
Tender For Survey, Soil Investigation, Design, Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Required For Construction, Erection, Completion, Testing & Commissioning Of Water Supply Works Such As Intake Well, Bpt, Wtp, Rcc Ohts, Zpss/Cwr Cum Pumping Statio, mauranipur-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Survey, Soil Investigation, Design, Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Required For Construction, Erection, Completion, Testing & Commissioning Of Water Supply Works Such As Intake Well, Bpt, Wtp, Rcc Ohts, Zpss/Cwr Cum Pumping Statio. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-11-2024. Building Work Tenders in mauranipur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Survey, Soil Investigation, Design, Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Required For Construction, Erection, Completion, Testing & Commissioning Of Water Supply Works Such As Intake Well, Bpt, Wtp, Rcc Ohts, Zpss/Cwr Cum Pumping Statio
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Survey, Soil investigation, Design, Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for construction, erection, completion, testing & commissioning of water supply works such as Intake well, BPT, WTP, RCC OHTs, ZPSs/CWR cum Pumping Station, Rising main, Feeder main, Distribution System, Drinking water house connection, SCADA Room, Chlorination room, Meter Room, Panel Room, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall Site development works etc. and other appurtenant works including SCADA and Automation as per specifications in tender document for Mauranipur Nagar Palika Parishad Reorganization water supply Scheme Under Amrut 2.0 The scope of work also includes trial run of 3 months & defect liability period of 12 months for Civil works & 24 months for E/M works after completion of successful trial run. All completed and commissioned work under Mauranipur Nagar Palika Parishad Reorganization water supply Scheme Under Amrut 2.0 shall be hand over to Jal Sansthan, Nagar Palika Parishad , Mauranipur after 3 month successful trial run period. (ON TURN KEY BASIS) UNDER “AMRUT 2.0 PROGRAMME”, 1 PART A CIVIL (INTAKE WELL 10 M DIA WITH FOOT BRIDGE) 2 Detailed Survey, design and Drawing, for Construction of R.C.C Intake well Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc.as requiredfor construction of Intake- well - cum - pump house of 10.0 m. internal dia. The intake well upto floor level shallbe firmly based on suitable foundation made with open technologyand Annular raft foundation, including construction of 1.0 m. wide R.C.C. balcony at plinth level, construction of Pump House made of brick masonry, duly embraced within R.C.C. column, and fitting of doors and windows, making opening arrangement at floor level of pump house (10.00 m. dia and 4 m. height) including steel cage hinged with locking arrangement, duly supported on IS MB 300. plateform for transformer ,Ventilator arrangement along with fixing of 250 mm. dia. DID/F pipesand Sluice Valves etc. as per site requirement or as per the design. The work also includes 20 mm. dia. G.I.Pipe (medium) railing in three rows on both sides of stair and balcony and fixing of 0.5m. wide M.S. ladder made of 50 x 50x 6mm. angle iron ladder from floor of pump house to floor of intake well, duly supported on R.C.C.landing at suitable interval. The ladder shall run spirally inside the intake well and each landing shall be supported on R.C.C. M.S. channelpost, spaced not more than 1.5 m. interval including Construction of R.C.C. foundation block as required. Design and Drawing approved by competent authority and Design vetted by Reputed Govt. Engineering College. 3 Detailed Survey, design and Drawing, Construction of R.C.C. Foot Bridge 5.0 m wide and 120.0 m long (length will be vary as per site requirement) as per BIS requirement and Making arrangement inside the Pahadi Dam( in Dhasan River) reservoir by Excavation of foundation (open /sinking) in all type of soil and rock below bottom of Dam for raft / pile foundation as required with making of coffer dam arrangement and sealing the required areawith continuous bailing out of water, including cutting of rock with special T&P, making temporary approach road, temporary bund sheet piling etc. as required at the time of laying foundation under water, R.C.C Foot Bridge with 32 mm Dia G.I. PipeRailing 1.2 m height in three Rows both side, Bridge sustained for loading up toDead Load of runningpipe line and pumps and live load of vehicles foroperation & maintenance purpose, floor offootbridgeshall be stone chequered tile and Foot Bridgeshould be meet out following requirement (4.0 mts. wide R.C.C Foot bridge from Intake well to bank of river for length of 120 mts. Design and Drawing approved by competent authority and Design vetted by Reputed Govt. Engineering College. 4 Construction of Scada Control Room as per type design. (10m x 4m x 4 m) 5 Construction ofHT Panel Room as per type design. (6m x 5m x 4 m) 6 Construction ofLT Panel Room as per type design. (5m x 5m x 4 m) 7 Construction ofMeter Room as per type design. (5m x 5m x 4 m) 8 CONSTRUCTION OF 23.0 MLD PRODUCTION CAPACITY WATER TREATMENT PLANT 9 Detailed Survey, design and Drawing, for Construction , (including topographical survey, geotechnical investigation and other Surveys as required) for specified capacity of 23 MLD WTP based on 20 Hrs and 20 % overloading.. operation including inlet chamber, aeration fountain / cascade, inlet channels including mechanical/manual fine/coarse screens, flash mixer, mixing channel with Parshall flume and flow measuring arrangement, clariflocculator with conventional, filter house and filter plant including back wash tank and back wash pumps with 100% standby, chemical house, coagulant feed tank (forwith feed mechanism, poly aluminium chloride (PAC) or other coagulant tank of specified capacity and nos. with mixing and dosing arrangement complete, vacuum feed gas chlorinator with 100% standby, sludge handling unit and recycling of collected water from sludge, , etc. complete,All WTP scada Opratedexternal and internal electrification, laboratory building with all specified lab equipment, admin building ( Decorated with Glasses and PVC Panneling Outside and inside of Wall and roof ), Staff Quarter (One no of 100 sqm Plinth area ), sanitary block with necessary water supply and drainage arrangement, campus roads, landscaping , Sub station building ,Construction of Scada Control Room as per type design. (10m x 4m x 4 m)and other campus development works, rain water harvesting,and west water recycleing unit etc. all required works complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.The WTP shall be fully automatic based on PLC/SCADA with real time remote monitoring system and online contineuous effluent monitoring system. Including Sub station. ( In this cost included 80% Civil work and 20% E and M Work ).Design and Drawing approved by competent authority and Design vetted by Reputed Govt. Engineering College. 10 Cost for Construction of Clear Water Reservoir (CWR) 11 ZonalRCC CWR 2500 KL CapacityDetailed Survey, Design and Drawing, supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for construction of Ractangular, R.C.C Clear Water Reservoir cum pump house including various works like 1 m wide stair case with stainless steel hand railing to go inside reservoir, sump below the pump house area, stainless steel railing over the R.C.C slab of reservoir, Granular texture finish on exterior surface of pump house, gantry beam, food grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / Ciba-Geigy or reputated brand on inside surface area of water container after testing for water tightness, kota ston floring,bypass arangment ,and soil testing for Bearing capacity of capacity mentioned as under:Note : The bid prices of Clear Water Reservoir / Pumping Stations are to be submitted considering the depth of excavation may extend up to 6 m BGL.The length of CWR should be decidedon the besis of Minimum 12 pump can be installed easily Design and Drawing approved by competent authority and Design vetted by Reputed Govt. Engineering College. 12 Design & Supply of all materials, T&P etc required for construction of specified capacity OHT with specified stagingas per following requirements:- OHTGrading of OHT- M--30 The food grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / CIEBA GAIKI or reputated brand on the all inside surface area of water container after treatment of water tightness. The food grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / CIEBA GAIKI or reputated brand on the all inside surface area of water container after treatment of water tightness. Stair case- Seperate two column basedRCC staircase and 1 m wide balcony with box type RCC structure at the entrance of the staircase to protect the entry of unwanted persons & locking arrangement with MS door. Railings- 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe (medium quality steel tubes as per IS 1239) railing consisting of 3 rows of with posts height (50x50x6 mm MS angle) (1.0 m) of same pipe around stair case (both sides), balcony & at the top dome periphery, including epoxy 3mm thick coating above base coat, 65mm dia GI pipe (medium quality steel tubes as per IS 1239) ladder with FRP coating from opening of top dome to inside the tank and top of bottom dome. Supply and fixing of CI man hole cover with locking device at opening on the top dome to go inside the tank.Ventilator and Water level indicator - RCC ventilator with SS grill (10 sqm at the spacing of 30 mm) with steel mosquito mesh,electronic digitalwater level indicator with ultrasonic sensor including supply & fixing of solar energy arrangements. Lightening conductor- A good quality lightening conductor covered with PVC casing Vertical pipes- Inlet Pipe - 400 mm, outlet pipe - 500 mm, overflow - 400 mm & washout pipe - 100 mm C.I. D/F pipe as per design criteria upto 1 m beyond the apron, IVC/Kirloskar sluice valve on inlet, out let & at wash out pipe, duck foot bend, puddle collers and bell mouths. 