Tender For Project For Construction Of Offices Building Of Chief Engineer South And Chief Engineer Pariyojna Betwa Jhansi, 1 Excavation of foundation in Mar, Rankar and kankar mixed soils including lift up to 1.5 meter and lead upto 30 meter including filling, watering, ramming, of excavated earth into the trenches or upto the space and sides of the foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by Engineer-in charge upto a distance of 30 meter from the foundation trenches. 2 Cement concrete with 4cmgauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand, cement in the proportion 8:4:1 including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. 3 R.C.C. M-25 (1:1:2) with cement, sand and stone ballast of size 10-20 mm including laying, ramming & curing with cost of all material. Labour & T&P etc. complete. 4 First Class brick workin 1:4 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. 5 2.0 cm thick Damp proof coarse of cement consisting of concrete part cement 1½ part approved coarse sand and 3 parts approved 13 mm (1/2) graded stone grit and including water proofing materials as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge in the proportion as specified by the manufacturer. 6 Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for pre-constructional antitermite treatment and creating a chemical barrier under and around the column pits walltrenches basement excavation top surface if plinth filling junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of binding expansion joints, surrounding of pipes and conduit etc. complete (plinth area of the building at ground floor only shall be measured as per I.S. 6313 (Part II 1981) Aldrin emulsifiable concentrate or any other approved material such as Hepthachlor or chlordane will be used.(a) Treatment of top surface of plinth filling 5 liters per 100 sqm 7 Treatmentof soil along external perimeter of building 7.50 ltr 100sqm 8 First class brick work in 1:4 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus mortar in super structure including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. 9 Centering and Shuttering for R.C.C. Work including al Material and T&P etc. Complete 10 Earth work in cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil, excavation to be in the form of regular pits not exceeding 1/2 metre (20) in depth and earthwork in embankment to be in 20 cm(8) layers, including ramming & dressing the surface to required levels and slopes and also including 1.5 metre (5fts) lifts and 30 m. (100) lead. The earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil banks within 30 metres (100 fts) distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 11 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 Km (5 miles) from the side of work & including watering, dressing etc. Rate to include cost of all materials labour and tools & plants, etc. required for proper completion of the work. 12 Supply of MS angle iron door, window or ventilator frame made of approved MS angle iron wrought to required from including drilling holes, welding and riveting where necessary and also including supply of all material, such as steel hinges of required size, nut and bolts etc and also including all taxes, wastage and one coat of red oxide paint complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-charge for proper completion of work at site of work. 13 Supply and fixing of 35 mm thick flush door shutterincluding fixing of wooden cleats and stopper and i adjustment of hinges bolts locks handles spring and other fitting proper completion of the work. 14 Approximate cost of aluminium fitting withscrews for door and windows etc with proper completion of the work. 15 Providing and fixing aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS:3564, embossed on the body, door weight up to35 kg and door width upto 700 mm), with necessary accessories etc with proper completion of the work. 16 Supply of approved Z section windows and ventilators excluding cost of glass panes but including supply of all materials, its fabrication nut and bolt, hold fast required labour and tools and plants for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and also including cost of handles, stays etc and one coat of red oxide paint complete in all respect at site of work. 17 Supply of approved MS windows and M.S grill and ventilators excluding cost of glass panes but including supply of all materials, its fabrication nut and bolt, hold fast required labour and tools and plants for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and also including cost of handles, stays etc and one coat of red oxide paint complete in all respect at site of work. 18 Providing and fixing Stainless steel (Grade 304) 1.45 mm thickness railing made of hollow tubes, channels, plates etc including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories and stainless steel dash fastners, stainless steel bolts etc of required size,on the top of the floor of the side of the waste slab with suitable arrangements as per approved of engineer-in-charge. 19 Supply and fixing galvanized mosquito proof heavy quality iron wire gauge of expanded metel havey quality over window including wodden batttern including supply and fixing of necessary screw all material labour and t&p required for proper completion of work. 20 Supply and Fixing panes of 4 mm thick glass with and including Atul or equivalent ISI mark quality putty and brads and spring and including supply of all materials labour and tools & plants, etc. required for proper completion of the work . 