
Tender For Procurement Of Quality Control Equipment For Various Q.C. Regional Labs Of Pwd Rajasthan, bikaner-Rajasthan

Public Works Department has published Tender For Procurement Of Quality Control Equipment For Various Q.C. Regional Labs Of Pwd Rajasthan. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-11-2024. Weights Tenders in bikaner Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Procurement Of Quality Control Equipment For Various Q.C. Regional Labs Of Pwd Rajasthan
Open Tender

Tender Details

Procurement Of Quality Control Equipment For Various Q.C. Regional Labs Of Pwd Rajasthan- 1 BITUMEN EXTRACTOR WITH EXPLOSION PROOF FEATURESSupply & Installation of Bitumen extractor machine with explosion proof features shock proof motor havingElectronic Speed Control with continuous display on screen, Vibration free smooth operation,rapid deceleration brake control , Bowl Capacity 1500 grams,Variable speed 10-3600 RPM,suitable for operation on 220V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC Supply the complete set of equipment shallconfirming to EN-12697-1, ASTM D2172 and AASHTO T-58, T-164 as per direction of Engineer 2 DIGITAL MARSHAL STABILITY APPARATUS Supply & Installation of Digital Marshall Stability Apparatus suitable for the measurement of resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimen of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface. The complete apparatus shall have sailent features as under :- Single speed , Bench top load frame with precise speed, Max. loading capacity, 50 KN., Geared screw jack and motor drive , Limit switch protection for both upward and downward travel., Thermal overload type power switch for electrical protection, Ball seated screw fitting located on the cross head for load cell and transducers.Digital indicator, load cell 50KN (with least count-0.01KN) & LVDT 25mm (with least count - 0.01mm) with auto internal calibration facility. Peak hold facility to read load & flow value untill reset. Load cell & LVDT shall be capable to calibrated using standard reference.GENERAL SPECIFICATION OF MARSHALL MACHINE SHALL BE AS UNDER:-(i)Vertical clearance Max. 470 mm. & Min. 250 mm(ii)Horizontal clearance 265 mm(iii)Platen Diameter Min.- 133 mm(iv)Platen Travel- 30mm(v)Platen Speed- 50.8 mm/Min.(vi)Rated Power- 375Wt.(vii)operation suitablity- 230 volt, AC SupplyFollowing accessories shall be part of supply :- Cylindrical steel Marshall Mould 101.6 mm ID - 15 Nos. Base Plate & Coller- 03 Nos. Marshall Compaction hammer , 4.50 kg. Wt. and 45.7 cm drop - 02 Nos.Specimen Extractor Plate- 101.6 mm- 01 Nos Compaction Pedetal with speciman holder- 01 Nos. Breaking Head Assembly complete with gauge disc and flow meter pedestal - 01 Nos. The complete apparatus inclusive accessories shall confirm to ASTMD 1559, D-6926-04, D-6927-06, BS : 598-197, EN-12697-34and IS : 17127-2019 as per direction of Engineer incharge 3 Automatic Compactor for Marshal TestSupply of Automatic Compactor for Bituminous Mixes for 101.6mm (4) specimen having essential features of fully automatic compaction of BT Mixes in uniform manner. Its drive mechanism should have to lift weight of 4.50kg. and drop it through a height of 457mm. The rammer foot should be removable and facilitaties preheating. Compaction pedestal with specimen holder should be fixed to the base. An automatic blow counter shall be attached that enables to preset no. of blows before each test and automatically stops the machines on completion. The compactor shall be suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz single phase AC supply. The complete set of equipment shall confirm to EN 12697-10-30 for preparation of Marshall Mould of BT Mixes as per ASTM D 1559, D 6926-04, D 6927-06 and IS: 17127(2019). as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 4 Digital Constant Temprature Water bath with PID ControlSupply & Installation of Double walled water bath with Digital temperature controller cum indicator with stirring arrangement,Inner chamber of SS material (Fully Argon welded),Exterior body fabricated from Mild steel , Glass wool insulation between inner chamber and exterior body to prevent the thermal heat loss, ,Temperature range 5 °C above ambient to 100 °C (accuracy ± 0.5 °C), Capacity to accomodates at least 6 Nos. of 101.4mm diameter marshal moulds confirming to ASTM D1559 as per direction of Engineer incharge. 5 Asphalt Mix Theoritical Density Determination Equipment with Vaccum pumpSupplying vibrating table with vaccum pump for theoritical maximum specific gravity & density of bituminous paving mixtures confirming to ASTM-D 2041-03 requirments.The equipments should be compatible for testing as per test procedure mentioned in IRC-111-2009 & MoRTH Specifications. The equipments shall contain a main body fitted with digital vacuum indicator, two vacuum container, vibratory table shall operate on mannual and automatic mode to release the entrapped air from bituminous mix sample. The equipment shall be suitable for operation on 220 V, 50Hz single phase AC supply with following technical specifications:-1- Vacuum range: - 0-700 mm of Hg.2- Vibration loading capacity :- 10 kg. 3- No. of samples : - Two 6 Ashphalt Content Tester:-Supplying Ashphalt Content Oven with IRC Accreditation Certificate which is used to determine the binder content of bituminous mixes, by removing bitumen in an ignition furnance by mean of sample heating not by meanof solvents. It should have features that have accurate internal balance monitor, weights automatically through out ignition with easy operation - simply enter sample weigth, calibration factor, loading the sample and push start and when unit beeps at test end, push stop and sign receipt. The apparatus shall be suitable for operation on 415 V, 50 Hz, 20 A, 3 phase AC supply.It shall have following technical specifications :- - Working Tempperature:- 540± 50C- Combustion Temperature:- 7500 C- Balance Capacity:- 10 kg. - Accuracy of Balance :- 0.1 g. Balance Capacity (usable):- 2500 g. - Recommended Weight of sample:- 1500 g. - Time for Test Results:- 30 to 45 min. - End point sensitivity:- 0.01% for 3 consecutive mintues - Data outoput :- Through SD Card -Power Rating:- 5 kW- Accessories :- Sample Buket 2 Sets, Safety Cover for Bucket 1 no.,Lifing Handle - 1 no. Asbestos Gloves - 1 pair, Safety Helmet - 1 no. Inner Chamber :- Constructed from stainless steel with matt buffingInsulation :- High temperature cera wool insulationInsulation Thickness:- 75 mmChamber Volume :- 42 Liters The compliance requirement shall confirm to ASTM D-6307-98, AASHTO T- 308 & EN 12697-39 and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 7 Flexural Strength testing beam MouldSupplying 1 set of 6 Nos beam moulds of standard size for flexural strength of cement concrete mould shall be of steel or cast iron confirming to IS:1086 & IS:1199 (PS):2018 as per direction of Engineer incharge with rates are inlusive of all taxes i.e. GST.Rate adopted as per comperative Statement attached after taking quotations from different approved suppliers & previously approved rates in department 8 (a)Size 150x150x700 mm (B X H X L)- 6 nos 9 (b)Size 100x100x500 mm(B X H X L) - 6 nos

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 25-10-2024 Special Conditions Technical Bid 04-11-2024
2 25-10-2024 suggestion of Work Other 04-11-2024
3 25-10-2024 DateCorrigendum Date 04-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 400 /-
INR 166000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 83 Lakhs /-
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