
Tender For Special Repair To Certain Omqs At Af Stn Dinjan Under Ge (Af) Mohanbari, dinjan-Assam

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repair To Certain Omqs At Af Stn Dinjan Under Ge (Af) Mohanbari. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-10-2024. Building Work Tenders in dinjan Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Special Repair To Certain Omqs At Af Stn Dinjan Under Ge (Af) Mohanbari
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Special Repair To Certain Omqs At Af Stn Dinjan Under Ge (Af) Mohanbari- 1 Taking down existing roof treatment including cement mortar bedding any thickness from roofs and cleaning the surface with wire brushes/brooms to remove dust and clean the surface with water and removing the rubbish not exc 500 mtrs complete all as specified and directed. 2 Demolition of existingplain cement concrete of any description and any position not otherwise specially provided forincluding cleaning the surfaces with wire brushes/brooms to remove dust and clean with water, and removing the rubbish not exc 500 mtrs complete all as specified and directed. 3 M&L for PCC 25mm thick 1:2:4 type B-0 (using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate) as in roofs complete all as specified and directed. 4 M&L for 10 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:4 with WPC @ 3% by weight of cement on concrete surfaces of roof and finished the surface even and fair complete all as specified and directed. Note: WPC measured and paid separately. 5 Material and labour for water proofing treatment to RCC roof with 3mm thick weight not less than 3.6 Kg/sqm, APP modified polymeric membrane non-woven polyester reinforcement to be laid by torch application method, On the dried surface applying one coat of approved bituminous primer @ 0.25 Ltrs/sqm wifth torch application, laid with over laps of 100mm joints of traverse direction and 75mm at longitudinal direction duly thermofused by flame torch all as specified in application manual of the company with a coat of aluminium paint over the APP modified membrane @ 0.11 Kg/Sqm to bbe applied on surface complete all as specified and directed. 6 Taking down cement plaster on brick wall on concrete surfaces incl hacking for key racking out joints scrubbing down with water etc complete all as specified and directed. 7 Material and labour for rendering 15 mm thickon fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces, in cement and sand mortar 1:4 top surfaces finished even using 3% WPC by wtof cement complete all as specified and directed.Note: WPC measured and paid separately. 8 M&L for rendering 15mm thick in CM 1:6 brick work or concrete surface of wall and finished surface even and smooth withoutusingextra cement complete all as specified and directed. 9 Material and labour for rendering 5mm thick on concrete surfaces in ceiling, in cement and sand mortar 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 10 Supply only integral water proofing compound complete all as specified and directed. 11 Material and labour for preparation of new plastered or unplastered surafces of walls and applying three coats of white washincluding washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery, electrical fittings, wiring etc of drops and splashes complete all as specified and directed. 12 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered surface of wall and applying two coat of cement base paint over a coat of cement based primer ofany tint/ shade including washing floors etc of drops and splashes complete all as specified and directed. 13 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of walls by applying wall carewhite putty and sand papering surfaces to achieve smooth surfaces and applyingtwo coats of acrylic based distemper emulsion, ofany tint/ shade over a coat ofcement basedprimer including washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery,electrical fittings, wiring etc. of drops and splashes ccomplete all as specified and directed. 14 Material and labour for preparation of new plastered or unplastered surafces of ceilings and applying three coats of white washincluding washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery, electrical fittings, wiring etc of drops and splashes complete all as specified and directed. 15 Preparation of old surfaces of walls by complete removal of existing treatment including cleaning of mortar drops, smoke soot, moulds, moss, efforescent salts, trading oil, greasy spots etc andapplyingtwo coats ofcement base paintover a coat of cement based primer, ofany tint/shade including washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery, electrical fittings, wiring etc of drops and splashes complete all as specified and directed. 