
Tender For Miscellaneous To Minister Camp Office At C.E. Office Premises, Nagpur., nagpur-Maharashtra

Public Works Department has published Tender For Miscellaneous To Minister Camp Office At C.E. Office Premises, Nagpur.. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-10-2024. Building Work Tenders in nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Miscellaneous To Minister Camp Office At C.E. Office Premises, Nagpur.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Miscellaneous To Minister Camp Office At C.E. Office Premises, Nagpur.- 1 RemovingW.C.pansincludingdisconnectingthesanitaryandwatersupplyconnections, removing and breaking flooring and bed con-crete around pan removingthe same carefully and stackingtheserviceablematerialsasadn wheredirected includingthrowingthe unserviceablemateriaslsoutsideetc.carefullyandthrowingouttherefusaloutsideetc. complete. 2 Providing and fixing 1st class white glazed earthenware Orissa Type W.C. Pan 580 mm dia including P or S trap cast iron soil and vent pipe upto the outside face of the wall (1:5:1 0) cement concrete bedding 15 mm thick, 10 liter P.V.C. flushing cistern with all necessary pipe connection etc. complete. 3 Providing andfixing highlevel 10 liter capacity withfittings inlet PVC pipe withstoptap ,brackets for fixing the cistern,32 mm dia. PVC flush pipe with fitting and clamps 20 mm dia. PVC overflow pipe with mosquito proof couplings, galvanised iron chain and pulley painting if ordered to cistern pipe etc. and cutting and making good the damaged wall and testing etc. complete ( Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engr. is necessary before use) 4 Providing andfixing 15 mm. dia Ball cock medium type with PVC float including sockets and necessary fittings and tested as per municipal requirement etc. complete. 5 ProvidingandfixingwhiteglazedearthenwareWashHandBasinof45cmx30cmsize including cold water pillar tap/cold and hot water pillar tap brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connection including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall. Making good the damaged surface, testing etc. complete. 6 Providing and fixing H.D.P container one piece moulded water tank made out oflowdensitypolythylerandbuiltcorrugationincludingofdeliveryuptodestination hoisting andfixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow of alltanks capacityabove 1000 to 20,000 litres 7 ProvidingandfixingP.V.C.Rainwaterpipesof110mmouterdiameterandhavingwall thicknessof2.2to2.7mmconfirmingtoI.S.13592-1992includingproperrainwater receiving recess with P.V.C. plug, bend, necessary fittings, such as, offsets, shoes, inluding fixing the pipe on wall using approved wooden cleats projecting 25mm to 40mm from face of wall a fixing with clips of approved quality and One Number ,filing the joint using rubber gasket withsolvent cementandproperlyrestingtheshoeofpipesonC.C.ormasonryblocks, including necessary scaffolding and maintenance for 3 yrs for any leakages or dislocations of pipes. All the P.V.C. fittings and additional 2 piece socket clips shall be got approved from engineer in charge etc. complete. 8 Providing and fixing C.P. sink cock with raised J shaped swinging casted spout ofapproved make including necessary sockets/ union nut etc. complete. 9 Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 15 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 10 Providing andfixing onwalls/ceiling/floor 20mm dia.CPVC pipe withnecessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 11 Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 25 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 12 Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 32 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete. 13 Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 50 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. 14 Providing and fixing 10 cm PVC nahani trap with grating etc. complete. 15 Providing and fixing 8 cm rigid PVC Nahani trap including PVC grating ,bend, connecting piece of UPVCpipe up to the outside face ofwall ,making the gooddamagedsurface and testing etc. complete ( Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engr. is necessary before use) 16 Providing and fixing 15 mm dia. screw down bib/ stop tap of brass including necessary socket union nut complete. 17 Providing and fixing 20 mm dia. screw down bib/ stop tap of brass including necessary socket union nut complete. 18 Providing andfixing 40 mm. dia Ball cock medium type with PVC float including sockets and necessary fittings and tested as per municipal requirements etc. complete. 19 Providing and fixing C.P. Angular stop clock with wall flange of approved make continental including necessary sockets/union nut etc. complete. 20 Providing andmaking ISI Mark ferrule connectionof20mm dia. to water mainincluding ferrulecouplingcastironbellmouthcover,builtinnonreturnvalveandfixingincluding excavation and reinstatement complete. 21 Providing and fixing C.P. BIB cock with wall flange of approved make including necessary sockets/ union nut etc. complete. 22 Removingdoorsandwindowswithframesandstackingthematerialsasdirectedwithall leads, lifts etc. complete. 23 Providingandfixingsolidcoreflushdoorshuttercommercialinsingleleaf32mmthick without ventilator commercial type of exterior grade as per detaileddrawings withwrought iron hold fast, stainless steel fixtures and fastenings and handles on both sides and finishing with oil painting 3 coats complete. 24 Providing and fixing fiber glass reinforced polyster door shutter 30 mm thick as per IS 14856 (2000) (Reaffirmed 2006) without ventilator includingchromium plated fixtures and fastening with chromium plated handles on both sides, etccomplete 25 Providing and fixing M40 grade thick vibrated pull cast or similar type concrete frame with chamfer conforming to I.S. 65241983 having 6 mm dia. bars 3 Nos. And stirrups @250 mm c/candfixing inwallwith6Nosofholdfastof12mm diabars500mm longincluding primer and oil painting etc, complete) frame size 60 mm x 100 mm . 