21 12 mm thick plaster on brick work minimum thickness not less than 10 mm with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc required for proper completion of the work. 22 15 mm thick plaster on rough side brick work minimum thickness not less than 10 mm with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc required for proper completion of the work. 23 Cement concrete with 4 cm.gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand and cement in the proportion of 4 : 2 : I including supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 24 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer)with water absorption less than 0.08%and conforming to IS:15622,of approved make,in all colour sand shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar1:4(1cement:4coarse sand),jointing with grey cement slurry@3.3kg/sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete with proper completion of the work. 25 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 2 mm,of approved brandand manufacturer,over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete with proper completion of the work. 26 Wall painting with plastice emulsion paint of approved brandand manufacture to give an even shade two coats on new work with proper completion of the work. 27 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade:Newwork (Two or more coats applied@1.43ltr/10sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) with proper completion of the work. 28 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all heights with integral densified calcium silicate reinforced with fibre and natural filler false ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm of approved texture with proper completion of the work. 29 Supply of steel reinforcement including cost of all labour, material, T&P for proper Cutting, bending, binding and Placing completion of work 30 P/F 110mm dia PVC Pipe(working pressure 4.00Kg/cm2) 31 P/F of 15 mm dia G.I. pipe class-B . with G I fitting and clamps I/C cutting and makinggood the walls to their original shapes I/C cost of all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (For Internal work) 32 P/F of 20 mm dia G.I. pipe class-B . with G I fitting and clamps I/C cutting and makinggood the walls to their original shapes I/C cost of all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (For External work) 33 P/F Wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm CP brass Piller taps 30 mmC.P. brass waste of standerd pattern including painting of fitting and brackets, cutting and making good the walls whenever requires with proper completion of the work. 34 P/F vitreous chine daul purpose closet suitable for use as squatting pan or European type water closet (anglo Indian W.C. Pan)with seat and lid fixed withC.P. brass hinges and rubber buffer 10 liter Low level flushin cisten with fitting and brackets, 40 mm flush bend 20 mm overflow pipe, with special of standerd make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal designe complete, including painting of fitting and brackrts, cutting and making good the walls and floors where ever required with proper completion of the work. 35 P/F of 100mm size P or S trap for W.C. sqatting pan i/c jointing the Trap with the pan and pipe in 1:1 cement mortar i/c cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. complete in all respect. 36 P/F of 15mm dia (810gm.) C.P. brass bib cock (Long Nose) approved quality confirming to IS stantderd including threading the pipe if required also i/c cost of all material , labour, carriage T&P etc. for proper completion of work in all respect. 37 P/F of 15mm dia CP Brass single lever wall mixer of quality and make as approved by engineer- in - charge with proper completion of the work. 38 P/F of 15mm dia C.P. brass stop cock(concealed) approved make for cistern, wash basin, cyser of approved make including threading the pipe if required also i/c cost of all material , labour, carriage T&P etc. for proper completion of work in all respect. 39 P/F of 8 mm dia CP/SS with flexible tube up to 1 m long withSS triangular plate to European type W.C. of quality and make as approved by Engineer - in Charge with proper completion of the work. 40 P/F of PTMT towel rail 600 mm long completed with brackets fixed to wooden clits withC.P. brass screw with consealed fitting arrangment of approved quality and colour with proper completion of the work. 41 P/F 600x450 develed edge mirror of superior glass of approved quality complete with 6mm thick hard board backing fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screw and washers i/c cost of all material, labour, carriage T&P etc. complete in all respect. 42 P/F of 50mm dia CPVC pipe having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all CPVC plaine and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing this include joints of pipe and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as directed by Engineer -in -Charge with proper completion of the work. 43 P/F Stainless steel sink as per IS: 13983with C.I. bracket and S.S. pluge including painting of fitting and brackets cutting and making good the walls wherever required kitchen sink with drain board 510x1040 mm bowl depth 225 mm with proper completion of the work in all respect. 