
Tender For Reconstruction Of Subramaniyar Sannathy And Vagana Mandapam In Arulmigu Subramaniyar Swamy Thirukoil Nagalur, Kallakurichi-Tamil Nadu

Hindu Religious And Charitable Endowments Department has published Tender For Reconstruction Of Subramaniyar Sannathy And Vagana Mandapam In Arulmigu Subramaniyar Swamy Thirukoil Nagalur. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-10-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in Kallakurichi Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Reconstruction Of Subramaniyar Sannathy And Vagana Mandapam In Arulmigu Subramaniyar Swamy Thirukoil Nagalur
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Reconstruction Of Subramaniyar Sannathy And Vagana Mandapam In Arulmigu Subramaniyar Swamy Thirukoil Nagalur- 1 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with in initial lead of 10 m and initial liftof 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton soil, hard red earth, earth mixed with small sized boulders and hard gravelly soil as per SS 20B 2 Filling with foundation and basement with Sand in 15cm. Thick layerswell rammed & consolidated, including watering, complying with std.specification etc complete. 3 Supplying and Filling of gravel packing for Flooring Thick layerswell rammed & consolidated, including watering, complying with std.specification etc complete. 4 Plain cement concrete 1:5:10 (One cement, five sand and ten hard broken granitestone jelly) using 40mm HBG metel as foundation concrete including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm. thick complying with std specification. 5 Random Rubble masonry workCombination mortar 1:1:5 mix using selected stones and rough stones including dewatering wherever necessary proper setting,curing,etc., 6 Supply of cut stone , cut stone pillar and cut stone beametc complete the std specification. 7 For walls 8 For Pavukkal & Uthiram 9 For Column 10 Labour Charges for dressing and Fixing the cut stone of various stages combination mortor 1:1:3 including pointing the same mortor etc complete the std specification. 11 For Upapeedam (or) chitravanam 12 For Bathmam 13 For Upapeeda Kandam 14 For Upapeeda Kabothagam 15 For Adhistana padmam 16 For Jagathi 17 For Kumutham 18 For Patigai 19 For Kalvari1st 20 For Kalvari2nd 21 For Kalasam 22 For Palagai 23 Bothigai 24 For Kabhothagam 25 For Viyalam 26 For Nasi Thalai 27 For Ulvari 28 For Pavukkal 29 For Uthiram 30 For Column 31 Providing Scaffolding for vimanam raja gopuram with non flammebable materials wherever necessary for main form work and by providing non flammebable materialsas covering the areas & plat form for inspection etc all complete.(upto 15-0) 32 Kalkaram 33 Vimanam 34 Ornamental Brick work in Combination Mortor 1:1:4 mix using country bricks 83/4x43/8x23/4 all varivargams, moulds,sthambas, mukapatram, koodu,nasi,and all ornamental brick workcomplete panchavarnam agaraies, karnakoodus etc forming core walls rajagopuram/vimanams complete includinglabour chagersetc complete complying the std specifications. 35 Providing vargapoochu over the core walls of vimanams/Gopurams,with Combination Mortor 1:1:4 complete including Shaping the mukhapathram, mahanasi, koodu all ornamental works to proper shape by embedding broken bricks of shaped/chiseled bricks , rough plastering with Combination Mortor 1:1:4and finshing with final ornamental plastering nayam theervani including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour there fore lifting of materials, all working in heights curing with water etc complete including all extra for folding and including clearingfrom the vimanams/gopurams 100 sft superficial area for kalkaram. 36 Painting with multicolour (panchavarnam) good emulsion paints complete for the vimanams/gopurams,including cost and conveyance of all materials , labours charges including artist painter, working in heights, lifting of materials,cost of brushes etc, complete which including all extra for foldings 100 sft 37 Providing new sudhai vigrahams in the vimanams and rajagopurams with copper iron rod Reinforecement of suitable dia with binding wires wherever necessary, shapping the core with broken bricks set in Combination mortor 1:1:3 finishing the same with Combination mortor 1:1:3 bringing to the correct shape (lakshana) in conformist with silpa sastra inclusive of specials ornaments, weapons,peedam etc., complete and providing C.M nayam theervai wherever necessary inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials, such as cement broken bricks, and copper rods binding wire all labour for working in heights curing lifting of materials etc.,complete including cement painting 2 coats over a primary coat 38 Supplying and fixing teak wood temple type door including all amterials, labour charges for manufacturing and fixing I position including all furniture fittings etc complete with std specifications. 39 Paving with cut stone flooring using cut stone of size600x600mm and 100mm thick and all the sides are machine cutting, top surface is neatly dressed and pointing with lime mortar 1:1.5 including all materials and labour charges. 