26 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete cover of size 60 cm x 45 cm with frame over inspection chamber etc. complete. Heavy duty (160 Kilogram) 27 Removing cement tiles, or marble or polishedshahabad floor or dado without bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. complete 28 Providinginternalcementplaster12mm thickinsinglecoatincementmortar1:5without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 29 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for dado and skirting in required position fixed in 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearingetc. complete 30 Providing and laying vitrified matt fininsh tileshaving size 590 mm to 605 mm x to 605 mm of8to10mmthicknessandconfirmingIS.15622-2006(GroupBla)ofapprovedmake, shadeandpatternforflooringinrequiredpositionlaidonabedof1:4cementmorar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning etc. complete. 31 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative typehaving size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of1:4cementmortarincludingneatcementfloat,fillingjoints,curingandclearing etc. complete. 32 Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removingtheexcavatedmaterialuptoadistanceof50m.beyondthebuildingareaand stackingandspreadingasdirected,dewatering,preparingthebedforthefoundationand necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 0.00 to 1.50 m.) By Manual Means 33 Providingsoling using80mm sizetrapmetalin15cm.layerincludingfilling voidswith Crushed sand/grit, ramming, watering etc. complete. 34 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMixcementconcreteinM-10oftrap/granite/ quartzite/gneissmetalforfoundationandbeddingincludingbailingoutwater,Steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided,finishingifrequiredandcuringcomplete,withfullyautomaticmicroprocessor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 35 ProvidingandfixingheavydutyinterlockingconcreteRUBBERMOULDGLOSSY PAVING BLOCKS of 60 millimeter thickness of having a strength of 400 Kilogram/sq.m of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 millimeter thick including striking joints and cleaningetc. complete. (using 100% crushed sand) 36 Machinepolishingtocement/marblemosaictiledflooringoranyothertypeofflooring including cleaning, washing, etc. complete. 37 Hand polishing to dado, skirting including cleaning, washing etc. complete. 38 Cleaning elevated water storage Reservoir within a given period, by using bleaching powder at the rate of 14 gm/sq.m .washing thrice potassium permanganate at the rate of 2.50 gm/sq.m. finally, cleaning washing by using nylon brush, coir string and duster, bailing out water etc. complete. i)Tank capacity up to 2,000 litre. 39 Manualy clearing by removeing the chockes from Nahni Trap, Gully Trap, Wash basin unit, Sink and WC with the help of required tools for proper functioning the same etc. complete. 40 Removalofplants/ficusgrownby pulling outrootsystem embeddedin masnory,cutting stemandapplicationofhigh/gur/limeformulationasspecifiedbytheArchitectorother patented chemical biocidetreatment such as biocideGlycel (iso proplaminesalt of glyphosate) or other chemical as specified by the Engineer in charge etc. complete. 41 ReplacementofdamagedAlluminiumHandle125mmofapprovedqualityandmaketo door/window shutter including removing existing the same in original position making proper adjustment for smoothoperation etc. complete as per sample approved by Engineer in-charge. 42 Providing and fixing sheet glass of 24 oz. for all size including putty etc. complete 43 Providingandfixing75mmdiastabiliserpipe/P.V.C.soilvent/wastepipeandwith necessary fixtures andfitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc. complete 44 Providingandfixing100mmdiastabiliserpipe/P.V.C.soilvent/wastepipeandwith necessary fixtures andfitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc. complete. 45 Providingandfixingblackkadappastoneasshelves25mm.thickmachinepolished, extendingthepolishupto20cmwidthonlowerside,roundingcorners,layinginposition jointing with bedding cement mortar 1:4 proportion curing etc etc. complete. 46 Providing andapplying Twocoats ofwall care Putty onplastered surface andCeiling and Walls to prepare surface even and smooth of approved make, etc complete. 47 Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old and new surfaces in single coat including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding the primer coat)etc. complete. 48 Providing and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour to new /old structural steel work and wood work in buildings, including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (excluding primer coat) etc. complete. 49 Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour to the old structural steel workandironworkpreviouslypaintedinbuildingincludingscaffolding,ifnecessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (excluding primer coat)etc. complete. 50 Providingand applyingSinglecoatsof exterioracraylicemulsion paintconfirmingto corresponding I.S. of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces includingcleaning,preparingtheplastersurface,applyingprimercoat,scaffoldingif necessary , and watering the surface for two days etc complete. 51 Providing and Fixing Brass of Aldrop 300 x 16 mm etc. complete. 52 Providing and Fixing Brass OXI Handle 125 mm long etc. complete. 53 Providing and Fixing Brass OXI Tower Bolt 200 mm longetc. complete. 54 Providing and Fixing Brass of Latches 10” long etc. complete. 55 Providing and Fixing Cr. plated Aldrop 300 x 16 mm etc. complete. 56 Providing and Fixing Cr. Plates Handles 125 mm etc. complete. 57 Providing and FixingBlack Hinges 58 Providing and fixing Hydraulic door closer Including labour etc. complete. 59 Providing and fixing Door Stopper Stainless Steel Including labour etc. complete. 60 Providing and Supplying Carpenter I Class Skilled for various work etc. complete 61 Providing and Supplying Plumber with tools- Skilled for various work etc. complete 62 Providing and Supplying Asst. Plumber With Tools - Skilled for various work etc. complete

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 13000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.65 Lakhs /-
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