44 S/F Nahani trap of approved heavy quality complete make PVC with CP brass grating Nahani trap laid over base CC 1:6:12includingS/o all material labour T&P etc. for proper completion of the work. 45 Supply and installing of low density polyethylene seamless one peace moulded tank and placing the same in proper position including all taxes labour and T&P etc for proper completion of the work. Tank should be ISI marked 46 Supply & Erracetion of factory fabricated & wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting, M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis Electrical control panel with TPN MCCBs (Four Pole 36 KA with thermal magnatic release)Switches Complete and instrument chamber etc.complete in all respects.The panel board shall have suitable capacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mountedon non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The MCCBs shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc.The panel board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only.(I)Incoming - 200 Amp. MCCB-1 No(II)Outgoing -100 Amp. MCCB-1No.,63Amp. MCCB-3 Nos. 47 Wiring point forLight point One Way with 1.5mm² FR PVC Insulated with M/S copper wire with 1.5mm² Insulated M/S copper wire as earth wire drown in PVC pipe partly laid in slab & partly load in the wall with modular tyheswitch, ceilling rose/angle/Batten Holder bucket sheet etc complete in all respect. 48 Wiring point for Ceilling Fan/Fresh air Fan Point with 1.5mm² FR PVC Insulated with M/S copper wire with 1.5mm² Insulated M/S copper wire as earth wire drown in PVC pipe partly laid in slab & partly load in the wall with modular tyheswitch, ceilling rose/angle/Batten Holder bucket sheet etc complete in all respect. 49 Wiring point for Plug Point+TV Point+Aquaguard Point with 1.5mm² FR PVC Insulated with M/S copper wire with 1.5mm² Insulated M/S copper wire as earth wire drown in PVC pipe partly laid in slab & partly load in the wall with modular tyheswitch, ceilling rose/angle/Batten Holder bucket sheet etc complete in all respect. 50 Wiring point for plug point with 5 Amp flush types switch and 3 pin socket and earth continuity wire of 1.5 sq. mm. FRL SHPVC insulated multi strand copper conductor cable.(drawn through existing concealed steel conduit) and ceiling rose/angle/batten holder fixed with 3 mm thick phenolic laminated back alite sheet with brass machine screws and cup washers mounte dover existing M.S. switch board box/junction box with supply of all material,labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as directed at site 51 Wiring point for Call Bell Point with 1.5mm² FR PVC Insulated with M/S copper wire with 1.5mm² Insulated M/S copper wire as earth wire drown in PVC pipe partly laid in slab & partly load in the wall with modular tyheswitch, ceilling rose/angle/Batten Holder bucket sheet etc complete in all respect. 52 Wiring point for Exhaust Fan Point with 1.5mm² FR PVC Insulated with M/S copper wire with 1.5mm² Insulated M/S copper wire as earth wire drown in PVC pipe partly laid in slab & partly load in the wall with modular tyheswitch, ceilling rose/angle/Batten Holder bucket sheet etc complete in all respect. 53 Add for invertor wiring point for light/fan /plug with proper completion of the work in all respect. 54 S/F of 20A/250V power plug fush type modular switch and 5 pin 20A/250V flush type universal modular socket on concealed M.S. Box including supply of all material labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 55 S & F sheet steel enclosure surface/Flush mounting fitted with 20Amp. 2Pin and earth metal clad scraping earth plug and socket complete in all respect. as directed at site byEngineer in charge. 56 S/F of 4way TPNDB with additional at Metal Door without MCB Complete in all respect. 57 S/F of 63Amp. 4 pole MCB (10 KA) C Curve with proper completion of the work in all respect. 58 S/F of 12ways SPNDB with add. Metal door without MCB Complete with proper completion of the work in all respect. 59 S&F of 63 Amp. DP MCB (10 KA) C Curve with proper completion of the work in all respect. 60 S/F of 6A to 32A SPMCB (10 KA) complete with proper completion of the work in all respect. 61 S&Fof 63 Amp. 415 V metal clad T.P.N. rewireable type switch fuse unit on angle iron bracket complete in all respect. 62 S&F of 63 Amp. four pole change over switch on 40mm x 40mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work as per direction and satisfaction of Engineer in charge. 63 Supply and fixing ofLED Tube Light with batten suitable for up to 1 X 22 watt LED tube light fittingincluding tube on Surface complete in all respect. 64 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die cast aluminium body and diffuser with driver set suitable for 52 watt to 72 Watt. Confirming to IP66Protection complete in all respect. 65 Supply and fixing ofSingle LED light wall bracket 3 to 6 Watt on matching M.D.F.E.G Board base etc. complete in allrespect 66 S/L of following size submain copper conductor cable in concealed PVC conduit with proper completion of the work in all respect.[a] 2.5sq.mm 2 wire. 67 [b] 6.00 sq.mm 2 wire 68 [c] 25.00 sq.mm 2 wire 69 [d] 25.00sq.mm 4 wire. 70 Supplyandlayingof 120.00 Sq. mm 3.5 CorealuminiumconductorPVCinsulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size or as directed by the Engineer-Incharge, complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 71 S/F of following sized cu. Lugs for submain/PVC aluminium cable with proper completion of the work in all respect.[a] 4 sq.mm 72 [b] 6 sq.mm 73 [c] 16 sq.mm 74 [d] 25 sq.mm 75 [e] 70 sq.mm 76 [f] 120 sq.mm 77 Supply and fixing of 120.00 Sq. mm 3.5 Core brass nickle plated compression gland for PVC insulated & armoured served sheathed, underground cable including rubber ring etc. complete in all respect. The armouring ofthe cable shall be properly connected with the earth as per direction of Engineer-In-charge with proper completion of the work in all respect. 