10 mm thick & 150 mm wide S S plate clamp for fixing of verticle pipes with RCC columns (minimum 2 clamps between ends of each pipe). It also includes bye pass arrangement of OHT. The velocity in the pipes shall not exceed 1.5 m/s.Flooring, Apron & Drain- 100 mm thick PCC of 1:2:4 & 100 mm thick CC of 1:1:2 with 6 mm thick glass strips not more than 1 sqm area upto 2 m from outer edge of the columns of OHT, drain of size 200 mm x 200 mm with 150 mm thick CC of 1:1:2 including necessary sluice valve chambers and pipe line required for proper drainage of rain water from the campus.Sluice valve chambers- 3 nos. of sluice valve chamber (minimum size 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 m or larger size as per requirements of site) of brick work with 200 mm thick RCC slab.Two coat apex painting over one coat primer of approved colour of asian / berger paints after fixing of RCC surface with grinder, repair of minor holes, unevenness etc. proper completion of work. Cost of Testing for bearing capacity of soil for various sites of proposed OHT Soil bearing capacity- Structure shall be design on the basis of maximum bearing capacity of 8 tonne/sqm or minimum as per actual on the basis of test report of soil bearing capacity. Including campus development.Sub Zone of Proposed OHTDesign and Drawing approved by competent authority and Design vetted by Reputed Govt. Engineering College. 13 Proposed OHT Zone-I1400 kl / 29 m staging 14 Proposed OHT Zone-II 1450 kl / 25 m Staging 15 Proposed OHT Zone-III 850 kl / 25 m Staging 16 Proposed Break Pressure Tank (BPT) at Intake on Pahari 300 kl / 22 m Staging 17 Mauranipur Nagar Palika Parishad Distribution Network Of Zone -1, 2 & Zone-3 , Raw water gravity main , Pumping main and Raising main Cwr To OHT 18 Excavation for pipe line trenches in soil mix / all type of rocks with moorum/shingles/kanker requiring use of special T&P ie. pick axe, sabbals etc. lift upto 1.50 m lead upto 50 m. stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering,preparing the bed,Filling watering ramming of excavated earth into pipe line trenches and disposal of surplus earth upto a distance of 10 KM from the centre of the pipe line trenches. Soil Mixed with moorum/ Shingle Kankar 19 Same as aboveExcavation item but inAll type of rock. 20 Supply of the following HDPE Pipes (PN-8 PE-100) as per B.I.S. code no. 4984/2016 or its latest amendment including cost of 1 HDPE Electro fusion coupler per pipe length and all bend , reducer, tee and all type of spacial which are required in Electro fusion joint fitting inclusive of all taxes and duties, 3rd party inspection charges, packing and forwarding charges, transit insurance charges, road transportation charges etc. F.O.R. destination etc. complete 21 110 mm HDPE Pipe PE 100/PN-8 22 140 mm HDPEPipe PE 100/PN-8 23 160 mm HDPEPipe PE 100/PN-8 24 Supply of ISI mark DI K-9 and K-7 S&S pipes (push on joints) of following class and diameters inclusive of jointing material (Rubber gasket of EPDM Quality IS 12820 / 1989)coupling, coupler as per I.S. F.O.R. destination including all local cartage etc complete. and supply of all DI DF/DI DS specialslike Tees, all type bendconforming to IS 8329/2000 for its latest ammendment F.O.R. desination rates per meter (exclusive of GST) in Rs. every where in UP upto stores of consignees inclusive of third party inspection chacking and forwarding charges, transit insurance charges, road transportation charges, unloading & stacking the same etc. complete 25 200 mmDI K-7 26 250 mm DI K-7 27 300 mm DI K-7 28 350 mm DI K-7 29 400 mm DI K-7 30 600 mm (DI-k9) Raw water pumping main 31 650 MM DI K-7 ( BPT TO WTP ) 32 350 MM DI K-9 ( CWR TO OHT ) Raising main 33 300 MM DI K-9 ( CWR TO OHT ) Raising main 34 Carting of following pipes, specials and fittings from site store to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, laying and jointing with electro fusion fitting of pipe line including cutting of pipe for making up lengths as required for proper completion of work. 35 110 mm HDPE 36 140 mm HDPE 37 160 mm HDPE 38 Lowering, laying and jointing with SBR ruber gasketsD.I. K-7/ D.I. K-9 of various classes with DI / MS specials of following diameter in proper position, grade and alignment including conveyance of material to site of work. It also includes cost of jointing materials and rubber rings labour,hydraulic testing etc complete 39 200 mmDI K-7 40 250 mm DI K-7 41 300 mm DI K-7 42 350 mm DI K-7 43 400 mm DI K-7 44 600 mm (DI-k9) Raw water pumping main 45 650 MM DI K-7 ( BPT TO WTP ) 46 Supply of following type of valves as per specifications F.O.R. desination rates per meter (exclusive of GST) in Rs. every where in UP upto stores of consignees inclusive of third party inspection charges, packing and forwarding charges, transit insurance charges, road transportation charges, unloading & stacking the same etc. complete. Double flanged Ductile Iron Sluice valveswith Dismantaling Joint as per IS 14840 : 2000 47 100 mm 48 125 mm 49 150 mm 50 200 mm 51 250 mm 52 300 mm 53 350 mm 54 400 mm 55 600 mm Raw water pumping main 56 650 MM Raw water gravity main 57 Air valves as per IS 14845 : 2000 With Isolation Valve 58 50 mm 59 80 mm 60 150 mm Raw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 61 Fire Hydrant as per IS Code 908 : 1975 62 80 mm Dia 63 Carting, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and installation of following valves in pipe line including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per direction of Engineer-in- charge. Double flanged Ductile Iron Sluice valves as per IS 14840 : 2000 64 100 mm 65 125 mm 66 150 mm 67 200 mm 68 250 mm 69 300 mm 70 350 mm 71 400 mm 72 600 mm Raw water pumping main 73 650 MM Raw water gravity main 74 Air valves as per IS 14845 : 2000 With Isolation Valve 75 50 mm 76 80 mm 77 150 mm Raw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 78 Fire Hydrant as per IS Code 908 : 1975 79 80 mm Dia 80 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for construction of following masonry type chambers as per type design. Sluice valve Chamber 81 80mm to 250 mm 82 300mm to 400 mm 83 300mm to 400 mm 84 600 mm to 650 mm diaRaw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 85 Air Valve Chamber 86 50 mm dia VC 87 80mm dia and above 88 80mm dia and above 89 150 mm Dia Raw water gravity main 90 Scour Valve Chamber 91 Fire Hydrant Chamber 92 Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of pilot operated hydraulically controlled Pressure Reducing Valve for distribution network to maintain a constatnt downstream pressure regardless of fluctuation in inlet pressure or flow with fixed set points inclusive of all the accessories like pressure gauge etc. as per given specifications. 93 100 mm 94 125mm 95 150mm 96 200mm 97 250mm 98 Providing new water supply house connection to the consumersfrom new distribution pipe line of following diametersincluding making ferrule connection, cost of ferrule, 15 mm dia HDPE and GI pipe, saddle piece, ball valve, specials, excavation, refilling of pit etc. complete. It also includes supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. As per attached drawing. 99 For 110mm dia 100 For 140mm-160 mm dia 101 For 200mm-250 mm dia 102 Shifting of house connection to the consumersfrom Existing pipe line to newdistribution pipe line of following diametersincluding making ferrule connection, cost of ferrule, 15 mm dia HDPE and GI pipe, saddle piece, ball valve, specials, excavation, refilling of pit etc. complete. It also includes supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. As per attached drawing. 103 110 mm dia 104 For 140mm to 160 mm dia 105 For 200 mm to 300 mm dia 106 Repairing / Shifting of existing water supply house connection due to falling in alignment of pipe line including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 107 Dismantling of following type of road surfaces for laying of pipe line and house connection work including sorting out of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials.Total Dismantling of Distribution , raw water gravity main Raw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 108 Bituminious Road 109 Cement Concrete Road (PCC) 110 Interlocking Tiles Road 111 Re-instatement of following type of road surfaces after laying of pipe line and house connection work including supply of all materials, T&P etc. requuired for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer-in-charge. The quantity of re-instatement has been increased by thirty percent in the view of additional damaged of dismantled road due to traffic / vehicle movement. 112 Bituminious Road (Sub-Base + Base + BM + PC + Tack coat) Raw water gravity mainRaw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main Bitumen roadTYPE AConstruction of bitumen road as per UPPWD specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-GSB G-1 (One coat) (90-40 mm) = 12.5 cmG -2 (one coat) (45-63 mm) = 7.5 cmG - 3 (one coat) (22.5 - 53 mm) = 7.5 cmBM (One coat)= 7.5 cmSDBC (One coat)= 2.5 cm 113 TYPE BConstruction of bitumen road as per UPPWD specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-Bitumen Road (SDBC + Tack coat)SDBC (One coat)= 2.5 cmTack coat with bituminous emulsion (MS)= 0.25 kg/sqm(30% consider for over dismantling of existing road) 114 Cement Concrete Road (100mm Thick PCC 1:4:8 and 100mm Thick CC 1:2:4) 115 Interlocking Tiles Road(50% old and 50% new) C.C. Interlocking Tiles Road Type AConstruction of 80 mm tihck C.C. Interlocking Tile road including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-PCC = 100 mm,1:4:8 (cement, coarse sand & stone ballast of 20-40 mm)Sand= 50 mm thick local sand lair for preparation of surfaceTiles = 50% new + 50% old 116 Interlocking Tiles Road(100%new)C.C. Interlocking Tiles Road Type AConstruction of 80 mm tihck C.C. Interlocking Tile road including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-PCC = 100 mm,1:4:8 (cement, coarse sand & stone ballast of 20-40 mm)Sand= 50 mm thick local sand lair for preparation of surfaceTiles = 100% new 117 Construction of thurst block in RCC 1:2:4 at bends & Tee in feeder main to DMAsincluding supply of all labour, material, T&P etc. complete as per the details given below :- 118 Providing nominal reinforcement @ 0.15% of item no. 28including cutting bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc. complete (including cost of binding wire and MS Bar) includingRaw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 119 Repairing of drain/ public ramp/other miscellaneous structures which are coming in alignment of pipe line and damaged during the laying of pipe line including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 120 Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4 121 12mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4 122 RCC M-20 (including MS work) 123 Stone masonry in cement mortar 1:6 124 Provision for crossing of Nalas (0.5mto 2.0 m width) for laying of pipe line including necessary specials, T&P and arrangement of diversion of water, baricatings etc required, with dismantelling of drains and reconstruction of same as per type design of the existing drain. 