and acid proof paint consisting of time switch TSO 100 series with contactors, HRC fuses, isolating switch metering instrument & instrument box with CTs etc. in case of TPN, complete in all respect. 456 INCOMER : 457 f (ii) 40 AMP TPN MCB (10 KA) 458 e (ii) 25 AMP TPN MCB (10 KA) 459 OUT GOINGS : 460 4 nos. 6-32 AMP DP MCB (10 KA) 461 24 nos. 6-32 AMP DP MCB (10 KA) 462 Supply of ISI marked aluminium conductor XLPE insulated cable as per IS 7098, armoured, served, sheathed 1100 volts grade. 10 sqmm 3 core 463 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as required. Size not exceeding 35 sq. mm. 464 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 kV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation and refilling the trench etc. as required, but excluding sand cushioning and protective covering. Size not exceeding 35 sq. mm. 465 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/HUME/METAL pipe etc. as required. Size not exceeding 35 sq. mm. 466 Supply and laying of ISI marked aluminium conductor PVC / XLPE insulated armoured, served, sheathed cable 1100 volts grade at 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand around & protected with brick on sides & top on surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. e) 6 sqmm 3 core 467 Deduct in above item when cables is passed through G.I/M.S. or Hume pipe in road crossing or along the wall.The cost of the G.I. pipe,hume pipe is to be extra when and where required.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 29-10-2024 Date Extend Date 05-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 4366 /-
INR 2519200.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.59 Crore /-
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