78 Supply and fixing of electronic fan regulator 120-280 V. ISI marked, on the existing switch board including making connections, required material, labour T&P etc. for proper completion of work to the satisfaction of Engineer in charge. 79 Supply and burying of 600mm x 600mm x 3mm copper plate vertically for earthing with its top at least 3 metres below ground level complete with 20mm dia G.I. pipe and funnel for watering and one earthing lead of one no. 8 to 10 SWG copper wire in 15mm dia G.I. pipe up to switch board (from appron to switch board the cost ofG.I. pipe and copper wire will be extra) 30cm square C.I. frame with hinged cover masonry housing alternate layers of charcoal/coke and salt at least 150mm thick alround etc. complete in all respect. 80 Supply and fixing of Two number 8 SWG Copper wire in 15mm dia. G.I. pipe for earthing, laid in ground or in wall duly concealed including the cost of cement, sand, labour, T&P other material required for proper completion of the work as directed at site. 81 Supply and fixing of door chime onpolishedMDFEG / Teakplyboard including making connections etc. complete in all respect. 82 Supply and fixing danger board fabricated from 10 gauge M.S. Sheet as per I.E. Rules with proper completion of the work in all respect. 83 Supply and fixing of fire extinguisher, ABC Type 6.00 kg. capacity (ISI Marked IS : 15683 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all materials and labour for proper completion of work. 84 Supply and fixing of C02 type fire extinguisher 4.5 kg. capacity(ISI Marked IS : 2878 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all materials and labour for proper completion of work. 85 Supply and fixing of fire bucket, round bottom made of G.I. sheet 9-11 litres capacity duly painted as per fire brigade design, supported on hanging bracket chained and locked, initially filled with fine river sand,water as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge with proper completion of the work in all respect. 86 Supply and laying of 1800mm x 900mm x 12mm thick chequered rubbbber matting of tested quality with proper completion of the work in all respect. 87 Supply and fixing of 16 SWG M.S. drum with luvers duly painted including making hole in the wall for exhaust fan and finishing properly complete in all respect. 88 Supply and Fixingof ceiling fans with fan motor of AC permanent insulated, capacitor rating conforming BEE 5 star rating and IS:374/79 and also comply with IS:1709/1984 with latest amendment. The rated voltage 220/240 volts, 50Hz, 1-ph AC the fan assemble should consists of down rod blades, shackle canopies etc. and with double ball bearing system. BEE 5 star rated-1200mm sweep with proper completion of the work in all respect. 89 S/F of Wall Fan 400mm size including cartage and fixing Complete in all respects. 90 Providing and laying of 80 mm interlocking concrete block pavement laid in stone dust base and fill joint with fine sand. Joint filled after lebeling and dressing base includind supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 91 P.C.C. work with cement ,approved coarse sand and 2 cm. gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:3:6including centering and shuttering etc. also i/c supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 92 R.C.C. work with cement ,approved coarse sand and 2 cm. gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in footing excluding supply of reinforcement but including its fixing and binding with 24 BWGGI binding wire etc. also i/c supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 93 R.C.C. work with cement ,approved coarse sand and 2 cm. gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in beam excluding supply of reinforcement but including its fixing and binding with 24 BWGGI binding wire and including centering and shuttering etc. also i/c supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 94 R.C.C. work with cement ,approved coarse sand and 2 cm. gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in Columm excluding supply of reinforcement but including its fixing and binding with 24 BWGGI binding wire and including centering and shuttering etc. also i/c supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 95 Supplying Reinforcement at site with proper completion of the work in all respect. 96 cement plasterwith cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) . i/c cost of all material, labour and T&P etc for proper completion of work. 97 Finishing of walls with water proofing cement paint of approved make such as super snowcem, durocem etc (Two coats)including one coat of white cement primer to give even shade i/c cost of all material, labour and T&P etc. complete. 98 steel gate i/c cost of materials labour etc complete with proper completion of the work in all respect. 99 Painting or varnishing on iron work in small areas or new wood work oron peviously painted old wood or steel work with one coat of ready mixed priming paint & one coat of approved superior quality ready mixed paint of clear synthetic varnish. paint to be used , should confirm to the ISI-103,1950. including cleaning the surface of all dirt , dust by sand papering etci/c cost of all material, labour and T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 100 Stone Massonary 1:3 i/c all cost material, labour T&P etc complete work with proper completion of the work in all respect. 101 Flush Cement Pointingin 1:3 i/c all cost material, laobur T&P etc complete work with proper completion of the work in all respect. 102 E/w in filling in Mar,Rankar and Kankar mixed soil in embankmentincluding lead beyond 12.00 km. & all lift including dressing making profile & manual compaction with proper completion of the work in all respect. 