125 0.5 - 1.0 m 126 1.0 - 1.5 m 127 1.5 - 2.0 m 128 Disposal of surplus earth /unserviceable material, by mechanical transport including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground for lead upto 10 km for all lifts, complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. 129 Barricading of pipe line trenches by using2 m high hard MS barricading board 2.5x2.0 M, with red flags, Glow-caution boards, diversion boards & red lights.IncludingRaw water gravity main andRaw water pumping main 130 Construction of 1.5 m wide bridge over Nala /pound/ Riverforresting ofRunning pipe linehaving650mm dia including, barricading, caution board , diversion etc. complete and Bridge sustained all forces that should be accountable as BIS requirement for loading up toDead Load of runningpipe line and live load and Excavation of foundation (open /sinking) in all type of soil and rock below bottom of River / Nalafor raft / pile foundation as required with making of coffer dam arrangement and sealing the required area with continuous bailing out of water, including cutting of rock with special T&P, making temporary approach road, temporary bund sheet pilling etc. required at the time of laying foundation under water andR.C.C Bridge supported with 32 mm Dia G.I. PipeRailing 1.2 m in three Rows both side, protection work and permanent earthenbunds with stone pitching etc. including supply of all material T&P labour required for proper completion of work as per the direction of engineer in charge 131 Construction of 1.0 m wide bridge over Nala /pound/ Riverforresting ofRunning pipe linehaving below to650mm dia including, barricading, caution board , diversion etc. complete and Bridge sustained all forces that should be accountable as BIS requirement for loading up toDead Load of runningpipe line and live load and Excavation of foundation (open /sinking) in all type of soil and rock below bottom of River / Nalafor raft / pile foundation as required with making of coffer dam arrangement and sealing the required area with continuous bailing out of water, including cutting of rock with special T&P, making temporary approach road, temporary bund sheet pilling etc. required at the time of laying foundation under water andR.C.C Bridge supported with 32 mm Dia G.I. PipeRailing 1.2 m in three Rows both side, protection work and permanent earthenbunds with stone pitching etc. including supply of all material T&P labour required for proper completion of work as per the direction of engineer in charge 132 Providing and laying of 450 dia MS casing pipe 8 mm. thick as per IS-3589 laying by trenchless technology by HDD Methods under National Highway track. With outside of PU coating to a dry him of 1000 micron and inside of casing pipe high build epoxy to a dry film. Providing and fixing of speed restriction caution board as per NH and 80 mm. dia GI drain and vent pipe. Providing and fixing the end seal on both ends to plug the annular space between casing and cerrier pipe. Under ground probe radar survey to check any underground abstruction before finalizing the alignment and to take precautionary measures from power supply distribution.Providing and laying up to 250 mm: dia MS. carrier pipe in 450 mm. dia MS casing pipe.Provision For NH (up to 450 mm Dia MS Pipe Line OF 8 mm Thickness) .. 133 Miscellaneous Works Related Mauranipur Reorganization water supply scheme. 134 Construction of2.0 meter high compound wall from formation level of campus,comprising of 230mmx230mm RCC Columns @ 3.0 m c/c distance with 230 mm thick beam at plinth and top, brick work in 1:4 and 12 MM THICK 1:4 cement plaster and 230 mm thick, over all surface of wall , two coat of Exterior emulsion paint of approved reputed make over one coat of primer and even surface preparation by applying 2-3 layer of approved reputed make Puttyas perdesign approved by engineer in Charge, including supply of all material, labour, T& P etc complete.OHT / CWR Campus 135 Supply and fixing M S iron gate 4.5M wide with a wicket gate including primer and painting etc all complete 136 General Residential Quarters for staff 137 1 set = 4 nos. of staff quarters (2 G.F. + 2 F.F.) including common stair case and other miscellaneous works. The plinth area of each staff quarter is 57.706 sqm. At WTP 138 Officers Residential Quarturs 139 1 set = 2 nos. of staff quarters (1+1 G.F) including other miscellaneous works. The plinth area of each staff quarter is 57.706 sqm. At Intake and OHT campus 140 E and M Cost 141 RAW WATER PUMPING PLANT ATINTAKE WELL 142 Supply of Vertical type oil lubricated statically, dynamically, hydraulicallybalancedturbinepumpcapableofdischargingat980 rpm the following duty condition as given below due to all causes with surface discharge head confirming to IS:1710 and as amended as on date with accessories as per IS 5120/1977(Reconfirmed 2011) and as amended thereafter to suit the site condition.The Pump Bowl assembly shall be FG: 260with 2% NiCi with CF8M impeller running at 980 rpm., head shaft, SS-410 line shaft , Rubber line shaft bearing , C.I. Bearing retainer, Suction bell mouth, strainer, oil tube and 16mtr/suitablelengthcolumnassembly,withverticalSolidshaft Squirrel cage induction motor copper wounded and die cast copper rotor (IS:126152011/IEC 60034-1) suitable for the above pump continuousratedTEFCIP-55withClassFinsulation,antirotation locking arrengementfor operation in AC, three Phase/50 HZ (±5%), 415V (±10%), running with a speed of pump.CAPACITY:- 9200 LPM / 52 Mtr. HEAD / 180 HP MOTOR (2w+1s) 143 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :- 144 SupplyofDIDFSingleDoor/MultiDoorNonreturn/refluxvalve conforming to IS:5312/2003(part I & II) PN-1.0 to be fixed after pumps for 90% fast closing & 10% slow closing 350 mm 145 SupplyofDIDFsluicevalvewith Electricallyintegratedactuater (Totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP- 67,protectionclasssuitableforinstallation inanypositionwithout lubrication, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filledgearboxandsuitableformanualoperationforemergency which will automatically dis-engage on restoration of power to motor andwith10wattsinglephasespaceheaterandcontinuouslocal mechanicalpositionindicatorandindividuallyreplaceablecounter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flapandoperatedwithgeardrivencamsandofrating250Volt,5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirrel cage induction) operated with positioning card suitable to SCADA operation sluice valve having body door cover of graded in cast iron to IS:210Gr.Fg.260bodyanddoor ringsofSSASTMA743Gr.CF8and bearingblockofleadedtinbronzetoIS:318Gr.LTB2hingepinof stainless steel AISI:431.Valves generally conform to IS:5312.Flanges to be drilled as per IS:1538 Part-IV &VI.Valvesare suitablefor hydrostatictestpressureof10Kg./Cm2forseatand15Kg./Cm2for body(PN-1.0)of 350mm dia at pump delivery 146 SupplyofDIDF manuallyoperatedsluicevalvehavingbodydoor cover of graded in cast iron to IS:210 Gr.Fg.260 body and door rings of SS ASTM A743 Gr.CF8 and bearing block of leaded tin bronze to IS:318 Gr.LTB2 hinge pin of stainless steel AISI:431.Valves generally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0 Rating) Sluice Valve of 450 mm dia size at Common Header & By-pass 147 Supply and fabrication of main piping of following sizes. 450 x 350 x 450 mm MS D/F Tee (10 mm thickness) -3 No350 mm MS D/F Pipe 0.50 mt. (10 mm thickness) - 3 No 350 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 450 mm MS D/F Pipe 2.00 mt. (10 mm thickness) -3 No 450 mm MS D/F (10 mm thickness) Bend 90o - 2 No 450 mm Blind Flange - 1 NoNecessary GI Nut Bolt’s& Rubber Packing - 1 Lot 148 SupplyofD.I./D.F.DismantlingJointsisavariablelengthDouble Flanged Short Piece constituted by a flange / Spigot Tailpiece inserted into the other Tailpiece which allows the distance between the two flangestobevariedwithincertainlimitsthusprovidingavariable distance piece between two fixed flange end devices like Pumps and Valves. The Dismantling Joint to be supplied complete with Sealing RubberGasketsofEPDMquality(IS:5382/1985Type-4),CastIron Follower Glands and Mild Steel (Zinc Coated) Nut Bolts of Following size 149 Dismantling joint 350 mm dia size at pump delivery 150 Dismantling joint 450 mm dia size at common header 151 5 Ton capacity Hand operated over head Travelling (HOT) crane suitable for a span upto 6 Mtrs, and travel length upto 10 Mtrs. with clear lift upto 6 M including gear type chain pulley block and geared Travelling trolley complete with all accessories complete with double girder 152 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) PANEL :-Singlefront,Indoor&floormounted,cubicaltypePanelfactory fabricated(2mmthickforsructure,1.6mmthickfordoor,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coated dust andvermin proof IP-54 /IS:2147, consideredEarth Bus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION1000A,50KA,TPN,ACBEDOmicroprocessorbaseed (O/C,S/C) release - 1 No , Spreader Links & Extended ROH for - 1 No, 3 Phase Digital Multifunction Meter- 1 No, Digital Voltmeter 0-500V- 3 No, Digital Ampere meter 0-1000A- 3 Nos , CT For meter Resin Cast CL- 1000A/5A,15VA - 3 Nos, Phase indication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, Control MCB SP 6A ,10KA ABB - 3 Nos, CT Shorting Terminal - 4 Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION500 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE - 3 No, Spreader Links & Extended ROH for MCCB - 3 Nos., 63A TPN MCCB 35KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 153 SupplyofAirCooledDigitalsoftstartersuitablefortheLTmotor offered for operation in AC three Phase 50Hz (+/- 5%), 415V(+/-10%) including line contactors suitable for next standard higher KW rating, Over & Under load protection, short circuit & single phasing protection with frequency meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, indicating lamp 6Nos, LED ON/OFF type and Start /Stop push button and Instrument Fuses, suitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port rating capacity 180 HP / 132 KW 154 Supplyofmicroprocessorbasedthreephasesensingpowerfactor