16 Preparation of old surfaces of walls by complete removal of existing treatment including cleaning of mortar drops, smoke soot, moulds, moss, efforescent salts, trading oil, greasy spots etc and applying 2 mm thick wall carewhite putty and sand papering surfaces to achieve smooth surfaces and applyingtwo coats of acrylic based distemper emulsion, over a coat of cement based primer, ofany tint/shade including washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery, electrical fittings, wiring etc of drops and splashes complete all as specified and directed. 17 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 18 Roughening surfaces of old concrete floor by picking, sweeping clean and washing down with water to remove dust, etc and brushing neat cement slurry with 3.0 Kg of cement per Sqm complete all as specified and directed. 19 Material and labourfor vitrified ceramic (square/rectangular) lightshade coloured polished tiles, (1st quality) area of each tiles not exc 0.36 sqm and 8mm thick, in floors etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in whitecement and pigmentto match over 15 mm thick screeding in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed.Note: screed bed shall also deemed to be included in the quoted rate by the contractor. 20 All as per item No19 above but as in vertical surface including 10 mm thick renderingin cement mortar 1:4 etc complete all as specified and directed. 21 Material and labour for Non Skid ceramic coloured tiles (1st quality) 7 to 8mm thick ( square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match. over 15 mm thick screeding in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 22 M&L for coloured glazed ceramic tiles 350 x250 x7 mm/450 x 350 x 7 mm thick but as on vertical surfaces such as skirting/ dado including 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 23 Demolition of cement concrete ( unreinforced ) in ground floors and pavings not exceeding 15 cm thick above or below ground level, including removing of demolished material from work site at any distance outside MD land complete all as specified and directed. 24 Material and labour for Plain cement concrete type C2 (1:3:6), using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate,75 mm thick , as as in path / plinth protection/pavingfinished even and smooth with out using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 25 M&L PCC 1:2:4, 40mm th type B1as in floor finished rough to receire floor finishes complete all as specified and directed. 26 Demolition Brickwork or stone boulder masonry, built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar including all quoins,arches, pillars,etc. but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles including removing of demolished materialfrom work site complete all as specified and directed. 27 Material and labour for Brickwork with old size sub class locally available bricks, having compressive strength 75Kg sqcm, straight or curved on plan excd 6 M mean radius inbuilt in cement and sand mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 28 Material and labour for Brickwork with old size sub class Bbricks, straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thick walls built in cement and sand mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 29 Supply and fixed in repair sheet glass assembly consisting of 5.5 mm thick sheet glass shelf 12 cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and railing 60 cm long which necessary or directed. 30 Supply and fixed in repairs PTMT connections 15 mm size with PVC nuts of length 600 mm complete all as specified and directed. 31 Demolition of Stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc. Laid, bedded and pointed in any mortar complete including removing demolished material from work site complete all as specified and directed. 32 Material and labour 18-20 mm thick Granite ( of any type) work ( table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window cills, cooking plateforms and like in cement mortar 1:4 including pointing in white cement 1:2 using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite over 20mm thick screeding in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. Note: screed bed shall also deemed to be included in the quoted rate by the contractor. 33 Supply and fixed in repairs 600mm x 450mm bevelled edge mirror 5.5mm thick of selected quality glass, mounted on 6 mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with CP Brass screws and cup washers complete all as specified and directed. MAKE : PRAYAG, Cat No : BLM-01 or equivalent model in MODI / SAINT GOBAIN / ATUL / SWASTIK. 34 Supply and fixed in repairs stainless steel sink, with drainage board made out of 1mm thick sheet for kitchen or laboratory with plug, washers, waste pipe, cast iron cantilever brackets, connecting union overall size 915mm x 460mm and bowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm complete all as specified and directed. 35 Supply and fixed in repairs Cast Brass chromium plated shower rose 125 mm size with or without swivel joints, any size, including fixing to steel pipe or union in repairs complete all as specified and directed. 