103 Cutting heavy under growth, and bushes up to 7.5 cm. diameter including removal of roots with collection and removal with proper completion of the work in all respect. 104 First class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sandmortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc required for proper completion of work. 105 R.C.C. work with cement approved coarse sand and 2 cm Gauge approved stone ballast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 (1cement : 1.5coarse sand : 3stone ballast) in Slab, excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending with 24 B.W.G.G.I. binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc and also including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 106 Providing & Filling of O.B. brick ballast 25 mm to 40 mm size inside of upper layer in soak pit with proper completion of the work in all respect. 107 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand)including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc required for proper completion of work. 108 Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as per standard design : With 20x20 mm square bar with proper completion of the work in all respect. 109 S/F C.I. Pipe (100 mm dia) 110 S/F C.I.cowel. 111 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover without frame for manholes : 500 mm diameter C.I. cover (medium duty) the weight of the cover to be not less than 58 kg with proper completion of the work in all respect. 112 Digging of pit for injection tank 1.50 m.dia X 2.50 m deep with proper completion of the work in all respect. 113 Transportation of boring material & boring set including loading & unloading at site with proper completion of the work in all respect. 114 200 mm dia boring drilling charges with proper completion of the work in all respect. 115 Preparation of lowering of 110 mm 6 kgf| PVC assemblywith proper completion of the work in all respect. 116 Supply & fixing of 110 mm 6 kgf PVC Plane pipe in bore hole including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 117 Supply & fixing of 110 mm 6 kgf PVC Slotted pipe/ Stainer pipe in bore hole including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 118 S/F 110 mm 6 kgf PVC coupler/socket with proper completion of the work in all respect. 119 S/F 110 mm PVC end cap & top cap with proper completion of the work in all respect. 120 S/F 110X25 mm PVC F.T.P with proper completion of the work in all respect. 121 Supplying Solvent cement 122 S/F Nylon mesh 123 S/F Nylon dori 5 mm. 124 Development of Boring etc. complete 125 S/F 25 mm dia pipe for air vent 126 10 mm gauge Pea gravel filling in bore hole including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc 127 Digging of storage/filter tank with proper completion of the work in all respect. 128 First class brick work in 1:3 cement, coarse Sand, mortarincluding all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 129 C.C 1:2:4with cement sand & 10 to 20mm stone grit including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 130 RCC Work in slab of Injection well and Storage /filter tank cover with 1:2:4 cement.send and 10 to 20mm stone grit with Main hole making including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc But excluding reinforcment with proper completion of the work in all respect. 131 Supply & fixing of 200 mm PVC plain pipe including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 132 Supply & fixing of 100 mm 6 kgf PVC pipe including all cost of labour, materials & T&P etc with proper completion of the work in all respect. 133 Brick blast filling in layer size of 40.00 mmwith proper completion of the work in all respect. 134 S/F Mesh cloth for filter layer 1.40 micron with proper completion of the work in all respect. 135 Course sand filling 1.50 to 2.00 mm in third Layer with proper completion of the work in all respect. 136 Supply and fixing tubular pole 9.50 M long designated 410 SP-39 in 1:3:6 cement concrete foundation including excavation ,back filling etc complete in all respect. 137 Supply and laying of aluminium condutor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on MS clamps etc of suirtable sizze or as directed by the engineer in charge complete in all respect. the armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. with proper completion of the work in all respect.6 Sq.MM 3 Core 138 Supply and fixing of 100 Amp. Four pole change over with switch 40mm x 40mm x 6.00 mm angle iron frame , including cost of labour ,T&P , painting and other material required for proper complition of the work as direction and satisfaction of engineer in charge with proper completion of the work in all respect. 139 Supply and fixing of factory wired assymetrical beamed intrigal flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housing and A-1 reflector having built in control gear unit duly pre wired plate complete with ballast , ignitor, capacitor for 440 watt MHT lamp with proper completion of the work in all respect. 140 S/F Fire control arrangement with wet riser system with proper completion of the work in all respect. (Total Covered Area ) 141 S/F Manual fire alarm systemwith proper completion of the work in all respect. (Total Covered Area ) 142 S/F Lightening Conductor with proper completion of the work in all respect. 143 Hotriculture works in open area with proper completion of the work in all respect. Area 9581.00 M² 144 Providing and fixing of Lift with proper completion of the work in all respect. 145 Note- Rate to be quoted exclusive of G.S.T. which will be paid extra at the prevailing rate.