correction relay panel , IEC / EN 61000-6- (2&4) having 3 CT sensing, sensitivity up to 50 milli amp secondary current , self analysing auto c/k setting according to targeted power factor setting, the relay shall have digit display unit for display of real power factor, targeted power factor,lag/leadcapacitorswitchingstatus,alarmoutputforunder current, over current, insufficient compensation, communication interface with RS 485, indication of switching on units, auto/manual status, and shall have over load protection, no volt release , having multi parameter like KW, KVA, KVAR rating capacity of 250 KVAR 155 Supply & laying of 1.1KV grade XLPE insulated unarmured multi strand copperconductorcableof3Cx70sq.mm fromcontrolPanelto respective Motors with lugs etc. (copper conductor should be electrlytic grade copper, purity >99.97% ISI marked asper IS:1554 P-I/ IS :7098 P-I) 156 Supply & Fixing of Powder coated GI Cable Tray 150mmx50mmx1.6mm 157 Earthing with copper earth plate 600mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick includingaccessories, and providing masonryenclosurewith cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc.withcharcoal/cokeandsaltasrequiredaccordingtolatest IS:3043 158 Supplying and laying 50 mm X 6 mm G.I.strip at 0.50 metre below groundasstripearthelectrode,includingconnection/terminating with nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done byoverlappingandwith2setsofbrassnutbolt&springwasher spaced at 50mm) 159 Supply of ABC Dry Powder type Fire Extinguisher 4.5 kg conforming to IS: 15683:2006 160 Supply of CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel 161 Supply of Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of 1000 Amp 162 S& F of all in one solar LED street light fixture with Integrated high efficient Monocrystalline panel with Lithium (LiFePO4) Ferro PhosphatebatterywithBISapprovedmake.luminaireshouldbe secondary optic lenses for better distribution with delivered efficacy of >100 Lumen per watt. Luminaire can be supplied with Hybrid switch along with indicator to understand the source of power( either from solar or AC supply).shall have certificate tested fromMNRE approved Lab.Guaranteefortotalsystemistwoyears.Note:Alltheabove should be integrated and should be 1 system. make: Bajaj/ Philips / Crompton. Compact SolarLED Street Light- 60W/12V/27Ah with GI pole 163 Internal & External electrification of Pump house 164 Twin tube light covered LED 20 Watt 165 450 mm dia exhaust fan 166 Providing & Fixing of IK07 IP-66 protected high power LED flood light system with Pressure diecast aluminium housing LM6/ ADC12 material 50 Watt Flood light 167 CompletewiringofPumphouse with1.5 Sqmm& 2.5Sqmm multistarndcopperconductorwire1.1KVwithrequired5A&15A switches, ceiling rose 168 RubbermatsforelectricalpurposeasperIS:5425-1969, plain/chequered (1mX2m) - 19mm thickness 169 INSTRUMENTATIONWORKS AT INTAKE WELL 170 Supply of CE/UL Full BorecElectromagnetic Flow Meter of approved makeoffollowing dia and specifications complete: Media : Water (Raw/ Chlorinated), Pressure:upto1.0 MPa,Process temp:-50degC, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SS AISI 316L /Hastelloy C276/Tantalum,LiningMaterial:Hard Rubber/ Neoprene/Poly-urethane(PU) , Flange : SS /CS, Flange Standard&Rating:ANSI150,Coilhousing:SSAISI304/Carbon Steel/DieCastAluminium, withanticorrosivepaint &provide completelysealed(leakproof)constructionasperrequirement ‘of IEC60529,Accuracy:+0.5%M.V.-velocity0.3to10m/s, Transmitter/signaconvertor Enclosure :DieCast Aluminium, Power Supply : 80-240V AC - 5OHz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parametersand totalizer value during power failure, Protection category- IP 68 for sensor (flow tube) and IP 67 for transmitter/ convertor, including Surge Arrester, cable(size - 450 mm dia at common header) 171 SupplyofCE/ULCertifiedpressuretransmitterCEmarkdwith following technical parametersand Interfacing with PLC panel includingmounting arrangement. Output 4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDAccuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 172 Supply of CE/UL cirtified ofRadar level transmitter CE marked with following technical parametersand Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement.Output-4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDRange- 0 to …30... mtrsAccuracy - +/- 0.25% of Full Scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 173 CE & UL Certified PLC/ RTU in IP 54 enclosure suitable to communicate with intelligent GSM Based modem unit with CPU and PowerSupplywithanalogandDigitalParameterandfeaturesas specifiedto store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU designed with logic to tansfer data at multiple stations and also compatible for satellite communication alongwith control panel with IP 54 Protection, Industrial grade for all equipment and 24V and power supply 174 GSM/GPRS based wirelesscommunicationwith 4G modem for RTU/PLC Capable to transfer and gather data from remotesites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer, antenna made for pumping plantwith SIM andrecharge 175 CE & UL Certified 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 176 CE/UL Certified Intelligent energy meters 177 Complete cabling for instrumentation works with power cabeling to panel of automation 178 SecuritySurvellianceIPCamerawithallrequiredaccessoriesfor pump house, substation and campus 179 Installation, testing and comissioning of pumping plant & associated allequipmentsasperapproveddrawingshallbedonebybidder includingchequerredplateandpaintingofpumpingplant&main piping-valves. 180 Testing of Pumping Plant & Control Panel & valves etc at Manufacturer Works 181 CLEAR WATER PUMPING PLANT AT MCWRTO OHT ZONE - 1 182 SupplyofVerticaltypeselfwaterlubricatedstatically,dynamically, hydraulically balanced turbine pump capable of discharging at 1450 rpm thefollowingdutyconditionasgivenbelowduetoallcauseswith surfacedischargeheadconfirmingtoIS:1710andasamendedason datewithaccessoriesasperIS5120/1977(Reconfirmed2011)andas amended thereafter to suit the site condition.The Pump Bowl assembly shall be FG: 260 with 2% NiCi with CF8M impeller running at 1450 rpm., head shaft, SS-410 line shaft , Rubber line shaft bearing , C.I. Bearing retainer,Suctionbellmouth,strainer,oiltubeand05mtr/suitable lengthcolumnassembly,withverticalSolidshaft Squirrelcage induction motor copper wounded and die cast copper rotor (IS:126152011/IEC 60034-1) suitable for the above pump continuous rated TEFC IP-55 with Class F insulation, anti rotation locking arrengement for operation in AC, three Phase/50 HZ (±5%), 415V (±10%), running with a speed of pump.CAPACITY:- 2720 LPM / 41 Mtr. HEAD / 40 HP MOTOR (2w+1s) 183 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :- 184 SupplyofDIDFSingleDoor/MultiDoorNonreturn/refluxvalve conforming to IS:5312/2003(part I & II) PN-1.0 to be fixed after pumps for 90% fast closing & 10% slow closing of 200 mm dia size 185 SupplyofDIDF SluicevalvewithElectricallyintegratedactuater (Totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP- 67,protectionclasssuitableforinstallationinanypositionwithout lubrication, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and suitable for manual operation for emergency which willautomaticallydis-engageonrestorationofpowertomotorand with 10 watt single phase space heater and continuous local mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirrel cage induction) operated with positioning card suitable to SCADA operation sluice valve having body door cover of graded in cast iron to IS:210 Gr.Fg.260 body and door rings ofSSASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzeto IS:318Gr.LTB2hingepinofstainlesssteelAISI:431.Valvesgenerally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0) of 200 mm size at pump delivery 186 Supply of DIDFmanually operated sluice valve having body door cover of gradedin castiron toIS:210Gr.Fg.260bodyanddoor ringsof SS ASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzetoIS:318 Gr.LTB2 hinge pin of stainless steel AISI:431.Valves generally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0 Rating) Sluice Valve ofsize- 250mmat common header & by pass 187 Supply and fabrication of main piping of following sizes250 x 200 x 250 mm MS D/F Tee (10 mm thickness) -3 No200 mm MS D/F Pipe 0.50 mt. (10 mm thickness) - 3 No 200 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 250 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 250 mm MS D/F Pipe 2.00 mt. (10 mm thickness) -1 No 250 mm MS D/F (10 mm thickness) Bend 90o - 2 No 250 mm Blind Flange - 1 NoNecessary G.I. Nut Bolt’s & Rubber Packing - 1 Lot 188 SupplyofD.I./D.F.DismantlingJointsisavariablelengthDouble Flanged Short Piece constituted by a flange / Spigot Tailpiece inserted intotheotherTailpiecewhichallowsthedistancebetweenthetwo flangestobevariedwithincertainlimitsthusprovidingavariable distance piece between two fixed flange end devices like Pumps and Valves.TheDismantlingJointtobesuppliedcompletewithSealing RubberGasketsofEPDMquality(IS:5382/1985Type-4),CastIron Follower Glands andMildSteel (ZincCoated)NutBoltsof Following size 189 Dismantling joint 200 mm dia size at pump delivery 190 Dismantling joint 250 mm dia size at common header 191 Supply of Electrically Motor operated actuator with positioning card and bracketforsluicevalvesuitableforSCADAoperationwithlimit switches, auto de clutch for manual operation in emergency etcas per relevant IS suitable for 450 mm dia size for OHT outlet 192 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) PANEL :-Single front, Indoor & floor mounted,cubical type Panel factory fabricated(2mmthickforsructure,1.6mmthickfordoor,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coated dustandverminproofIP-54/IS:2147,consideredEarthBus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION160 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor baseed(O/C,S/C) release - 1 No,SpreaderLinks&ExtendedROHfor-1No,3PhaseDigital MultifunctionMeter-1No,DigitalVoltmeter0-500V-1No,Digital Amperemeter0-400A -3Nos,CTFormeterResinCastCL- 200A/5A,15VA - 3 Nos, Phase indication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, ControlMCBSP6A,10KA-3Nos,CTShortingTerminal-4Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION100 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE - 3 No, Spreader Links & Extended ROH for MCCB - 3 Nos., 63A TPN MCCB 35KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 193 SupplyofAirCooledDigitalsoftstartersuitablefortheLTmotor offeredforoperationinACthreePhase50Hz(+/-5%), 415V(+/-10%) including line contactors suitable for next standard higher KW rating, Over & Under load protection, short circuit & single phasing protection with frequency meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, indicating lamp 6Nos, LED ON/OFFtypeandStart/StoppushbuttonandInstrumentFuses, suitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port rating capacity 40 HP / 30 KW 194 Supply & laying of 1.1KV grade XLPE insulatedunarmured multi strand copperconductorcableof3Cx25sq.mm fromcontrolPanelto respective Motors with lugs etc. (copper conductor should be electrlytic grade coppe, purity >99.97 % ISI marked as per IS:1554 P-I / IS:7098 P- I) 195 Supply & Fixing of Powder coated GI Cable Tray 150mmx50mmx1.6mm 196 Earthingwithcopperearthplate600mmX600mmX3mmthick includingaccessories,andprovidingmasonryenclosurewithcover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required according to latest IS:3043 197 Supplyingandlaying50mmX6mmG.I.stripat0.50metrebelow ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with nut,bolt,spring,washeretc.asrequired.