36 Demolition of Cement concrete (reinforced)of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for includingreinforced cutto facilitate demolition complete including removing demolished material from work site complete all as specified and directed. 37 Material and labour for precast reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 as in landings, cover slabs (for manholes etc) chullah hoods, chajjas, water troughs, mangers, shelves and similar articles with plain faces set un cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 38 Material and labour for Mild steel deformed or twisted bars (TMT)8mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire ( annealed) not less than0.90 mm dia or higher complete all as specified and directed. 39 Supply and fixed in repairs, central hole basin mixer swan neck, cast copper alloy with capstan head, chromium plated screwed down, high pressure with or without lettered hot or cold with long screwed shank and fly nuts screwed for iron pipe of 15mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 40 Supply and fixing in repair Single Lever Wall Mixer 3-in-1 System with Provision for both Hand Shower and Overhead Shower Complete with115 mm Long Bend Pipe, Connecting Legs & Wall Flange (without Hand & Overhead Shower) complete all as specified and directed. MAKE : JAQUAR, Cat No : CON-273KNUPR/ PRAYAG, Cat No : 8575 or equivalent model in ESS ESS / CRABTREE. 41 Supply and fixed in repairs CP health faucet with complete assessories complete all asspecified and directed . 42 Supply and fixing in repair drapery rods, coloured, standard quality, PVC coated not less than 25 mm dia. With heads at both ends and middle support, ring etc complete all as specified and directed. 43 Supply and fixing in repair glass corner shelf fancy type complete all as specified and directed. 44 Supply and fixing in repairs Chromium plated Tubular towel rail, 20 mm dia. D type, 60 cm long between flanges with brackets complete all as specified and directed.MAKE : JAQUAR, Cat No : ACN-1111NM / PRAYAG, Cat No : BA-10 or equivalent model in ESS ESS / CRABTREE / ESSCO / GEM / PARKO. 45 Supply and fixing in repairs of angle valve(stop valve) 15 mm dia CPwith long screwed shank and cup, cast copper alloy, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions complete all as specified and directed. MAKE : JAQUAR, Model: Continental / PRAYAG, Cat No : 8326/8328 or equivalent model in ESS ESS / CRABTREE / GEM / PARKO/ESSCO. 46 Supply and fixed in repairs, CP fancy type Bib taps, cromium plated with crutch handle, screwed for15 mm bore dia. iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed complete all as specified and directed. MAKE : JAQUAR, Cat No : CON-047KN / PRAYAG, Cat No : 8306 or equivalent model in GEM/PARKO / ESS ESS / CRABTREE/ESS. 47 Supply and fixed in repairs vitreous Chinawhite wash down water closet (padestal pattern), plastic water closet seat, black, closed pattern with recessed bottom and cover and mild steel CP hinging device, polyethylene flush pipe of low or high density 32 mm dia for cistern complete all as specified and directed. 48 Supply and fixed in repairs vitrous china white Squatting pan, Orissa pattern size 580mm x 440 mm with integral footrests water closet) with P or S trap front or back inlet complete including time concrete for bedding, connection to drain pipe and to flushing pipe andti syphonage pipe etc complete all as specified and directed. 49 Dismantling wall and ceiling boards (fibre, pulp, insulation etc) or insulation boards/slabs/blankets, any thickness, including cover fillets including removing rubbish obtained from dismantling from worksite outside MD land at any distance specified complete all as specified and directed. 50 Material and labour for non asbestos fibre cement building board, 4mm thick, fixed to aluminium frame work with screw as in ceiling in flat or sloping complete all as specified and directed. 51 Supplying and fixing Aluminium anodised snap grid frame work as in false ceiling all as specified size of grid 605 X 605 mm with aluminium main T section of size 36.5 X 23.5 X 1.6 mm and cross T of size 23.5 X 23.8 X 1.6 mm with aluminium wall angle of size 36.5 X 23.5 X 1.6mm with suspender complete all as specified and directed. 52 Taking up or down steel water tubingfor 15mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 53 All as per item No 52 above but 20 mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 54 S&F steel water tubing galvanised medium grade 15mm bore with all fittings fixed to walls and ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 55 All as per item No 54 above but 20mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 56 Cutting chases for concealed water tubing and making good to disturbed surfaces in cement mortar 1:3, cutting not exc 10cm in girth complete all as specified and directed. 