40 Painting two coats for new wood works such asothersimilarworksetc, completecomplying with std specification 41 Weathering course with brick jelly lime concrete using 20mm brick jelly with pure slacked lime over R.C.C. roof slab in the proportion of 32:12.5 and well watering consolidatedwith wooden beaters to slop including cost and conveyance of materials to site and labour charges etc 42 Finising the top of the roof with one course of pressed tiles of size 20X20X2cm over a bed of Combination mortor 1:1:3 12mm thick mixed with water proof compound at 2% b weight ofcementincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc 43 Wiring with 2 x1.5 sq.mm. (22/0.3) PVC insulated single core unsheathed copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with Module GI switch box on wall with 6A one way module switch with module front plate with continuous earth wire connection by 2.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed copper wire with painting of Suitable colour for Open PVC Light point / fan point (for electronic regulator) ( 5 points / Coil) Higher End 44 Supply and fixing of 1 no.6A two module 5 pin socket , 1 no. 6A one module switch on suitable module surface mounting Box (GI ) with module cover plate (plastic) on wall with connections. Higher End 45 Supply and fixing of single box type 1 x 20 W single LED fitting complete with TW round blocks on wall or ceiling with LED tube with PVC unsheathed Copper leads from terminals to the fitting. 46 supply and fixing of 30W LED street light fitting with LED (Lower end) with 25mm dia. GI pipe (class B) with 1 no.25mm GI bend complete on the existing post/ on wall with PVC unsheathed copper leads with MS clamps and with painting . 47 Supply and fixing of fancy glass shade and 9W LED for BH point. 48 Supply and fixing of 3 nos.6A two module 5 pin socket ,3 nos. 6A one module switch on suitable modulesurface mounting Box ( GI ) with module cover plate (plastic) on wall with connections. Higher End 49 Supply and fixing of 1 no.6/16A two module socket , 1 no. 16A one module switch on suitable module surface mounting Box (GI ) with module cover plate (plastic) on wall with connections. Higher End 50 Supply and fixing of MS clamps of size 1¼ x 1¼ on pillar with suitable Bolt / nuts and painting of suitable colour. 51 Supply and run of MS angle with necessary clamping arrangements on the pillars with neccesaary accessories as directed by the departmental officer. 52 Supply and Run of 2 of 2.5 sq.mm. (36/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed copper conductor of 1100 V grade insuitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection by 2.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed copper wire with painting of suitable colour. 53 Supply and Run of 2 of 4 sq.mm. (56/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection by 2.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed copper wire with painting of suitable colour 54 Supply and clamping of 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC LTUG armoured copper cable in on post or on wall with MS Clamps. 55 Supply and laying of 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC armoured LTUG copper cable in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre putting 0.15 mt. Layer of sand and covering the cable completely with bricks and sand and refilling the earth to make good. 56 Supply and fixing of 8 way single pole and neutral MCB sheet steel enclosure distribution board with double door (metal) with 1 no. 40A DP MCB Isolator as incoming and 6 nos. 6A to 32A SP MCB as outgoing on suitable angle iron frame on wall with earth connection only. Higher End 57 Supply and run of 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100V on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains. 58 Supply and run of 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100V grade in 32mm dia GI pipe (Class B) suitably bent at both ends with necessary angle iron up right and end supports for mains. 59 Supply and fixing of powder coated MS BOXon wall fabricated with MS sheet of 16 gauge of size 600 mm x 300mm x 300mm with , 1 no. of 32ADP main switch with 32Apor Fuse unit Neutral link& Earth link forprovision for fixing TNEB meteron15 mm tick Hylum sheetof size 600x300 mm with electrical connections complete. 60 Supply and fixing of 32 A double pole change over switch with suitable angle iron frame work with MS cable Inner praharam boxes with earth connection only. 61 Earthing as per the PWD standard with an earth electrode of 2mt class B GI pipe of dia not less than 32mm, with copper earth plate of size 125mm x 50mm x 6mm, with necessary funneling arrangements with necessary masonry work and with 38mm RCC cover slab for the brick masonry. 62 Supply and Run of 1 of No.8 SWG copper wire in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall / floor / ground for earth connection 63 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 2 x 6 sq.mm. PVC LTUG armoured cable with earth connection 64 sub total 65 GST 18%

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-10-2024 Time extention for next one week Date 09-10-2024
2 09-10-2024 Time extention for next one weeks Date 16-10-2024
3 16-10-2024 Time Extending for nextweek Date 24-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 47000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 73.31 Lakhs /-
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