(Jointingshallbedone by overlapping and with 2 sets of brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 198 INSTRUMENTATION WORKS FOR ZONE-1 199 SupplyofCE/ULFullBoreElectromagneticFlowMeterofapproved makeoffollowingdiaandspecificationscomplete: Media: Water (Raw/Chlorinated) , Pressure : up to 1.0MPa, Process temp:-50degC, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SSAISI 316L /Hastelloy C276/Tantalum,LiningMaterial:HardRubber/ Neoprene/Poly-urethane(PU) , Flange : SS /CS, Flange Standard & Rating : ANSI 150, Coil housing : SS AISI 304/ Carbon Steel/ Die Cast Aluminium, withanticorrosivepaint&providecompletely sealed (leakproof) construction as per requirement ‘of IEC 60529, Accuracy:+0.5%M.V.-velocity0.3to10m/s,Transmitter/signa convertorEnclosure: Die CastAluminium,Power Supply : 80-240V AC - 5OHz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parameters and totalizer value during power failure, Protection category-IP68forsensor(flowtube)andIP67fortransmitter/ convertor, including Surge Arrester, cable, of 250 mm dia. size 200 Supply of CE/UL Certified pressure transmitter CE markd with following technical parametersand Interfacing with PLC panel includingmounting arrangement. Output 4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDAccuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 201 Supply of CE/UL cirtified ofRadarlevel transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement.Output-4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LED Range- 0 to …30... mtrsAccuracy - +/- 0.25% of Full Scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 202 CE & UL Certified PLC/ RTU in IP 54 enclosure suitable to communicate with intelligentGSMBasedmodemunit with CPU andPower Supply with analog and Digital Parameter and features as specified to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU designed with logic to tansfer dataatmultiplestationsandalsocompatibleforsatellite communicationalongwithcontrolpanelwithIP54Protection, Industrial grade for all equipment and 24V and power supply for CWR & OHT 203 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLCCapabletotransferandgatherdatafromremotesitesto control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer, antenna made for pumping plantwith SIM and recharge for CWR & OHT 204 CE & UL Certified 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 205 Supply of CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel 206 CE/UL Certified Intelligent energy meters 207 Complete cabling of instrumentation equipments with power supply of panels for CWR & OHT 208 Security Survelliance IP Camera with all required accessories for pump house, substation and campus 209 Installation, testing and comissioning of pumping plant & associated all equipments as per approved drawing shall be done by bidder including chequerred plate and painting of pumping plant & main piping-valves. 210 Testing of Pumping Plant & Control Panel & valves etc at Manufacturer Works 211 CLEAR WATER PUMPING PLANT AT MCWRTO OHT ZONE - 2 212 SupplyofVerticaltypeselfwaterlubricatedstatically,dynamically, hydraulically balanced turbine pump capable of discharging at 1450 rpm thefollowingdutyconditionasgivenbelowduetoallcauseswith surfacedischargeheadconfirmingtoIS:1710andasamendedason datewithaccessoriesasperIS5120/1977(Reconfirmed2011)andas amended thereafter to suit the site condition.The Pump Bowl assembly shall be FG: 260 with 2% NiCi with CF8M impeller running at 1450 rpm., head shaft, SS-410 line shaft , Rubber line shaft bearing , C.I. Bearing retainer,Suctionbellmouth,strainer,oiltubeand05mtr/suitable lengthcolumnassembly,withverticalSolidshaft Squirrelcage induction motor copper wounded and die cast copper rotor (IS:126152011/IEC 60034-1) suitable for the above pump continuous rated TEFC IP-55 with Class F insulation, anti rotation locking arrengement for operation in AC, three Phase/50 HZ (±5%), 415V (±10%), running with a speed of pump.CAPACITY:- 2900 LPM / 32 Mtr. HEAD / 40 HP MOTOR (2w+1s) 213 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :- 214 SupplyofDIDFSingleDoor/MultiDoorNonreturn/refluxvalve conforming to IS:5312/2003(part I & II) PN-1.0 to be fixed after pumps for 90% fast closing & 10% slow closing of 200 mm dia size 215 SupplyofDIDF SluicevalvewithElectricallyintegratedactuater (Totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP- 67,protectionclasssuitableforinstallationinanypositionwithout lubrication, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and suitable for manual operation for emergency which willautomaticallydis-engageonrestorationofpowertomotorand with 10 watt single phase space heater and continuous local mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirrel cage induction) operated with positioning card suitable to SCADA operation sluice valve having body door cover of graded in cast iron to IS:210 Gr.Fg.260 body and door rings ofSSASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzeto IS:318Gr.LTB2hingepinofstainlesssteelAISI:431.Valvesgenerally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0) of 200 mm size at pump delivery 216 Supply of DIDFmanually operated sluice valve having body door cover of gradedin castiron toIS:210Gr.Fg.260bodyanddoor ringsof SS ASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzetoIS:318 Gr.LTB2 hinge pin of stainless steel AISI:431.Valves generally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0 Rating) Sluice Valve ofsize- 250mmat common header & by pass 217 Supply and fabrication of main piping of following sizes250 x 200 x 250 mm MS D/F Tee (10 mm thickness) -3 No200 mm MS D/F Pipe 0.50 mt. (10 mm thickness) - 3 No 200 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 250 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 250 mm MS D/F Pipe 2.00 mt. (10 mm thickness) -1 No 250 mm MS D/F (10 mm thickness) Bend 90o - 2 No 250 mm Blind Flange - 1 NoNecessary G.I. Nut Bolt’s & Rubber Packing - 1 Lot 218 SupplyofD.I./D.F.DismantlingJointsisavariablelengthDouble Flanged Short Piece constituted by a flange / Spigot Tailpiece inserted intotheotherTailpiecewhichallowsthedistancebetweenthetwo flangestobevariedwithincertainlimitsthusprovidingavariable distance piece between two fixed flange end devices like Pumps and Valves.TheDismantlingJointtobesuppliedcompletewithSealing RubberGasketsofEPDMquality(IS:5382/1985Type-4),CastIron Follower Glands andMildSteel (ZincCoated)NutBoltsof Following size 219 Dismantling joint 200 mm dia size at pump delivery 220 Dismantling joint 250 mm dia size at common header 221 Supply of Electrically Motor operated actuator with positioning card and bracketforsluicevalvesuitableforSCADAoperationwithlimit switches, auto de clutch for manual operation in emergency etcas per relevant IS suitable for 450 mm dia size for OHT outlet 222 3 Ton capacity hand operated over head Travelling (HOT) crane suitable for a span upto 6 Mtrs, and travel length upto 10 Mtrs. with clear lift upto 6 M including gear type chain pulley block and geared Travelling trolley complete with all accessories including gurder 223 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) PANEL :-Single front, Indoor & floor mounted,cubical type Panel factory fabricated(2mmthickforsructure,1.6mmthickfordoor,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coated dustandverminproofIP-54/IS:2147,consideredEarthBus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION160 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor baseed(O/C,S/C) release - 1 No,SpreaderLinks&ExtendedROHfor-1No,3PhaseDigital MultifunctionMeter-1No,DigitalVoltmeter0-500V-1No,Digital Amperemeter0-400A -3Nos,CTFormeterResinCastCL- 200A/5A,15VA - 3 Nos, Phase indication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, ControlMCBSP6A,10KA-3Nos,CTShortingTerminal-4Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION100 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE - 3 No, Spreader Links & Extended ROH for MCCB - 3 Nos., 63A TPN MCCB 35KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 224 SupplyofAirCooledDigitalsoftstartersuitablefortheLTmotor offeredforoperationinACthreePhase50Hz(+/-5%), 415V(+/-10%) including line contactors suitable for next standard higher KW rating, Over & Under load protection, short circuit & single phasing protection with frequency meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, indicating lamp 6Nos, LED ON/OFFtypeandStart/StoppushbuttonandInstrumentFuses, suitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port rating capacity 40 HP / 30 KW 225 Supply & laying of 1.1KV grade XLPE insulatedunarmured multi strand copperconductorcableof3Cx25sq.mm fromcontrolPanelto respective Motors with lugs etc. (copper conductor should be electrlytic grade coppe, purity >99.97 % ISI marked as per IS:1554 P-I / IS:7098 P- I) 226 Supply & Fixing of Powder coated GI Cable Tray 150mmx50mmx1.6mm 227 Earthingwithcopperearthplate600mmX600mmX3mmthick includingaccessories,andprovidingmasonryenclosurewithcover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required according to latest IS:3043 228 Supplyingandlaying50mmX6mmG.I.stripat0.50metrebelow ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with nut,bolt,spring,washeretc.asrequired.