57 Taking down chowkats with shutter (without taking off shutter from the frame)exc 1.5 Sqm but nexc 4 sqm each etc complete all as specified and directed. 58 Taking down chowkats with shutter (without taking off shutter from the frame)n. exc 1.5 Sqm each etc complete all as specified and directed. 59 Supply and fixing solid PVC door frame of size 50mm x 47 mm made out of 5 mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with Mild steel square tube, supplying and fixing in opening as per specifications and drawings complete all as specified and directed. 60 Supply and fixing factory made solid panel pvc doorshutter 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of MS tubes for top & bottom rails MS frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the MS frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading, and joined together with solvent cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at site as per specification & drawing complete all as specified and directed. 61 Supply and fixed in repairs low level flushing cistern (dual-flush), 9-10 litres capacity ISI markedembossed moulded fromvirgin poly propylene including flush pipe complete all as specified and directed. 62 Material and labour for 125 mm x60 mm pressed steel frames for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strikes plate, etc complete all as specified and directed. 63 Material and labour for 105 mm x 60 mm pressed steel frames for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strikes plate, etc complete all as specified and directed. 64 Supply and fixing Steel windows with side hung shutters including projecting type hinges with steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete with glazing bars , dovetailed or welded complete all as specified and directed. 65 Supply and fixing Steel windows with side hung shutters including projecting type hinges with steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete without glazing bars, dovetailed or welded complete all as specified and directed. 66 Supply and fixing for Steel ventilator with top hung shutter including hinges steel peg stay, steel handle complete including taking down existing old steel ventilator complete all as specified and directed. 67 Material and labour mild steel framed work such as grills, gratings, etc with ends of bars shouldered and/ or riveted or forged in to spikes, framed guard bars,barred iron doors, ladders, framed balusters, walk ways, railings frame work of water tanks and similar work conforming to Fe-290 Gde E-165 complete all as specified and directed. 68 Supply and fixing stainlesssteel wire cloth, 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.4 mm and fixed with tinned tacks, or galvanised wire staples complete all as specified and directed. 69 Supply and fixing 3 mm thick sheet glass, ordinary quality, in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sqm in each pane, glazed with putty or fixed with beads complete all as specified and directed. 70 Supply and fixing 3 mm thick figured glass, pin head type and ordinary quality, in squared, not exceeding 0.50 sqm each pane fixed with oil putty complete all as specified and directed. 71 Supply and fixingbutt hinges, medium weight, cold rolled mild steel, 100 mm size complete all as specified and directed. 72 All as per item No above 71 but 75mm size complete all as specified and directed. 73 Supply and fixing Aluminium handles, cast type anodised, 150 mm long complete all as specified and directed. 74 Supply and fixing Aluminium handles, cast type anodised, 125 mm long complete all as specified and directed. 75 Supply and fixing Aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolts of extruded section and fixed, 150 mm length of bolt complete all as specified and directed. 76 All as per item No above 75 above but 100mm long complete all as specified and directed. 77 Supply and fixing powder coated aluminium window and ventilator shutters, sliding type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing 0.55 Kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodised aluminium fittings complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F aluminium anodised slidingdoor bolt 250mm long with hasp staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet cast or extruded section and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast-aluminium alloy and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 79 M&L for preparation of untreated new wooden surface of any description over 10 cm width or girth, not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint with a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 80 M&L for preparation of new steel surfaces of any description exc 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 81 Supply and fixing Flush shutters, 30 mm thick solid core construction, with block board core and plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as specified and directed. 