(Jointingshallbedone by overlapping and with 2 sets of brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 229 Supply of ABC Dry Powder type Fire Extinguisher 4.5 kg conforming to IS: 15683:2006 230 Internal & External electrification of Pump house 231 Twin tube light covered LED 20 Watt 232 450 mm dia exhaust fan 233 Providing & Fixing of IK07 IP-66 protected high power LED flood light system with Pressure diecast aluminium housing LM6/ ADC12 material 50 Watt Flood light 234 Complete wiring of Pump house with 1.5 Sqmm & 2.5 Sqmm multistarnd copper conductor wire 1.1 KV with required 5A & 15A switches, ceiling rose 235 Supply of CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel 236 RubbermatsforelectricalpurposeasperIS:5425-1969, plain/chequered (1mX2m) - 19mm thickness 237 INSTRUMENTATION WORKS FOR ZONE - 2 238 SupplyofCE/ULFullBoreElectromagneticFlowMeterofapproved makeoffollowingdiaandspecificationscomplete: Media: Water (Raw/Chlorinated) , Pressure : up to 1.0MPa, Process temp:-50degC, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SSAISI 316L /Hastelloy C276/Tantalum,LiningMaterial:HardRubber/ Neoprene/Poly-urethane(PU) , Flange : SS /CS, Flange Standard & Rating : ANSI 150, Coil housing : SS AISI 304/ Carbon Steel/ Die Cast Aluminium, withanticorrosivepaint&providecompletely sealed (leakproof) construction as per requirement ‘of IEC 60529, Accuracy:+0.5%M.V.-velocity0.3to10m/s,Transmitter/signa convertorEnclosure: Die CastAluminium,Power Supply : 80-240V AC - 5OHz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parameters and totalizer value during power failure, Protection category-IP68forsensor(flowtube)andIP67fortransmitter/ convertor, including Surge Arrester, cable, of 250 mm dia. size 239 Supply of CE/UL Certified pressure transmitter CE markd with following technical parametersand Interfacing with PLC panel includingmounting arrangement. Output 4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDAccuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 240 Supply of CE/UL cirtified ofRadarlevel transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement.Output-4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDRange- 0 to …30... mtrsAccuracy - +/- 0.25% of Full Scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 241 CE & UL Certified PLC/ RTU in IP 54 enclosure suitable to communicate with intelligentGSMBasedmodemunit with CPU andPower Supply with analog and Digital Parameter and features as specified to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU designed with logic to tansfer dataatmultiplestationsandalsocompatibleforsatellite communicationalongwithcontrolpanelwithIP54Protection, Industrial grade for all equipment and 24V and power supply for CWR & OHT 242 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLCCapabletotransferandgatherdatafromremotesitesto control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer, antenna made for pumping plantwith SIM and recharge for CWR & OHT 243 CE & UL Certified 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 244 CE/UL Certified Intelligent energy meters 245 Complete cabling of instrumentation equipments with power supply of panels for CWR & OHT 246 Security Survelliance IP Camera with all required accessories for pump house, substation and campus 247 Installation, testing and comissioning of pumping plant & associated all equipments as per approved drawing shall be done by bidder including chequerred plate and painting of pumping plant & main piping-valves. 248 Testing of Pumping Plant & Control Panel & valves etc at Manufacturer Works 249 CLEAR WATER PUMPING PLANT AT MAIN CWR TO OHT ZONE -3 250 SupplyofVerticaltypeselfwaterlubricatedstatically,dynamically, hydraulically balanced turbine pump capable of discharging at 1450 rpm thefollowingdutyconditionasgivenbelowduetoallcauseswith surfacedischargeheadconfirmingtoIS:1710andasamendedason datewithaccessoriesasperIS5120/1977(Reconfirmed2011)andas amended thereafter to suit the site condition.The Pump Bowl assembly shall be FG: 260 with 2% NiCi with CF8M impeller running at 1450 rpm., head shaft, SS-410 line shaft , Rubber line shaft bearing , C.I. Bearing retainer,Suctionbellmouth,strainer,oiltubeand05mtr/suitable lengthcolumnassembly,withverticalSolidshaft Squirrelcage induction motor copper wounded and die cast copper rotor (IS:126152011/IEC 60034-1) suitable for the above pump continuous rated TEFC IP-55 with Class F insulation, anti rotation locking arrengement for operation in AC, three Phase/50 HZ (±5%), 415V (±10%), running with a speed of pump.CAPACITY:- 1700 LPM / 40 Mtr. HEAD / 30 HP MOTOR (2w+1s) 251 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :- 252 SupplyofDIDFSingleDoor/MultiDoorNonreturn/refluxvalve conforming to IS:5312/2003(part I & II) PN-1.0 to be fixed after pumps for 90% fast closing & 10% slow closing of 150 mm dia size 253 SupplyofDIDF SluicevalvewithElectricallyintegratedactuater (Totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP- 67,protectionclasssuitableforinstallationinanypositionwithout lubrication, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and suitable for manual operation for emergency which willautomaticallydis-engageonrestorationofpowertomotorand with 10 watt single phase space heater and continuous local mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirrel cage induction) operated with positioning card suitable to SCADA operation sluice valve having body door cover of graded in cast iron to IS:210 Gr.Fg.260 body and door rings ofSSASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzeto IS:318Gr.LTB2hingepinofstainlesssteelAISI:431.Valvesgenerally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0) of 150 mm dia size at pump delivery 254 Supply of DIDFmanually operated sluice valve having body door cover of gradedin castiron toIS:210Gr.Fg.260bodyanddoor ringsof SS ASTMA743Gr.CF8andbearingblockofleadedtinbronzetoIS:318 Gr.LTB2 hinge pin of stainless steel AISI:431.Valves generally conform to IS:5312.Flanges tobedrilledasperIS:1538Part-IV&VI. Valves aresuitable for hydrostatic test pressure of 10Kg./Cm2 for seat and 15Kg./Cm2 for body(PN-1.0 Rating) Sluice Valve ofsize- 200mmat common header & by pass 255 Supply and fabrication of main piping of following sizes200 x 150 x 200 mm MS D/F Tee (10 mm thickness) -3 No150 mm MS D/F Pipe 0.50 mt. (10 mm thickness) - 3 No 150 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 200 mm MS D/F Pipe 1.00 mt.(10 mm thickness) - 3 No 200 mm MS D/F Pipe 2.00 mt. (10 mm thickness) -1 No 200 mm MS D/F (10 mm thickness) Bend 90o - 2 No 200 mm Blind Flange - 1 NoNecessary G.I. Nut Bolt’s & Rubber Packing - 1 Lot 256 SupplyofD.I./D.F.DismantlingJointsisavariablelengthDouble Flanged Short Piece constituted by a flange / Spigot Tailpiece inserted intotheotherTailpiecewhichallowsthedistancebetweenthetwo flangestobevariedwithincertainlimitsthusprovidingavariable distance piece between two fixed flange end devices like Pumps and Valves.TheDismantlingJointtobesuppliedcompletewithSealing RubberGasketsofEPDMquality(IS:5382/1985Type-4),CastIron Follower Glands andMildSteel (ZincCoated)NutBoltsof Following size 257 Dismantling joint 150 mm dia size at pump delivery 258 Dismantling joint 200 mm dia size at common header 259 Supply of Electrically Motor operated actuator with positioning card and bracketforsluicevalvesuitableforSCADAoperationwithlimit switches, auto de clutch for manual operation in emergency etcas per relevant IS suitable for 400 mm dia size for OHT outlet 260 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) PANEL :-Single front, Indoor & floor mounted,cubical type Panel factory fabricated(2mmthickforsructure,1.6mmthickfordoor,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coated dustandverminproofIP-54/IS:2147,consideredEarthBus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION125 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor baseed(O/C,S/C) release - 1 No,SpreaderLinks&ExtendedROHfor-1No,3PhaseDigital MultifunctionMeter-1No,DigitalVoltmeter0-500V-1No,Digital Amperemeter0-400A -3Nos,CTFormeterResinCastCL- 200A/5A,15VA - 3 Nos, Phase indication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, ControlMCBSP6A,10KA-3Nos,CTShortingTerminal-4Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION100 A, 50KA, TPN, MCCBmicroprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE - 3 No, Spreader Links & Extended ROH for MCCB - 3 Nos., 63A TPN MCCB 35KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 261 SupplyofAirCooledDigitalsoftstartersuitablefortheLTmotor offeredforoperationinACthreePhase50Hz(+/-5%), 415V(+/-10%) including line contactors suitable for next standard higher KW rating, Over & Under load protection, short circuit & single phasing protection with frequency meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, indicating lamp 6Nos, LED ON/OFFtypeandStart/StoppushbuttonandInstrumentFuses, suitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port rating capacity 40 HP / 30 KW 262 Supply & laying of 1.1KV grade XLPE insulatedunarmured multi strand copperconductorcableof3Cx25sq.mm fromcontrolPanelto respective Motors with lugs etc. (copper conductor should be electrlytic grade coppe, purity >99.97 % ISI marked as per IS:1554 P-I / IS:7098 P- I) 263 Supply & Fixing of Powder coated GI Cable Tray 150mmx50mmx1.6mm 264 Earthingwithcopperearthplate600mmX600mmX3mmthick includingaccessories,andprovidingmasonryenclosurewithcover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required according to latest IS:3043 265 Supplyingandlaying50mmX6mmG.I.stripat0.50metrebelow ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with nut,bolt,spring,washeretc.asrequired.(Jointingshallbedone by overlapping and with 2 sets of brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 266 Supply of ABC Dry Powder type Fire Extinguisher 4.5 kg conforming to IS: 15683:2006 267 Supply of CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel 268 RubbermatsforelectricalpurposeasperIS:5425-1969, plain/chequered (1mX2m) - 19mm thickness 269 INSTRUMENTATION WORKS FOR ZONE-3 270 SupplyofCE/ULFullBoreElectromagneticFlowMeterofapproved makeoffollowingdiaandspecificationscomplete: Media: Water (Raw/Chlorinated) , Pressure : up to 1.0MPa, Process temp:-50degC, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SSAISI 316L /Hastelloy C276/Tantalum,LiningMaterial:HardRubber/ Neoprene/Poly-urethane(PU) , Flange : SS /CS, Flange Standard & Rating : ANSI 150, Coil housing : SS AISI 304/ Carbon Steel/ Die Cast Aluminium, withanticorrosivepaint&providecompletely sealed (leakproof) construction as per requirement ‘of IEC 60529, Accuracy:+0.5%M.V.