82 Supply and fixing Flush shutters, 35 mm thick solid core construction, with block board core and plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as specified and directed. 83 Material and labour 35 mm thick, IInd class HWfactory made, Glazed and skeleton shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze, etc (without sash bars), edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing glass,etc;size of members of shutters as specified in SSR part-I, Section-8, clause 8.24 (a) supplied and fitted to chowkhats complete all as specified and directed. 84 M&L for Anodized aluminum frame with powder coatingnot less than 50 micron thick for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebate including joining cleat for fixing etc complete all as specified and directed. 85 Supply and fixing 5.0 mm thick figured glass, ordinary quality, in squares not exceeding 0.5 sqm in fixed in alumminium shutters, glazed with putty or fixed with beads complete all as specified and directed. 86 Supply and fixingin repair prelaminated particle board 18/19 mm thick, interior grade medium density, flat pressed, with BWR type adhesive, fixed with screw totimber frame work as in cubboard shelves & partions complete all as specified and directed. 87 Supply and fixing in repair toilet paper holder,brass, chromium plated,fixed to walls with CP brass screws complete all as specified and directed. 88 Supply and fixing in repairs of two way tap consisting angle valve to control water suitable for jet cleaner15 mm dia CP complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F 32mm dia PVC waste pipe approx 850mm long for sink/WHB complete all as specified and directed. 90 S&F in repairs for 100 mm dia cast iron floor trap with PTMT 125 mm dia grating with waste hole including jointing to waste pipe fixed in cement concrete type B1(1:2:4) complete all as specified and directed. 91 M&L for Salt-glazed stoneware gully traps, square or round mouthed, type P, 125/100 mm, setting and jointing in cement mortar 1:1, complete all as specified and directed. 92 Dismantling PVC water tanks exceeding 500 litres but not exceeding 1000 litres capacity, including removing ball valve and removing unserviceable tank from work site complete all as specified and directed. 93 Supply and fixed rotational moulded poly-ethylene multilayer water storage tanks (cylinderical vertical with closed top) 1000 litres capacity including 20 mm bore ball valve, hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. 94 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes (Salt glazed ware, PVC, AC or Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar 110 mm bore including PCC bed complete all as specified and directed. 95 Demoiltion and breaking up150mm dia drain pipes (saltglazed, stoneware, AC or reinforced concrete drain pipe, jointed in cement mortar and taking out of trenches if required complete all as specified and directed. 96 Supply and fixed 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed ISI marked IS-13592, type B in any length with rubber ring jointslaid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and directed. 97 Suppy and fixed in repairfor 75mmbore PVC (SWR)pipes single socketedISI marked IS-13592, type B in any lenth withrubberring jointsfixed to walls complete all as specified and directed. 98 M & L for 150 mm dia salt glazed stone ware drain pipes laid in trenches and jointed complete all as specified and directed. 99 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C2 (using 40 mm graded broken stone aggs) as in bed to drain pipe of 110 mm bore including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipe after they are laid and tested complete all as specified and directed. 100 All as per item No 99 but 150mm dia bore pipe complete all as specified and directed. 101 M&L for providing cement concrete type B0, 1:2:4 (using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate) as in Surface channel and drains complete all as specified and directed. 102 M&L 2nd Class Hard woodPlain, solid, straight chowkhats and frames, wrought, framed rebated on the solid, rounded or chamfered, put together with glue, pinned at joints, supplied and fixed including tarring back of chowkhats with tar or coal tar black paint complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F in repairs towel ring brass chromium plated fixed in walls with PVC rawl plug and cadmium plated brass screw complete all as specified and directed. 104 S&F in repairssoap dish any typefixedin walls with brass screwcomplete all as specified and directed. 105 Supply and fixed in repairball valves, high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod & high density plastic ball screwed for iron pipe and fixed (Minimum weight 210 gms complete, screwed for 20 mm bore dia. pipe or brass ferrule complete all as specified and directed. 