-velocity0.3to10m/s,Transmitter/signa convertorEnclosure: Die CastAluminium,Power Supply : 80-240V AC - 5OHz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parameters and totalizer value during power failure, Protection category-IP68forsensor(flowtube)andIP67fortransmitter/ convertor, including Surge Arrester, cable, of 200 mm dia. size 271 Supply of CE/UL Certified pressure transmitter CE markd with following technical parametersand Interfacing with PLC panel includingmounting arrangement. Output 4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDAccuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 272 Supply of CE/UL cirtified ofRadarlevel transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Raw Water Pump House and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement.Output-4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDRange- 0 to …30... mtrsAccuracy - +/- 0.25% of Full Scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 273 CE & UL Certified PLC/ RTU in IP 54 enclosure suitable to communicate with intelligentGSMBasedmodemunit with CPU andPower Supply with analog and Digital Parameter and features as specified to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU designed with logic to tansfer dataatmultiplestationsandalsocompatibleforsatellite communicationalongwithcontrolpanelwithIP54Protection, Industrial grade for all equipment and 24V and power supply for CWR & OHT 274 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLCCapabletotransferandgatherdatafromremotesitesto control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer, antenna made for pumping plantwith SIM and recharge for OHT & CWR 275 CE & UL Certified 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 276 CE/UL Certified Intelligent energy meters 277 Complete cabling of instrumentation equipments with power supply of panels for CWR & OHT 278 Security Survelliance IP Camera with all required accessories for pump house, substation and campus 279 Installation, testing and comissioning of pumping plant & associated all equipments as per approved drawing shall be done by bidder including chequerred plate and painting of pumping plant & main piping-valves. 280 Testing of Pumping Plant & Control Panel & valves etc at Manufacturer Works 281 500 KVA SUB STATION AT RAW WATER INTAKE WELL 282 Supply of star rated Copper wound distribution Transformer ( All the distributiontransformermustbestarratedaspernotificationof (BEE)ministryofpower,GoverenmentofIndia)offollowingrating 11/0.433KV Delta-Star Connected, Vector Group Dyn 11, ONAN Cooled & as per BEE star level- 2 & BIS approved as per IS 2026-1977 & losses as defined as per IS 1180 part (I) 2014 including standard accessories like conservator, silica gel breather,Bucholz relay, radiator, fins, HT cablebox<cableboxes,Off-LTC(+7.5%to-15%@2.5%) temperature rise of 40 degree C in oil / 45 degree C in winding , ISI marked drain valve, Dial type Temperature gauge, OTI & WTI, marshallingbox,firstfillingoftransformeroilasperIS:335-1953, Epoxy based paint.Rating capacity - 500 KVA (1w+1s) 283 Supply of 11KV, 800 A, 25kA / 1 Sec, VCB Indoor type panel HT board, free standing motor operated & withdrawal type fabricated from 2 mm thick CRCA sheetsteel, With Ammeter, Voltmeter, PFMeter, KWH Meter, MDI Meter, Selector Switches as required, CRT-CT of required ratio (15VA ; Cl-1.0 / 0.5 ) PT (11 KV /110V/√3) , Fuses , IP42 Protection, 10 / 12-window Annunciation Panel , AC/ DC Control voltage 24/48/ 110/230V,LEDIndication lamps,S/C,O/C&E/FProtection (IDMT) RelaysAlarm&tripcontactsforTransformerprotection(Highoil temperature, Buchholz protection, high winding temperature, power pack 2 x 12 V,etc complete in all respect ready to use(RTU),OEM Must have BIS certificate incuding 1no incoming & 2 no outgoing VCB 284 Singlefront,Indoor&floormounted,cubicaltypeLTPanelfactory fabricated(2mmthickforsructure,1.6mmthickfordoor,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coated dustandverminproofIP-54/IS:2147, consideredEarth Bus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION1000A,50KA,TPN,ACB,EDOmicroprocessorbaseed (O/C,S/C) release-3No, 3PhaseDigitalMultifunctionMeter-1No,Digital Voltmeter 0-500V- 1 No, Digital Ampere meter 0-1000 A- 3 Nos, CT FormeterResinCastCL-1000A/5A,15VA-3Nos,Phaseindication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, Control MCB SP 6A ,10KA ABB - 3 Nos, CT Shorting Terminal - 4 Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION1000A,50KA,TPN,ACB,EDO microprocessorbased(O/C,S/C) RELEASE - 1 No, 63A TPN MCCB 32KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 285 Supply and laying of 11/12KV grade XLPE insulated H.T. cable as per IS:7098 / II/85,H4- Grade aluminium conductor of purity >99.6 % & as per IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - (I)from UPPCLmetering panel to H.T. Switch gear panel and panel to transformers 120 Sq.mm. size 286 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination heat shrinkable type indoor joint kit 120 sq.mm. 287 SupplyofH.T.Cableendterminationheatshrinkabletypeoutdoor joint kit 120 sq.mm. 288 Supply & laying of L.T. XLPE insulatedarmoured aluminium conductor cableof1.1KVgradeMaterial:-H4-Gradealuminium conductorofpurity>99.6%&asperIS:1554P-I/IS:7098P- (I),conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999.From transformer to Main LT panel and main LT panel to MCC panel of 3.5C x 400 Sq.mm. 289 Earthingwith copperearth plate600mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick includingaccessories,andprovidingmasonryenclosurewith cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc.withcharcoal/cokeandsaltasrequiredaccordingtolatest IS:3043 290 Supplying and laying 50 mm X 6 mm G.I.strip at 0.50 metre below groundasstripearthelectrode,includingconnection/terminating with nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done byoverlappingandwith2setsofbrassnutbolt&springwasher spaced at 50mm) 291 Supply and Fixing of fire extinguisher of 5 Kg. capacity conforming to IS: 15683:2006 292 RubbermatsforelectricalpurposeasperIS:5425-1969, plain/chequered (1mX2m) - 19mm thickness 293 NOC from electrical safety Dept. Govt. of UP 294 Fancing of substation in 2mtr height made from MS iron Jali & MS flat, angleironandgroutinginpropermannerasperrelevantIScode including supply and laying of stone grit. 295 Internal & External electrification of Pump house 296 Twin tube light covered LED 20 Watt 297 450 mm dia exhaust fan 298 Providing & Fixing of IK07 IP-66 protected high power LED flood light system with Pressure diecast aluminium housing LM6/ ADC12 material 50 Watt Flood light 299 CompletewiringofHTandLTroom with1.5Sqmm&2.5Sqmm multistarndcopperconductorwire1.1KVwithrequired5A&15A switches, ceiling rose 300 S& F of all in one solar LED street light fixture with Integrated high efficient Monocrystalline panel with Lithium (LiFePO4) Ferro PhosphatebatterywithBISapprovedmake.luminaireshouldbe secondary optic lenses for better distribution with delivered efficacy of >100 Lumen per watt. Luminaire can be supplied with Hybrid switch along with indicator to understand the source of power( either from solar or AC supply).shall have certificate tested fromMNRE approved Lab.Guaranteefortotalsystemistwoyears.Note:Alltheabove should be integrated and should be 1 system. make: Bajaj/ Philips / Crompton. CompactSolarLEDStreetLight- 60W/12V/27Ah with GI pole 301 Installation, testing and commissioning of 11 KV /.44 KV substations includingH.T.panelandL.T.panelincludingchequeredplates,all labour T&P complete in all respect. 302 Testing of Transformer, HT and LT Panel etc at Manufacturer Works 303 500 KVA SUB STATION AT MAIN CWR 304 SupplyofstarratedCopperwounddistributionTransformer(Allthe distribution transformer must be star rated as per notification of (BEE) ministry of power, Goverenment of India) of following rating 11/0.433KV Delta-Star Connected, Vector Group Dyn 11, ONAN Cooled & as per BEE star level- 2 & BIS approved as per IS 2026-1977 & losses as defined as per IS 1180 part (I) 2014 including standard accessories like conservator, silica gel breather,Bucholz relay, radiator, fins, HT cable box & LT cable boxes, Off -LTC (+7.5% to - 15% @ 2.5%) temperature rise of 40 degree C inoil/45degreeCinwinding,ISImarkeddrainvalve,Dialtype Temperature gauge, OTI & WTI, marshalling box, first filling of transformer oil as per IS :335-1953, Epoxy based paint.Rating capacity - 500 KVA (1w+1s) 305 Supply of 11KV,800 A, 25kA / 1 Sec, VCB Indoor type panel HT board, free standing motor operated & withdrawal type fabricated from 2 mm thick CRCA sheet steel , With Ammeter, Voltmeter, PF Meter, KWH Meter, MDI Meter, Selector Switches as required, CRT-CT of required ratio (15VA ; Cl1.0 / 0.5 ) PT (11 KV /110V/√3) , Fuses , IP42 Protection, 10 / 12-window AnnunciationPanel,AC/DCControlvoltage24/48/110/230V,LED Indication lamps , S/C, O/C & E/F Protection (IDMT) Relays Alarm & trip contactsforTransformerprotection(Highoiltemperature,Buchholz protection, high winding temperature, power pack 2 x 12 V,etc complete in all respect ready to use(RTU),OEM Must have BIS certificate incuding 1no incoming & 2 no outgoing VCB 306 Singlefront,Indoor&floormounted,cubicaltypeLTPanelfactory fabricated (2 mm thick for sructure, 1.6mm thick for door,covers shrouds and Gland Plate-3 mm thick) CRCA sheet duly power coateddust and vermin proof IP-54 /IS:2147, considered Earth Bus-Bar-GI Strip compitable to SCADA operation with RS485 Port consisting of INCOMMING SECTION1000 A, 50KA, TPN, ACB, EDOmicroprocessor baseed(O/C,S/C) release 2 No , 160 A, 50KA,TPN, MCCB microprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE1NoSpreaderLinks&ExtendedROHfor-1No,3PhaseDigital MultifunctionMeter -1No,DigitalVoltmeter0-500V -1No,Digital Ammeter 0-400A -1No, CT For meter Resin Cast CL-1400A/5A,15VA - 3 Nos, Phase indication light LED type 220V AC - 1 Set, Control MCB SP 6A,10KA ABB - 3 Nos, CT Shorting Terminal - 4 Nos, Neutral Link - 1 No.OUTGOING SECTION320 A,50KA,TPN, MCCB microprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE-2 No, 160 A,50KA,TPN, MCCB microprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE-4No, 125 A,50KA,TPN, MCCB microprocessor based (O/C,S/C) RELEASE-2 No, spreader Links & Extended ROH