106 Supply and fixed in repairsvitreous china wash basin (WHB), white, flat back, size 550 mm x 400 mm (1st quality)including brackets,waste fittings, brass Chromium plated for glazed basins etc with long screw shanks and fly nuts, flange end embedded in red lead cement, including cutting for and pinning in ends of brackets or erecting stand but exclusive of fixing of supply pipe and supply of taps complete all as specified and directed. MAKE : PARRYWARE, Cat No. C0406 / HINDWARE, Cat No. 10010 / JAQUAR, Cat No. CNS-WHT-WB04 or equivalent model in CERA. 107 S & F in repairStainless Steel Kitchen plate rack of size 31x24x10 and 1mm thick etc complete all as specified and directed. Make: Prayag CAT NO -P-340. 108 S & F for kitchen cabinet Shutter made up of 18/19mm Wood Plastic Composite one side laminated complete all as specified and directed.Only front side of Shutter shall be measured)Note :- (i) Material shall be ISI marked and make shall be as approved by GE. (ii) Shutter Supporting with L hinges (Stainless steel) and 100mm Stainless steel handle.(iii) Stainles steel Screw used for fixing L hinges and handles and for fixing of Wood Plastic Composite framing Stainles screw and gypsum black screw will be used.(iv) All materials and labour cost is included in this quoted rate. 109 S & F for Shelves and Partition both sides, Top and Bottom (made up of18/19mm Wood Plastic Composite without lamination complete all as specified and directed. ( Length and height shall be measured)Note :- (i) Material shall be ISI marked and make shall be as approved by GE. (ii) All materials and labour cost is included in this quoted rate. 110 S & F for Shelves and Partition both sides Top and Bottom made up of18/19mm Wood Plastic Composite with lamination complete all as specified and directed. ( Length and height shall be measured)Note :- (i) Material shall be ISI marked and make shall be as approved by GE. (ii) All materials and labour cost is included in this quoted rate 111 S & F for WPC 6 mm sheet without laminated for back side of cabinet complete all as specified and directed. (Length and height shall be measured)Note :- (i) Material shall be ISI marked and make shall be as approved by GE. (ii)Cabinet Back side 6 mm WPC sheet without laminated.(iii) All materials and labour cost is included in this quoted rate. 112 Taking down carefully aluminium / copper point wiring (light, fan, socket, powerpoint) including batten, conduit and fittings such as switches, ceiling rose, sockets, brackets, light fittings, switch board etc removing, making good distrubed surfaces of wall, floor, ceiling etc complete all as specified and directed. 113 M&L for point wiring with 1.5 sqmm cable PVC unsheathed and insulated copper multistranded conductor (FRLS) 1100 Volts grade cable (red colour cable to be used for phase connection and black colour cable to be used for neutral connection) including PVC concealed conduit medium grade with all accessories including 1.5 sqmm copper multistrand conductor (FRLS) 1100 Volts grade unsheathed PVC insulated (green colour) continuity earth wire connected to common earth dolly and sunk cast pressed steel terminal box made out of MS sheet for mounting of fittings like switch, socket and fan regulator with 3 mm thick hylum laminated sheet cover incl cutting chases pinning in, for concealed conduit wiring and making goods of disturbed surface not exc 15 cm girth complete all as specified and directed for the following:- Note: Cutting and chasing deemed to be included in coated rate. 114 Light/Fan/Exhaust fan/Bell point 115 5 amp socket on same boared 116 5 Amp switch socket on Independent Board. 117 All as per item No 113 here in before but 4.0Sqmm PVC insulated unsheathed cable with stranded copper conductor for 5 pin 6/16 Amp switch socket combination on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 118 S&F of socket only 3 pin, 5 Amps flush type 230/240 V complete all as specified and directed. 119 S&F of switch socket combination 2 in 1, 5/6 Amps flush type 230/240V complete all as specified and directed. 120 S&F of switch socket combination 3 pin, 15/16 Amps flush type 230/240 V complete all as specified and directed. 121 S&F of ceiling rose 3 phase/ PVC/ polycarbonate, isolated bodysurface type with ISI marked complete all as specified and directed. 122 S&F of switch piano flush type 5/6 amps, 240 volt single pole one way complete all as specified and directed. 123 S&F of Step type electronic fan regulator flush type230 volt 5 speed control and connecting up and fix position complete all as specified and directed. 124 S&F bell push piano flush type, 5/6 amps, 240 volt, single pole complete all as specified and directed. 125 S&F buzzer/ ding dong bell, AC 230 volt, single pole complete all as specified and directed. 126 S&F in repair of wall decorative ultra slim LED 18/20 Watt, 230 volts, 50 Hz, 4 feet, lighting fixture with extruded polycarbonate lighting fixture, environmental friendly, energy efficient ready to use pack including lamp complete all as specified and directed. 