for MCCB - 6 Nos., 63A TPN MCCB 32KA- 2 Nos. Terminal 63A 307 Supplyandlayingof11/12KVgradeXLPEinsulatedH.T.cableasper IS:7098 / II/85,H4- Grade aluminium conductor of purity >99.6 % & as perIS:1554P-I/IS:7098P-(I)fromUPPCL meteringpaneltoH.T. Switch gear panel and panel to transformers 120 Sq.mm. size 308 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination heat shrinkable type indoor joint kit 120 sq.mm. 309 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination heat shrinkable type outdoor joint kit 120 sq.mm. 310 Supply & laying of L.T. XLPE insulatedarmoured aluminiumconductor cableof1.1KVgradeMaterial:-H4-Gradealuminiumconductorof purity >99.6 % & as per IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P-(I),conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999.From transformer to Main LT panel of 3.5C x 400 Sq.mm. (in 2 run for each transformer) 311 Supply & laying of L.T.XLPE insulatedarmoured aluminiumconductor cableof1.1KVgradeMaterial:-H4-Gradealuminiumconductorof purity >99.6 % & as per IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P-(I),conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999.From Main LT panel to MCC Panel at WTP of 3.5C x 400 Sq.mm. 312 Supply & laying of L.T.XLPE insulatedarmoured aluminiumconductor cableof1.1KVgradeMaterial:-H4-Gradealuminiumconductorof purity >99.6 % & as per IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P-(I),conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999.From Main LT panel to MCC Panel at MCWR of 3.5C x 95 Sq.mm. 313 Earthingwithcopperearthplate600mmX600mmX3mmthick includingaccessories,andprovidingmasonryenclosurewithcover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required according to latest IS:3043 314 Supplyingandlaying50mmX6mmG.I. stripat0.50metrebelow ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with nut,bolt,spring,washeretc.asrequired.(Jointingshallbedoneby overlapping and with 2 sets of brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 315 Supply and Fixing of fire extinguisher of 5 Kg. capacity conforming to IS: 15683:2006 316 Rubber mats for electrical purpose as per IS:5425-1969, plain/chequered (1mX2m) - 19mm thickness 317 NOC from electrical safety Dept. Govt. of UP 318 Fancing of substation in 2mtr height made from MS iron Jali & MS flat, angleironandgroutinginpropermannerasperrelevantIScode including supply and laying of stone grit. 319 Internal & External electrification of Pump house 320 Twin tube light covered LED 20 Watt 321 450 mm dia exhaust fan 322 Providing & Fixing of IK07 IP-66 protected high power LED flood light system with Pressure diecast aluminium housing LM6/ ADC12 material 50 Watt Flood light 323 CompletewiringofHTandLTroom with1.5Sqmm&2.5Sqmm multistarndcopperconductorwire1.1KVwithrequired5A&15A switches, ceiling rose 324 Supply of Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of 1000 Amp 325 Supplyofmicroprocessorbasedthreephasesensingpowerfactor correction relay panel , IEC / EN 61000-6- (2&4) having 3 CT sensing, sensitivity up to 50 milli amp secondary current , self analysing auto c/k setting according to targeted power factor setting, the relay shall have digit display unit for display of real power factor, targeted power factor, lag/lead capacitor switching status, alarm output for under current, over current,insufficientcompensation,communicationinterfacewithRS 485, indication of switching on units, auto/manual status, and shall have over load protection, no volt release , having multi parameter like KW, KVA, KVAR rating capacity of 300 KVAR 326 Installation,testingandcommissioningof11KV/.44KVsubstations including H.T. panel and L.T. panel including chequered plates, all labour T&P complete in all respect. 327 Testing of Transformer, HT and LT Panel etc at Manufacturer Works 328 MASTER CONTROL STATION (MCS) AT WTP 329 CE/UL & BIS Certified industrial grade LED MONITOR with latestconfiguration as per specification 65 330 Video call media player of same OEM 331 Core i5 10th gen Desktop/ laptop with 8 gb ram and 256 GB SSD + 1TB HDD 332 CE/UL Certified 5 KVA UPS with Batteries required for mentioned work wih 01 hrs backup 333 Full Development version of TAGS SCADA software with costomization of software for MCS for unlimited digital and analog Input / output features as per requirements 334 CE/ULcertifiedmastercontrol room PLCwith redundantCPU &power supply at MCS in IP-54 enclosure as per site requirement and specification required to complete in all respect 335 CE/UL certified Field gateway agent for transfering data forMCS/control room 336 GSM/GPRS based wireless/Broadband/equivelent communication system for PLC Capable to transfer and receive data & gather data from remote sitestocontrolstationsallaccessoriesincludedwithsignalenhancer,antenna along with running expences 337 CE/UL certified Firewall for network protection 338 CE/UL Certified Surge protector for Ethernet communication protection 339 CE/UL Certified industrial grade Ethernet switch 340 Mobile app facility system architecture (industries internet based & viewed through mobile apps for increasedblocal & remote visibility) 341 Canon/HP or equivalent Laser Printer 1018 or equivalent. 342 Hp or equivalent multifunctioning Laser Printer with scanner 343 Tablet / Android mobile device 12gb/256gb for monitoring real time data 344 Security Survelliance IP Camera with recorder 345 Installation, Commissioning and testing of all above equipments for MCSwith all power cables 346 INSTRUMENTATION & AUTOMATION WORKS AT DMA 347 TOTAL ZONE - 03 Nos AND TOTAL DMA - 12 Nos 348 Supply of Flow Control Valve/ Pressure reducing valve for inlet with flow measuring , flow controlling , pressure monitering& web based with cable , PLC etc .complete.Hydraulically operated self -actuated Flow &Level Control Valve (either with float or altitude pilot )with downstream orifice having Ductile Iron valve body,Y-Pattern, Double chamber unitized actuator,Fusion bonded Epoxy coating,Copper control tubing,with Latching Solenoid& Pilot operated as per design , additional Speed control feature ,drip tight sealing , In-line serviceable, Internals Stainless steel & protected diaphragm suitable for drinking water of following sizes. 349 200 mm dia size 350 250 mm dia size 351 300 mm dia size 352 Supply of CE/UL Full BorecElectromagnetic Flow Meter of approved makeoffollowing dia and specifications complete:Media : Water (Raw/ Chlorinated), Pressure:upto1.0 MPa,Process temp:-50degC, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SS AISI 316L /Hastelloy C276/Tantalum,LiningMaterial:Hard Rubber/ Neoprene/Poly-urethane(PU) , Flange : SS /CS, Flange Standard &Rating: ANSI150,Coil housing: SSAISI304/Carbon Steel/DieCastAluminium, withanticorrosivepaint&provide completelysealed(leakproof)constructionasperrequirement ‘of IEC60529,Accuracy:+0.5%M.V.-velocity0.3to10m/s, Transmitter/signaconvertor Enclosure :DieCast Aluminium, Power Supply : 80-240V AC - 5OHz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parametersand totalizer value during power failure, Protection category- IP 68 for sensor (flow tube) and IP 67 for transmitter/ convertor, including Surge Arrester, cable of following sizes. 353 200 mm dia size 354 250 mm dia size 355 300 mm dia size 356 SupplyofD.I./D.F.DismantlingJointsisavariablelengthDouble FlangedShortPiececonstitutedbyaflange/SpigotTailpiece inserted into the other Tailpiece which allows the distance between the two flanges to be varied within certain limitsthus providinga variable distance piecebetween twofixedflangeenddeviceslike Pumps and Valves. TheDismantlingJoint to be suppliedcomplete with Sealing Rubber Gaskets of EPDM quality (IS:5382/1985 Type-4), Cast Iron Follower Glands and Mild Steel (Zinc Coated) Nut Bolts of Following size 357 Dismantling joint 200 mm dia size 358 Dismantling joint 250 mm dia size 359 Dismantling joint 300 mm dia size 360 SupplyofCE/ULCertifiedpressuretransmitterCEmarkdwith followingtechnicalparametersandInterfacingwithPLCpanel includingmounting arrangement. Output 4-20 mA / HART Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4 LEDAccuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 68 361 CE/ULCertifiedResidualchlorineanalyser/metermusthave automatic sensor cleaning facility at pure water sump and Interfacing with PLC panel. Residual Chlorine metershall comprises of 3 components i.e. sensors,flow through assembly andtransmitterwithindicatorandgives2outputsonetoLocal display & other to PLC including Mounting arrangement.Overall Range : 0 ‐ 8 mg/l (ppm) Accuracy : 2% of full scale Supply Voltage : 230 V ac Output : 4‐20 mAMembranefreesensorof2goldplatedelectrodesforlongterm stability and reference electrode (ag/Agcl) must be provided to avoid maintenance. IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class required 362 Supply of Automatic / SCADA operatedelectromegnatic chlorination dozzer system interface with PLC 363 Supply of CE/UL Certified Surge protector for PLC panel 364 CE&ULCertifiedPLC/RTUinIP54enclosuresuitableto communicate with intelligent GSM Based modem unit with CPU and PowerSupplywithanalogandDigitalParameterandfeaturesas specified tostoreandtransmitdataonGSMbackbone,RTU/PLC designedwithlogictotansferdataatmultiplestationsandalso compatibleforsatellitecommunication,ControlpanelwithIP54 Protection , Industrial grade for all equipment and 24V and power supply. 365 GSM/GPRSbasedwirelesscommunicationwith4Gmodemfor RTU/PLC Capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to controlstationsallaccessoriesincludedwithsignalenhancer, antenna made for pumping plantwith SIM andrecharge 366 Complete cabling for instrumentation works with power cabeling to panel of automation 367 Installation, testing and comissioning of pumping plant & associated all equipments as per approved drawing shall be done by bidder 368 Testing of Pumping Plant & Control Panel & valves etc at Manufacturer Works 369 TRAIL & RUN FOR 3 MONTHS INCLUDING CHEMICALS & DIESELBUT ( WITHOUT ELECTRICITY )

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 08-10-2024 Time Extension Date 17-10-2024
2 16-10-2024 2 nd DATE EXTENSION Date 25-10-2024
3 24-10-2024 Revised BOQ Other 29-10-2024
4 24-10-2024 3 rd Date Extension Date 29-10-2024
5 29-10-2024 4 th time extension Date 05-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 23600 /-
INR 10453000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 104.53 Crore /-
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