127 S&F in repair of ultra slim LED batten 10 Watt, 230Volts, 50 Hz, decorative ultra slim LED lighting fixture with extruded polycarbonate, environmental friendly including lamp, connection wire complete all as specified and directed. 128 S&F in repair of bulk head luminaire environmental friendly, ultra modern, energy saving, surface mounted, decorative oval bulk head edge-lit LED luminaire comprising of high brightness LEDs 10 Watt, 230 Volts, 50 Hz including lamp, connection wire complete all as specified and directed. 129 Taking down Exhaust fanfrom its position and doing complete overhauling of fan including replacement of clamp and rubber bush, copper winding, fan capacitor of 2.5mfd painting with synthetic enamel paint over a paint of primer refixing the same after repairs complete all as specified and directed. 130 Taking down ceiling fanfrom its position and doing complete overhauling of fan including replacement of fan clamp and split pin, rubber bush, 02 no canopy, fan capacitor of 2.5mfd painting with synthetic enamel paint over a paint of primer refixing the same after repairs complete all as specified and directed. 131 S&F building security light LED type of minimum 3500 Lumens (35watts) pressure die cast aluminium housing IP 66 protection with all accessories internally prewired and including connecting up with twisted copper conductor cable of suitable size including bracket made of 32mm dia GI light grade pipe of 1.2m long bent to shape fixed with suitable MS clamps, bolts, nuts and washers duly painted including taking down old fittings complete all as specified and directed. 132 Supply and fixing in repair of factory made sheet metal enclosure for DBs double door, SPN, 240 volt,4 Way, IP-42 protection with bus bar, neutral link, earth link complete all as specified and directed. 133 Supply and fixingin repair of factory made sheet metal enclosure for DBs double door, TPN, 415 volt,4 Way, IP-42 protection with bus bar, neutral link, earth link complete all as specified and directed. 134 Supply and fixing in repair of 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) SP 10 to 32 Amp current carrying capacity complete with connection testing complete all as specified and directed. 135 Supply and fixingin repair of 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) SPN 32-40 Amp current carrying capacity complete with connection testing complete all as specified and directed. 136 Supply and fixingin repair of 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) TPN 63 Amp current carrying capacity complete with connection testing complete all as specified and directed. 137 S&F in repair of sheet metal enclosure, single pole and neutral with two pin and earth plug and socket, 20 Amps, 230 Volts, 50 Hz complete with one single pole MCB of 20 Amps, 10kA, 230 volts, 50Hz, C curve type complete all as specified and directed. 138 M&L in repairfor sub main wiring with 2 run of FRLS PVC insulated & unsheathed multistranded copper conductor of nominal cross sectional area 4.0 sqmm alongwith one run of FRLS PVC insulated & unsheathed multistranded copper conductor of nominal cross sectional area 4.0 sqmm as earth continuity conductor drawn through & including medium grade concealed PVC conduit complete all as specified and directed. 139 Taking down geyser of any capacity, make, model, type from its position after disconnecting connection of geyser to take out to workshop for repairs and refixing back to its original position after repairs of inner tank, apparatus plate and thermostat and painting with two coats of DUCO paint (ISI grade) white using spray machine for spray painting including cleaning, washing, preparation of old painted surface and wiriting MES no complete complete all as specified and directed. 140 M&L Earthing complete with GI plate electrode 600x600x6mm thick, buried directly and preferably vertically in ground(earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level, connected with Galvanize earth wire 4 mm diaby means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of copper all as shown in electrical plate No 3, connected to earthing with DBs all as specified including earth work and excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:3:6 type C1 chamber & RCC 1:2:4 type B1 cover 40mm thick, with 8mm dia steel deformed (TMT bars) reinforcement at 150mm c/c both ways,20mm dia GI medium grade pipe for watering, water funnel complete all as specified and directed. 141 Material and labour laying well burnt old sizebricks, straight or curved on plan , laid flat with width equal to length of brick , laid dry over electric cable for protection all as specified.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 81000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 40.50 Lakhs /-
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